Onogi's pupils shrank, and he quickly used the light and heavy rock technique to increase his speed, so as to avoid being slapped by the huge metal arm like a fly.

Chakra surged, and the crushed rock head grew again.

Panting slightly, Oh Yemu's eyes were full of fear!

After becoming a ninja for so many years, he only felt this sense of oppression in one person, Madara Uchiha.

When he was young, he had fought with Madara Uchiha many times.

The other party teased him as easily as a doll.

Even the Chen Dun that he was proud of was just a good toy in Madara's eyes.

The current Hyuga Satoru, although he has not grown to be as perverted as Madara Uchiha, but in time, he may make the entire ninja world feel terrified.

His thoughts were suddenly interrupted, and there was a sudden colic pain in his heart, as if it was about to be torn apart.

"What... what did you do?"

Holding the position of his heart in pain, he looked at Hin Xiangwu in awe, shock and horror written in his eyes.

"It looks like a failure... It's a pity."

Hyuga Satoru shook his head helplessly and pouted.

"That's fine, otherwise it would be too boring to solve you all at once."

Just now, he suddenly wanted to use electromagnetic force to communicate the iron ions in Oh Yemu's body, and wanted to destroy his body directly from the inside.

Unfortunately, halfway through the progress, a huge resistance suddenly came, and the connection with the iron ions was also broken.

It should be because of Chakra, Hyuga Satoru thought.

The majestic chakra in Onogi suppressed the movement of iron ions.

"However, it should be very useful for those ordinary ninjas."

Hyuga Satoru sneered, his eyes swept to the densely packed Iwanin on the ground.




The heads of countless rock ninjas burst, like scarlet flowers blooming on the battlefield, a large amount of blood plasma mixed with brain fluid sputtered out, pouring out on the messy battlefield.

This terrifying scene stunned everyone.

"Do not!"

Onogi, who was clutching his heart, roared, and a lot of bloodshot eyes burst out.

These ninjas are the mainstays of Yanyin Village, and Hyuga Satoru was just one move, which directly obliterated nearly a thousand Yannin around him.

"Must! Must! Must kill you!"

Onogi roared frantically.

The huge rock giant took huge steps and slammed Godzilla with a heavy punch.

the other side.

The five tails that were knocked into the air stood up shaking their heads, and when Godzilla and the rock giant were fighting, they suddenly opened their mouths, and the black and purple chakra condensed violently.

The terrifying black sphere suddenly shot at Hyuga Satoru.

"Damn it! Is the five tails crazy?"

Inside the four tails, Lao Zi couldn't help being surprised.

The tailed beast jade at such a distance will affect even Onogi.

Unlike Han, he is a real perfect human Zhuli, similar to the eight-tailed human Zhuli Qirabi, even if he is in a complete form, he can maintain a clear sense of self-awareness.

The tailed beast jade carved a ravine on the ground and smashed heavily towards Hyuga Wu.

Godzilla's metal tail flicked, and it bounced straight away.

It crossed a parabola in the air and fell into the Iwa Ninja troops in the distance.


The mushroom cloud rose, engulfing a large number of Iwanin who had no time to escape.



The order to retreat sounded in the mouths of Loess and Jiraiya at the same time.

Both have realized that this is no longer a war they can participate in.

In the short few moments of the battle, the ground shook and the mountains shook, and a large number of ninjas were swallowed into it, like tiny ants, ruthlessly strangled.

This is a mighty force that transcends natural disasters.

Not a force that humans can contend with.

Konoha's side is not bad, Hyuga Satoru expected to hit Iwanin's position with all his attacks, and the loss is not very big.

But Yan Ren was miserable.

Loess gritted his teeth and stared at Hyuga Satoru above Mecha Godzilla's head.

Whether it was the terrifying head burst before, or the tailed beast jade behind, they all caused terrifying losses to the Rock Ninja troops.

As a result, Iwanin, who had the advantage in numbers, was already outnumbered by Konoha for a while.

The large force is retreating, watching the terrifying battle that is still breaking out.

Everyone knows very well that the outcome of the four will directly determine the outcome of this war!


