Almost all of them are for fighting, a series of medical ninjutsu developed for physical recovery.

Almost no research has been done on mental health.

This is probably the reason why there are so many troubled teenagers in Uchiha!

Of course, in addition to his psychological foundation, the ability of the electromagnetic force system also played a big role in his ability to treat Tsunade's hyperphobia so effectively.

While guided by words, Hyuga Satoru also adjusted the magnetic field of Tsunade's brain to a certain extent, especially the deep limbic system located in the center of the brain.

A large amount of emotional memory is stored here, including a large amount of traumatic emotional memory. The brain magnetic field mediation of this location can greatly relieve Tsunade's self-blame and anxiety.

Next to Satoru Hyuga, Mute who recalled the treatment steps winked.

"Come and give me a hand."

Mute then reacted.


He hurriedly walked to Hyuga Satoru and supported Tsunade, who was already asleep.

Perhaps she slept too deeply and lost awareness of the outside world. When the two helped her to the bed, the coat on her back slipped directly.

Showing off a lot of spring.

The snow-white huge and soft thing seems to be unable to withstand the shackles of thin fabrics, eager to breathe free air.

When the two helped her to the bed, she swayed back and forth, showing amazing elasticity.

Hyuga Satoru silently swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

Fortunately, Mute did not look strange. Tsunade's fear of blood has improved, and he has found a new medical direction. He is full of gratitude to Hyuga Satoru.

He didn't notice any changes in him at all.

Hyuga Satoru couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

In his previous life, he had read quite a few of Tsunade's books.

I thought I had a good understanding of her body structure, but now it seems to be careless.

The real person and the book are still different after all.

That Tsunade, what prison, what Jiraiya, what Naruto's vacation...

Low exploded!

Hyuga Satoru couldn't help but tut a few times.

After Mute covered the quilt, he reluctantly looked away from Tsunade.

Just treat it as my reward for treating you with hyperphobia.

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

Silent wiped the sweat dripping from his forehead and smiled at Hyuga Satoru.

"Wu, thank you so much this time, it seems that Tsunade-sama's hyperphobia has been relieved a lot."

"I didn't expect Satoru to have such high attainments in medical treatment in addition to his strength."


Hyuga Satoru thought for a while and said.

"This is the first treatment. It's unclear whether the effect is good or not. When Tsunade-sama wakes up, you can ask her. If possible, I will come again."


Mute got excited.

"Go, thank you so much."

The fact that Hyuga Satoru can heal several times means that Tsunade can recover faster, and he can learn more about the magical treatment method.

"It's an honor for the village to have a ninja like Satoru!"

Mute couldn't help but sigh.

Chapter 89 I will personally take action! Completely solve Hyuga Satoru

the following few days.

Hyuga Satoru went to Tsunade's camp several times in a row.

Tsunade feels great under his psychological therapy and the brain magnetic field modulation of electromagnetism.

Strictly speaking, Tsunade's hyperphobia is a stressful psychological disorder, and there is no way to forgive himself who can only watch his brother and lover die.

Through scientific psychological counseling, coupled with the regulation of the brain magnetic field in the part of the brain that manages traumatic memory, she slowly came out of the shadows.

Later, even the wounded who did not bleed so badly could be treated proactively.

Until one morning, Tsunade walked out of the tent for the first time and came to a stretcher where the wounded were lying.

With a smile, a faint green awn lingered on the palm of his hand, and he placed it on the man's chest.

In the eyes of countless pairs of anticipation, the injury visibly recovered.

In an instant, the camp boiled over.

"Who said Tsunade-sama was abolished? Stand up for me!"

"Great! Tsunade-sama has finally recovered!"

"We are all saved..."

Such cheers, like waves, constantly emerged in the camp.

In the corner of the crowd, Orochimaru stood in the shadows, leaning slightly against the tent, and looked at Hyuga Satoru who was also standing in the corner with a slight smile.

"Wu this guy will bring me new surprises every time."

The day after Hyuga Satoru went to Tsunade's tent, he already got the information.

Originally, he was still skeptical about whether Hyuga Satoru could heal Tsunade, but now, there are only deep surprises left.

On the other side, Hyuga Satoru seemed to have discovered it, and raised his eyebrows slightly at him.

