Different from the worries of the people around him, Hongdou looked at the wounded on the stretcher with bright eyes.

From what she knew about Hyuga Satoru, that pitch-black ball must be something important, and she just had to wait.

Hyuga Satoru frowned slightly, carefully controlling the action of the magnetic fluid in the injured person.

Stretching Legs and Staring Pills is naturally a small ball composed of magnetic fluid. Under the control of his electromagnetic force, once it enters the body of the injured person, it immediately turns into a diligent nano-medical robot.

The reason why he chose to eat it was because he found that there was a lot of blood vessel damage near the lobe of the opponent's lung, which caused severe internal bleeding.

That's why he kept coughing up blood every time he spoke.

The magnetic fluid can enter the wound area most conveniently along the throat and trachea, block the damaged blood vessel, and relieve internal bleeding.

When the electromagnetic force was LV3, he injected magnetic fluid into his body, and used a clever method to shut down the caged bird.

Now that the electromagnetic force is LV4, the ability of fine control is more than a little bit stronger?

Those magnetic fluids that enter the body of the wounded are like heartfelt nano-robots, taking on the important tasks of dredging blood clots, cleaning visceral wounds, repairing injuries, etc...

After a while, Hyuga Satoru let out a long breath.

"All right."

I saw the injured on the stretcher breathing smoothly and in a stable state of life.

Next to him, Red Bean was relieved and smiled slightly.

She knew that Satoru had won this battle with Death.


"Chiba, you're finally fine."

Several companions rushed up and threw themselves beside the wounded on the stretcher, crying excitedly.

The Konoha ninja onlookers immediately dissipated their doubts about Hyuga Satoru, and with a hint of shock and surprise, they all praised.

"I didn't expect Satoru to be so proficient in medical ninjutsu."

"Unbelievable, even if Tsunade-sama is here, I'm afraid he can't treat such a seriously injured person so easily, right?"

"What kind of medical ninjutsu is this?"

"I don't seem to find the fluctuation of Chakra?"

Next to him, Mute hesitated for a moment, then leaned over to Hyuga Satoru and asked tentatively.

"That... Wu, are you selling your leg extension pills? Our medical troops are willing to buy them at a big price."

As a medical ninja, she naturally knew that the most difficult thing for the wounded to deal with was internal bleeding, but not long after swallowing the stretch-legs and staring pills, the injury immediately improved.

Compared with the suture of the previous trauma, this change made her even more alarmed.

If Konoha's ninjas can have leg stretching and staring pills for everyone, wouldn't the casualty rate be greatly reduced?

That's true, she had the cheek to ask Hyuga Satoru to buy it.

Want to buy leg stretching pills?

? ? ?

What kind of weird idea is this?

I just picked a random name.

"Not for sale!" Hyuga Satoru immediately refused.

"If you're worried about the price? It's negotiable, can we add more money?"

Silent became anxious.

Add money?

Am I like someone short of money?

My good brother Luo Sha still has dozens of tons of my gold in it!

Hyuga Satoru reluctantly opened his mouth.

"It's not that I won't sell it to you, it's because the patent is with me, and only I can use it."

"Even if it is given to you, you won't be able to use it."

patent? Can't use it?

Although he didn't understand what Hyuga Satoru meant, Mute also roughly understood that it was impossible for him to buy the Stretching Legs and Staring Pills.

I had no choice but to give up the idea and walk away silently to treat the other wounded.

Hyuga Satoru looked at Red Bean next to him and asked with a smile.

"Red Bean, you have changed a lot, and medical ninjutsu has also improved a lot!"

If it was the previous Red Bean, in the face of this situation, she might be overwhelmed and stunned, but now, the surrounding medical ninjas have given up, and she is still insisting on the treatment.

Hongdou also laughed, and there were still some bloodstains left from the healing process on his face.

"It was all taught by Mr. Orochimaru. I learned a lot from him, and his medical system is completely different from what was taught in school."

Hyuga Satoru nodded.

The medical system of Orochimaru is closer to modern medicine, with detailed anatomy and research on the human body.

"Wu, that..." Hongdou hesitated, then said, "Is there really no problem with that stretched-legged eyeball without taking it out?"

Different from Mute, she, who knew about Hyuga Satoru's ability, guessed that the so-called stretch-legs and staring pills were some kind of metal balls, so she couldn't help but worry.

"It's okay, just take it as iron supplementation for him." Hyuga Satoru said indifferently.

Almost all the magnetic fluid **** are decomposed with iron. Under his ability, they will enter the intestines when they are not needed, and most of them will be excreted.

A small part is attached to the epithelial cells of the intestinal mucosa, and is decomposed into iron atoms by the active oxidation reaction of the human body, thereby greatly improving the hematopoietic ability of the other party and alleviating the damage of a large amount of blood loss.

