As the strongest puppet master, Chiyo can manipulate a puppet with one finger, and the combat power of one person can be transformed into the combat power of ten people. The killing of Konoha Ninja must be extremely terrifying!

Perhaps the ninjas on the Konoha side were slaughtered by Chiyo just like chopping melons and vegetables!

Although Orochimaru didn't seem anxious on the surface, maybe he was already very nervous, and he wanted to defeat me as soon as possible to deal with Chiyo.


Luo Sha snorted in her heart.

The more this is the case, the less you will be able to succeed!

Be sure to delay the time so that Chiyo can maximize her strength!

At this moment, a harsh voice came from far away from the battlefield, making Luo Sha instantly stunned.

"Luo Sha, save me..."

"Luo Sha, save me..."

It seemed that there was still a trace of grievance and crying, and the sound wave spread throughout most of the battlefield. Wherever it went, almost everyone stopped, showing a puzzled look.

"Is this... Chiyo's voice?"

Rosa was shocked.

"What happened? Chiyo is actually asking me for help? She is the strongest puppet master in Sandyin Village!"

Could it be that there is a hidden powerhouse on the Konoha side?


No, with Tsunade's strength, even if Chiyo was defeated, he would definitely not ask for help!

I'm afraid that there is more than one opponent. Could it be that Hiruzen Sarutobi has ended up in person?

Lead the elite troops to hide in the battlefield, and want to remove the strongest puppet master of Sandyin Village?

The more Luo Sa thought about it, the more frightened he became.

Not daring to delay at all, he gave up the fight with Orochimaru directly.

Controlling the sand gold flying carpet, hurriedly flew to the position where the sound came from.

When he arrived, it was just a glance.

Immediately dumbfounded!

Chapter 84 Don't look...don't look, Luo Sha...Old man...Old man is already...


"Chiyo-sama, how could you..."

Luo Sha's pupils shrank, tremblingly looking at Chiyo, who was unsightly below.

The shadow assistant of the dignified Shayin Village was actually manipulated by his own puppet in front of the crowd on the battlefield?

What the **** is going on?

All the nervous speculations before disappeared suddenly, leaving only deep shock and hesitation.

"The old body... the old body is already..."

Chiyo pursed her lips tightly, turned her head away, and a hot tear slid from the corner of her eyes.

"Don't look...Luo Sha...Old body is already..."

Luo Sha suddenly felt that his heart was about to be shattered, and his breathing almost stopped.

This is Shadowsuke Chiyo of Sandyin Village. Who is the most powerful puppet master in the world? To be able to turn Chiyo into this...

His eyes swept around.

A sense of astonishment and sadness flooded my heart.

I saw Sand Ninja's corpses everywhere on the battlefield, densely packed, most of them were shot by shuriken, and some had turned into hedgehogs.

And what surprised him even more...

It was the puppet master troops led by Chiyo, and as far as their eyes could see, they could not find any complete corpses.

The resources for cultivating an excellent puppet master are far more than ordinary sand ninjas!

The annihilation of the entire army of the puppet troops was undoubtedly a heavy hammer, smashing **** Luo Sha's turbulent heart...


Totally lost...

Luo Sha knew that this battle was completely lost.

Not to mention that this battlefield has no formed sand ninja combat power, Chiyo, who is the strongest combat power, was actually manipulated by his own puppet in public...

Whether it is prestige or personal spirit, it has been completely destroyed!

Rosa took a deep breath.

I knew I had to retreat.

Roaring up.



clap la la...

A large number of gold dust surges spread from under him, turning into a huge gold dust palm, grabbed Chiyo who was still dancing awkwardly, and quickly flew away into the distance.


Luo Sha's roar spread across the entire battlefield in an instant, and the sand ninjas who were still fighting fiercely, after hearing this roar, did not stop at all, and immediately flew into the distance.

The ninja on the Konoha side wanted to chase, but Orochimaru hoarsely ordered.

"Don't chase, there are more of him than us. If we continue to chase, it won't do us much good. Let's clean up the battlefield first."

Hearing this, Konoha gave up the pursuit.

Constantly throwing out Kunai, beating those who escaped Sand Shinobi.

Luo Sha stood on the sand gold flying carpet, frowning slightly involuntarily, and looked at a Hinata ninja below.

The other party was also looking at him.

The two looked at each other like that.

This person... who is it?

Why does it give me a familiar feeling...

Such thoughts suddenly poured out of Luo Sha's heart.

He didn't choose to stop, and kept manipulating the gold dust, taking himself and Chiyo to the distance.

Until the Hinata ninja had completely disappeared from sight.

Seeing that the Konoha side did not choose to pursue, Luo Sha took it to heart.

He asked in a deep voice to the sluggish Chiyo next to him.

"Lord Chiyo, what happened? Why did you suddenly..."

Chiyo's fingertips trembled slightly and swallowed.

As if recalling something terrifying.

Husky mouth.

"It's that...that Hinata ninja did it..."

It's him!

Luo Sha's pupils shrank suddenly!

Immediately, he thought of the figure who looked at him before.

Is it...


"Did we win?"

"Shayin retreated, we really won!"

"Great! Hahaha..."

The Konoha party, after a brief hesitation, immediately cheered in surprise, stepping on Sand Ninja's corpse to celebrate loudly.

Konoha and Shayin Village are old enemies.

In World War I and World War II, the war with Sandyin Village did not know how many Konoha ninjas were killed or injured.

Both sides can't wait to pump each other's muscles! Drink each other's blood!

Orochimaru came over after hearing the news. After scanning the surrounding battlefield, he took a deep breath.

Then he laughed, looked at Hyuga Satoru in surprise, and said hoarsely.

"Sure enough, I didn't see Wu-jun wrong! Wu-jun's magnetic escape will show its true power on the battlefield."

"You defeated Chiyo too, didn't you?"

"She is the most famous puppet master. I don't know how Wu Jun defeated her?"

Orochimaru is very curious, Chiyo has been famous for a long time, and in terms of strength, he may not dare to say that he can win her.

The Konoha ninja around who heard Orochimaru's voice suddenly looked strange, looked at each other, wanted to speak, but didn't know how to speak.

"Puppets are also made of metal."

Sun Xiang Wufeng said lightly.

"I see." Orochimaru nodded suddenly.

At the same time, the importance of Hyuga Satoru in his heart increased a bit.

The three generations of Fengying also mastered the magnetic escape, and there is absolutely no way to suppress so many puppets and Chiyos so easily.

This shows that they are both magnetic escapes, and the magnetic escape of Sun Xiangwu is far stronger than that of the three generations of Fengying!

Blood mutation? ? ?

Orochimaru wondered.

Looking at Hyuga Satoru's eyes, there is also a touch of erratic meaning.

Hyuga Satoru is really curious, what will Chiyo look like when he returns to Sandyin Village?

Dignified Shadowsuke Chiyo, who was counter-controlled by his own puppet, was still surrounded by so many sand ninjas...


What is social death?

It was precisely knowing that Chiyo had let go of the almost devastating blow to Sandyin Village that Hyuga Satoru did not choose to kill her.

A living Chiyo can maximize its usefulness.

The reason why he released himself in the sand ninja battlefield.

It's because of his ability that he can completely overcome Shayin Village!

Whether it is the puppet master of Shayin Village or Luosha Fengying, under the influence of electromagnetic force, they can hardly pose any threat to him.

In this case, the more casual he behaves, the higher the Konoha Ninja's morale will be!

The spiritual blow to Sandyin Village will be even greater!

Hyuga Satoru had already begun to look forward to it.

What will the chaos in the Sand Ninja camp look like after this battle?

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