Mai Kitsune Waifu

Chapter 1313: Trial

Chapter 1313 Trial

"The Emperor should not be so timid."

Pangu said slowly, "He will definitely come."

"Whether he comes or not, let's start with a illusory world."

The Witch King looked around and said, "It seems that you have cleaned up this place. God of Heaven, Pangu, let's get started."

"it is good!"

The two super gods screamed together, and the people around them were very excited. The illusory world was finally opened!

Only Zhao Tiezhu stood there stupidly, still a little unclear.

Yes, what is the embarrassing situation... Is the end of the world coming?

The three emperors stood in three orientations, and at the same time extended their right hands, aiming at the center, and then burst out of different radiance!

The eruption of the Emperor of Heaven is the colorful glory, the Witch King is blue and white, and the Pangu is golden!

The power of the three people came together and a huge black vortex formed in the center in the blink of an eye.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the surrounding ground began to slowly rise up with a gray pillar of a dragon, like a growing bamboo, getting taller and higher.

A total of 108 dragon columns, each with a height of 100 meters, is distributed in a gossip array.

Zhao Tiezhu is braving Venus in his eyes. Is this a miracle?

Soon, from the position of the three people's power vortex, it began to slowly rise a huge pagoda. This pagoda has a total of one hundred and eight floors, high and ten thousand feet, straight into the sky!

"so high……"

Zhao Tiezhu’s eyes were dizzy, and each layer on the pagoda had a halo, as if it had been moved out of Wonderland.

"Tongtian Tower is out."

The Three Emperors took back their hands and looked at the towering pagoda. "The trial will start soon."

"It seems that the Emperor is really afraid to come."

Emperor Tian sighed. "Hey, let me wait for a while. Think about it too. Our three tribes are united. Who is our opponent?"

Her voice just fell, and a white light flashed in the sky.

Then, a pair of huge white wings appeared on the entire square, then slowly gathered.

The lineup of more than 100,000 people landed on the square.

The silver armor of the Heavenly Soldier, riding the dragon and the fire peacock's air cavalry, and then one hundred meters tall Titan giant.

This lineup really surprised the people of the three tribes.

Good guy, although I have been to heaven many times, I still see the full power of heaven for the first time! This momentum is too fierce!

Not only those soldiers, the 108 swordsmen who stood behind Liu Yi, each of them was very strong, and the level was at least nine heavens! One hundred and eight nine-day-class fighters... What level is this?

Even if it is a strong horse... It’s a bit too exaggerated!

There are also those women standing next to Liu Yi... and the top ones are all repairs in the middle of the Nine Heavens, and the top of the peaks are also three or four!

This lineup... With the help of the sacred angels, it is indeed possible to confront the tribes.

Especially in the center, the heavenly emperor Liu Yi, who is wearing a golden armor, has the same momentum as a dragon and tiger, and people dare not look straight.

"His power... seems to have improved a lot..."

The Witch King said slowly, with a little complex feeling in his voice. The same is true of Pangu, and subconsciously touched the Pangu Axe at his waist, which seems to make him safe.

The Emperor of Heaven looked at Liu Yi’s eyes and was full of confusion.

"Sorry, I'm late."

Liu Yi looked at the three super masters in front of him and smiled slowly.

"Is this the Tongtian Tower?"

He looked up and looked at the towering pagoda. "It looks very spectacular. I don't know what a mystery."

"In order to enter the Tongtian Tower, you must pass several tests."

Pangu told Liu Yi, "The time is almost up, and the guardian should appear."

During the speech, a golden light suddenly flew from the tower, and the light circled around the tower for a few laps. Finally, it landed firmly on the ground and turned into a three-meter-high figure.


Seeing this figure, Liu Yi is a bit surprised.

He is tall and has a dragon's unique dragon head on his head.

The breath on him is also very old, and others may not notice it, but Liu Yi is very clear.

Unexpectedly, the prestige and the Tianlong people became the guardians of the Tongtian Tower.

"There are a lot of people who participated in the trial this time."

The guardian looked at the hundreds of thousands of people in front of him and said slowly, "In this case, the trial chess player should increase accordingly."

"Try the chess player?"

Liu Yi is somewhat puzzled.

"Your Majesty, this is a few steps in the trial."

Later, he said, "There are some changes every year, but the trial chess player is a reserved project. To put it bluntly, it is a chaotic war."

During the conversation, the guardian snarled into the sky, and a golden light rushed into the sky.

Then, a huge black vortex appeared in the sky, flying a black light from the vortex and falling on the square.

