Although I didn't understand the truth of what Hyuga Satoru said, the scene in front of me was too shocking.

What are you kidding me, Chen Dun is the only blood follower in the ninja world!

You can directly break the ninja into molecules, which is an absolute killing blow, and is it blocked so easily?

Let them start to doubt their eyes for a while.


"Even if Chen Dun fails, I can still kill you..."

Onogi gritted his teeth, and finally woke up from the shocking scene in front of him, his body slowly floated up, and he looked in opposition to Hinata Satoru.


Hinata Satoru's body disappeared.

Onomu's heart seemed to be clenched tightly by a big hand.

The pupil shrank, and immediately used the earth escape defense.

"Earth escape! The technique of rock fist!"

A large number of rocks grew from around his arm in the blink of an eye, and almost at the same time, a figure wrapped in thunder appeared in front of him.

A heavy blow hit hard.

Onogi's face was suddenly twisted, and his body was smashed directly to the ground under huge force, splashing a burst of dust.

"Oops! My waist..."

The rock protection on Ohnogi's body has been completely shattered, and he is clutching his waist, groaning in pain.

The crisp creaking sound can be clearly heard from dozens of meters away.

"Lord Tuying!"

Lao Zi and Han rushed towards Ohnogi almost at the same time and asked hurriedly.

Han raised his head in shock, only to see Hyuga Wuzheng looking at him indifferently.

"This bastard... slammed him to the ground before answering me?"

Lao Zi exited the lava armor mode and hurriedly supported Onogi.

"Old man, are you alright?"

Although he has always been at odds with Onogi, there is no denying the power of Onogi. This is the first time he has seen Onogi look so miserable.

"Not yet dead!"

Ohnogi wiped the blood that overflowed from the corner of his mouth, and stared coldly at Hyuga Satoru in the sky.

"I didn't expect it to be like this... Am I still underestimating you?"

Compared to before, Hyuga Satoru's momentum has undergone earth-shaking changes.

If Hyuga Wu was a river before, then now it is the galloping Yangtze River.


Hyuga Satoru closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"Is this what it's like to master the electromagnetic force at the atomic level..."

In the tyrant mode, his flight is not by means of the metal on his body, but directly on the magnetic field.

Previously in the southern forest of the Fire Nation, he used the Eight Gates Dunjia to raise the power of electromagnetic power to the nanometer level.

At that time, he could only open the fourth door.

And now, he has opened the sixth door!

The power of electromagnetic power has exploded, and it has directly entered the threshold of the atomic level.

In the field of vision, the objects you see seem to be no longer basic forms, but have become tiny atomic spheres.

Each atomic ball has various forces between each other, and as long as he wants, he can change the force.

Lao Zi solemnly looked at the sky overlooking their Hyuga Satoru and took a deep breath.

"Old man, join hands. Even you, I'm afraid there is no way to defeat him in this state alone."

He turned his head and roared at Han next to him.

"Han! Use the power of the tailed beast with all your strength. Don't have any scruples. If you lose this battle, Yanyin Village will be over!"

"I understand."

Han took a breath, and his consciousness sank into the mental space.

"King Mu, you should also understand the power of that enemy, right?"

"If you want to avenge the broken angle, this is the only chance."

Wuwei looked at him straight, with a hint of anger and resentment in his voice.

"Break my horns, burn my skin, that bastard... Han, don't worry, I will fully assist you next."

On the other side, in Lao Zi's spiritual space.

"Sun, I'm going to trouble you this time."

"Hehe, Lao Zi, your character is still so stinky, are you still reluctant to call me by my full name?"

"I felt a familiar aura in that person, just like Madara Uchiha back then, if you let him grow up..."

"Don't worry, I will do my best."

The two of them opened their eyes at the same time, and their bodies suddenly swelled up, and in an instant they transformed into the shape of a huge tailed beast.

"In that case..."

Onogi took a deep breath and slammed his hands on the ground.

"Tu Dun·Gangli-style technique!"

The moment his voice fell, a huge rock giant rose from the ground. In terms of body size, it was actually a bit bigger than the two tailed beasts next to him.