Different from the cheers of Konoha Camp, at this moment, the atmosphere of Sand Shinobi's camp is quite depressing.

There is also a hint of weirdness.

"Did you see it? Chiyo-sama's dance?"

"I was there at the time, I saw it with my own eyes, I didn't expect Chiyo-sama to dance like that... tsk tsk."

"Yeah! Still with my puppet..."

Yousha Ninja carefully looked around and said in a low voice.

"I heard that Chiyo-sama was the most beautiful woman in Sandyin Village when she was young?"

"If you say this, I won't be sleepy!"

The surrounding Sand Ninja suddenly became interested and sat quietly together.

"No wonder Chiyo-sama's dancing is so elegant. If you talk about it carefully, I have a friend who would like to know more about it..."

in the command camp.

The senior members of Sand Ninja at the long table looked quite ugly, and they wanted to say something, but they could only keep sighing.

These days, the remaining high-level members of the Shayin army have gathered together for a meeting more than once.

Discuss the next steps.

Chiyo, who was sitting on the long table, kept his head down and said nothing.

The hands buried under the long table, clutching the front of his clothes, trembled slightly.

The rest of Sand Ren's eyes could not help but glance at Chiyo. If it had been before, Chiyo would have given an order in a deep voice, leading Sand Ren to come up with several countermeasures.

But now, since the meeting has started, Chiyo has almost remained silent.

It's no wonder...

The Sand Ren seniors couldn't help but sigh slightly.

after all…

In front of so many people...

Even an old ninja like Chiyo who has been on the battlefield for many years, I am afraid that he will suffer great psychological trauma!

And during this period of time, the rumors about Chiyo never stopped in the camp.

Even though they have given strict orders, they cannot stop this trend.

Thinking of this, these high-level executives could not help but grit their teeth.

Cuso! What a vicious Hyuga kid!

The village's strongest puppet master, Chiyo, has already... already...

"As for the next direction, everyone, do you have any ideas?"

Above the long table, Luo Sha spoke in a deep voice, breaking the silence.

Sand Ren looked at each other at a high level, looked at each other strangely, and said nothing.

These days, in addition to the rumors about Chiyo, panic is constantly spreading in the camp.

That terrifying Hinata ninja is almost capable of defeating the sand ninja!

The puppet master was almost wiped out, and he still died under his own puppet.

Even the strongest puppet master Chiyo can only be reduced to his plaything!

Such an enemy, even if he hated him to the core, still gave him a headache when he thought of fighting with him.

"Everyone, do you have any ideas?"

Rosha repeated again.

Finally, someone broke the silence and said solemnly to Luo Sha.

"Lord Kazekage, with all due respect, the current predicament of Sandyin Village is almost the result of that Hinata ninja!"

"His magnetic escape ability is very special. Not only can he control Shuriken and Kunai, he can even control puppets!"

"With this capability, if we continue to wage war, I'm afraid it will be very troublesome."

"However, if Master Fengying, you can solve the other party, we may not have a chance of winning!"

Luo Sha took a slight breath, nodded, and shouted in a low voice.

"That Hinata ninja, according to the existing information, seems to be the first double-blooded ninja in the history of the Konoha Hinata clan."

"The magnetic escape ability has a strong ability to manipulate specific metals, and it is precisely because of this that Chiyo will be defeated, but..."

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and there was a strong confidence in his words.

"On the magnetic escape, there is no ninja more proficient than me in the ninja world today. Since the current predicament is on him, then I will personally take action to solve him!"

This is his confidence as the fourth generation of Me Kazekage and one of the five strongest shadows in the ninja world!

"With the words of Lord Fengying, we can rest assured."

"Master Fengying is also a magnetic escape ninja. If you want to come here, the little ghost of Hyuga is only more than ten years old, and he cannot be the opponent of Master Fengying."

Yusha hesitated for a while, and said.

"If Kazekage wants to free up your hand to deal with that Hinata ninja, our high-end combat power is bound to be weaker than Konoha's side, I'm afraid..."

"rest assured."

Luo Sha nodded and exhaled.

"After preparing for so long, it's time for Ichio to play."

Hearing the words, the surrounding Sha Ren was all shocked.

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