Leaf Camp.

Hyuga Satoru stared at the mechanical life in front of him.

The shiny silver metal body, full of muscle texture, seems to have the power to move mountains and fill the sea with a punch.

In this nano-metal life form, there are 5 "nuclei".

The nuclei are intertwined and connected to each other, forming a complex life system similar to the human body.

Its energy mainly comes from the electrical energy generated by the friction between nano metal particles in the body, and through the nucleus, it can also be converted into chakra.

Nanometals have many remarkable properties.

Its electron gain and loss ability is far stronger than that of ordinary materials.

Hyuga Satoru remembered that in his previous life, there was a period of time when the friction nanogenerator was very popular. It used the friction of the nanocoating between human walking shoes to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy.

Each nano-metal particle in this nano-life is a small generator.

Of course, its energy structure is not just that simple.

Because of the plasticity of magnetic fluids, there are few fixed shapes and properties.

Solar energy, wind energy, etc., will become the energy used by it.

In the future, Hyuga Satoru considers adding nuclear fission to it.

The reason why they attach so much importance to the energy of the clone is that the energy of the clone can be linked with the main body.

When the mouth bird people practiced immortality, they used the shadow clone to open the hang.

The main body beats Payne while flirting with Hinata, and the shadow clone 007 accumulates the power of nature.

The capitalists were in tears.

If a perfect worker like a clone is not used, it will be stabbed by the capitalists!

No matter how far apart, this special clone will convert its own energy into chakra, which will be continuously delivered to Hyuga Satoru.

As for the principle, whether it is quantum entanglement or simple chakra link.

In short, it is a very practical ability for Hyuga Satoru.

Don't worry about no blue when you open it up later.

Activate the back hidden energy!

Don't worry about the issue of betrayal, Hyuga Satoru can look into the consciousness of the clone at will, and even take over the body directly.

The perfect worker!

Take a deep breath.

He started to wake up.

The surface of the silver-glossy body turned up like scales, like the picture of Iron Man's nano-armor merging.

Metal Life slowly opened its eyes.

What caught my eye was a pair of pure white eyes with a look of hope.

"who I am…"

Like a newborn baby, he stared at Hyuga Satoru suspiciously.

"Zero, your name is zero."

Hyuga Satoru let out a faint smile.

Or rather... number.

It means starting from scratch.


He seemed to be chewing on the name.

A large amount of memory was instilled in him, causing him to subconsciously frown.

"To test your abilities, go! Bring me their eyes."

An indifferent voice sounded in Zero's ear.

At the same time, three figures appeared in his mind.

Those three pairs of eyes are the same as the creator in front of him.

Immaculate white.

Chapter 99 Ultraman?

"Lord Huozhen, why did you say that the patriarch called us back so urgently?"

In the forest, three figures shuttled around quickly, sweeping the surrounding trees behind them.

"I don't know, but it's probably related to that Hyuga Satoru."

The Zong Family Joinin, named Hyuga Fire Array, frowned tightly while moving quickly.

"Hyuga Satoru?"

The two branch ninjas behind him spoke in surprise.

"Yes, the patriarch sent me to the Sand Ninja camp, and originally planned to get close to him, but I didn't expect..."

Sun Xiang Huozhen could not help but clench his teeth slightly.

As a clan, it was the first time that he had suffered such humiliation.

In particular, the other party is a split.

But he had to swallow it, whether it was because of the opponent's strength or because of Orochimaru.

The two branch families could not help but fall silent.

Hyuga Satoru's performance was too shocking, defeating Chiyo had already shocked them, and then defeated Luo Sha with destructive power.

The meaning is completely different!

Luo Sha is the fourth-generation Mu Fengying, who holds the limit of the magnetic escape and blood!

In that battle, they all clearly saw that Luo Sha's magnetic tunnel had no ability to resist in front of Sun Xiangwu.

Even the gold dust that he created has completely fallen into the hands of the other party.


Compared to them, the **** eyes they were proud of were not so unusual.

The sun's gaze flickered.

He guessed that the patriarch summoned him to return to the village, and I am afraid there is a deeper meaning.

It is very likely that a clan meeting is currently being held in the family to discuss Hyuga Satoru's solution.

Hyuga Fire Array is still unclear whether the patriarch has made a decision.

There are very few people in the clan, and only the patriarch and a few elders are in power.

However, if it is possible, he hopes that Hyuga Satoru will die immediately!

Being ridiculed by a branch family, this humiliation has been deeply imprinted in his mind.

Of course, he must not be the one who made the shot, and the power of the family must be used.

Hyuga Satoru is at stake, whether it is Hokage or Orochimaru, they need to use the family to play the game.

Thinking of this, his heart was slightly happy.


After all, the family separation is just a family separation, and it dares to sully the sect family...


Suddenly, the two Hiyaka branch behind him shouted in surprise.

"Lord Fire Array, a strange chakra suddenly appeared in front of you."


"It can't be wrong, the other party appeared out of thin air, and it happened to stop on our only way, I'm afraid it's coming for us!"

Sun Xiang Huozhen frowned.

As a clan, he has always been cared for and protected, and his sense of vigilance is much lower than that of his family.

Even so, there was a hint of doubt in his heart.

Who dares to stand in front of them?

You must know that the three of them are all Shangnin. With the bonus of Baiyan Xueji, even the elite Shangnin can only take a detour.

Hyuga Fire Formation opened his eyes.

A strange object appeared in the field of vision.

Said it was an object because he couldn't even tell that the other party was a human being.

There is no such thing as meridians in the body at all, and even the chakra fluctuations are quite weak.

Under the detection of white eyes, it is like a dark iron plate.

"What monster is this!"

Hyuga Fire Formation sucked in a breath of cold air.

The three stopped at the same time.

Stare at the inhuman object in front of you.

The body reflects the silver metallic luster, especially his face, as if wearing a silver-white metal mask.

Only showing a yellow eye, cold, without the slightest human anger.

"Your Excellency, we should have no grievances and no grudges!"

Huo Zhen swallowed and said cautiously.

He didn't know if the strange object in front of him could understand him.

Zero began to scan the information of the three people, which overlapped with the picture of the three people provided by Hyuga Satoru in his mind.

"Target confirmed!"

Zero started to act and slowly walked towards the three of them.

Seeing that Zero had no intention of giving up, Huo Zhen also became angry.

"Who are you? Are you really planning to attack Hinata?"


Zero cold opening.

Ultraman? ? ?

what is that?

The three were stunned for a moment.

In this short moment, Zero started to shoot.

The silver fluid in the right hand squirmed and turned into a sharp machete, the blade reflecting the cold light.

The body suddenly jumped up and slammed down towards the three of them.

In a hurry, several people finally reacted.

hurriedly dodged.


The ground suddenly burst, and cracks like spider webs spread.

"What kind of power is this???"

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