Mai Kitsune Waifu

Chapter 1312: Three Emperors

Chapter 1312 Three Emperors

A hundred years of war will come, and all the heavenly regiments are ready.

All the people stood there and brushed, waiting for the order of Liu Yi.

At this time, Liu Yi was wearing a golden armor with a crown on his head and a scarlet cloak behind him.

Everyone's eyes fell on him, night frost, Sima Rou, Lin Biao, Ai Wei, Zhao Yali and other women.

In the past, these women of Liu Yi, all of them became the generals of Liu Yi sitting down! In addition, there are 100,000 soldiers, and there are three thousand dragons, three thousand gods, three thousand soldiers, and thousands of Titans. There are also many sacred angels of twelve wings, which are arranged in a row.

Of course, the most elite of them are the 72-year-old swordsman and the 36-day swordsman. It can be said that the present Tianting, the soldiers are strong and strong, and wherever they go, they are rampant!

"The gods will start."

In the hands of Liu Yi, he stared at the golden gun and stared into the distant air. "I think that Liu Yi was born for this battle!"

"His Majesty!"

After he stepped forward, he said loudly, "Although the gods will be opened once in a hundred years, those who can defeat the **** of the universe will only produce one million years. Your Majesty, all tribal leaders believe that the new The cosmic **** is about to be born, and I will go all out to help my majesty to go to the throne!"

"Help your majesty to climb the throne!"

The crowd shouted together, and Liu Yi nodded. "That would be hard for me to take a trip with me. If you go far, let me take you on a journey."

During the speech, behind the game, Liu suddenly popped a pair of white wings, this is the holy wing formed by the Holy Force!

All the forces of Liu Yi have already become great, and even the gods who do not need to open anything can mobilize the highest power.

These huge wings, wrapped around the heavens in the blink of an eye, put them together.

Almost a moment of effort, all the soldiers in the heavens disappeared in the same place, leaving only an empty heavenly court. Of course, Liu Yi will not let the enemy have a chance. Before he left, he left the shadow of his own fortification on the top of the heavens. No one has the ability to break the enchantment.

Before the big witch had sent people to rule the approximate position of Liu Yitai's illusory realm, Liu Yi directly shifted to the past according to this position.

Too illusory, open in a hundred years! Moreover, the position of the illusion is constantly changing, and there has never been a fixed position.

Only when the three emperors appear at the same time can the three-way positioning method be used to determine the approximate orientation of the illusory reality, and then open it.

At this time, the location of the illusory world is the Beilong City that Liu Yi grew up.

In the past ten years, human technology has not advanced by leaps and bounds, but has been stuck in a bottleneck. The car is still running on the road, and everyone uses electricity instead of solar energy.

In this regard, it is not that the level of science and technology is not enough. Magnetic levitation vehicles, solar power generation, have been created in the high-tech trees of various countries. But once launched, it is a devastating blow to the existing economic system! Therefore, technology can only be slowly promoted, so that the economy will not go backwards.

Compared with ten years ago, Beilong City was not too big, but it was just a few high-rises.

In the new district of Beilong City, a very old temple is subject to historical changes.

Zhao Tiezhu is a small priest who has lived in this ancient temple.

Around him, a lot of high-rises have been built, and high-rise buildings have been built. Steel cement has become the best wall.

Zhao Tiezhu was an orphan when he was a child. When he was adopted by the old Taoist priest at the age of seven or eight, he was made a priest. After the old Taoist feathered Dengxian, he became the master of this temple.

Although Zhao Tiezhu is very poor and has nothing to do with the government, he still respects the wishes of the old Taoist priests, has always guarded the temple, and did not agree to the acquisition of real estate companies.

At this time, Zhao Tiezhu lay lazily in front of the ruined temple, while basking in the sun, picking the scorpion from the robes.

Because it is surrounded by high-rise buildings, Zhao Tiezhu can only get a little sunshine, and other places are covered by shadows.

This piece of high-rise buildings is still just covered, and no one has sold it yet. The **** real estate, when the house is not covered, the price is particularly high. As a result, the current economic bubble has caught up with the economic depression. The people simply can't afford such high-priced houses, so they are all empty. Real estate developers are not willing to cut prices, so the surrounding is equal to a ghost town.

This is also good, happy and quiet. Zhao Tiezhu shook his own stinking dust, and his mouth was humming.

"Dao Ye, I don't worship Sanqing, I only worship Aoi. There is a nun in front of the temple. I played this way. Dao, I wiped it, the nun's little ass~ Nun said tonight, stay with me. Exploring life, oh..."