The iron in the human body is basically in an ionic state, and Hyuga Satoru needs the electromagnetic force at the atomic level to manipulate it, but he cannot currently do it with the nano-level electromagnetic force.

Therefore, this method can only be used to improve his hematopoietic ability in disguise.

In his conception, if the electromagnetic force is upgraded to the atomic level, then the regular ninja will deliver food no matter how much.

As long as his thoughts move, the iron ions in his body will riot uncontrollably and turn into human bombs.

"That's right! Wu, I also studied scientific research?"

Red Bean suddenly said happily.

"Scientific research? What do you study scientific research for?" Hyuga Satoru asked curiously.

Hongdou looked around, lowered her voice, and said in a low voice, "Because I learned from Mr. Orochimaru that Wu seems to like scientific research, so I wanted to do some research to see if I can help Wu in the future."

She suddenly laughed.

"Didn't Satoru say so? As long as I can find the right direction, I can also become an excellent ninja."

"I think scientific research is pretty good."

"Is that so?"

Hyuga Satoru nodded.

It seems that even if Red Bean becomes a disciple of Orochimaru, the trajectory of his life is completely different from the original.

In the original book, Red Bean has never studied scientific research except for Orochimaru's snake ninjutsu.

But now, not only medical ninjutsu, but also Orochimaru's scientific research ability has begun to learn.

Hyuga Satoru began to wonder what the future of red beans would look like?

A picture suddenly appeared in his mind.

Red Bean, wearing a white coat and black-rimmed glasses, was carefully dissecting the body of a certain Otsutsuki, with a snake-shaped tail swaying slowly behind him.

Chapter 87 Tsunade-sama, you don't want to mute... uh...

Hyuga Satoru looked around and saw that a large number of wounded were lying on stretchers, waiting for the rescue of medical ninjas.

But obviously, the backup force is simply not enough.

That boy was not an exception, and there were many other ninjas who could not be effectively rescued.

In this case, the Konoha unit's combat effectiveness will be lost in vain.

"It seems that Tsunade's hyperphobia needs to be cured!"

Hyuga Satoru couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

There's no way he could change careers to become a medical ninja.

Even if he would help from time to time, it would still be a difficult task without the backup force of the soul character Tsunade.

However, if Tsunade's hyperphobia can be alleviated, this situation can be solved.

After thinking about it, Hyuga Satoru walked to Mute who was treating the wounded and asked.

"Mute, do you know where Tsunade-sama's tent is?"

"Tsunade-sama's tent?"

The silent movement stopped, and looked at Hyuga Satoru in amazement?

"What? What are you doing with Tsunade-sama? She doesn't like other people disturbing her."

Hyuga Satoru took a slight breath and pondered: "Well... I plan to help her treat her hyperphobia. If Tsunade-sama's hyperphobia is cured, the pressure on the medical team will be greatly relieved."

Treat hyperphobia? ? ?

Mute suddenly widened his eyes and looked at Hyuga Satoru in surprise.

"I tell you, Tsunade-sama herself is Konoha's best medical ninja, and she can't solve the hyperphobia herself, are you sure?"

Hyperphobia is still an unsolved problem for the current medical system.

Tsunade, who is known as the Medical Saint, was in so much pain when he suffered this kind of torture, and he couldn't get out of it at all.

In order to cure her phobia, Mute secretly worked a lot, so it was clearer how stubborn Tsunade's phobia was.

"I can't say for sure, it's just a hope!"

Hyuga Satoru thought about it and said.

"Aren't you also optimistic about the previous wounded person? I have been cured as well. In terms of medical treatment, I have different opinions from the conventional medical system. It is always good for me to try."

Mute hesitated.

In the past few days, Tsunade has been deliberately avoiding rescue because he is afraid of blood. This strange change cannot be concealed. The speculation about Tsunade suffering from hyperphobia has gradually spread in the army.

If Hyuga Satoru can really heal Tsunade, that would be a great thing.

After thinking for a while, silently exhaled.


"Okay, when the wounded is healed, I'll take you to Tsunade-sama's tent."

In front of a camp.

Mute hesitated for a while, then turned around and said to Hyuga Satoru who was following.

"Wait a minute, I'll go in and tell Tsunade-sama."


After speaking, Mute opened the cloth door hanging down from Tsunade's tent, leaned in and asked in a low voice.

"Tsunade-sama, are you resting?"

I saw Tsunade sitting on the edge of the bed, with red cheeks, holding a bottle of wine, and the strong aroma of wine was emitting.

"Ah... It's mute, come on, I'll rest when I finish drinking this pot of wine."

Tsunade hiccupped and looked slightly drunk at Mute who came in with his head pointed.

Perhaps because she was planning to rest, she was wearing quite cool clothes, and that huge soft and white thing was about to pop out of her thin vest.

Only a coat draped over his back slightly concealed such a spring color.

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