At the same time, Hyuga Satoru also applied electromagnetic force to Gundam, and the metal soles pressed into the ground, attracted by the underground magnetic field, and firmly grasped the huge body.

With the loud metal crash, the Dangerous Wanderer only stepped back slightly, without even any damage.

The five-tailed terrifying blow with anger, in this comparison, is like...

Your cat got angry and jumped up and slapped you on the chest.

The electromagnetic push was applied, and the speed of the Dangerous Wanderer was greatly increased, rushing towards the five tails with huge strides.

The chakra consumed by manipulating such a huge metal Gundam is extremely terrifying.

Fortunately, Hyuga Satoru engraved a nuclear power reactor on the chest of the Wanderer.

Of course it's not a real nuclear fission, and the current electromagnetic force can't do it.

High-strength electromagnetic furnace.

The energy generated by smelting is continuously transmitted to the body of the Wanderer. After such conversion, Hyuga Satoru's own consumption is greatly reduced.

A real man will drive a Gundam!

The Wanderer strode towards the five tails.

With every step you take, the ground vibrates.

The five-tailed beast was numb, and the hair on its body stood up, like a white cat with fried fur.

The dignity of the tailed beast does not allow him to retreat!

The four hooves slammed on the ground at the same time, the sharp horns on the forehead flashed coldly, and a sliding shovel went over and aimed at the lower abdomen of the Wanderer.

I'm a slippery shovel, you're just GIF


The momentum stopped abruptly, and two huge metal arms clamped firmly around its throat.

Press it directly to the ground.

Both front hooves fell to their knees with great force.

Wuwei wanted to cry, but couldn't cry.

How is it different from what I imagined, my sliding shovel is very powerful!

Hyuga Satoru sneered.

The five tails are not weak among the nine-headed tailed beasts, but they are not strong either. They are probably in the middle.

The physical attacks are mainly hooves and horns, and under the acceleration of steam, the attack power is considerable.

It's a pity that fighting Metal Gundam with the flesh is a very stupid thing.

The five tails' physical attack, other than knocking down the Wanderer, is unlikely to cause effective damage.

As soon as the electromagnetic force moves, it is repaired.

But to knock down his own Gundam, the power of the five tails is not enough.

The absolute advantage of weight, coupled with the attraction of the soles of the feet to the earth under the blessing of electromagnetic force, has a very strong impact resistance.

The blessing of electromagnetic ejection makes him not too disadvantaged in speed.

Due to the superposition of many factors, it is impossible for the Five Tails to outperform the Wanderer in Taijutsu.

The five tails apparently found this too.

recognize reality.

He struggled to raise his head and aimed at the Wanderer. With the sharply rising tone, the black and purple chakra in his mouth condensed.

I actually wanted to hit a hair-tailed beast jade at close range.


An iron fist came down, and it was forced back.


Another iron fist.

Wuwei was very humiliated, and was pulled back and forth by the four hooves under him.

"Human, you have a way to let me go!"

clang! clang! clang!

Iron fists the size of sand dunes kept falling.

Wuwei was dizzy and only felt the reverberation of "dangdangdang!" in his ears, and there seemed to be countless small stars around his skull.

"God...that's a tailed beast???"

The ninja watching the battle from a distance couldn't help but feel a little weird in their hearts.

Obviously, the terrifying image of the tailed beast is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, but the current picture is very similar to the owner repairing his own cat.

"Too strong! That metal monster is really handsome and strong!"

Although I don't know the name of the metal monster that Hyuga Satoru was driving.

I'm going to drive a Gundam...

Thoughts like this have been deeply imprinted in their minds.

Finally, after being repaired by the Wanderer for dozens of punches in a row.


The five-tailed horn was broken.

"Ah!! Human... how dare you..."

Five Tails' voice was hysterical.

Although the tailed beast does not have a clear gender division, it has a self-consciousness of gender. The five-tailed Muwang is obviously a female type, and his voice is similar to a female.

