"Can you even control alluvial gold..."

Rosa sucked in a breath of cold air.

Pupil Earthquake.

Everyone is also a magnetic escape, why is the gap so big?

I am not convinced!

Hyuga Satoru saw his doubts and smiled contemptuously.

"Your magnetic tunnel is female, and mine is male."


Male magnetic escape? ? ?

Mother magnetic escape? ? ?

And this thing?

Magnetic Dun also divided into male and female?

The three generations of Fengying have never been taught!

Rosa was stunned for a moment.

But he couldn't explain the scene in front of him.

Hyuga Satoru's magnetic escape is too unscientific!

Shuriken can be controlled, puppets can be controlled, Chiyo can be controlled, even his gold dust can be controlled? ? ?

Is this hairy?

After the shock, there was a deep sense of unwillingness and humiliation.

I am not convinced! !

The screaming continued, and Luo Sha raised her arm again.

Fully mobilizing Chakra to create more gold dust, he slammed into Hyuga Satoru.

The scale of the gold dust tsunami is growing.

Hyuga Satoru smiled.

"Not bad! Very hardworking! I like you, a good employee who squeezes himself and creates benefits for the boss."

The capitalists were in tears.

Finally, the amount of gold dust has grown to a limit, and Luo Sha seems to have withered.

He felt that he could break free from Hyuga Satoru's bizarre suppression, but he was already powerless.


Hyuga Satoru's eyes were cold.

The body slowly fluttered, flying into the air and looking down at Luo Sha.

At the same time, a black ocean surged from the ground beneath his feet.

Konoha's ninja found that his ninja gear was disintegrating, turning into a black liquid and flowing into the ocean.

A crackling sound rang out on Sand Shinobi's side.

The forehead guard suddenly shrank, as if setting off fireworks, and a large number of Sand Ninjas didn't have time to react, and they died with headshots.

On the corpse, the black liquid flowed and converged towards the surging black ocean.

This black sea was formed by the dismantling of the metal in the hills and the underground by Hyuga Satoru, and a large number of metal products of the ninjas from both sides gathered together.

Like a giant symbiote venom!

Filled with the breath of death!

Luo Sha found that the **** on the gold dust had disappeared.

He breathed heavily.

"Maintaining this move, is there no way to control my gold dust?"

His eyes were cold.

Mobilize the golden ocean to impact the Black Sea under Hyuga Satoru.

Gold and black showdown.

Mobilize the nerves of everyone on the battlefield.

Almost everyone knows that the outcome of these two will directly determine the success or failure of the war.


Two huge tsunamis collided.

There was no earth-shattering vibration as imagined, but a strange condensation of the picture.

The golden ocean stagnated, to be precise, at the moment of contact with the Black Sea, the speed suddenly became extremely slow.

Luo Sha's heart seemed to be clenched by something.

He felt that at the moment of contact with the strange Black Sea, the gold rush suddenly became extremely heavy, like it was filled with mercury, and it was almost difficult to move.

Hyuga Satoru stared at this scene coldly.

The Black Sea is where he uses a large amount of metal to break down into micron-sized particles.

In terms of density and fluidity, it is far more than a large particle with a diameter of several millimeters such as placer gold.

At the moment of contact, all the gaps between the gold dust particles will be filled immediately, and they will be disarmed directly!

If it is split into nanoscale, then this performance will be more obvious.

It just consumes too much.

The Black Sea is constantly infiltrating into the golden ocean, as if infected with a virus.

The bright gold turned into a dark gold.

Luo Sha's pupils shrank.

He found himself out of control of the gold dust.

Until all the gold dust has been assimilated, there is only a huge ocean of dark gold left.

Luo Sha's eyes were ashen.

In his more than 20 years of career, he has never felt such a sense of powerlessness.

Weak, incompetent, like a small boat, it may be engulfed by the dark golden ocean at any time.

A huge suction force suddenly appeared on the gold dust flying carpet underfoot, and it fell down uncontrollably.

Luo Sha just fell dumbfounded.

Even forgot to resist.

A puppet caught him.

"Luo Sha! Cheer up!"

Chiyo's voice rang in his ears, but his eyes were still dull and he didn't respond.


Chiyo gritted her teeth and looked at the figure in the sky.

Luo Sha's heart has been destroyed, I am afraid that there will be no achievements in this life.

But she couldn't let him die here at will, Shayin Village couldn't bear such a loss.

Ten puppets built a ladder to lead the falling Luo Sha.

This puppet has been modified to contain almost no metal.

The dark gold ocean below stretched out a large number of tentacles, rushing towards Chiyo and her puppet.

A large number of puppets were smashed.

Chiyo didn't dare to stop, and ran with Luo Sha.

Hyuga Satoru looked at this scene indifferently.

In the dark gold ocean beneath him, a huge drop of liquid condensed out and slowly floated to the front of Hyuga Satoru.

Electric light flickered on his fingertips, and Hyuga Satoru gently flicked his fingers.


The huge blue light swept across the battlefield and engulfed a large number of sand ninjas.

Chiyo gritted his teeth, turned his right hand, and opened the blue chakra shield.

The blazing white light seemed to devour everything.

When it subsided, a deep gully suddenly appeared, almost splitting the hill where the battlefield was located.

"What kind of technique is this!!"

Sand Ninja collapsed.

Hastily escaped.

Shadowsuke Chiyo fled with Kazekage, and the last move completely shattered their illusions.


Everyone knew they lost.

Hyuga Satoru landed next to the dark gold surge.

With a whoosh, Minato Namikaze appeared beside him.

With a hint of excitement and shock.

"Wu, does your last move have a name?"

"The Armstrong Whirlwind Jet Space-Based Super Electromagnetic Cannon is the invincible Armstrong Cannon."

Hyuga Satoru rolled his eyes at him.

Chapter 96 Magnetic Storm Legion and Sentinel Project

Leaf Camp.

Hyuga Satoru pondered.

Thinking about how to use the gold just seized.

It's not a seizure, it's obviously a good brother Luo Sha who insisted on giving him away.

I said: Hi, your gold.

He said it was your gold.

I said it was yours.

He said: Take it!

I had no choice but to accept it reluctantly.

Hyuga Satoru expressed his helplessness.

Luo Sha desperately sent the placer gold, and obtained a lot of real gold after being purified by electromagnetic force.

It just happened to pave the way for one of his next plans.

Hyuga Satoru exhaled.

His eyes became serious.

He had an idea a long time ago.

Combining nano-metal and shadow avatars to create a physical avatar similar to Hashimama's avatar, or...

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