Artificial life!

The current Magnetic Storm Legion is composed of shadow clones.

The power is quite good!

It can be seen from the tragic situation of Shouhe.

But there are two fatal flaws.

One is the feedback shock of the shadow clone, and the other is the crispy skin.

The former, Hyuga Satoru, released the buffer in batches, and by the way, brushed a wave of experience points.

The latter, Hyuga Satoru smelted a large amount of metal armor, and combined with the weakened version of the electromagnetic force ability of the shadow clone itself, it was barely solved.

However, after all, it is still not as good as the Magnetic Storm Legion he conceived.

In the plan, the Magnetic Storm Legion can act as the main force when fighting Otsutsuki in the future.

Drive the Star Destroyer aircraft carrier and various Gundams to raid the mother planet of Otsutsuki.

These two flaws are not resolved.

Hinata Satoru's idea was just an idea after all.

The solution is also very simple, to transform the shadow clone.

Similar to the wooden doppelganger between the columns.


Similar to the mechanical sentinels from the X-Men!

In the X-Men world, in order to completely deal with the mutant threat, Littlefinger developed a robot called the Sentinel.

This special sentinel robot has the special attributes of absorbing mutant abilities and self-evolution, so awesome!

The mutants who fought almost perished, and finally sent Uncle Wolf to decades ago to reverse the future.

Let the mechanical sentinel still be born, and it can save the defeat of death.

That kind of special nano-robot made Hyuga Satoru jealous.

It's time for the second battalion commander and the regiment commander to evolve.

The gold sent by his good brother Luo Sha, together with the large amount of nano-magnetic fluid he created, has provided enough material for his experiment.

First, a large number of high-quality nano-metals were screened out.

Hyuga Satoru has been able to split any metal at will, but the quality of the split is quite uneven.

If it is only used in battle, the difference will not be very big.

However, if it is used to make metal living bodies, each nano-metal particle is equivalent to a cell, and the highest quality raw materials must be used.

Hinata Satoru's idea was simple.

The shadow clone is a chakra that splits the body in half, achieving a crispy clone similar to the body.

So as long as you replace the raw material of this clone with nano-metal, and find a way to extend the duration, so that it can exist forever, is it equivalent to creating a metal life form in disguise?

There are many physical clones in the ninja world.

Thunder clone, water clone, soil clone…

A bunch of special clones with chakra nature changes added.

The function is similar to the shadow clone, and they are all small crispy skins.

Except for the wooden clone.

It's like a bug, eighteen miles away from the main body, and it can beat the corners.

In the fourth battle, the wooden clone of Hashima even dared to face Madam Madara.

It was not until it was inserted by Madara with a knife and lifted up alive that it finally became the body of wood.

One can imagine how unscientific the wooden clone's ability to resist beatings is?

Hyuga Satoru began to seal.

At the same time, the silver magnetic fluid attached to the surface of the body begins to flow.

Like a silver liquid, it split from the surface of his body and formed a wriggling liquid on the ground beside him.

That is the magnetic fluid that the decapitation knife decomposes.

In terms of quality, it is the highest class among all the nano-metals that Hyuga Satoru has split.

And there are hidden special properties.

Blood-sucking growth.

The most important thing on the battlefield is blood, and the magnetic current volume of the beheading sword has accumulated a lot.

Enough for Hyuga Satoru's profligacy.

The squirming silver teardrops began to change.

Hyuga Satoru started pinching his face.

A big-breasted girl with silver hair and blue eyes appeared.

The overall skin is dark silver.


Hyuga Satoru was only in charge of pinching people, not clothes or anything.

"Take two steps, take two steps without getting sick."

The android moves sluggishly.

There's no anger to speak of, not even the physical feedback of shaking.

It looks like a special metal puppet.

Hyuga Satoru frowned.

This is too far from the metal life in his conception.

at best…

It can only be regarded as a high-level metal puppet doll.

It can't be said to be a defective product, it can only be said to be a fake.

The so-called action is essentially the manipulation of his electromagnetic force, and there is no basic biological consciousness.

If it's just this kind of thing, he can pinch a dangerous wanderer in the Pacific Rim, or mechanical Godzilla.

Not more exciting than this? ? ?

"Where did it go wrong?"

Hyuga Satoru began to ponder.

Living bodies made of nano-metals, even in previous lives, only appear in science fiction movies.

Relying on the non-scientific entity clone in the ninja world, Hyuga Satoru intends to use the method of card bug to test.

Electromagnetic forces at the nanoscale can do many things.

But making a villain is still really difficult for him.

Especially the pure metal villains.

Next, Hyuga Satoru replaced other nano-metals.

All of them failed one by one.

The accessories obtained are at best a special puppet, not only without self-awareness, but also with the assistance of Hyuga Satoru.

"It seems that trying to create metal life forms in this way is still too careless."

Hyuga Satoru exhaled, and had no choice but to give up this plan.

However, after many experiments, he also vaguely grasped a key point.


These self-created things are similar to puppets and have no biological activity.

So what kind of puppet is a unique life?


The strongest puppet master who transforms himself into a puppet.

Hyuga Satoru's eyes were bright, and he vaguely felt that he had caught something.

Sand ninja camp.

The army is retreating.

The atmosphere is depressing and sad.

In the main tent, there is a kind of sadness that people take tea to cool.

Chiyo looked at Sand Shinobu who was quietly cleaning up outside, and couldn't help sighing.

The armistice agreement has been sent to Konoha by messenger. As for the compensation for the defeat, there is no news yet.

But Chiyo knew that there would be no less.

Because one tail is in Konoha's hands.

If you want to redeem a tail, the price to pay is absolutely terrible.

This adds to the woes of the Shayin Village, which is already not wealthy.

But they have no choice.

Glancing at the tent behind him without leaving a trace, Luo Sha was sitting sluggishly on a chair, with a dull expression, like a second idiot.

Perhaps it wouldn't be so bad if there was a leader who stood up for the village's survival.


Rosa is dead.

This is the result that Chiyo brought him back from the battlefield and verified it for three full days.

It seems that he can't withstand such a blow, and his best magnetic stun is completely restrained by the opponent's male magnetic stun.

In addition to the heavy blows before, Luo Sha's heart has been completely destroyed.

The experienced Chiyo knew that Luo Sha would not be able to achieve anything in this state.

At best, spend a lifetime in grief.

The location of the fourth generation of Kazekage...maybe...

Chiyo took a deep breath, finally made up his mind, and quietly called Ye Cang out of the tent.

"From now on, you will be the village's new fourth-generation Mu Fengying."


Ye Cang took a breath.

The dream position was placed in front of her, giving her an unreal illusion.

"Luo Sha has..."

Chiyo looked at the sluggish Luo Sha without leaving a trace, and shook his head with a sigh.

Accepting orders in the face of danger is nothing but Luo Sha has been completely abandoned.

Now that he is old, Shayin Village still needs a new leader. In the whole village, only Ye Cang has the ability.

In the war that just ended, she made a lot of contributions in blocking the wave of wind.

After returning to the village, I arranged for Shangnin to vote for a cutscene, and the new fourth-generation Mekaze was already determined.

"Thank you Chiyo-sama, I will definitely live up to your expectations!"

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