Regarding Hyuga Satoru, on the one hand, he hopes that he can be stronger and can end the war as soon as possible, on the other hand, he does not want him to be too strong, because he is afraid and worried that he is beyond his control.

This is human nature.

However, the status of the separation turned all these worries and hopes into bubbles.

"The girls of the right age in the Sarutobi clan should have been screened out, right?"

Sarutobi Hizan groaned.

"In any case, after this battlefield is over, his blood will be passed down, that kind of magical magnetic escape..."

Biting the cigarette holder, Hizan Sarutobi looked out the window so melancholy, his face was blurred by the permeating smoke.

Command camp.

There were bursts of hearty laughter from time to time.

"Hahaha! That old fellow Onogi, this time, the beard is estimated to be crooked!"

"After playing for so long, this is the first time I played so well!"

Jiraiya's bold laughter echoed in the tent, and the surrounding high-level executives looked at each other and laughed knowingly.

His eyes glanced at the figure with pure white eyes almost without leaving any traces at the same time.

The other party didn't seem to be excited by such a record, and was still sitting in his seat calmly and indifferently.

Although the war has passed for several days.

The shock that it can bring has not subsided at all.

Whether it was suppressing the tailed beast or the powerful metal giant, they refreshed their cognition almost time and time again.

Hyuga Satoru, the ninja who creates miracles!

This is the name given to him by countless Konoha ninjas in the camp.

Now, whenever the name is mentioned in the camp, it is greeted with cheers.

"At present, there is no movement from the rock ninja. We can't take it lightly. After the ninjas are recuperating, it is time to launch a counterattack."

Jiraiya pressed both hands on the sand table in front of him, his eyes flashing with a gleam of brilliance.

Han was hit hard, and it should be difficult to recover his combat power in a short period of time.

At present, the high-end combat power on Konoha's side has surpassed Iwa Shinobi.

As long as the momentum is overwhelming, seize the opportunity, maybe the war can be ended early!


Zi Lai couldn't help but feel a little melancholy.

Some dusty memories could not help but spring up.

It was during World War II. At that time, he had not yet obtained the title of Sannin, and he had already deeply recognized the cruelty of war.

In the Land of Rain, they, as foreign forces, witnessed tragic scenes with their own eyes.

Heavy rain, blood...

By the way, three lovely apprentices were also accepted at that time.

How are they doing now?

Zi Lai also thought of the cute appearance of Xiao Nan in the frog suit, and subconsciously smirked.

At this moment, the door of the command camp was suddenly pushed open.

The messenger ninja walked in hastily, with a trace of panic.

"Lord Jiraiya, the frontline scouts have reported that Iwanin and Iwanin's large troops are on their way to attack."


Hearing this, Jiraiya immediately stood up.

Staring at the messenger ninja with shock and disbelief.

"Are you sure there's nothing wrong with the information? Iwanin was repelled not long ago. How long has it been before he started to attack again?"

Not only Jiraiya.

Hyuga Satoru also looked at the messenger ninja with a hint of surprise.

The surrounding high-level people are also like this, their eyes are full of surprise and surprise.

They were still discussing the counter-offensive just now, but I didn't expect that the other side of the rock ninja started to take the initiative to attack?

What are you kidding?

Being stared at by so many shocked eyes, the messenger ninja saw a lot of sweat on his forehead and wiped the sweat with the back of his hand.

said quickly.

"Indeed, the intelligence should be correct."

"Currently, the scouts are monitoring the position of the Rock Ninja troop, and they are ready to pass the latest information back at any time. In about half an hour, the large troop of Iwa Ninja will be able to arrive near the camp."

"Is that so?"

Ji Lai also took a deep breath, his face a little ugly.

What did the loess think?

As a commander, he has just experienced a major defeat, and even Ren Zhuli was seriously injured. He didn't want to recover his vitality, but he actually started to attack?

Beside him, Hyuga Satoru frowned slightly, also showing a hint of doubt.

He always felt that there should be some kind of conspiracy in Iwa Shinobi's hasty battle this time.

But there was too little information for him to guess.

Zilai also sighed slightly.

It seems that his prediction just now was too conservative.

This war will not end easily for a while.