"This is…"

Hyuga Satoru frowned slightly, and quickly searched for information in his memory.

In the Fourth Ninja World War, Ohnogi once used this move to block Yasaka's Gouyu used by Uchiha Madarasu Sano. The defensive power is evident.

Now it seems that it can be used not only for defense, but also for active attack?

"Do monsters fight..."

The corners of Hyuga Satoru's mouth twitched slightly.

"Exactly, I have a new Gundam I want to try."

He slowly stretched out his palm and aimed it at the ground. In a radius of several kilometers, almost all the metal particles in the ground were dismantled and reorganized by him.

Gather to your feet.

A huge shadow descends.

He overlooked the three giant beasts that were slightly insignificant under him.

"what is that?"

"My God, what monster?"

"Tailed beasts? No, tailed beasts don't have such a terrifying body shape..."

It is more than 100 meters tall and looks like a Tyrannosaurus rex. There is a row of metal dorsal fins behind it. Every time the huge metal tail is shaken, it will sweep away a bunch of ninjas.

Mechanical Godzilla!

Chapter 123 Godzilla! behemoth battle

"More powerful than the previous metal giant."

"It's not just the body shape, but the sense of oppression is also much greater..."

Iwanin, who participated in the First World War, opened his mouth wide in shock when he saw the mechanical Godzilla rising from the ground, and his pupils trembled slightly.

Originally, the three giant beasts were already quite terrifying monsters, but when Godzilla appeared, the tailed beasts seemed to become friendly.

There was a slight sense of astonishment in their hearts.

When did the tail beast become so weak?

"Looks like I don't need my help anymore."

Jiraiya, who was fighting against the loess, was secretly relieved when he watched this scene.

Tuying took the shot himself, and together with the two people, this level of battle, just watching from the sidelines made him feel a lot of pressure.

Originally, he planned to summon Toad Bunta to help Hyuga Satoru, but now it seems that even Bunta may not be qualified to participate in the battle of these giant beasts.

The first to attack was the five tails.

The hatred of the broken angle, coupled with being injured by Hyuga Satoru with hydrogen gas, the five tails' anger value has risen to the extreme.

A burst of steam erupted from the back of the butt, and the whole body jumped up at a very fast speed, and immediately rushed under Godzilla.

The only four remaining horns gleamed coldly.

Obviously want to have another sliding shovel.

"It's really not a long memory."

"Isn't the last lesson painful enough?"

Hyuga Satoru sneered, Godzilla twisted, and the huge metal tail slammed into Wuwei, directly knocking its body into the air.

A crisp creaking sounded.

Of the four remaining horns on the head of the five tails, another one was actually broken.

"Ah ah ah... bastard..."

The five tails roared wildly.

At the moment when the five tails attacked, the four tails also moved, rushing under the Mechanic Godzilla, holding one of his feet tightly with both hands, and roaring out a terrifying power.

It turned out to be trying to throw Godzilla directly out!


Hyuga Satoru sneered.

The power of the four tails is very large, and it is also one of the best among the nine-tailed beasts.

Once in the duel with Ya'ao, he suppressed Ya'ao head-on with his strength, and threw him out directly.

Unfortunately, for the mechanical Godzilla made of pure metal, this trick does not work well.

Godzilla's body moved slightly, and the foot that was just raised by the four tails stepped down heavily.

"What's the matter! This weight..."

Godzilla leaned down, his two forearms tightly wrapped around the body of the four tails, and a huge burst of power threw him out like trash.


With the ground shaking, the four tails slammed heavily on the ground.

At this moment, Godzilla's waist suddenly came with a heavy blow, and his body staggered.

Hyuga Satoru turned his head to look over, and the huge rock ninja giant was smashing Godzilla's waist with a heavy punch.

"Did the impact increase with the weighted rock technique?"

Hyuga Satoru smiled disdainfully.

Oh Yegi, as a soil shadow, actually attacked Godzilla's waist!

No martial arts!

Mechanical Godzilla turned around, and it was also a heavy metal punch, which directly smashed the head of the rock giant and turned it into countless huge rock fragments.

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