The three black silk monsters squirmed and returned to their backs. One was empty, and the mask was broken.

Jiao wanted to put on his clothes, but they were tattered and worn out.

"I didn't expect that even the jacket was broken. The last time I had such a **** fight, it was with that ninja called Senju Hasuma!"

"Humph! Hyuga's kid, I'll take your head!"

Jiaodu walked to Hyuga Satoru's side, and saw that Hyuga Satoru, who was hit by his ultimate move, had his lower body missing.

"Huh? Is there no bleeding? It seems that it was directly evaporated by the high temperature."

Jiao Du cut off Hyuga Go's head neatly and weighed it a few times.

Very satisfied.

"As expected of a head worth 100 million taels, the weight is quite heavy."

He left satisfied.

Going to redeem the bounty.

It didn't take long for the headless corpse on the ground to wriggle.

A silver magnetic body continuously flows out from the earth and condenses on that body.

Hyuga Satoru twisted his neck.

"To be honest, if it wasn't for evolution, I would want to transform the body."

The ability to clone is too practical.

As long as the nucleus is not destroyed, it will not die at all.

The disappearance of body parts can completely disassemble the magnetic fluid combination.

Even if you encounter a fatal blow, you can completely integrate the nuclear split into the ground and reunite when no one is there.

It's much more practical than Jiaodu's immortality.

As for the more precious ferrofluid like the beheading knife ferrofluid, it can be completely melted into the ground first and replaced by other metal ferrofluids.

Or wait for the body to supplement.

Most of the steps have been completed, and only the last wool is left.

The battle with Jiaodu is mainly to test the strength of the clone.

If the film level is divided into three levels: Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced.

A fledgling shadow like Luo Sha is considered a beginner at most, and the overall strength of the main body is probably between intermediate and advanced.

Like the three generations of Tsuchikage who have unreasonable dust, or the three generations of Raikage who can beat the eight tails, they are considered advanced.

Especially dust escape, which can decompose objects into atoms indiscriminately.

According to Hyuga Satoru's conception, this is the ability of atomic-level electromagnetic force.

Even if he took a steady blow, he would be cold.

This clone, the comprehensive strength should barely enter the shadow level.

The body mainly composed of magnetic fluid, and the property of immortality, added too many points.

"Magnetic escape! Ultimate transformation technique!"

Hyuga Satoru's body began to squirm, and turned into the appearance of Jiaodu, holding a head of his own in his hand.

Magnetic fluid can be transformed into any shape, and it is simply impossible to match it with transformation!

One mimics the look and one changes the texture.

As for the weight, there is no problem as long as it is calculated in advance.

"One doesn't seem to be enough!"

"Well...there's only one chance, so take a little more."

The body began to split, splitting from the middle into all four corners.

Running towards the four largest underground black markets nearby.

As long as he has a good time, he will be able to catch up with Jiaodu...

No, just before the black market reacts...


The door of the underground black market was slammed open.

A tall figure in a black robe walked in, walking in disbelief, holding a human head in his hand.

"Domineering leak test!"

"This decoration, this aura... Could it be the legendary lord..."

"It's him! Absolutely! I've seen him from a distance!"

"The man who played against the first Hokage and impressed Luo Sha, Lord Koto!"

The person in charge of the black market greeted him with a smile.

"Oops! I didn't expect it to be Lord Jiaodu! Has your Lord gained anything recently?"

Jiaodu put the head in his hand on the table.


In an instant, everyone around took a deep breath.

"Could this be the famous double-blooded ninja who defeated Luo Sha and Hinata Konoha recently?"

"Humph! A little guy who can't get on the stage can bully a waste like Luo Sha!"

"It's far from the Senjuzhuma!"

"Lord Jiaodu, please let me check."

The person in charge checked in surprise.

"Jiaodu" sneered in his heart.

No one knows my head better than I do.

From the first time she went out on a mission with Zhiwei, the oil girl, she has been in the black market, and even a silver-faced Shura vest.

He knows too well how the black market checks.

"The white eye seems to be damaged, the imprint of the caged bird is fine, and the other data are completely consistent..."

"It really is his head!"

Hearing the words of the person in charge, the surrounding bounty hunters were full of shock and admiration.

Such as "As expected of the man who fought in the first Hokage", "Kakuto-sama is going to be famous in the ninja world again", "The public magnetic escape is nothing but this"... There is an endless stream.

Satisfied, Jiao Du carried two large boxes of banknotes and walked out amid the admiration and admiration of the crowd.

Such a scene also happened in the three surrounding black markets at the same time.

But because the timing was almost exactly the same, no one found anomalies.

Until the person in charge planned to take a closer look at Hyuga Satoru's head, he was dumbfounded.

"My head is hot! I'm such a big head!"

"Jiaodu! You bastard..."

At the same time, Jiaodu was still on his way to the No. 3 black market.


"Cuso! That damned Hyuga kid!"

"No martial arts!"

"He came to cheat! Come to sneak attack! My 89-year-old comrade!"

"I would advise you to use mouse tail juice!"

Halfway through the road, I found that the head in my hand suddenly disappeared (physical).

The horns were very angry, and the consequences were serious.

Immediately ran back to find the young man who did not speak martial arts, and found that there was no one left.

Jiao knew that he had been tricked, and worked so hard that he didn't even catch any hair!

He had no choice but to return to the black market angrily, preparing to catch a few hapless people to vent their anger.

As soon as he entered the black market, he found that the ninjas around were whispering and looking at himself in shock.

"Humph! Are you scared by my reputation? I'm a man who fought fiercely with the first Hokage."

"That kid Hyuga who doesn't talk about martial arts, don't let my corners get caught!"

Pushing open the door, I saw that the person in charge had red eyes and pointed at himself.

Spit stars splash.

"Jiaodu, you still have the face to come back!"

"Rinima, refund the money!!"

Chapter 103: The Blood Successor?

"Good brother Luo Sha gave 300 taels of gold."

"The Good People Corner gave a bounty of 400 million taels."

"A miscellaneous magnetic fluid..."

After returning to Konoha, Hyuga Satoru took stock of the benefits he had obtained during this time, and smiled contentedly.

We are also rich and multi-billion people.

At least for a long time, don't worry about money anymore.

There are still many good people in this world!

Hyuga Satoru couldn't help but sigh.

The reason why he was able to play around with Kodo and the Bounty Club so easily was the bonus of poor information after all.

He is very aware of the operation mode of the bounty club, and also understands the character of Jiaodu.

The wool can only be smashed once, and this time the pot corners have been carried for him. If he plays the same routine again, I am afraid everyone will feel wrong.

With so much start-up capital, the construction of the laboratory can begin.

The laboratory he used before was the one where Orochimaru was idle.

After all, it is not his own, and the concealment is not too good. Doing some secret research always feels tied.

If you set up your own laboratory, there is no problem.

The Tenseigan project and the caged bird transformation experiment can all be launched.

For the caged bird, Hyuga Satoru's plan was to transform it to retain the protective white-eye effect and remove the control effect.

Hyuga Satoru's eyes turned cold.

When this war is over, the family reform will begin immediately!

The reason for choosing the time when the war ends is because if he initiates changes now, it will inevitably cause Konoha to have internal and external troubles.

Now is war time, maybe Sarubi and Danzo will see him as a destabilizing factor.

After all, if you know that you are now free from the shackles of a caged bird.

Hokage's attitude towards himself will definitely change.

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