Several people sucked in a breath of cold air, and their eyelids jumped.

No longer dared to have any contempt, a branch family Junin put on a soft fist stance, took a breath, and attacked Zero's body with continuous soft fists.

"Soft Boxing! Gossip Sixty..."

"Hey! It hurts to death!"

Accompanied by a crisp metal crash.

Before he finished reading the name of the move, he covered his red and swollen palms and grinned.

Too hard!

It's like a turtle shell!

Can't move!

Zero looked at him coldly.

The long sword changed in the right hand slashed.


The blood rain splashed, and the hands of the separated family were directly separated.

A terrifying scream rang out.

"You bastard!"

Another branch family has red eyes, and the palm is the most important part of Hyuga except for the eyes. Even if it is connected, it will definitely be useless in the future.

"Lord Fire Array, hurry up! I'll hold him back!"

That branch family kept playing gossip empty palms.

The air cannon hit Zero, who was approaching, causing his body to stagnate slightly, making a crisp metal handover sound.

The end of melee combat has been seen, and the empty palm is the only long-range attack of Hinata.

"It's really a qualified slave!"

Zero joking sarcasm.

This sentence exploded directly in Huo Zhen's mind.

Obviously, the other party has a very good understanding of Hyuga's system and came prepared!

"who are you?"

He gritted his teeth and stared at Zero.

"Didn't you say it? Ultraman!"

Ultraman? ? ?

bastard! Are you not going to reveal your identity at this time? so cautious?

When did the five kingdoms have a ninja named Ultraman?

"Back to the days!"

The body is spinning at high speed!

Turned into a blue chakra hemisphere, trying to block Zero's attack.

On contact with Zero's body, a large amount of sparks splattered.

Zero's body began to dissolve, and a lot of metal tentacles stretched out, wrapping directly around the blue hemisphere.

With a lot of sparks splashing around, Huitian was forced to stop!

Countless tentacles pierced his body directly, but strangely no blood flowed down, and was absorbed by the metal tentacles.

"Master Fire Array!"

The branch wanted to support him, and a large number of tentacles directly penetrated his lower body.

Zero frowned.

The Zong family can kill at will, but it is not possible to divide the family.

The silver metal squirmed, and Zero became its original form, digging out the eyes of the fire formation.

Go to the two branches who have lost the ability to resist.

"Who are you?"

The man spoke weakly.

"Ultraman who saves Hinata."

He heard Zero's cold voice.


Hyuga Satoru was playing with the model on the table, when something suddenly wriggled out from the ground next to him.

turned into a person.

Open your palms.

Three pairs of pure white eyes with bloodshot eyes.

"It seems to be going well!"

Hyuga Satoru took the three eyes.

Upon closer inspection, two of them seem to be inferior, and there are traces of erosion behind the eyeballs.

This is a concession made to address the caged bird.

The mechanism of action of the caged bird, Hyuga Satoru has already felt very thoroughly.

With zero ability, although it is possible to block bugs and cause the caged bird to crash, it is not as good as his own skill after all.

However, a little damage to the eyeball is nothing.

Those three Hyuga were absolute kinship factions, and it was impossible for him to just let the other party go back.

As everyone can see, I have been in the camp for the past two days.

So their disappearance really has nothing to do with me.

Hyuga Satoru was helpless.

express condolences.

Chapter 100 Is there such an operation?

Leaf Camp.

Orochimaru stared at Hyuga Satoru in front of him with bright eyes.

"Wu Jun, you have been staying in the tent these days, what are you supposed to be doing?"

"Forget it, I developed a new ninjutsu, and I can't make it to the table."

Hinata Satoru said casually.


Orochimaru chewed a few times and continued.

"Did you know? Yesterday, the new fourth-generation Kazekage of Sandyin Village took over. It's Ye Cang."


Hyuga Satoru became curious. He was making villains these days, and he didn't pay much attention to the outside situation.

"Luo Sha seems to have been abandoned, tsk tsk... The shadow of the dignified Da Nin Village has actually fallen to such a point..."

Orochimaru laughed hoarsely.

He could imagine Luo Sha's current miserable appearance. This is not a normal Fengying passing on the throne. Otherwise, Ye Cang should be the fifth generation of Fengying, not the fourth.

this means…

Luo Sha was ousted.

Ridiculous... The shadow of a dignified village is actually abolished, which seems to be the first time in history.

Hyuga Satoru also shook his head and smiled.

Unexpectedly, his good brother Luo Sha has been abandoned by him.

This is inevitable, it seems that since he left the village, Yin Luosha has been trying every means.

Good brother, good brother, you can't blame me.

I'm training you, but you didn't carry it.

Hyuga Satoru expressed helplessness.

"there's one more thing."

Orochimaru's hoarse voice sounded, looking at Hinata Satoru with a smile.

"Wu-kun, your bounty in the underground black market is already as high as 100 million taels. I heard that a ninja in the black market who played against the first Hokage is looking for you all over the world?"


Hyuga Satoru's face became strange.

It seems that the corners are correct.

Before, he controlled the gold dust and robbed him of his goods, and put the blame on Luo Sha, sitting on the mountain and watching the tiger fight.

Now that Magnet's ability has been exposed, it's normal for Jiaodu to look for him all over the world.

What's more, there is a bounty of 100 million taels.

"Wu-kun, are you not nervous at all?"

Orochimaru looked at Hyuga Satoru curiously, that is the ninja who once fought with the first Hokage, and just aiming at this name, I am afraid that it will scare the courage of a bunch of ninjas.

"Nervous? Why should I be nervous?"

Hyuga Satoru looked at him strangely.

He suddenly had an idea that he could pick up a big wave of wool.

It's just a little feeble!

Orochimaru was stunned for a moment, shook his head, and continued: "The latest information, after Iwanin Village learned about Wu Jun's ability, overnight the shuriken and kunai were replaced by bone and wood to ensure that the weapon does not contain any metal."

"I heard that the price of weapons in the ninja world has changed a lot recently, and the major ninja villages are buying non-metallic weapons at high prices."


Hinata Satoru suddenly thought.

Isn't Uchiha Rin's family a ninja shop? And the industry is still huge.

Do you want to discuss with Rin, mass-produce non-metallic weapons, and cut a wave of leeks!

He doesn't care what type of weapon the enemy is equipped with, his abilities are much more than that.

Moreover, in any case, the sale of non-metallic weapons is an inevitable trend.

It is better to be cheaper than others to be cheaper to yourself.

"What about the forehead guard? The weapon can be replaced with bone or wood, and the forehead guard is also metal, right?"

Hearing Hyuga Satoru's question, Orochimaru suddenly laughed.

"In addition to Konoha, all major villages are inventing new types of forehead guards. The most popular one is to use cloth strips to draw the logo of Ninja Village."

"Is there such an operation?"


Draw a logo?

The picture is so strong!

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