Yan Shinobi has invested more troops. If he wants to fight with Konoha, the result is really hard to say.

Glancing over the faces of every ninja present, Jiraiya's gaze was directed beyond the tent, and there was a glint in his eyes.

Shouted loudly.

"Pass the information on, tell the ninjas, and prepare to fight!"


Chapter 114 I am a special swordsman

on the grassland.

A large number of Konoha ninjas wore dark cyan vests, lowered their center of gravity, and ran fast with their arms behind them.

Overlooking from a height, it is like a surging cyan torrent.

At the end of the field of vision, a yellow-brown torrent can be seen, which is constantly approaching.

"It seems that the information is correct. Iwa Shinobi has even more troops assembled this time than in the previous battle!"

Zilai also looked solemn.

It seems that Iwanin Village is determined to fight Konoha to the death. The casualties of this war may be much larger than expected.

The two torrents collided in a roar.

Iwa Shinobi seems to have learned the lesson of the last time, and the fur armor on his body also protects his neck.

I don't expect to completely protect Hyuga Satoru's old sixth tactics.

But at least, it won't be easily wiped on the neck all at once.

The strategy used in the battle is to drag into the ninjutsu battle as much as possible, reduce the physical battle and the shooting game, and minimize the metal ninja tools left on the battlefield.

In a word.

Got up.

Since Renzhuli can't kill you, and the regular ninjas are completely serving food in front of you, then I will focus on defense with all my strength.

Can't beat or escape?

Hyuga Satoru said that he really couldn't escape.

The electromagnetic force moved slightly, splitting the surrounding metal ninja tools and directly pinching them into the shape of flying swords.

Compared with the conventional flying sword, this flying sword has a sharper tip and a slender body, which increases the ability to pierce armor and penetrate.


I **** kill with swords!

I saw a large number of metal flying swords flying around Hyuga Satoru, as if the swordsman's ultimate move, the blade storm, wherever he went, Iwa Ninja blood flowed into rivers.

Aiwa Ninja took a breath, hurriedly formed a seal, and slammed his hands on the ground.

"Earth escape! Multiple earth walls!"

Four rock walls stand up from the whole body, wrapping themselves firmly, no matter what angle the attack is, the earth flow wall can have enough protection.

Hyuga Satoru shook his head secretly.

Feijian turned a corner and shot in from the hole above.

Only a sharp scream was heard, and blood plasma was continuously sputtered from the gap above.

Did you even dig your own grave?

Hyuga Satoru rolled his eyes.

The technique of earth flow wall is very practical. It can be used on one side or on multiple sides. Unfortunately, it has a weakness and can only be used in the position where it touches the ground.

It is a little unrealistic to want to use the earth flow wall in mid-air.

Unless you first use the soil to make the foundation.

Seeing this scene, Zi Lai also relaxed slightly in his originally heavy heart.

It's dangerous, and there is still enlightenment.

One of him is worth a teacher.

"He Han is right, your Magnetic Dun Dun is as good as the terrifying ability of Ono Mu Chen Dun."

Hyuga Wuzheng Yujian killed Zhengshuang, when he heard a cold voice behind him, and a fiery burning breath came out.

Suddenly jumping and flashing, I saw a sturdy man covered in magma behind him. The magma gurgled under his feet, exuding a scorching aura.

Old purple? ? ?

One of the only two people in Iwanin Village.

The four-tailed Monkey King is sealed within his body.

Hyuga Satoru instantly recognized the identity of the enemy.

Is this the confidence of Iwa Shinobi's sudden attack?

The four-tailed human column force was dispatched, and both of them were transferred to this battlefield.

Hyuga Satoru opened his eyes and scanned the battlefield, but did not find Han.

"Hasn't Han participated in the war? It seems that his injuries haven't healed yet? Why, are you alone with such great confidence?"

Hyuga Satoru looked at Lao Zi with a little playfulness.

As if stung by his words, Old Zilu's eyes outside the magma flashed a hint of coldness.

Han was seriously injured. It can be said that if the loess hadn't been prepared in advance, I'm afraid it would have been in the hands of Hyuga Gou.

The information of Hyuga Satoru also passed through Han on the hospital bed and learned one by one.

Lao Zi did not dare to be careless.

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