After cleaning the battlefield, Konoha's large force chose to return to the camp.

Although the Shayin troops were severely damaged, they still had strong strength. It was not realistic to want to take down the opponent's camp in one go.

Moreover, after the war, there were too many Konoha ninja casualties.

The most urgent task is to cooperate with the backup troops to count the damage and treat the injured ninja.

Hyuga Satoru returned to his tent.

After this battle, Hyuga Satoru's reputation in the Konoha camp increased significantly.

Along with it, there is also the enchanting dance of Shadowsuke Chiyo of Sandyin Village...

On this day, Hyuga Satoru was about to sleep when he heard a quarrel coming from outside the tent.

"Save him! Save him!"

"He's just a kid!"

Chapter 85 Stretching your legs and staring at pills?

"Save him, save him!"

As soon as Hyuga Satoru opened the tent's door, he saw not far away, a few Konoha ninjas seemed to be arguing about something.

On the stretcher next to him, lay a wounded man covered in blood, who didn't look very old.

Of those quarreling ninjas, two Hyuga Satoru actually knew each other.

One is Red Bean, and the other is Tsunade's little follower, Mute.

"Sorry, there's nothing we can do, his injury is too serious."

"Unless Tsunade-sama shot, otherwise, we can't heal him at all with our ability."

"It's just Tsunade-sama currently..."

Mute lowered his head slightly, with a hint of apology, and kept explaining to the surrounding ninjas.

However, the other party didn't seem to listen, and continued to push her.

"Even if Tsunade-sama can't make a move, you and her have learned medical ninjutsu for so long, can't you even save a single injured person?"

Mute pursed his lips slightly, lowered his head, and said nothing.

Beside the stretcher, Hongdou didn't seem to give up, wiped the sweat from his forehead with the back of his blood-stained hands, and placed his hands with a faint green light on the boy's chest.

"Cough...cough,'s alright."

The boy on the stretcher suddenly coughed a few times, a large amount of bright red blood overflowed from his mouth, and looked at the few companions who were arguing with sloppy eyes.

"I'm ready for a long time...cough, there are other wounded...don't waste time on me...cough..."

Every time he said a word, he coughed up a mouthful of blood.

The companion who was still arguing with Mute suddenly burst into tears and sobbed slightly.

Hyuga Satoru let out a long breath.

Get a general understanding of what happened.

Ninja version of medical trouble?

It is war after all.

His strength has long been at the forefront of the ninja world, and his ability can be maximized in the war, so he can easily play Chiyo and Sand Ninja.

But for most ordinary ninjas, the cruelty of war is plain to see.

The three battles were one of the most brutal wars in the history of the ninja world.

Before the electromagnetic force was upgraded to LV4, Hyuga Satoru had always been afraid of the oppression of war.

Without hesitation, he walked over.

"How's it going?"

Crouching beside Hongdou, he asked in a low voice.

Hongdou showed a surprised look: "Wu, you are here!"

But when he saw the wounded on the stretcher, his face suddenly darkened.

"He was seriously injured. Teacher Orochimaru taught me the structure of the human body. There are at least three penetrating injuries in his body that caused massive bleeding. If we can't rescue him as soon as possible, I'm afraid..."

"Is that so?" Hyuga Satoru nodded.

Beside, the surrounding Konoha ninjas showed strange expressions after recognizing Hyuga Go.

He is the rumored Hinata ninja... Let Chiyo do a strange dance in front of all the sand ninjas.

like what it's called...

The pure land of bliss has come.

But I haven't heard that he can medical ninjutsu!

Mute hesitated, glanced at Hyuga Satoru, and said, "Only Tsunade-sama can heal his injuries, but..."

But Tsunade suffers from hyperphobia, is it impossible to cure him?

Hyuga Satoru sighed slightly.

Given the severity of Tsunade's hyperphobia, it might still be possible to mobilize medical ninjas to carry out rescue work, but if you really start to treat such bleeding wounded.

I am afraid that it will freeze directly in place, unable to even move.

Red Bean still didn't give up, probably because she studied next to Orochimaru, the treatment method she used was very special, not just medical ninjutsu.

