Chapter 105 What is the Will of Fire?

"When you were a student, your theoretical grades were always good."

"I think you should be familiar with the Will of Fire!"

Hyuga Satoru just looked at him so straight, with a faint smile.

"Of course, the will of fire is handed down from the first Hokage when the village was built, and it is the bond between the village and the villagers."

"So... what do you think caused Lord Sakumo to choose suicide in the end, or, after thinking about it for so long, have you come to some conclusions?"

Kakashi didn't expect that Hyuga Satoru didn't answer his question directly, but began to ask rhetorically.

After a little stunned.

The way of temptation.

"Is it because of priorities between companions and tasks?"

For a long time after his father's death, he was wondering whether the mission was more important, or the companion was more important?

In the end, he came to the conclusion that he could not even complete the task, but it was a waste.

This conclusion directly affected his way of thinking, and was also the reason for his poor reputation in the village.

"That's just an appearance."

Hyuga Satoru said lightly.

"Do you think a ninja like Sakumo-sama would commit suicide because of such a shallow question?"

Kakashi was silent.

Indeed, this question may be quite complicated for his age.

But for his father, the ninja who is respected by countless people as White Fang, would he choose suicide because of such a problem?

It's hard to believe.

"Then in the end..."

"You said it yourself."

Hyuga Satoru rolled his eyes at him.

"The will of fire is to maintain the bond between the village and the villagers, so Mr. Sakumo gave up his mission to protect his companions and the villagers of the village. Isn't this just an interpretation of the will of fire?"


Isn't the choice of the father who protects his companions what the Will of Fire advocates?

Where the leaves are flying, the fire is still alive.

The light of the fire will illuminate the village and cause new leaves to sprout.

But why... those ninjas and villagers who inherited the will of fire, treat their father like that?

Even the ninja he rescued...

Kakashi felt that his brain was blocked, and no matter how much he thought, he couldn't understand.

"Don't you understand yet?"

Hyuga Satoru rolled his eyes again.

"It was the will of fire that killed Sakumo-senpai!"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

Kakashi retorted subconsciously.

The will of fire has been deeply rooted in his mind through years of brainwashing and education.

Hearing that Hyuga Satoru "slandered" the will of fire, the first reaction was to refute.

"Since the Will of Fire taught ninjas to protect their comrades and protect the village, it makes no sense for Sakumo-senpai, who carried out the Will of Fire, to be treated like that, right?"

"there is only one truth!"

"The Will of Fire is wrong."

"It was wrong from the beginning! It's just the tricks of the people above, in order to maintain the rule!"

Every word of Hyuga Satoru was like a heavy hammer, constantly hitting Kakashi's fragile heart that was already standing on the edge of a cliff.

" may be because of my father's choice, which has caused great losses to the village..."

He opened his mouth bitterly, his voice hoarse.

I want to fight back against Hyuga Satoru.


Hyuga Satoru almost didn't laugh outright.

Just staring at Kakashi so coldly.

"What loss? Is it the loss of important information? Or did the village suffer huge property losses? Or..."

"What about the fabrications of those people above?"

Kakashi felt like he was about to split.

Dumbly opened his mouth.

The last difficult counterattack was also ruthlessly destroyed.

Yeah, how did I ignore this?


what loss?

From the very beginning, the rumors have only mentioned huge losses, but what is it?

No one can tell.

Even my father himself never told me what the loss was.

Just relying on a groundless rumor...


I don't know when, Kakashi's teeth have been clenched, and tears are falling from his eyes.

Father, have you been wronged...

why! why! …

Such thoughts kept popping up in his mind.

"Wake up... Kakashi, I don't want you to be so wrong again."

Hyuga Satoru suddenly let out a long sigh.

"The Will of Fire, it has been a tool to maintain rule from the very beginning. How to explain it, how to define it, is in the hands of the above group of people!"

Looking at the tearful Kakashi, Hyuga Satoru couldn't help but tut a few times in his heart.

Poor baby!

Born in the world's largest MLM brainwashing center, he received brainwashing education since childhood, and his respected father was forced to death by the three-generation leader of the MLM organization and his subordinates.


"But...but, why? Why do they want to treat father like this? Father obviously thinks..."

Kakashi burst into tears, choked up and questioned.

"You said it yourself, who doesn't know the name of Sakumo's predecessor, White Fang? If nothing else, the fourth Hokage must belong to him."

"This status has already determined his tragedy."

"This is politics! Child..."

Hyuga Satoru mercilessly tore apart Kakashi's last fig leaf.

Political struggle?

Kakashi staggered a few times, as if all his strength had been drained.

What is the will of the father...

He already understood that his father was just a victim of the power struggle?

Fighting silently with his own death.

The father who loves to laugh, it turns out that he has always endured such pain...

"I understand."

It took a long time for him to calm down the stirring emotions.

Gently wipe the tears from your face.

His eyes were deep, and there seemed to be something in his pupils, like a pitch-black hole.

Without a trace of emotion, Asahi bowed slightly to Satoru.

"Thank you for letting me know the truth of this world."

The voice was as cold as a machine.

Not a trace of emotion.

Hyuga Satoru glanced at him and said lightly.

"I don't know what you're going to do? Revenge? Or leave? But let me warn you, don't get caught up in impulse."

"I see."

Kakashi spoke calmly.

He turned around and walked straight out of the tent.

Unlike when he came, he is now.

It's as if the soul has been lost...

Hyuga Satoru looked at his back indifferently.

Poor baby!

Feel the pain, experience the pain, accept the pain, you won't see the face of this ugly world without experiencing pain!


Surrender at my feet!

Kakashi, don't blame me.

Only in the face of pain can one grow.

Hyuga Satoru sighed inwardly.

Most of the people in the ninja world are a little distorted and have some strange concepts.

Hatake Sakumo was too stubborn, didn't he see the thoughts of the higher-ups?

Hyuga Satoru didn't believe it.

Perhaps it was because he saw that the belief he had always held to had collapsed in the cruel reality, so he committed suicide.

Use death to interpret your own will.

Silent struggle.

Kakashi looks like a 2B teenager who hasn't been beaten by society.

Hanging around, dead fish eyes, and his mouth is full of all kinds of big truths that he has misunderstood and comprehended.

Just beat it up.

Recognize the reality, know the truth.

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