The horns on his head were broken.

Equivalent to broken.


Totally angry!

The five tails roared, and all the humiliation they suffered before broke out at this moment.

I didn't use the tail beast jade, because I knew that Hyuga Satoru would not give him a chance to charge up at all.

A large amount of white steam spewed out of it, wrapped in terrifying high temperature, and engulfed the Wanderer in an instant, spreading rapidly toward the battlefield.

Hyuga Satoru controlled the Wanderer to let go of the five tails and kept retreating, avoiding the range of steam.

Compared with the physical attack, this steam with high temperature is more threatening to him.

The thermal conductivity of metal is very good, and the steam will quickly conduct a large amount of heat, condensing into water droplets and covering the surface of the mecha, thus affecting the accuracy of electromagnetic force control.

Wuwei took the opportunity to get up, shaking his head that was still fainting.

"Human... go to hell!"

He opened his mouth suddenly, and the terrifying chakra of black and purple quickly condensed.

Tailed beast jade?

At this distance, I am afraid I can only find a way to bounce.

Hyuga Satoru looked solemn.

and many more…

He suddenly thought of something, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

While charging the five tails, he suddenly found that the surrounding white fog had disappeared, and almost at the same time, an unbearable coughing sensation surged up.

A spark suddenly popped up under his feet.

Five tails heart contracted!

A strong crisis came to mind.


The blue flame completely engulfed it...

Hyuga Satoru, who had already hid in the distance, looked at the rising blue mushroom cloud with a light smile.

"Water vapor is easier to electrolyze than ordinary water!"

"Thanks to the junior high school chemistry teacher for bringing nuclear peace to the ninja world."

Chapter 111: The Fissure of the Magnetic Dunshan Mountain

The terrifying blazing blue flame spread out as the steaming mushroom cloud engulfed half of the battlefield.

Iwanin, who was in the vicinity of the explosion, turned into ashes in a very unfortunate way.

a little further.

Those who did not die immediately in the explosion, their bodies were stained with that weird blue demon fire, like maggots with bones, rolling on the ground and wailing, but they could not be extinguished.

The combustion temperature of hydrogen is around 2000 degrees, far exceeding that of conventional flames.

When the concentration is 4%-75%, it will explode!

The power is quite terrifying.

At the same time, hydrogen has a relative molecular mass of 2 and is the least dense gas.

The struggle to extinguish the flame may increase the air turbulence, and the change of direction increases the concentration of hydrogen and oxygen nearby, and the fire becomes more and more vigorous.

Hyuga Satoru couldn't help but tut a few times.

After all, in order to increase the hydrogen concentration as much as possible, he almost ionized and decomposed all the water vapor.

The explosion only exhausted the core area with the highest concentration, and some of it escaped in advance and was not consumed.

To the rescue?


At the same time as the explosion, he guided a little, and directed the aftermath more towards Iwanin.

Rescue Iwa Shinobu, isn't it troublesome for yourself?

Squinting slightly to the core of the explosion.

I don't know if you can still be so safe after eating the five tails of the hydrogen escape explosion?

As the smoke continued to dissipate, the appearance of the five tails was also exposed in his field of vision.

Hair is gone.

Not a single hair is gone.

The fur, which was originally snow-white and supple, is now smooth, leaving only a mass of charred traces.

Lying on the ground, not knowing whether to live or die.

It's like a pheasant that has been stripped of its hair, roasted on a charcoal fire for three days and three nights.

It was barely recognizable as the shape of a horse.

Five tails struggled to open his mouth, as if he wanted to curse something, and after a twitch, he went straight down.


The appearance of the five tails should be one of the best among the nine-headed beasts, and it is a rare self-identification as a female, how did it become like this...

Hyuga Satoru sighed and shed crocodile tears.

However, the tailed beast is an aggregate of chakra, so it should be recoverable, right?


The body of the five tails is slowly blurring, and it can no longer maintain the full body shape, and gradually becomes a Han who does not know whether to live or die.

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