He and Han, one mastered the fusion and the other mastered the boiling, one was the four-tailed human column force, and the other was the five-tailed human column force.

If you insist on comparison, it is difficult to tell the strength of the competition.

At most, the focus of ability is different.

Han was beaten like that by Sun Xiangwu, and he probably wouldn't have much chance of winning.


Lao Zi took a slight breath.

The task that Ohnogi gave was just to hold off Hyuga Satoru.

Then just do your best to complete the task.

The soles of his feet stomped abruptly, and a large amount of magma sputtered out from under his feet, as if a flame erupted, rapidly spreading towards the position of Hyuga Wu.

Hyuga Satoru jumped deftly, avoiding the location where the magma was spreading.

The metal flying swords that were slaughtering nearby seemed to have received an order in an instant and flew towards Lao Zi.

Old Zi's pupils shrank, Chakra surged, and the lava armor on his body became a little more vigorous.

clang clang!

Accompanied by the continuous sound of metal handover, Lao Zi's body kept retreating during the attack, and the fiery sparks splashed around, burning the surrounding grass into disbelief.

Attacking the flying sword at the front, the tip of the sword gradually melted into a liquid, dripping to the ground, cooling down quickly.

so close!

See your lava armor blocking the attack of the metal flying sword.

Lao Zi was relieved.

He couldn't bear the unbearable pain of being stabbed all over his body.

Pretending to be indifferent, he raised his head slightly, and spoke to Hyuga Satoru.

"It seems that your magnetic escape is nothing more than that."

Hyuga Satoru frowned slightly, in a sense, Lao Zi's ability is indeed more suitable for fighting him than Han.

The physical defense of the lava armor exceeded his expectations. When his flying sword attacked, he could reach double the speed of sound, but it was still difficult to break defense.

On top of that, the high heat causes the metal to start melting.

It directly caused the lethality of Feijian to plummet and became a one-time weapon.

At the same time, he couldn't help but smirk slightly.

The ninja world really doesn't talk about science.

The temperature of lava is about 900-1400 degrees Celsius, and the melting point of iron is about 1500 degrees Celsius. As for other metals, there are many melting points that exceed iron.

Old Zi's lava can actually melt his own flying sword, which should be the catalyst that Chakra acts as a catalyst.

Its temperature exceeds the melting point of conventional metals.

"Melting escape! The technique of burning river rocks!"

Lao Zi took a deep breath and spit out a huge fiery lava fireball from his mouth, like a bolide, constantly spraying towards Wu!

With the electromagnetic push and blessing, the speed of Sun Xiangwu was greatly increased, and the body was lingered with a faint electric light, and the wind and the electricity dodged away.

Old Zi was so powerful that it seemed like he was going crazy, and the lava spheres were continuously sprayed from his mouth.

It doesn't matter if he misses a hit, as long as he can push Hyuga Satoru back, he will win.


Hyuga Satoru couldn't help frowning slightly.

This old purple is too wretched!

Skill points are all on Gou.

Not to mention wearing lava armor like a turtle shell.

The whole body is full of flowing magma, directly transforming into a fixed fort, like a (TM) pea shooter.

Are you so afraid of being approached by yourself?

Han was beaten down by himself using physical techniques, how much shadow did it give him?

"Forget it, I won't play with you anymore."

Hyuga Satoru directly flew up high, looking down at Lao Zi.

A large number of metal particles were extracted from the ground by him and smelted into a metal flying sword, which densely filled most of the sky behind him.

"You can fly?"

On the ground, Lao Zi's pupils shrank, and he sucked in a breath of cold air.

He suddenly realized that he had miscalculated.

In the battle with Han, Hyuga Satoru did not show the ability to fly, so he subconsciously acquiesced that he could not fly.

But if you think about it carefully, even Luo Sha's magnetic evasion parallel importer can fly with gold dust.

Not to mention the more terrifying Hyuga Satoru?

The tide of battle is suddenly reversed!

Chapter 115: Heaven does not give birth to me, Sun Xiangwu! Kendo is like a long night

on the battlefield.

Old Zi raised his head blankly, looking at Hyuga Satoru who was flying in midair with a little horrified eyes.

Behind the dense long sword, the tip of the sword flashed with cold light, like countless swords of Damocles.

If it wasn't for the lava armor, you could see a lot of sweat dripping out of his forehead.

can fly.

