Almost at the same time, a huge rock palm penetrated below, grabbed his body suddenly, and sank directly into the ground.

"It's pretty quick."

Hyuga Satoru's eyes flickered.

Obviously, in order to prevent Ren Zhuli from being captured, Iwanin made a lot of preparations.

the other side.

Loess's right palm was pressing on the ground, and a rocky palm behind him slowly spread out, revealing a fainted Han.

"Take him back and notify the medical class for treatment."


Standing up, the loess face was a little ugly, and he stared at the not-so-tall figure in the distance.

The other party also found him, and a pair of pure white eyes were looking at him.

If he lost, Ren Zhuli had completely lost his combat effectiveness.

Loess knew that the battle was lost.

That **** Hinata magnetic ninja.

He had already made so many preparations to target him, but still...

The loess gritted his teeth unwillingly.


Iwa Shinobi, who was still fighting, heard the commander's order, stopped staying, and receded like a tide.

The Konoha ninja who stayed on the battlefield, seeing this scene, gradually relaxed his tense spirit and breathed a sigh of relief.


Finally won.

Since the war with Iwanin, due to the disparity in the deployment of troops, it has always been more defeats and fewer wins.

I didn't expect that this time, the win was so neat and tidy that even the five tails...

Unable to help, he subconsciously looked up at the figure and the giant metal Gundam standing beside him.

At this moment, Hyuga Satoru's reputation reached its peak, not only because of his strength, but also because of the mysterious attraction of Metal Gundam beside him.

They all pondered in their hearts, what kind of magic is that metal monster?

A kind of puppet art?

Also amazing!

Do you have a name?

With a swoosh, Minato appeared beside Hinata Satoru.

Surprise sounded.

"Go! Is there a name? Is there a name?"

Hyuga Satoru originally planned to talk about a Gundam Winds of Freedom Dangerous Vagabond Termination or something, and blocked Minato's mouth.

But it suddenly occurred to me that the last Armstrong cannon, which was dozens of words long, had spread to most of the camps, and even now there are still many Konoha ninjas discussing each other in surprise.

After thinking for a while, he simply rolled his eyes at Minato, turned and left.

He snapped his fingers behind his back.

The Nomad behind him disintegrated into countless metal particles and poured into the ground.

"No name?"

Minato rubbed his chin and thought for a moment.

He made a fist with his right hand, slammed the palm of his left hand, and opened his mouth in surprise.

"Have it!"

"The hard body made of metal is as tall as a mountain, as if the sky can be torn apart."

"Beyond the mighty power of the tailed beast, it is ruthless and tough..."

"It's called...Magnetic Escape, Mountain Cracks, Super Tail Tough Metal Giant Wheel Dance and Zero Arrows!"

He turned around.

"Wow, what's the name like?"

It's a pity that Hyuga Satoru has long gone, and he is the only one left talking to himself.

"Ah! Wu, why are you gone! Haven't told me if I liked the name?"

"It's a name I've worked so hard to come up with."

He wanted to catch up with Hinata Satoru.

Magnetic Dungeons…

So long!

Is that the name of that metal giant?

Seeing this scene, the surrounding Konoha ninjas showed strange expressions.

The dream in my heart to open Gundam in the future seems to have changed at this moment.


After a long silence, Jiraiya still let out a sigh of relief.

Hyuga Satoru's performance was amazing.

I thought that my disciple, Minato, was already quite perverted.

Unexpectedly, the younger Hyuga Satoru is simply a monster.

"No wonder that Orochimaru guy, when he mentioned Hyuga Satoru, it's like he found some treasure."

"Headache! Being surpassed by the juniors one by one, I, the hero of the Three Ninjas, have a false reputation."

Jiraiya also began to feel distressed and scratched his hair.

The next generation of ninjas is getting more and more volume.

It was only a matter of time before Minato surpassed him, but he didn't expect a more terrifying Hyuga Satoru to pop up now.

Hyuga Satoru discovered the oil girl Zhiwei, who was looking at him with a smile.

"Mr. Zhiwei, are you alright?"

He walked over.

"I didn't expect that my instructor would need you to worry."

You Nvzhi smiled slightly, and then her eyes dimmed a little, and she couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

"It turns out that you have already surpassed my instructor."

I know my students are very good, but I never thought they would be so good!

During the Sand Ninja War, because he had other tasks, he did not participate.

The understanding of Hyuga Satoru is limited to rumors.

Now in the Iwanin battlefield, I saw the strength of Hyuga Satoru head-on, and only then did I know how far he had come.

He even saw the shadows of the two legendary adults in Hyuga Satoru.

Senju Hasuma and Madara Uchiha.

He single-handedly ended the Warring States Period and created a system of one country and one village.

Although the current Hyuga Satoru is still very young, it is not difficult to imagine that at this age, he already possesses such terrifying strength.

In the future, wait for him to fully grow up.

How terrifying is it?

Chapter 112 I Have a Dream

Rock ninja camp.

in the largest command camp.

Onogi was listening intently to the scout's report on the battle situation.

For this battle, he paid a lot of hard work, and even went off the field and commanded in person.

Only succeed, never fail.

"According to the plan, Lord Han personally took action against Hi Xiangwu. The other party used some kind of special acceleration ability, and the speed was not weaker than that of Lord Han."

The scout reported in a deep voice.

"According to the latest information, Lord Han seems to have completely released the five tails."

Onomu was startled and asked quickly.

"Is it the five tails of the perfect body?"


Onogi sighed deeply and lay down on the chair.

Complete body five-tailed and borrowed five-tailed chakra are two completely different concepts.

It means that Han is not the opponent of that Hyuga Satoru, and even suffered a heavy blow, so he was forced to release the five tails.

Damn it!

Obviously, in order to restrain him, he has made so many preparations, and even changed almost all of the rock ninja equipment.

Still got this far!

Onogi's face was quite ugly.

In terms of experience and qualifications, he is one of the best in the Five Shadows, and he will never despise any enemy.

Even at such a young age, Hyuga Satoru had only recently gained fame.

He also did a lot of coping.

Now, it still seems to be a miscalculation.

I can only hope that the five tails can solve Hyuga Satoru.

Wuwei is not weak among the nine-headed beasts. After all, it is only a young generation that has just risen, so it should not be Wuwei's opponent.

Onogi thought so.

"Come on, come and let me know as soon as there is news!"


When the tent was quiet, Oh Yemu held his breath and waited for the latest battle situation.

After a while.

The scout hurried in to report.

"Lord Tsuchikage, Wuwei and Wuwei were defeated by that Hinata ninja."


Onogi's pupils shrank.

Human strength must not be lost.

"Master Huangtu took him away in time. The main force is currently on the way to evacuate. Lord Huangtu sent ninjas to call in advance and prepare the medical class. Han seems to be seriously injured."

Fingers subconsciously squeezed the wooden seat, making a creaking sound.

Onogi's face turned blue and white for a while.

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