"Master Tsunade, why are you drinking again!"

There was a hint of anxiety on Mute's face, and he said in a hurry.

"Drinking is not allowed in the camp. If Mr. Orochimaru finds out, he might get angry again."

"Ha ha…"

Tsunade burped, took a gulp of wine, and said dismissively.

"What if he's angry? I can't help this waste at all. Come on, is there another wounded you can't handle?"


Due to the fear of blood, Tsunade cannot directly treat the wounded, so once she encounters a serious injury, she will come here to ask Tsunade for her advice.

It seems that these days' experiences have made her will more and more depressed...

This fear of blood, it is impossible not to suppress it!

Taking a breath, Mute looked at Tsunade seriously, and said.

"Master Tsunade, didn't I come here to ask you a question? It's Hyuga Satoru, he wants to treat your hyperphobia."

"What? Cough cough..."

Tsunade, who was drinking, coughed a few times as if choking.

Looking at Mute in surprise.

"Treat my hyperphobia, just him?"

outside the tent.

Although Hyuga Satoru didn't go in, he roughly heard the conversation between Mute and Tsunade.

It seems that Tsunade's hyperphobia has become more serious in the environment of war, and his will has become more and more depressed.

He was a little fortunate that he came to Tsunade through a mute channel.

Otherwise, if they searched Tsunade's tent without authorization, I am afraid that as soon as they entered, they would be rejected by Tsunade for three consecutive hits and a set of home runs.

Without hesitation, he pushed open the tent's door.

"Sir Tsunade, you should have heard of my name. I think you have suffered from hyperphobia for so long, and you really want to get rid of it, right?"

Tsunade subconsciously wrapped the coat on his back, covering the scenery on his chest, and looked up and down at Hyuga Satoru.

"Are you the rumored Hyuga Shuangxuetsu? It doesn't look like anything strange has grown out?"

The corner of Hyuga Satoru's mouth twitched slightly.

Could it be that the first double-blooded successor in Hyuga's history has to grow more parts than others? What kind of thinking is this?

"Master Tsunade, I think we should focus on treating hyperphobia!"

Hyuga Satoru couldn't help but want to bring the topic back.

"Why should I trust you?"

Tsunade stared at Hyuga Satoru suspiciously.

He is Konoha, and even the best medical ninja in the entire ninja world, and even he is helpless.

Hyuga Satoru, this brat who doesn't even grow his hair, can he do anything?

Moreover, she has heard all the rumors in the camp recently.

Although he did not directly participate in the frontal battlefield, when he thought of Chiyo, who had been fighting with him for so many years, he was controlled by his ten puppet giants.

I couldn't help shivering.

What kind of fun is this kid?

Could it be that under the guise of treating hyperphobia, do you have any special thoughts on me?

"Tsunade-sama, let Satoru give it a try."

Next to it, Mute couldn't help but said.

"Wu's medical ninjutsu is very unique. There was a seriously injured wounded person who was cured by him, and the medical ninjutsu he used was something that even I couldn't see through."


Tsunade looked at Hyuga Satoru in amazement.

Mute's medical ability has been passed down through her veins. Since Mute can't see through him, it means that this kid, Hi Xiangwu, really has a few brushes.

"However, it's not enough."

she said coldly.

"Even if you have some attainments in medical treatment, but as a medical ninja, I am well aware of the consequences of letting others heal at will."

"If there is nothing else, I have to rest, please go back!"

At this moment, Hyuga Satoru, who had been silent for a while, suddenly opened his mouth and said tentatively.

"Sir Tsunade, you don't want to work so **** Mute, right?"

Chapter 88 I will come again

"There are so many wounded Konoha outside, Tsunade-sama, you don't want to see them die in vain, right?"

"Master Tsunade, you are Konoha's medical master, and you don't want this name to be cast aside by countless people, right?"

"Your deceased boyfriend Kato Dan and younger brother Roshu, Tsunade-sama, you don't want them to be disappointed for you in the Pure Land..."

"Tsunade-sama, you don't want to..."

Hyuga Satoru directly turned on the "Tsunade-sama, you don't want to..." three-link mode, and escaped with several mouths.

