Almost at the same time as the fire attacked, Iwanin in the front row quickly formed a seal, and his hands slammed on the ground.

A large number of earthen walls were constantly turned up in front of them, meeting the raging sea of ​​fire.

During the high-temperature roasting, the frontmost soil layer was charred and collapsed, except for the weak position, which was penetrated by the flame, which almost completely blocked the sea of ​​​​fire.

At the moment when the flames subsided, a row of Iwaninari that had been prepared in the back came out, quickly formed a seal, half squatted in the gap between the earth walls, and snapped the palm of his hand.

"Earth escape! Earthquake core!"

The ground suddenly cracked, and from the position where their palms were pressed, one after another cracked gullies rushed towards Konoha Ninja.

The Earthquake Core is a ninjutsu that can change the terrain. The power of so many ninjas releasing the Earthquake Core is far greater than that of a single ninja.

The ground beneath their feet cracked suddenly, and a large number of Konoha ninjas were caught off guard and staggered, almost falling, and the formation was in chaos for a while.

In the nick of time.

A large amount of black fluid suddenly poured out from the gaps in the cracked earth. These fluids seemed to be alive, forming a large number of slender arms like spider webs, which firmly bonded the cracked ground together.

"Well done, Satoru!"

Jiraiya gave a thumbs up to Hyuga Satoru who was not far away.

Although I don't know the principle, it must be Hyuga Satoru who did it right.

Hyuga Satoru smiled and nodded at him.

Before, it was he who decomposed the metal particles in the earth and exerted a venom-like ability that closed the cracked ground.

The figure stabilized, and a large number of Konoha ninjas roared and rushed towards Yannin.

New hatred and old hatred, the two ninjas fought together with red eyes.

Hyuga Satoru flew high into the air, and with a slight grip on his right hand, he pulled out a large number of metal particles from the ground, decomposed and condensed into dense flying swords.

Shuttle through the rock ninja group, bringing a shower of blood.

The number of rock ninjas far exceeds that of Konoha. If you want to maximize the winning rate, obviously, massacres of conventional rock ninjas are the best choice.

Iwa Shinobi's side is clearly ready.

Lao Zi and Han entered the tailed beast Chakra mode almost at the same time.

Han's body was completely wrapped in dark red chakra, and the five tails swayed chaotically behind him. Lao Zi used the four-tailed chakra to strengthen the molten armor mode, and four lava tails also appeared behind him.

"We must force him down!"

The two drank at the same time.

Lao Zi opened his mouth and turned into a jet fighter.

A large number of lava **** were wrapped in high temperature and shot into the air towards Satoru Hyuga.

And Han even started accumulating the Tailed Beast Jade!

"Are both of them using their strength against me?"

Hyuga Satoru narrowed his eyes slightly, and while avoiding the lava ball, he kept staring at the tailed beast jade in Hankou.

Tail Beast Jade's attack range is too large, even if it can't hit him, if it hits Konoha's side, the loss will be terrifying.

The fingers moved slightly, and a large number of flying swords condensed, turning into a stegosaurus and flying towards Han who was accumulating power.

"It happened!"

Lao Zi's heart tightened, and he quickly shot a large number of fireballs at Stegosaurus.

The Feijian was scattered and re-condensed, with undiminished power, and attacked Han who was accumulating power.

His mouth to be exact.

Han roared in pain, his head deflected under the huge impact, and the tailed beast jade, which was not fully charged in his mouth, also lost control and flew directly to the rock ninja army.


A small mushroom cloud rose up, swallowing a large amount of Yannin.


Han shook his head, got up from the ground, and stared viciously at Hyuga Satoru in the air.

The tailed beast jade has been accumulating power for too long, and once Hyuga Satoru seizes the opportunity, all those who are injured will be Iwanin.

In this way, the tactic of trying to force Hyuga Satoru with the tailed beast jade failed.

"In that case..."

Han took a breath and shouted to Lao Zi next to him.

"Old Zi, come and help me, I will fight him head-on!"

"it is good!"

Han stared at Sun Xiangwu, a large amount of white steam suddenly spewed from the back of his butt, and with the help of such an impact, he jumped up from the ground and rushed directly to the sun Xiangwu in the air.

At almost the same time, the frequency of fireballs from Lao Zi's mouth increased significantly, blocking the position where he could avoid.

Hyuga Satoru suddenly felt a disgusting feeling.