Just when Zhao Tiezhu was happy, the sky suddenly changed in the dark clouds. It was originally a clear sky, and the black cloud was overwhelming!

"I rely!"

Zhao Tiezhu jumped out of his chair and jumped up. "Is this black cloud a demon?" I have recently seen more fantasy novels, and where is the demon."

Although Zhao Tiezhu is a Taoist, he has never learned Taoism. He does not believe this.

But at this time, a tall figure suddenly fell from the sky and fell in front of him.

It was a strong man, with his upper body and nine golden dragons on his body.

He held a giant axe in his hand and looked around.

"There are too many obstacles around, back soil, clean up."


I don't know when there are a lot of men and women behind this man. They are all strange and strange. Where did they come from?

Zhao Tiezhu suddenly felt a little scared and his calves were soft.


A woman in a brown long coat rubbed a strange mark on her hands and then took a shot on the ground.

The hundreds of high-rise buildings around the building suddenly trembled, and then one slowly sank into the ground!

"Oh my god……"

Zhao Tiezhu is stupid and standing there.

In the blink of an eye, except for his small temple, nothing else remains.

"There is still a temple."

The woman in brown clothes did not care about Zhao Tiezhu, but looked at the small temple and said, "With a bit of scent, I broke my spell."

"If that's the case, then keep it."

The man who was naked in the upper body smiled. "Probably also a fate. That mortal, don't leave this temple, or you will die."

As he said, he looked up and looked at the air. "The big witch and the gods are coming."

This person is not someone else, it is the leader of the ancient gods, Pangu.

He had an ancient axe hanging around his waist, holding his arms and his eyes.

The niece and other ancient gods stood behind him, and they were the most determined followers.

"It seems that we have the fewest people."

Shennong Road.

"Not too much, in the fine!"

The niece smiled. "You see a big witch, only a few dozen elite witches. And the gods, there are many people, but there are more than a dozen people who can have the power of a battle."

Zhao Tiezhu couldn’t speak at all because he saw more people in the sky falling towards the ground.

"The well goddess is on... bless me..."

So many people... Is it the **** of heaven?

"How come there is a mortal?"

Da Wuyu especially saw Zhao Tiezhu in the temple and asked subconsciously.

"There must always be an audience."

Pangu smiled. "This temple has a very interesting circle of law, which has isolated our strength. This is also good, if it is not a mortal, let him watch the drama with peace of mind."

"Your ancient God is a sentimental."

Vulcan took a sword and said, "No matter what, this god, we are the final winner."

"Panggu God said, where is your share?"

At this time, the gods of the gods screamed and sounded. "Now it is a matter between the three emperors. If other people wait, don't talk to yourself?"

Vulcan nodded again and again, dare not say half a word.

"Wu Wang, as for blocking your own face?"

Pan Gu’s eyes fell on the side of the Witch King. At this time, the Witch King was wearing a armor with a black iron mask on his face, and he could not see his true face.

"Don't dare to show people in the true face, it is really unbelievable."

Pangu had a smile, but he spoke with a bit of irony.

"I am ugly, I don't want you to see it, can't I?"

The Witch King snorted and held a long gun in his hand. "My business, when is it your turn to take care of both of you? Or take care of yourself first. When the illusion is opened, the Tongtian Tower will open. A hard fight. Are you two, are you ready to go to war with the Emperor?"

"Are you afraid of him?"

The Emperor of Heaven smiled. "The fearless Witch King will even say this?"

"On the comprehensive strength, he should be comparable to each of us."

Pangu opened this time. As a former Liu family, he was very clear about the strength of Liu Yi. "But his potential is a bit scary. If he is allowed to break out, maybe we can join forces to fight him." ”

"Don't exaggerate the strength of the enemy."

The Emperor of Heaven screamed, "The Pangu God, who is open to the outside world, is also timid, unbelievable."

Pangu just smiled and didn't talk much.

And Zhao Tiezhu has been listening to stupidity, this is all awkward, Pangu, Wuwang? That is not all the characters in the legend! You will not be dreaming!

He kneaded his little jj and found it hurts, it is true!

What do so many mythical characters ran here? Fighting? Who is the Emperor of Heaven, Liu Yi, who is it?

At this time, the beautiful woman spoke again.

"It’s all this time, the Emperor did not appear, he won’t be afraid? Think about it, we are so many masters of the three tribes, so many people, he certainly can’t come.”

"In my impression, he is not such a person."

The Witch King spoke up.

"Oh? Are you familiar with him?"

The Emperor smiled. "That would be interesting... It seems that our three emperors are his acquaintances. However, since he does not dare to come, we can't wait for him all the time. This is too illusory, it should be opened."

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