Tsunade's expression changed from indifference and determination at the beginning, to a slight hesitation, to a struggle, and finally to a submissive expression...

Several of Hyuga Satoru's "You don't want to...", like a sugar-coated cannonball, directly hit Tsunade's softest heart.

Little by little, destroying her defenses.

"Wu... that's amazing!"

Mute couldn't help but admire, she saw Tsunade's performance, but she didn't expect that after Hyuga Satoru's few words, Tsunade let down his guard.

"Okay... brat from Hyuga's house, I promise to let you give it a try!"

Tsunade said helplessly.

When the conversation changed, she stared at Hyuga Satoru with a little coldness.

"However...how do you know so clearly about my private affairs?"

I will not talk about the fear of blood, it has been spread in the camp these days, but her younger brothers Roshu and Kato, she has never mentioned it to others.

How did Hyuga Satoru know so clearly?

"Uh... Lord Orochimaru told me, in fact, he has always been very concerned about your hyperphobia."

After thinking about it, Hyuga Satoru still decided to put the pot on Orochimaru.

Without him, he is the most suitable candidate. Even if Tsunade went to ask and learned that he said it himself, Orochimaru would directly take the blame.


Tsunade's face softened a bit, and he let out a breath.

"You hurry up, I'm still in a hurry to sleep, by the way, won't you bleed?"

Tsunade stared at Hyuga Satoru suspiciously.


Hyuga Satoru swallowed.

"Probably not..."

"That's good."

Tsunade breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as it doesn't bleed, her fear of blood will probably flare up on the spot, and any treatment will be in vain.

Hyuga Satoru took a deep breath and glanced at Mute next to him without leaving a trace, as if he had no intention of leaving.


He murmured in his heart, and his expression gradually became serious.

Hyperphobia is, after all, a mental illness.

In his previous life, in addition to specializing in science, he also had a good hobby for psychology.

I can’t say that I am proficient, but I have also passed the relevant licenses of psychotherapists. Of course, it is not realistic to rely on this business.

But for the current Tsunade, it is quite useful.

The Ninja world has never had the subject of mental health education!

Think about it and know that for 5 or 6-year-old children, they are forced to fight on the battlefield, how serious the backlog of psychological problems in the ninja world has been!

All kinds of distorted values ​​and brainwashing.

Hyuga Satoru had just passed through that time, and it took a lot of effort to get used to it.

"Master Tsunade, please treat yourself as a patient in need of treatment, and don't resist my guidance."

Hyuga Satoru said solemnly.

If the other party resists psychological counseling, the effect will be very poor.


Tsunade pouted.

This kid is really annoying, does he really think of himself as a doctor?

Forget it, after all, he promised the other party.

Next, Hyuga Satoru started verbal guidance and hints, and conducted psychological guidance and treatment according to the knowledge he had mastered.

The effect is surprisingly good.

Tsunade didn't feel anything at first, but then fell into it directly.

The tense spirit gradually relaxed.

Every sentence of Hyuga Satoru seems to have some kind of special magic power.

It turned into a long tentacle and penetrated into the depths of Tsunade's body, stroking her tired body and soothing her fragile soul.

It didn't take long.

A soft snoring was heard.

Tsunade fell asleep.

Next to it, Mute was also shocked.

When she found that Hyuga Satoru's treatment was really effective, she began to hurriedly write down every step of Hyuga Satoru, which was an invaluable asset for a medical ninja.

Hyuga Satoru's treatment method seemed to open a door in her mind, showing her a new world.

Is there such a way of medical treatment?

It does not use the stimulating effect of Yang Dun Chakra on the body, but uses gentle words to guide and express the patient's mind.


Mute's eyes were bright, and his breathing was a little short.

Hyuga Satoru glanced at her without leaving a trace.

He had already discovered the small movements of mute, and of course, it didn't matter.

If mute can really make achievements in psychology, I am afraid it will greatly promote the development of the medical system in the entire ninja world.

Judging from Hyuga Satoru's thinking in the 21st century, the current development of the ninja world is too deformed, especially the medical system.

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