Even he who had participated in the first Ninja World War couldn't help but clenched his teeth slightly after hearing the news.

I finally understood why Luo Sha, the new Fengying, was tortured like that after encountering Hyuga Go.

Even the five tails lost!

From this point of view, the ninja named Hyuga Satoru probably already possesses a strength that is no weaker than that of Shadow.

However, he still couldn't figure it out.

How did Hyuga Satoru defeat the Five Tails?

Among the tailed beasts, the five tails are good at speed. If you want to defeat it head-on, even if he shoots, it will be very troublesome.

The scout saw his doubts and hesitated.

"He seems to have manipulated some kind of special metal monster, which is taller than the five tails, and the five tails' attack opportunities did not work, so..."

A metal monster bigger than a tailed beast?

Ohnogi suddenly thought of Madara Uchiha, and was slightly absent-minded.

When he was young, he had encountered Madara Uchiha many times.

I regard him as a lifelong opponent.

But in Madara's eyes, he was just a toy for when he was bored.

When you are interested, you can play a few more moves, and when you are in a hurry, you can knock down with one move.

Madara's Susanoo seems to be some kind of art that is bigger than the tailed beast, the ability to move mountains and fill the sea is still fresh in his memory.

"Do you know the name of that technique?"

Onogi looked at the past with solemn eyes, and his voice was low.

The scout's face was a little weird, he faltered, as if he was organizing language.

"The scouts who stayed nearby detected their discussions, it seems... it seems to be called..."

Onogi was a little dissatisfied, frowned, and urged.

"Come on, since the name has been probed, why are you hesitating? Is it possible to think about a name for a long time?"

"I remembered it, what is the name of the fissure of the Magnetic Dunshan Mountain, the super-tailed tough metal giant's round dance and zero arrows."

After saying his name in one breath, the scout took several breaths.

Fortunately, those who can become scouts have the best memory among ninjas.

Otherwise, he might not be able to remember such a long name.

Onogi was stunned.

What's going on with Magnetic Dungeons?

What is the name of ninjutsu?

Who gets it?

Are you sure you're not mistaken?

After digesting the information, Onogi let out a long breath, his face gloomy.

Now it seems that if he doesn't take action, it may be difficult to suppress Hyuga Satoru.

Although Hyuga Satoru's record is amazing, he has absolute confidence in himself with the bloodstained elimination.

As long as you are hit by Chen Dun, no matter what kind of genius you are, there is only one way to go.

It's just... if he joins the war, I'm afraid Konoha won't let it go.

Sarutobi Hiyazaki will definitely participate in the battle, and many top ninjas such as Danzo Orochimaru will probably be transferred to this battlefield.

After all, Yanyin Village is still inferior to Konoha.

After thinking about it, Oh Yemu still gave up his plan to participate in the war in person, and said solemnly.

"Send someone to invite Lao Zi."

After a pause, he warned again.

"Remember your attitude better."


The scout wiped the sweat from his forehead. Lao Zi was the four-tailed man of Yanyin Village, and he had always been at odds with Tsuchikage Onogi.

There are often conflicts, and even shouting that they want to leave the village to live.

Ohnogi took the initiative to soften up on Lao Zi, indicating that he was really pushed by that Hinata ninja.

Are the two of them going to fight?

He thought in shock.

Hyuga Satoru walked helplessly in the camp.

Although several days have passed since the battle, the enthusiasm for the discussion of the ninjas in the camp still seems to have not subsided, but has a tendency to intensify.

And at the center of the discussion vortex is Hyuga Satoru and the huge metal mecha.

The wild and rough appearance of the Dangerous Wanderer, just as soon as it appeared, there were waves in the hearts of these ninjas.

Ninjutsu is so weak!

A real man will drive a Gundam!

Such remarks abound.

Correspondingly, the exaggerated name of Minato also became outrageous.

There have even been several versions.

This is also the main reason why Hyuga Satoru is helpless.

He glanced at Kakashi's tent without leaving a trace.

Still no sign of opening.

Unlike the cheers outside, Kakashi seemed to be in another world.

Not only did they not participate, but they didn't even go out of the camp a few times.

"He should have completely digested his words!"

Hyuga Satoru thought to himself.

Knowing the dark side of the village and the truth of his father's death, what will Kakashi become?

Blackening is for sure.

As long as he guides him a little, he shouldn't have any problem falling on his side.

The future sixth Megumi Hokage, one of the village's best geniuses...

Such a talent, Hyuga Satoru is really reluctant to give up.

Do not…

Not just Kakashi.

Now it's time to start the layout.

The three wars are just the beginning, and the end of the war is the beginning of the main plot of Naruto.

Madara Uchiha, Nagato, Akatsuki...

Those under the iceberg will wake up.

On the clone's side, a search has been arranged in the Forest of Grassland.

In the original work, Obito was taken away by Madara after he participated in the Battle of Shenmubi Bridge, and he was taught step by step to blacken him.

From this point of view, Madara's underground camp for the old silver coin should be near the Kamabashi Bridge.

With his clone, he might be able to find his base camp in advance!

Hyuga Satoru's eyes were bright.

His target was never the family or the village.

He has a dream.

Conquer the whole earth, and then use the earth as a base.

Counterattack Otsutsuki!

Chapter 113 The Miracle Ninja

Leaf Village.

Fire Room.

Sarutobi Hizan was a little lost, just staring out the window in a daze.

On the table in front of him is an open scroll, which records the latest battlefield information.

The martial arts that surpassed Han, the metal giant nearly 100 meters high, suppressed the five tails, and killed hundreds of Yannin with a big explosion...

One after another astonishing news blasted straight into his mind through the words on the scroll.

Let him fall into a brief absence and dazed disbelief.



Since the start of the war, Hyuga Satoru's performance has shocked him too much.

He couldn't even find the right words to describe it for a while.

I thought that defeating Fengying Luosha, who just took office, was already quite an amazing record, but I didn't expect this to be just the beginning.

Even the five tails were defeated head-on?

The metal giant nearly 100 meters high...

It seems to be called the fissure of the mountain...

At first glance, it is the style of the water gate.

Sarutobi Hizan couldn't help but want to complain, Minato, although he is quite reliable most of the time, his ability to name is really uncomplimentable.

His eyes narrowed slightly, and a strong curiosity emerged in his heart.

What is his magnetic escape?

Is there really such a thing as a male magnetic escape?

As someone who had personally experienced the Senju Hashimoto era, he knew the **** of ninjas, and at the age of Hinata Satoru, he was not so terrifying.

This is what made him feel palpitations.

However, he is still confident that if he fights head-on, he should win by himself.

Although the five tails are powerful, as the shadow of the five major ninja villages, they have a record of defeating the tailed beasts.

Except for the unfortunate Luo Sha who was dismissed, the other Kazekage had suppressed Yiwei, and the third-generation Raikage of Yunyin Village had even beaten the second-ranked Yawei.

If it wasn't for the nine tails being too strong, he should be able to knock him down a few times every day.

Join them.

Sarutobi Hizan thought so.

What shocked him was Hyuga Satoru's talent, which was far from his limit.

In a few more years, when he has fully grown up, who else can hold him down?

It's a pity... he's split.

Sarutobi Hizan's expression suddenly became complicated, with a look that was indescribable.

In Hyuga, as a family member, in a sense, fate is already doomed.

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