Since becoming famous, he has not reserved the Chakra of the five tails.

You must know that the five-tailed king Mu is the fastest among the nine-headed beasts. With the blessing of the five-tailed chakra, he is no longer comparable to Hyuga Satoru.


Speed ​​doesn't come without a price!

The faster the speed, the greater the stress on the musculoskeletal muscles.

Using five-tailed chakra so unreservedly, even if his physical quality is far superior to ordinary people, his muscles will inevitably be damaged, making it difficult to exert his true strength.

At this moment, even the strength to stand is gone.

As long as the slight movement, there is a kind of tearing pain in the body.

On the other hand, Hyuga Satoru didn't seem to consume much, and he still looked down at him from a high altitude.

The armor dissolved, Hyuga Satoru gasped slightly, and the electromagnetic force moved slightly, quickly evaporating the sweat from his body.

He looked down at Han who was already half-kneeling on the ground.

This level of electromagnetic ejection is indeed a bit risky.

If it is only about speed, he even has room for improvement.

But the body is vaguely unbearable.

Fortunately, his body has been tempered by three electromagnetic upgrades.

It has long surpassed ordinary ninjas.

Attaching chakra to the surface of the body also buffers a certain reaction force.

It's just that the thighs and waist, the places where the electromagnetic ejection is applied the most, have some mild strains, which are not much affected.

Han took a slight breath, stared at Sun Xiangwu, and said in a deep voice.

"Among the ninjas I fought against, no one is better than you in terms of speed! I, the five-tailed man, Zhu Lihan, may..."


Hyuga Satoru interrupted him in disgrace.

Rolled his eyes.

Want to cos Banye?

Are you qualified?

The long-standing B-frame was interrupted, and even a calm Han showed a hint of anger.

"In that case."

"Then... let's make a scene!"

His body could no longer support the high-intensity battle, and Han finally made up his mind.

Completely give up the suppression of the consciousness of the five-tailed King Mu.

The majestic, ominous, frightening chakra surged out.

The crimson chakra covering the outside of the body gradually solidified into pure white, and it had a somewhat human-like shape, and it gradually transformed into a tailed beast.

Accompanied by a sharp growl.

Five-tailed King Mu.

The whole body is coming!

"Tail beast! It's a tail beast! Did Iwanin use even the tail beast?"

"Damn! Retreat! Move away, don't enter his attack range!"

"Five tails? Master the speed-shaped tailed beast of boiling escape, trouble..."

Ji Lai also saw this scene, his eyelids jumped involuntarily, and his face became ugly.

Wuwei's boiling and speed are extremely terrifying abilities on the battlefield, which will cause great losses to the large army.

In the previous war, although Han also appeared, he never used the full body tail beast transformation. It seems that this time he was forced by Hyuga Satoru.

"Minato! You are the fastest, and immediately go to support Hyuga Satoru. In any case, don't let him have any mistakes."

"Yes, Teacher Jiraiya!"

On the other side, Loess also discovered this scene and gritted his teeth slightly!

"Damn it! Didn't that guy, Han, promise with his father that he would solve the trouble of Hyuga Satoru?"

"Why did you even let the five tails out?"

The tailed beast and the human pillar are not the same concept. Although Han is quite an excellent human pillar, it is already the limit to preserve his own consciousness and use the five-tailed chakra mode.

There is no doubt that the five-tailed state of the complete body is definitely dominated by the autonomous consciousness of the five-tailed body.

After being detained for so long, the five tails may have been furious, but they don't care whether the enemy is Konoha or Iwajin.

At that position, a large number of surrounding rocks will inevitably be affected.

The loess took a deep breath and gradually calmed down.

Minato, who was rushing towards Hyuga Satoru, was found.

"Stop him!"

He opened his mouth with an ugly face.

Now, I can only hope that the furious Five Tails can solve the trouble of Hyuga Satoru.

A living Hyuga Satoru can be worth 5 divisions of Shangyanin!

Hinata Satoru looked at the five tails in front of him with a hint of curiosity.