Uchiha Rin clenched his palms worriedly, and the palms were sweaty.

"Don't worry, Satoru chose to fight them alone, isn't he just to protect us?"

"If you rush over rashly, it will only drag him down."

Oil Girl Chi's slightly gentle voice sounded.

He knew that the battle over there was not something they could participate in.

"I see."

Uchiha Rin regained his indifferent expression.

Although the heart has already been pulled.

But she knew very well that with her strength, if she rushed over rashly, she would not be able to help Hyuga Satoru at all.

Staying here silently will be the best help for him.

Chapter 124 Hidden Energy Activation in the Back

The battle between the four beasts continues.

In other words, because the ninjas on both sides actively cleared the field, the battle between them became more intense.

The ground shook, and mushroom clouds rose from time to time, as if the sky was torn apart.

Ohnogi was panting heavily, his heart was cramping, and sweat dripped from his forehead.

"Is it that weird technique again?"

He stared at Hinata Satoru.

From the battle to the present, there will always be a severe colic pain in the heart from time to time.

Forcing him to be distracted and suppressed with Chakra.

This slight distraction, in the battle between the strong, may be the key to life and death.

"Oyoki, it is as hard as a stone."

A hint of coldness flashed in Hyuga Satoru's eyes.

In terms of combat experience and experience, Oh Yemu is indeed much better than him.

Every hit and every technique is connected just right, especially the cooperation with the two tailed beasts around it, which is quite difficult.

Part of the iron ions in the opponent's body was directed near the heart by him, blocking part of the blood vessels.

This is also the main cause of Ohnogi's colic.

The lack of iron ions and the blockage of the heart blood vessels will definitely cause big problems in the battery life of Ohnogi.

It's just that this old thing has persisted until now with the advantages of experience and experience.

Time is running out for Tyrant Mode.

In this case...

Hyuga Satoru's eyes turned cold.

Godzilla's offensive is much more fierce.

The huge metal tail swung abruptly, knocking the two tailed beasts into the air.

The two forearms just rested on the rock giant's shoulders, and it dissolved into a fluid, like two sturdy metal snakes, which directly wrapped and locked the upper body of the rock giant.

"how is this possible!"

Onogi's pupils shrank.

Isn't the form of this giant beast fixed?

Hyuga Satoru gave him a cold look.

Godzilla can become Ghidorah if he wants to!

The terrifying energy surged in Godzilla's mouth, the regrown front claws tore open the mouth of the rock giant, and a blazing white light erupted, shooting directly into the abdominal cavity of the rock giant through its mouth.


Atomic Breath!

This is the ability Hyuga Satoru developed using atomic-level electromagnetic force.

Compared with the ordinary atomic breath, this trick is even more terrifying, and it can directly smash all the objects it touches into atoms!

Mechanical Godzilla raised his head, and the laser in his mouth instantly destroyed the rock giant's body.

The blazing laser slashed across most of the plain and hit the retreating rock ninja troops in the distance. They couldn't even struggle. A large number of rock ninjas were annihilated in the laser, turning into fly ash and dissipating.

"Is it a technique similar to Dust Escape?"

"Can an object be broken down into atoms?"

Onogi's pupils shrank suddenly, and the technique of light and heavy rocks was exerted to the extreme, and he hurriedly avoided the passing atomic breath.

Most of the huge rock giant's body has been turned into dust by this move, completely losing the possibility of regeneration.

Before the attack stopped, Hyuga Satoru took a deep breath.


It's the second way!

Mechanical Godzilla turned his head horizontally, and once again spit out an atomic breath, and the laser swept across.

Onogi, who escaped the first attack, saw the second huge atomic breath sweeping towards him before he recovered from the shock.

"Damn it! I can't escape!"

He roared frantically, his eyes were bloodshot, his hands were in front of him, and the white square space erupted.

"Dust Escape! Boundary Peeling Technique!"

Dust escape, has the ability to decompose all things.

This was the first time he used Dust Escape to defend.

Seeing that Godzilla and Ohnogi were at a stalemate, Wuao rushed over with a slide again, wanting to make a sneak attack.

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