These black lights will soon be transformed into giants with a height of more than three meters. Each giant body is covered with black armor, some with long guns and some with big swords. steaming.

A blink of an eye, all around the Tongtian Tower is such a black armor, dense, seemingly no less than tens of thousands. Fortunately, the area of ​​the square is large enough, otherwise it will not fit.

The Emperor of Heaven is squinting at the side. This time the trial soldiers are stronger, and each has the strength of eight heavens.

"In this case, what are you waiting for?"

Pangu’s giant axe in his hand, “Go, it’s time to show the strength of our ancient gods!”


All the ancient gods roared and then exerted their own strength and rushed into the trial chess.

The Great Witch and the Emperor of Heaven also followed closely and attacked the Chess.

For a time, this square has a variety of brilliance.

"This is a trial medal."

The Guardian raised a golden badge in his hand. "The Emperor can't take the shot. Whoever can get this medal first can get the first qualification."

As a result, more trial chess players around him, became a terrible battle.

The members of the tribes all rushed into the inside, but the defenses of these trial chessmen were very strong, and they could not advance a distance of one meter for a long time.

"Your Majesty, please give instructions."

Hundreds of thousands of soldiers have already rushed to the past, but the same can not break through the battle of the chess players. These trial chess players seem to form a strange array of methods that enhance each other's defenses.

The combat strength of the 100,000-day soldiers has been very strong. One by one has learned the real fog of the attack, but it still cannot advance the line.

"Let the Dragon and the Fires go down."

After the suggestion.

"No need."

Liu Yi waved his hand. "Do you see the dragon cavalry around the guardian?"

He pointed to the depths of the crowd, where some of the more advanced trial chess players existed. Unlike ordinary soldiers, they are riding a seven-eight-meter-high Tyrannosaurus, which looks like awe-inspiring.

"The Shenlong Army and the Shenhuo Army will have to carry out more important attacks, and the Tuowei is always ready."

"Now what?"

After the question.

"The giant Han family, you should be playing."

Liu Yi suddenly laughed, but with a touch of evil in his smile, he couldn't help but tremble.

Lying in the trough... is it going to be...

"Big, lead, prepare!"

Liu Yi waved his hand, and the big man immediately snarled, and with nearly a thousand Titan warriors came out, all the male soldiers.

These male warriors stand in a row directly in front, and each person leaves a gap between them, leaving it to the people behind.

"What are they going to do?"

The Emperor of Heaven is somewhat puzzled.

"I'm something incredible..."

Vulcan has a bad feeling.

At this time, all the giant Han warriors pulled off their trousers and exposed the guns below.

"The trough..."

Even if it was the Emperor, I couldn’t help but blush when I saw this scene. A lot of female compatriots couldn't help but hold their eyes and dare not look down.

"The battle of the gods!"

As the older brother snarled, all the Titans immediately stabbed his rifle.

Nearly a thousand guns, all of which have a golden body attached, which is 100 times stronger than an iron gun!

The Heavenly Soldiers have long been scattered on both sides, allowing the attack of the giant Han.


The guns madly attacked the chess players, and they destroyed their defenses. They even shattered their bodies.

In the blink of an eye, there is a big gap in the defense of Liu Yi.

"Look, the guests gave us the way."

Liu Yi pointed to a big road ahead and said.

"Fast, take the opportunity!"

The tribes saw a gap in the side of Liu Yi, and immediately rushed over.

"Shenlong Army, Shenhuo Army, protect the two wings, don't let them attack."

Liu Yi made another order, and the two elite soldiers flew in the air immediately, a pair of 3,000 people, quickly holding down the tribe.

"Damn... these people are so hard."

The Emperor of Heaven was originally sitting in a chair and drinking while watching the battle. Seeing this scene at this time, I couldn't help but crush the glass in my hand.

"Even if it was once a member of the heavenly court... At this time, I can't believe the strength of the heavenly court. It is simply stunned. Just two air cavalrymen have the strength of eight heavens."

“You didn’t say that Heaven has a way to the Shura community, so you can grow your strength faster.”

On one side, Raytheon looked up and looked at the eyes of the Emperor of Heaven.

"You can't help it?"

The Emperor of Heaven will smile. "Don’t worry, see the golden gun in the hands of the Emperor. Soon, you will become its new owner. But not now."

"Must win the first medal!"

The Witch and the ancient gods attacked even more crazy. They gave up the trial chess on their respective fronts and attacked the empty cavalry in the heavens.

"do not waste time."

Liu Yi made a third order, "Tuster Wei, attack!"

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