The two people, one is more disgusting than the other, one likes to spit from his mouth, and the other likes to squirt from the back of his butt...


I'm the sixth, you two are the eighth!

With the help of the steam catapult, Han came to the front of Hyuga Wu in an instant, his body turned a somersault, and the five tails behind him suddenly swung.

Between the lightning and flint, the silver fluid on Hyuga Satoru's body wriggled, forming a metal shield in front of him.


The five tails hit the shield heavily.

Hyuga Satoru's body fell uncontrollably.

smashed on the battlefield.


Han and Lao Zi showed joy almost at the same time.

Hyuga Satoru shook his head, which was a little dizzy from the vibration.

Almost instantly, a strong sense of crisis surged up, and the chill exploded down the spine to the back of the head.

It was the first time he had such a sense of crisis since the start of the war.

It's as if your life could disappear at any time!

The ground beneath his feet suddenly collapsed, and Hyuga Satoru wanted to fly up, but found that his body was strangely frozen, and every movement seemed to be filled with mercury.

Seal spell?


"Little devil! Don't underestimate the ninja called Shadow!"

Ohnogi's hoarse roar came from the ground, his bloodshot eyes stared at Hyuga Gou, his hands were in the posture of releasing Chen Dun.

The blazing white light has erupted.


Uchiha Rin's scream of grief resounded through most of the battlefield.

"That is…"

Jiraiya's pupils shrank, and he saw a terrifying white light burst out from under Hyuga Satoru's feet.

"Is it Chen Dun? Could it be..."

"Is that so..."

"I hid in the ground ahead of time, using the sealing technique to isolate the white-eyed probe, and when I landed, did I attack with the dust escape that I had already prepared..."

"Haha... Onogi, as a soil shadow, I really wronged you."


"I'll do my best too!"

At the moment when the blazing white light engulfed him, Hyuga Satoru's eyes twitched with lightning arcs.

Tyrant Mode.


Chapter 122 The Tyrant Arrives


Uchiha Rin's sorrowful cry echoed on the battlefield.

Hyuga Satoru's body was completely engulfed by the blazing white light.

The ground where the white awn erupted, the surrounding soil had been completely decomposed, revealing a huge circular pothole.

Onomu still maintained the posture of Chen Dun release, sweat seeps on his forehead, and he was slightly panting.

It is also a lot of consumption for him to use the dust escape almost with all his strength.

Looking at Hyuga Satoru, who had been engulfed by the dust, there was a hint of joy on his face.

"That's great, being hit by Chen Dun head on, even you..."

The sound stopped abruptly.

His face suddenly stiffened, as if he had seen a ghost.


Uchiha Rin wanted to rush over, but the oil girl Zhiwei suddenly appeared and stopped her.

"Wait! Rin, the situation seems to have changed."

At the moment when Chen Dun broke out, he also planned to rush over to save Hyuga Satoru.

But the speed of the worm is not comparable to the dust escape that has been charged, but soon, he found that something seemed wrong.

He quickly stopped Uchiha Rin who wanted to rush over.

Uchiha Rin also regained consciousness under the reminder of Oil Girl Zhiwei, and the pain like being torn apart gradually subsided.

Taking a closer look, he immediately revealed joy.

"How... how, how is it possible?"

Onomu opened his mouth slightly, his pupils trembled, and his eyes were full of shock and wonder.

In Yan Ninja, Han and Lao Zi, who were still surprised at the beginning, also stiffened at the same time and looked at the sky in shock.

"Chen Dun was actually blocked???"

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

Onogi's expression was a little crazy, and the cognition of being a ninja for decades was almost completely overturned by the scene in front of him.

I saw Hyuga Satoru floating in mid-air, his body wrapped in blue thunder arcs, the thunder arcs beating between his hair, and his clothes whistled in the surging air waves.

He was holding back the burst of dust with one hand, and those indifferent eyes looked down at Onogi condescendingly.

"Onogi, nothing is impossible. As long as the control of the force reaches a certain limit, the chemical bonds between the molecules of matter can be dismantled and turned into disordered atoms."

"Similarly, you can also use this power to block your dust escape."

Hyuga Satoru's indifferent voice sounded, echoing on the battlefield.

This scene not only shocked Ohnogi's heart, but almost all the ninjas on the battlefield, whether it was Iwanin or Konoha.

They all looked shocked.

Can the dust escape actually be blocked?

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