Mai Kitsune Waifu

Chapter 444: Tough girl

Chapter 444 Female Man

After Liu Yi collected the people of Tianzhongmen, he became a idler for a while.

He looked up and saw that it had become a battle in front of the ring!

The big Xuanwu collapsed, and the chaos became a mess at this time. Everyone doesn't know what the door is. In order to compete for the eight law circles, the already beaten head has broken blood!

The eight squads are far away, and even a martial art can't help each other.

In contrast, Liu Yi is a lot of leisure, anyway, this area is only one of his people who raise the temple. He spotted a recent squad and then slowly walked over.

"This is not where you can come, boy!"

A cultivator applied a spell to Liu Yi, preparing to fly Liu Yi.


And Liu Yi’s Tai Chi sword pierced his spell, then the hole passed through his lower abdomen and flew out.

It’s just a hole in the lower abdomen, not fatal. These cultivators naturally have a way to save their lives.

Here is the contest, not a friendly match, but it is not a place where you can get two wins and losers.

Since it is the best in the world, it is the first in the world, then the death and injury are really inevitable.

I said that I was already ruthless, and on the other side, the bodies of several young disciples were lying there.

They were originally very interested, came here with a full of cockroaches, want to start their names at the World Pass.

As a result, they finally turned into cold bodies on the ground and completely bid farewell to the cultivation of the world.

There is a risk in competition, and it is necessary to be cautious in cultivation.

Liu Yi took back the Taiji sword and did not look at the person who was seriously injured by himself. He continued to walk toward the law.

A group of people have already stepped on the squad and played a group. Liu Yi walked and said.

"People who don't want to die will all go away."

"Oh, who are you, look for death!"

A disciple who didn't know what the martial art had already made was jealous. When he heard Liu Yi talking, he turned his head and snarled.

"Yu Xiandian Liu Yi, if you don't want to die, please go out."

Liu Yi repeated it.

Liu Yi?

Liu Yi of Yang Xian Temple?

Yesterday, I provoked the owner of the villa, and I once killed a group of people who lost the magic road.

"Don't you kill some of the magical people? Do you really think you are awesome?"

"If you don't want to die, go a little further!"

A group of cultivators continued to step on the squad to fight, and no one put the warning of Liu Yi in mind.

"If that's the case, then you can't say that my men are not merciless..."

Liu Yi suddenly jumped high into the air, then smashed into a group of cultivators and extended his right palm.

"Da Yao Rizhang? Disillusionment..."

Liu Yi screamed, suddenly, the air made a painful cry!


A huge amount of palm power fell instantly, and all the cultivators within 20 meters of the square were directly blasted to the ground.

And there was a huge palm print on the top of the ring, as if a giant hit it out, it was very embarrassing.

Liu Yi’s Taiji sword stabbed into the center of the circle, and he fell on the hilt, stepped on it, and then held his arm.

"This place is mine, and the hacker kills innocent!"

This kills innocent people, and says that the murderous temperament makes the other cultivators around them scared and change their faces, and they have stepped back.

Nima ah... This is the Liu Yi of Yang Xian Temple... How is it so powerful!

Dozens of cultivators can participate in this day's meeting, and the strengths are not weak!

However, Liu Yiyi, who was raised by this Yangxian Temple, was smashed! How high is this guy's strength!

And when did the Yangxian Temple begin to have the practice of the law? Are they not swords?

This method is too amazing... I have never seen it before!

Molan, as the daughter of the owner of the world, is also very knowledgeable. She saw the palm of Liu Yi’s hand and frowned.

What is this technique? Good novelty, is it that Liu Yi created it? It seems that when the two people were fighting in the treasure house, this guy still left a hand!

It is no wonder that Moran and others do not know that Liu Yi’s Da Yao Rizhang is the peerless method of the demon world. Later, with the Tianhu family being destroyed, this method of law basically announced the loss. Therefore, no one has seen this technique for nearly a thousand years. There are some people in the demon world, and the human world basically sees that this method is new and unique!

Liu Yi's display of this great Yao Rizhang is also forced to helplessly. He only used a little swordsmanship in Yangxian Temple. Liu Yi estimated that he could not successfully enter the semi-finals. It is still in line with the goodness of Da Yao Ri, the power, and the attributes of the demon power.

Moran also looked at Liu Yi’s eyes. Liu Yiben thought that when the girl came to find her own land, she turned around and let the power of the unmoving king flood the whole body and robbed another.

This Moran is also very strong, it is not difficult to **** a battle in this regional game.

Moreover, Liu Yi found that the players in their area seem to be generally not very strong. Apart from themselves and Moran, the other eyes have not yet come out.

