"Minato, the seventh class you lead are all very good geniuses, especially Kakashi, it seems that he is about to become a jounin, right?"

"Miao Zan, the third class you lead is the real genius!"

Watergate smiled.

Oil Girl Zhiwei is a bit older than Minato, and the two are considered to be the same period, and both are quite famous ninjas in Konoha.

Accidentally encountered in the army, of course, a commercial nonsense is indispensable.

Minato seemed to have thought of something, his eyes suddenly glowed, and he said excitedly.

"Especially Satoru, his Armstrong cyclone jet, the invincible Armstrong Cannon, is simply too powerful, especially the name!"


Ah what?

Can't remember!

Hyuga Satoru's name is so distinctive?

How come I don't know?

Oil Girl Zhiwei's face became strange.

"It's the Armstrong cyclone jet..."

Watergate happily repeated it again.

"I didn't expect Wu's taste in naming names to be so good, it's almost catching up with my Magnetic Escape Light Wheel Blast Thunder Arrow Zero Style."

"Zhiwei, your teaching is amazing!"

The surrounding ninjas cast strange gazes.

Oil Girl Zhi Wei embarrassedly used her toes to pull out the three rooms and one living room.

I kept asking myself, why did I mention this topic with Watergate?

He had a slight social fear, and when so many people looked at him strangely, he suddenly felt that his clothes were stripped naked.

Behind him, Hyuga Satoru swallowed.

Is this social death?

Brother, I'll just talk nonsense, did you write it down word for word?

Originally, I was going to greet Mr. Zhiwei and say hello...

Hyuga Satoru silently stepped back, for fear that the other party would discover him.

"Wow, it's so long!"

Uchiha Rin looked at Hinata Satoru with a hint of shock.

"What's so long?"


"Did you really get it?"

Hyuga Satoru's scalp was numb, and he quickly pulled the topic away.

"Rin, did you encounter anything when you returned to the family this time?"

"What happened..." Uchiha Rin thought for a while, "It really happened."

With a hint of hesitation.

"But the elder told me not to tell you."


"whats the matter?"

Hyuga Satoru's heart tightened.

Uchiha Rin glanced at Hyuga Satoru, his cheeks suddenly turned red, and he lowered his head slightly.

"Elder Shanna said, let me try to get closer to you."

"Elder Shanna?"


Hyuga Satoru was silent.

It seems that the famous hawk-sect elder, who survived from Madara's time to this day, tried his best to create a Uchiha Hokage.

This old guy should know how to open the eyes of a kaleidoscope.

Want to knife me to sacrifice to heaven? ? ?

"Rin, since he didn't let you tell me, why did you tell me anyway?"

"What is he? Why teach me to do things?"

Uchiha Rin folded his arms around his chest and rolled his eyes at him in the way Hyuga Satoru was accustomed to.


All right! It's very cold.

Hyuga Satoru stopped talking.

Suddenly there was a surprised voice from the crowd.

"It's Satoru! Why didn't you come so close to say hello?"

Namikaze Minato was excited and moved towards Satoru.

Looking at the slightly resentful eyes of You Nvzhi next to him, Hyuga Satoru almost pulled out a sea-view room in embarrassment.


What about the imaginary third shift reunion touching scene?


Watergate, you return my touch!

The country of grass.

Leaf Camp.

The supporting troops arrived, and many ninjas came out of the camp to greet them.

Hyuga Satoru saw the seventh class led by Minato.

Obito stood at the forefront constantly beckoning and shouting excitedly.

"Teacher Watergate, here! Here!"

Because Namikaze Minato was sent to the Sand Ninja Battlefield and paired with Hyuga Satoru to shoot Sand Ninja, the seventh class in the Iwagami Battlefield has been in a free-range state.

Hyuga Satoru saw Kakashi standing behind him, leaning slightly to his side, out of tune with the surroundings.

Even Obito's excited shouts didn't change him.

It's as if you're in a different world from the ninjas around you

Hyuga Satoru found that the other party was staring at him.

Not the kind of casual stop in the eyes, but the kind of clear, always watching myself.

He saw Kakashi's eyes, and the two looked at each other like that.

"As Kai said, Kakashi has changed a lot!"

Hyuga Satoru secretly sighed in his heart.

It seems that his participation caused some unexpected changes in him.

Also, in the original book, after White Fang committed suicide, Kakashi seemed to be blackened, breaking through all the genius records of Konoha like a crush.

It wasn't until later that he mixed with Obitu Kai, and it gradually washed away.

But now, the title of No. 1 in the new generation is gone.

defeated in public.

Even because of the later crying, some strange rumors have been circulating in the village.

Hyuga Satoru didn't know which direction Kakashi was turning in.

It seems to have changed from one kind of blackening to another?

After returning to the assigned tent, I didn't stay long when I heard a knock on the door.

Hyuga Satoru opened the door.

Sure enough, it was Kakashi.

"You don't seem surprised."

There was no emotion in Kakashi's voice.

No, or rather, his whole being is like an emotionless machine.


"I guessed it, so it's not surprising."

"come in!"

Hyuga Satoru motioned Kakashi to sit down.

He pondered.

"Actually, I'm a little curious. You never seem to clarify the outrageous rumors in the village?"

It seems to be the huge traffic that comes with the title of the son of Kakashi White Fang. Since he was defeated in public last time, there have been some outrageous rumors circulating in the village.

Slightly better, like what...

Shocked, the son of White Fang lost to Sun Xiangwu, so he actually did that in public?

Kakashi knelt down and begged for mercy? Is the Son of White Fang a vain name?

The weirdest thing is...

Kakashi cried in public, the 100 things he and Hyuga Satoru had to say!

The son of White Fang and the genius of white-eyed, who was the one who lost whom?

Outrageous **** open the door to outrageous...

Hyuga Satoru was powerless to complain.

"I don't think you care about those boring rumors!"

Kakashi sneered.

It's just some self-entertainment that likes to chew on trash.

that boring stuff...

Do you want him to roar in public: I, Kakashi, didn't kneel?

"I'm here to ask you something."

His eyes suddenly became serious, and he stared straight at Hyuga Satoru.

Kakashi said solemnly.

"You said that your father died to interpret his own will. What is his will?"

Kakashi stared straight at Hinata Satoru.

Seems very eager for his answer.

"It turns out that you have been thinking about this problem!"

Hyuga Satoru suddenly chuckled.

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