This is equivalent to a sharp knife losing its containment.

At that time, there may be only one way out.

After the end of the Third World War, it was a very delicate time.

Konoha is in vain, and its strength has been greatly reduced after the war, and it really can't stand the infighting anymore.

There is a great possibility that Sarutobi Hiizan will choose to tolerate it and accept a brand new Hinata.

That's what you want.

He wants change, not defections.

Taking a deep breath, Hyuga Satoru began to analyze the current war situation.

Sand Ninja was completely defeated.

Not surprisingly, the next ten years will need to rest and recuperate to make up for the loss of this defeat.

Currently, Konoha's biggest enemies are still Iwanin and Yunin.

The two big ninja villages are the strongest ninja villages except Konoha.

Due to the layout, the most aggressive one is still Yanyin Village, which is only separated by a country of grass.

Before the war broke out, Hyuga Satoru killed the opponent's advance troops in the country of grass.

Although Yunyin Village is domineering, it is too far away from the Land of Fire, separated by several countries.

The battlefield is also in a distant location, and it will not be affected here for the time being.

Not surprisingly, this time Naruto will also transfer him to the Iwanin battlefield.

On Kirikin's side, the current movement is not particularly big, and many ninjas from the Uchiha clan have been transferred to the Kirin battlefield.

Hyuga Satoru guessed that it might be for the sake of balance.

Unlike Hinata, Uchiha is too difficult to control.

Falling into a remote battlefield can suppress the opponent's military exploits, and even if he has made an outstanding contribution, it can be difficult to publicize it.

In the original work, the famous Shunjin Zhishui only occasionally heard rumors in the village. Compared with Minato Jiraiya, his reputation was much weaker.

Sure enough, in the afternoon, Hyuga Satoru received the transfer order.

Support the Iwa Shinobi battlefield with the large army.

Before leaving, he went to eat a bowl of Yile Ramen.

Chewing in small bites, enjoying the hard-won tranquility.

No matter how hot it is outside, this small Yile noodle restaurant never stops selling ramen.

It's like another world.

Satoru Hyuga feels more and more that the rumors of Kazuki Otsutsuki are true...

I was thinking about whether to secretly turn the smiling uncle in front of him back to study it.

So does his daughter.

Suddenly, a surprised voice sounded in the ear.

"It's Wu! I didn't expect to see you here!"


It's Mikey!

He was sweating profusely, panting and sitting down next to him.

"Um... Kai? Didn't you go to support?"

"Go, I just came back yesterday, I don't want to waste time, I practiced for a while, Wu, you won't mind, right?"

Kai gulps down the ramen that was served.

He pointed to his sweaty clothes.

"It doesn't matter." Hinata Satoru shrugged.

"To be honest, I really can't imagine that Wu, you are already so powerful!"

Matekai swallowed the ramen in his mouth, looking at Hinata Satoru with a hint of shock.

"On the battlefield over our side, our companions during the same period have already been killed and injured a lot, but you, Satoru, there are rumors that you have even defeated the fourth generation of Kazekage."

"is that true?"

"Forget it! His ability was just restrained by me."

Matt Kay was suddenly silent.


"Obviously everyone graduated at the same time, why are you so unscientific, even Feng Ying..."

"Looks like I'm still not working hard enough! After I finish this bowl of noodles, I'll go upside down and run 50 laps around the playground!"

As if he had been beaten with blood, Kai shoved the ramen into his mouth.

Hyuga Satoru originally planned to say that exercising after a meal is easy to get bloated, but seeing Kai's excited look, he swallowed the words in his mouth.

"That's right, Wu!"

Kai seemed to have remembered something, and suddenly brought his face to Hyuga Satoru's ear with a serious look, and asked solemnly.

"Is there really such a thing as a male magnetic escape?"

This kind of question...

Just think about it...


"Yes, what I awakened is indeed Gong Magnetic Dun!"

Hyuga Satoru looked at him seriously.


Kai took a deep breath.

"Sure enough, I said that the magnetic escape of Wu is not so simple!"

Immediately, he was no longer tangled, and buried his head and swallowed.

Hyuga Satoru started to think.

The magnetic escape ability he showed in this war was too terrifying, and the conventional magnetic escape was simply an existence that was completely beaten.

Recently, I have indeed heard a lot of rumors arguing about his magnetic escape.

Do you want to make an official conclusion.

Save so many ninja arguments.

What is it called?

Gong Cidun doesn't seem to be domineering enough, although Electromagnetic Dun is very rude, but it's too straightforward...

Does it belong to the bloodline limit? Or the blood following elimination?

Why don't you just let the blood continue to bury it?

Save so much trouble!

"Wu, are you going to the Iwanin battlefield?" Kai suddenly asked.

"Yes, what's wrong?"

"Kakashi is there too!"

Kai suddenly sighed.

"But he has changed so much that I almost don't recognize him."

Since being defeated by Hyuga Satoru in public last time, Kakashi seems to have changed a person. Although his personality is no longer so extreme, his loneliness seems to be more serious.

Several times, he tried to talk to him, but the other party ignored him.

Really, it's all to blame for those nasty rumors!

Kakashi is not a crybaby!

He didn't even kneel down and beg for mercy to Hyuga Satoru!

I don't know who came out first.

Kai thought bitterly.

Hyuga Satoru's thoughts gradually jumped out, and his brows could not help but frown slightly.

Has Kakashi changed a lot?

After defeating him in public last time, I haven't heard any rumors about him.

It seems that his participation has caused him to have some unexpected changes.


Obito is also at the Iwanin battlefield, right?

The future behind-the-scenes boss.

Hyuga Satoru suddenly felt that it would be very interesting to support the Iwanin battlefield this time.

Chapter 104 I, Kakashi, Didn't Kneel

In the afternoon, the large force that Konoha returned began to support the Iwanin battlefield.

Go to the country of grass in a mighty way.

Unlike last time.

This time, almost as soon as Hyuga Satoru arrived at the scene, countless pairs of eyes stared at him, with shock and a hint of indescribable expression.

" that Hyuga Satoru who defeated Luosha? He looks so young..."

"The first double bloodstain of the Hyuga clan, the second bloodstain that surpasses the ordinary magnetic dug, what is it called... male magnetic dug?"

“It just tastes a little…”

Some ninjas suddenly thought of Chiyo's tragic situation and shuddered.

Looking at Hyuga Satoru's eyes, there was also a trace of awe.

"Go! Are you late again?"

"I have a habit of arriving early?"

Hyuga Satoru rolled his eyes and looked at Uchiha Rin, who was hugging his chest in front of him.

It's not because he likes to be late, basically, as long as he has time, he will use it to gain experience.

After all, the electromagnetic force of LV4 is not invincible.

However, the higher you go, the more difficult it is to gain experience points.

During the war, it is naturally impossible to use the multiple shadow clones that will wither for a few days on a large scale.

The effect is slow.

But mosquito legs are also meat, and Hyuga Satoru has always upheld the character of a man who is diligent and thrifty.

Turning his eyes, the corner of Hyuga Satoru's mouth twitched.

He saw an old acquaintance.

Oil Girl Zhiwei is chatting with Namifeng Minato Business.

Looking at it this way, this is the first time the third shift has reunited since the last separation.

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