All the cultivators are killing and killing with red eyes. It is hard to imagine Liu Yi. These people are those who sat together yesterday, eating, drinking, and composing each other...

These so-called cultivators, after all, failed to escape the name and benefit the word.

However, in the twinkling of an eye, Liu Yi finally saw a person who was interested in himself. It was a monk with a bald head and a cloak!

The monk had a scepter in his hand and slammed into the crowd like a barbarian.

This guy is very strong and has a strong body. There were constant spells falling on him, and a layer of coats outside him was smashed, revealing the hard-wearing red-brown muscles.

These muscles protect the monks like steel. He stares at his scepter and stands on a squadron, constantly flying out the people who are close.

Every time he flies a person, he will recite a sentence in his mouth.

"Amitabha...Get away from Laozi!"

"Be good and good... give you a grandfather!"

I am going to go, this monk is not nervous!

Although he does not know whether the spirit of this monk is normal, his power is amazing.

Any cultivator can't get close to him within two meters of his body, otherwise he must be hit by his Zen rod!

A good monk... maybe it will be a strong enemy.

In addition to this monk, the Xuanwu area has no bright spots, and then look at Moran. At this time, I don’t know when I’m wearing a silver-white armor, and I’m holding a square painting in my hand, waving constantly, and playing the immortal. We are turned upside down.

This she really a woman...

Why are the eyes in the eyes so excited when fighting?...There is a laugh in the mouth...

This is a female monster...

Moran took advantage of this Fangtian painting, and made a lot of interest. He took more time and walked out of the circle, killing the crowd and playing seven in seven.

"Miss Mo, I, our martial art and the world's villas are good... I am merciful..."

A person who didn't know what the martial art saw Moran, rushing to kill, suddenly scared, and quickly said.

"Oh, it’s not a fairy snowman."

I know that Moran didn’t even bird him. He took out the big cockroach and flew the guy out.

Moran raised the big cockroach and turned away, his eyes falling on a sorcerer wearing a silver-white robes.

"Ah! I, I am the person of Xian Xuefeng, my sister..."

The cultivator was slightly fortunate, and the heart said that it was his own.

"Oh, this way... look at the trick!"

Who knows that Moran continues to wave the big bang and send it out.

Then Moran held a big squat and his mouth rose slightly. "There is no father or son on the battlefield."

By... This woman is not only awkward, but also quite shameless!

Liu Yi is counted.

"Liu Yi, there is still a lot of time, it’s boring, can you come out and make two moves with me?"

Moran pointed to the big game in his hand and pointed to Liu Yi, who stepped on the sword.

"This can't be done, I still have the strength to wait for the 32 strong."

Liu Yi shrugged his shoulders and said.

"As for being so stingy? If you want to fight one, I won't eat you again."

Moran grinned. "Are you still a man? You can die if you fight."

"Of course I am a man, otherwise why should I want that picture, are you right?"

Liu Yi wickedly stared at Moran.

"You bastard! I know I won't send you! You have done something to it!"

"Of course... I’m drinking poetry against it, quite elegant.”

Liu Yi smiled and said it was good, but the smile was infinitely insignificant in Moran’s view.

"Asshole, I really want you to be before the 32nd!"

"Miss Moran, I advise you to stay physically before the 32nd."

Liu Yi was kind enough to persuade, "When it is really thirty-two, you and I will fight three hundred rounds no later!"

That is to say, but when Liu Yi said it, why listen to it is not a taste!

Moran grinned and snorted. "Well, thirty-two strong is best for me to meet you, otherwise the contest will be boring!"

"What are you aiming at me? I am not the best in the world."

Liu Yi shrugged his shoulders. "Who is the first in the world, why not go to her?"

"The first in the world of the last session is the rain of Xian Xuefeng."


Liu Yi almost lost his chin. The first in the world was Gu Yu?

Although the girl is very strong, but about 11 stars... Especially before that, maybe just broke through the strength of the land, how can I win the first place in the world?

"This rain... It’s not easy... I hope I can have a chance to play with her this year. However, my interest in you is bigger than her."

"This... I am really sorry, actually I have already deliberately..."

"You are dead!"

Moran, the lion, was arrogant, roaring, and the big hand in his hand was on the ground beside him.

Suddenly, a ten-meter-tall, unmoving king appeared from behind her, and flew out a few cultivators around him.

Lying in the trough, this girl is very powerful... arrogant cool tyco diao, female hero...

"So what, Miss Mo, the weather is good today...we still sit down for a cup of tea..."


This week, it exploded twice, and the deposit was gone... Today, because I have to go out to work, I can only do two more. Tomorrow is more normal, and everyone will forgive me.

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