Like a white horse, its tail swings like five white clouds, and every time it breathes, white steam spews out of its nose, and it is constantly clasping the turf with its snow-white front hooves.

According to legend, the prototype of King Mu with five tails was a horse raised by King Mu of Zhou, the monarch of the Western Zhou Dynasty in China.

Now it seems that there is indeed a kind of fairy feeling.

Much better than that toad.

"Human, you **** me off."

A voice resembling a mature woman sounded.

The five tails looked down at Hyuga Satoru, and the huge stature contrasted, as if looking at an ant.

"Small ants, go to hell!"

The hind hooves kicked violently, like a cannonball, and the five tails kicked Hyuga Satoru heavily with the front hooves.

With the blessing of electromagnetic ejection, Hyuga Satoru managed to dodge a hoof bigger than his head.

The five tails of the complete body, whether it is speed or strength, are far from being able to compare with Han who simply relies on Chakra.

"Is it a big deal?"

Hinata Satoru also got a hint of anger.

He also has some experience in dealing with tailed beasts.

Like the battle against Shoukaku, the second battalion commander dispatched, and countless electromagnetic guns fired salvos.

The tailed beast kneels down for me too!

However, there is obviously no time to arrange it now, and he does not intend to use this ability again.

Chakra surging frantically, submerged under the earth.

In a radius of thousands of meters, countless metal particles were decomposed and condensed, and a large number of metal tides surged and gathered at the feet of Hyuga Satoru.

A huge shadow descends.

The ninjas on the battlefield looked up dully.

"Too...too big..."

I saw the huge metal Gundam, like the dangerous Wanderer in the Pacific Rim, overlooking the contrasting, somewhat insignificant Wu-tailed King Mu.

I don't know which tailed beast like you is stronger or weaker than the monster?

Hyuga Satoru's indifferent voice penetrated Metal Gundam's body.

It spread to the dumbfounded Wu Tai's ears.

"Children, are you lost?"

Chapter 110 My cat is disobedient, I drive a Gundam to repair it

Are you kidding me?

Wuwei thinks there is something wrong with his eyes?

Or was it closed for too long, and what happened to the outside world that it didn't know about?

Times have changed?

Do ninjas like to drive Gundam now?

That huge thing, it had seen.

A ninja named Madara Uchiha, the mere mention of his name scares him.

The metal Gundam in front of him now is smaller than Uchiha Madara's, and it doesn't have the terrifying chakra fluctuations.

But it was the first time that it felt fear.

That's etched in DNA, instinctive fear.

"My God? What monster is that..."

"It's even bigger than a tailed beast, is it metal..."

The sudden appearance of the Dangerous Vagabond not only shocked Wuwei, but all the ninjas on the battlefield also looked up at the terrifying Metal Gundam sluggishly at almost the same time.

Strong, tough curves.

Full metal texture.

It seems that a random punch has the power to move mountains and fill the seas.

The originally huge five-tailed cat looked like a severely malnourished long-legged cat against this backdrop.

While shocked and frightened, many ninjas on the battlefield suddenly felt a strange feeling.

If you can get inside that metal monster, control it to fight.

What kind of pleasure should that be?

Almost instinctive, although never seen anything like it before.

That slight yearning was almost ignited in their hearts at the same time...

The Dangerous Vagabond is moving!

That huge metal arm just poked straight down from mid-air, as if trying to grab Wuwei's throat.

The five tails suddenly looked like a cat with blown fur, and several hooves jumped up at the same time, jumping up to avoid the huge palm.

The metal palm fell to the ground.

The ground shook directly, and a huge slap mark appeared.

Five-tailed King Mu's scalp was numb.

If you are hit by such a monster, it is not an ideal picture.

A large amount of steam spewed out from behind the buttocks and turned into strong power. In the blink of an eye, it came to the plate of the Nomad, and kicked it heavily with its front hooves.

This move is very powerful. It combines steam propulsion with its own muscle power. It once kicked the bird man in golden body mode with one hoof.

It's a pity that I met Hinata Satoru.

Not to mention the exaggerated weight of the Nomad.

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