Ye Cang opened his mouth in surprise.

In the tent, Luo Sha, who heard their conversation, twitched his fingers a few times.

Chiyo looked at him indifferently, no longer stopped, and turned to leave.

In the empty tent, only Luo Sha was left.

Sitting in the shadows.

Slowly raised his head, a tear slipped from the corner of his eye, and his dry lips opened hoarsely.

His voice was hoarse, like yellow sand blown by the wind.

"Since sand is born, why is it born..."

Chapter 97 Orochimaru: The Road Never Envisioned

Hyuga Satoru put his finger on his chin, frowned slightly, and was staring at the strange life crawling in front of him.

Said to be life.

It's more like some kind of tentacle.

Slimy, metallic kind.

About the size of his forearm, he just stood up, twitched a few times, and then fell back.

He didn't move, he looked like he was burping.

He exhaled.

Record in the notebook on the table next to you:

"In the 139th test, the idea of ​​"nucleus" succeeded, and this kind of "nucleus" similar to a certain program can indeed endow metals with biological activity.

But for now, this activity is too fragile.

Far from reaching the level of a weapon of war.

The next direction is to create more "nuclei", which are distributed inside the humanoid metal life body to serve as the existence of organs.

The test continues. "

Hyuga Satoru exhaled and moved the somewhat stiff cervical spine.

Finally, when he turned his direction to making a scorpion-like life form, it paid off.

Contrary to the path of Orochimaru.

Scorpion chose mechanical technology.

Abandoning the body and transferring his consciousness to the regeneration core to achieve mechanical ascension.

This gave Hinata Satoru inspiration.

"Nuclear" was born.

Using the combination of nano-metals and chakra, consciousness is programmed and implanted like a program, thereby giving the metal biological activity.

Some are similar to AI.

But quite different.

More like some kind of organ.

Similar to the regeneration nucleus of a scorpion.

In principle, Hyuga Satoru's current nano-scale electromagnetic force can indeed transform his own body.

Thus the mechanical soaring.

But Hyuga Satoru wouldn't do that.


His body is evolving.

Every time the electromagnetic force is upgraded, his body will be transformed, and now his body has surpassed the vast majority of humans.

This is also the reason why Aunt Snake is jealous of his body.

Giving up this almost limitless evolution and instead turning to the Mechanic Sect is obviously not worth it in Hyuga Satoru's view.

The ability of the nanomachine body can be completely replaced by a clone.

Like his current steps, create a special nano life form that acts as a clone of himself.

The body body soars, and the clone mechanically soars.

Isn't he sweet?

This kind of thing created by Hyuga Satoru already has a certain biological activity.

The root cause is the terrifying memory properties of nano-metal materials, and Chakra's lack of science.

Chakra itself can give a certain activity to a dead thing.

Especially Yang Dun Chakra.

The immortals of the Six Paths split the divine tree and created 9 different tailed beasts with yin and yang.

The reincarnation developed by Chiyo can even give life to puppets.

The ultimate creation technique of Tudun, the soil of the deceased can pinch people with corpse soil to create a lot of clay life forms.

In the ninja world, the unscientific thing of creating life is not so uncommon.

The key is to create a strong enough life.

Like a mechanical sentinel!

The direction is already right.

The next step is to keep trying.

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

Hyuga Satoru frowned slightly, packed his things, and opened the door.

"Lord Hyuga Go, Lord Orochimaru invites you to go to his tent."

The tone of the ninja who sent the letter was a little trembling. After the war, Hyuga Satoru's reputation in the camp was already full, and he became the idol of many people.

"I understand."

Hyuga Satoru said solemnly.

Coincidentally, he also has something to look for Orochimaru.


The tent door was pushed open.

Orochimaru looked at the approaching person in surprise.

"God, you are here."

"Well, I heard that you were looking for me."

"That's it." Orochimaru groaned, "Sandyin Village sent someone to send the armistice agreement."


Hyuga Satoru was not surprised.

Chiyo was ruined by him, Luo Sha was defeated in public, and the tail was lost again.

If Shayin Village did not surrender, it would be too hard.

"You deserved a lot of credit for this battle, but I advise you to be careful in the future."

Orochimaru just looked at Hinata Satoru.

Eyes mean...

Anyone who understands.

Hyuga Satoru nodded.

Show that you understand.

Group possession? Or... Hokage?

I am afraid that their own strength will make them feel shocked!

Although I don't know what those high-level executives are thinking, Hyuga Satoru can also guess that it is nothing more than a few sets of power struggles.

The identity of the family should have added a lot of points to himself.

This represents absolute control.

Of course, no one knows yet that the thing on his forehead has become a decoration.

The Zong family... I'm afraid there will be some ideas.

This trouble must be resolved as soon as possible.

After this war is over, there is still a lot to do!

Hyuga Satoru couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"By the way, Orochimaru, you have the secret technique to divide the soul!"

he asked suddenly.

"Yes, yes, but, Wujun, what do you want this for?"

Orochimaru stared at Hyuga Satoru suspiciously.

The undead reincarnation he developed will use the related secret techniques of soul division, but it has not been practiced yet.

"Useful, if you have it, I can exchange it for something."

"Wujun is too polite. Your credit in the war is enough to exchange for a lot of secret techniques."

Orochimaru smiled and opened his mouth.

Spit out a sticky scroll.

Hyuga Satoru pinched it with **** in disgust.

He looked at him slightly playfully.

"Orochimaru, have you considered transferring your soul to a body with more potential?"

Orochimaru was stunned for a moment, and then laughed a little embarrassedly.

"I didn't expect to be discovered by Wu-jun, I do have such thoughts."

"However, Wu-jun's strength may have surpassed me. Naturally, it is impossible for me to do such a plan to Wu-jun."

"Then have you ever thought, if you change someone else's body, are you still you?"

Hyuga Satoru smiled slightly and stared straight at him.

Are you still you?

Orochimaru frowned in thought.

Hyuga Satoru's question kept ringing in his ears.

This is a philosophical question that is not within the scope of his research.

Hyuga Satoru paused and continued: "In other words, have you ever thought about using your own body to cultivate a stronger body and then replace it."

"You've gotten stronger, but you're still you."

Something exploded in Orochimaru's mind.

Grow a new body with your own body?

How to cultivate?

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