That means great mobility.

There are very few ninjas with flying ability in the ninja world. Without exception, they are all famous and powerful.

Tsukage Onogi, although he has always been at odds with him, is undeniably one of the strongest ninjas in the world.

Much of this is due to the mobility that comes with flying.

Think about it, you were eating hot pot and singing when suddenly a cloud of dust fell from the sky.

People are gone.

Who's to make sense of this?

Obviously, the dense flying swords behind Hyuga Satoru also have the ability to strangle regular ninjas into scum.

high in the air.

Hyuga Satoru looked down at Lao Zi condescendingly.

Palm wave.

The dense long swords behind him seemed to receive orders at the same time, and instantly fell from the sky, wrapped in terrifying power, and flew towards Lao Zi.

Lao Zi gritted his teeth.

Chakra surged violently.

Borrowing the four-tailed chakra, the lava armor that lingers around the body is more vigorous, and a lava tail grows from the back of the butt.

He crossed his arms to protect his forehead, intending to carry this move hard.

clang clang!

The dense metal flying swords fell, and with the sound of metal crashing, Lao Zi's body kept retreating in the magma.

After the Feijian attacked, it melted into a liquid in the high temperature and dripped under his feet.

Until a certain moment, Feijian was exhausted, Lao Zi gasped violently.

"so close…"

Looking at Hyuga Satoru in mid-air with lingering fears, Lao Zi was also shocked.

Hyuga Satoru didn't play cards according to the routine at all, and the skills of his moves were endless. He never used the tricks that defeated Han at all, and he showed a new ability to fly and ride the sword.

As soon as I thought of the rumored terrifying metal giant.

The shock in Lao Zi's heart became a little more intense.

No one knows where the limit of Hyuga Satoru is. Perhaps, he still has new abilities that he has not used.

"Da Yemu, you still underestimate him... If this son is not dead, my Yanyin Village will not have a bright future."

Lao Zi sighed in his heart.

If it weren't for the fact that his melting and four-tailed ability just restrained metal, he might have been chopped down by Chaos Sword in this battle.

Fortunately, this battlefield is just a pretense.

Is the other side about to move?

Just do your best to hold him back.

Thinking of this, the shock in Lao Zi's heart subsided slightly.

Take a deep breath.

He raised his head and shouted angrily.

"Hyuga Satoru! You don't seem to be as powerful as Han said, but with this amount of attacks, my fusion defense is completely enough!"


High in the sky, Hyuga Satoru looked down at Lao Zi with a sneer.

It seems that Lao Zi is planning to carry Gou to the end.

That being the case, I will use the two-sleeved green snake today!

Come and break your turtle shell defense!

Heaven does not give birth to my day to enlightenment, and the swordsmanship is like a long night!

Hyuga Satoru took a slight breath, and there was a gleam in his eyes.

"Sword come!"

Just listen to him with a low voice, the sound is not large, as if he has infinite power, and it resounds through the entire battlefield in an instant!

The Konoha ninja who was fighting suddenly saw a change in his body, his eyes glanced slightly, and his pupils shrank instantly, with a hint of shock and disbelief.

I saw the Kunai and Ninja swords they carried on their bodies, as if they had been summoned by some irresistible, trembling slightly, and flew uncontrollably towards the figure standing high in the sky.

While flying, the metal ninja suddenly elongated, turning into sharp swords, hovering behind the figure.

One handle, two handles, three handles, thousands of handles...

In just a few short breaths, the sky behind Hi Xiangwu was already covered with dense flying swords, turning into a sea of ​​swords!

Compared to before, the power is more than a star and a half?

"So handsome..."

At this moment, Minato's eyes lit up.

Looking at the figure standing in front of Jianhai in the sky.

"This move, I would like to call her the Magnetic Escape Spiral Flying Sword Super Wheel Dance and Roar Style!"

On the battlefield, a large number of ninjas who were fighting were also subconsciously sluggish, looking at the sea of ​​swords that could not be seen in the sky.

"What kind of technique is this??"

"It's terrifying, is this the power possessed by humans..."

Only Uchiha Rin rolled her eyes helplessly, she knew Hyuga Go too well.

With Wu's ability, he must be able to use other tricks to defeat Lao Zi. The reason for using this trick is to be handsome.

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