just grew.

Kakashi, don't blame me.

This is the only way to grow from a child to an adult.

After all, he is one of the best geniuses in the original book, the future Sixth Hokage.

Such a talent, Hyuga Satoru does not intend to give up.

Hyuga Satoru thought of those people in high positions again, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Many in the village had already compared him to young White Fang, but he was better.

Those high-level guys, I am afraid they are also making some crooked ideas, right?

When the Hyuga clan is incorporated, I am afraid that I will also have to deal with that group of people.

But... Kakashi should already be on my side.

under his own guidance.

It's like a sharp knife, piercing straight into the hearts of those high-level officials.

Chapter 106 On the Danger of Lao Liu to the Ninja World

Leaf Camp.

largest main account.

Hyuga Satoru looked at the surrounding high-level executives and found that they were also looking at himself at the same time.

Unlike last time, last time it was because of Orochimaru that he was allowed to enter the command camp.

Now, the record of the sand ninja battlefield has made him sit firmly in the same room as the high-level, and there is nothing wrong with it.

Looking at his eyes, there are surprises, shocks, complexities, and weirdness...

Hyuga Satoru is too young.

It is unimaginable for them to have such a terrifying record at this age.

The genius of the previous era, Hatake Sakumo, is at this age.

But he defeated a few Jounin.

And Hyuga Satoru has already defeated the fourth generation of Me Kazekage.

It's simply a fantasy.

But many rumors forced them to accept this fact.

"In the previous war with Yanren, our side has always been at a disadvantage. The reason is that the strength of the village is too scattered, and there is no way to concentrate on dealing with Yanren."

Unlike the Sand Ninja battlefield, the commander is Jiraiya on the Iwa Ninja battlefield.

He was analyzing the situation in a deep voice.

Although the third battle was a chaotic battle, basically the power of each village was focused on dealing with Konoha.

The wars between other villages were much smaller in scale.

This also led to the fact that although Konoha is the most powerful Shinobi village, the manpower in each battlefield is a bit stretched.

"God! Do you want to use that trick? As long as we join forces..."

At the long table, Minato Namikaze was a little excited, and looked at Hinata Satoru with bright eyes.

He was a little impatient.

As long as they continue to join forces, there is a chance to convince Hyuga Satoru to accept his name. In just a few days, he has come up with several wonderful names.

I will never lose to Satoru's Armstrong...

He thought excitedly.

Aware of the strange gazes coming from the surroundings, Hyuga Satoru embarrassedly used his toes to dig out the five generations together.

What a handsome boy with a long mouth.

"Uh... Minato, I'm afraid it won't work this time."

He couldn't help but say.

Namikaze Minato is his disciple. He is too light to know his character. Although he is reliable most of the time, once he encounters something he likes, he will show a strong interest.

"Although the bow and arrow ninjutsu with a range of more than three kilometers is very scary, but this time, it may be difficult to work."

"Sandyin Village seems to have sold all of Wu's information on the black market. There is no doubt that Yanyin Village has made preparations in advance."

"If the old trick is repeated, you may encounter a trap laid by the other party."

Jirai also glanced at Hyuga Gou, a little helpless.

It may be that the death of Takamura in Sandyin Village was too tragic.

Iwahidemura avoids this situation.

At present, it is difficult to find a clear high-level in the army.

According to the current information, all the high-level people live in the same tent, and they are completely mixed with the ordinary Iwanin, and it is difficult to tell them apart.

Even holding meetings, they are connected remotely with the help of perception ninjas.

For fear of being peeped by someone's white eyes, he sent it over with a big sniper.

I heard that Satoru Hyuga was transferred to the Iwanin battlefield.

Ohnogi persuaded the top management overnight.

Almost all of the village's scouts and perception ninjas were transferred to this battlefield.

The range of scouts and perception enchantments is extremely wide, already exceeding three kilometers.

The defense against Hyuga Satoru has reached the extreme!

In this case, if you continue to use the old six tactics of Hyuga Satoru and Minato, it will be a bit of a loss.

Jiraiya naturally understands this deeply.

Also shocked.

Hyuga Satoru's deterrence was so great.

It was only after arriving at the Iwa Shinobi battlefield that the information was just learned by Iwa Shinobi.

The style of war began to change.

I heard that the current rock ninja camp is dead silent at night, and there are no ninjas who go out to the toilet at night.

Next, Jiraiya issued several orders regarding the deployment of troops.

It has been a long time since the last major battle.

His eyes were solemn.

If nothing else, the war will soon break out.

Sure enough, after a brief period of calm.

It was probably the fourth day after Hyuga Satoru arrived.

The Konoha scouts discovered traces of a large-scale Iwanin attack.

Zilai also ordered in a low voice.

War is imminent!

The terrain of the Land of Grass is complex and changeable, but most of the terrain is dominated by grasslands and forests.

The main battlefield where Konoha and Iwa Ninja fought was also on an open grassland.

Visible to the naked eye, on that green field, two huge torrents were rapidly approaching each other.

When approaching, Hyuga Satoru saw the decoration of Iwa Shinobi opposite, and almost laughed out loud.

He finally understood what Jiraiya's strange eyes meant before the battle.

I saw the group of rock ninjas who were loud and roaring.

Many of the clothes he wore were animal skin armor, which tightly wrapped his body.

The forehead guard on the forehead was also replaced with a cloth strip with the pattern of Iwa Ninja Village.

Some even use white cloth.

Jagged, fluttering in the wind.

The surrounding Konoha ninjas seem to have already prepared, and there is not much change in their expressions.

When the two armies approached.

Kunai, shuriken, and various ninjutsu styles smashed into each other overwhelmingly.

Hyuga Satoru saw the kunai thrown by the ninjas, and many of them were polished stones, and some were even wood or bones.

Such a picture gave Hyuga Satoru a distorted sense of unreality.

The rough man in animal skin kept throwing rocks and wood in his hands.

Am I going back to the primitive era?

Among the rock ninja troops, the commander loess gritted his teeth slightly.

Although he also knows that these temporary purchases and production of equipment are too rough.

But there is no other way.

Hyuga Satoru's threat is too great.

It can be said that a large part of the reason for the failure of Sandyin Village is due to Hyuga Satoru!

Metal, any metal, will be his weapon!

They can only give up products that contain metal.

Conventional ninja costumes cannot be without metal. In order to improve the protective effect, many ninja costumes are sewn with iron plates or armor.

At the link of clothes, metal materials are also used.

In this case, if you want to take into account the protective effect and no metal at the same time, you can only use thick animal hides.

Kunai, weapons such as shuriken, are absolutely impossible to throw away.

Only a very small number of ninjas are capable of MUJI.

Whether it is a sneak attack or a make-up at a critical moment, the shuriken plays an irreplaceable role.

There is a lesson from the past in Shayin Village.

They can also only find plenty of metal replacements.

Due to the large number of them, many of them can only be made by Iwa Ninja himself.

The roughness can be imagined.

The loess hated it so badly.

Just to guard against that Hinata Satoru.

To make them pay such a high price!

In any case, this trouble must be solved in this war.

This was not only his idea, but also the order of Tsuchikage Onogi.


The industrial level of Yanyin Village may be set back decades.

Chapter 107 Yanlong Armor! fit

Because Ohnogi's great defense against Hyuga Satoru.

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