Some special treatments were also performed on the wounded man's wound to reduce the rate of partial blood loss.

But obviously, the symptoms are not the root cause.

The red beans also became more and more anxious.

Going on like this will only make the wounded struggle for a while in front of the **** of death.

At this moment, she suddenly heard a gentle voice.

"Let me come."

Turning his head, it was Hyuga Satoru's smiling face.

"Wu, his injury..."

After hesitating for a while, out of her trust in Hyuga Satoru, she silently gave up her position.

Seeing this scene, the surrounding ninjas showed a hint of surprise, and Mute also looked at Hyuga Satoru with a little surprise.

Although the rumors about the first genius of Hyuga Satoru's new generation have never been broken, and this time he defeated Chiyo in public, but medical ninjutsu is a completely different system.

Will Hyuga Satoru still get medical treatment?

This made them all curious.

The white eyes have been opened, observing the scene inside the injured body.

Although it is impossible to be as detailed as CT, it is still possible to roughly observe the source of the injury.

The palm of his hand was slightly wiped from the open wound on the surface of the injured person's body, and the Konoha ninja watching around suddenly widened his eyes.

Accompanied by a muffled groan from the injured person, the open wound that was originally hideous, like a zipper being pulled, actually closed on its own initiative.

The blood that was still gurgling stopped instantly.


"How did you do it?"

"Is this medical ninjutsu???"

Hyuga Satoru was not disturbed by the exclamations around him, frowning slightly, thinking about the next step.

To suture the wound to stop the bleeding, it seems that the palm of the hand is only slightly wiped, but it actually involves several steps.

First of all, in order to prevent infection, we must first use a weak electromagnetic furnace to sterilize.

The suture after that is very simple. The electromagnetic force is used to make the two sides of the wound appear different polarities, and they will stick together like a zipper.

Much more efficient than direct surgical sutures.

External bleeding stopped.

Hyuga Satoru began to use electromagnetic force to amplify the biological magnetic field of the injured person, thereby feeding back his own life activities and greatly improving the ability of his cells to repair and metabolize.

Compared with traditional medical ninjutsu, which accelerates cell division, this ability comes from the organism itself, without the cost of reducing lifespan.

Regarding the biomagnetic field, Hyuga Satoru's current ability can only do simple interference.

If you want complete control, I am afraid that the requirements for electromagnetic power are very high.

Visible to the naked eye, the face of the young ninja on the stretcher was obviously ruddy, and his breathing was much smoother.

Hyuga Satoru exhaled slightly.

In this case, most of the injuries are healed, and only the inside of the body is left.

From the perspective of the white eye, you can see a lot of internal damage, and this kind of injury is the biggest trouble.

However, it didn't bother him.

He stretched out his left hand and rubbed the inside of the clothes a few times, then took out a small black ball.

handed to the mouth of the wounded on the stretcher.

"Eat it!"

The wounded swallowed his saliva silently, thinking of Hyuga Satoru's actions like taking a bath just now, plus the fineness of this pitch-black ball.

Suddenly there are some bad associations.

"what is this?"

Hyuga Satoru thought about it.

"Stretch your legs and stare at the pill."

Chapter 86 Stretching the legs and staring at the pill, how much is one?

? ? ?

Stretching your legs and staring at pills?

It's really not like something that can be swallowed!

The surrounding ninjas couldn't help but look weird when they saw this scene.

When I saw that the wounded man looked much better, my heart was filled with admiration for Hyuga Satoru, but this sudden appearance of Stretching Legs and Staring Pills really looks like...

A product of some kind of human piston movement...

The injured person hesitated for a few moments, gritted his teeth, and swallowed the dark ball in one bite.

Soft entrance, a line of throat.

He felt that the black ball melted into a liquid the moment it entered his throat.

"Chiba, are you alright!"

His companion immediately crouched down and asked anxiously.

"Cough cough... I'm fine."

After the wounded coughed a few times, he took a deep breath, and his flushed face returned to normal.

Hearing the words, the surrounding companions suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

The onlookers couldn't help but worry a little. Could the thing that Hyuga Satoru fed the wounded eat really have a therapeutic effect?

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