Mai Kitsune Waifu

Chapter 445: Thirty-two strong match

Chapter 445 Thirty-two Strong Competition

Half an hour of effort soon passed, and soon it was still in the crowded area of ​​the people, only eight people still stood.

Among these eight people, there is only Liu Yi, Moran and the strange monk still maintain a good physical strength.

The other five people, all of them panting, all kinds of injuries, do not know how hard they have to stand.

It seems that there is no such thing as a strong master in the Xuanwu area. The masters are probably concentrated in the other three areas.

Liu Yi did not know that there should be other thoughts for the good fortune. In the end, the 32 strong players will be a difficult battle.

"The regional contest is over!"

At this time, Mo Tian, ​​the owner of Tianxia Villa, finally stood up and said, "Let us 32 elites board the tower."

When the voice fell, Liu Yi immediately got up and stepped on the Taiji sword, leaving the ground directly and flew toward the central platform.

Underneath are all a group of spectators, watching the 32 strong continually cheering.

Liu Yi even saw Chen Keqing sitting in the audience seat, with injuries on his shoulders, and waved his fist at himself.

It seems that the master sister is defeated... Think about it too. In other areas where there are many other masters, this master of parallel imports is definitely difficult to stand.

If it is in the Xuanwu area, your own strength, you can help Chen Keqing to hold a block of law, wait until the time is coming, then go and grab a piece of law for yourself.

In the cheers of a group of spectators, Liu Yi flew down this huge central platform.

When Liu Yi fell, he finally saw those familiar faces.

An indifferent valley rain, the peak of no one, the most surprised Liu Yi, he actually saw Li Heqiang and catwoman Bai Xiaowei!

The strength of Linglongmen is so strong?

Other people, judging from the clothes, there are some disciples of other sects. Among them, the number of people is the sects of Xianxuefeng and Longhudao.

The Zen Temple of Longxiang Temple is only a strange monk of the group of Liu Yi.

Gao Guan looked at Liu Yi, then reached out and made a cut throat move toward him.

This, when you are a professional killer!

"Everyone is the elite of the celestial world. It can be said that it is the strongest of the thirteen people in the new generation."

Mo Tian stood on the high platform and slowly looked at the 32 people under him, as if he did not see his daughter, continued.

"After a while, when I rise up, I can go back to the rest below to restore my spirit."

After Mo Tian finished, gently clap his hands.

The disciples of the Tianxia Mountain Villa, standing around the ring, suddenly reached out and pointed at the towering platform.

A yellow light flew out and hit some stone pillars beside the ring.

Suddenly, this huge platform trembled slowly. The audience was excited and looked at this scene very excitedly.

“What is the World Villa doing?”

Liu Yi is a bit surprised.

"You will know."

Moran stood beside Liu Yi and said with a smile, "Don't be too surprised."

"Amitabha... a good one..."

And the monk was obviously more panicked, and read the scriptures again and again.

"Master, I said you won't be afraid of the earthquake?"

After all, the same group came out, and Liu Yi couldn’t help but turn around and ask.

"A good one...the earthquake is afraid of a diao hair..."

This monk touches his own bald head. "Barren is fearful..."

Fear of heights?

Do you have a relationship with the earthquake?

Without waiting for Liu Yi to understand, the ground suddenly shook even more intensely.

Then, the whole collapsed suddenly rose to the ground and directly rose to the sky!

Liu Yi has a slap in the eye, and this platform has risen into the air.

It’s no wonder that it’s called Tianzhutai...

Liu Yi found that the platform under his feet had "walked" out of the ground.

Where is this downfall, it is clearly a huge dragon turtle!

The dragon tortoise is more than two hundred meters long, more than one hundred meters wide and more than thirty meters high. The head sticks out of the shell, opens its mouth and snarls.

This sound shook the whole world and shook it.

I am second time... What is this beast!

What is the turtle's head too long...

"This is the beast that I am feeding in the world, and the tortoise."

Moran is proud to say, "also known as the Undead Turtle!"

"And the ninja turtles..."

Liu Yi swears, but he is really surprised by this huge turtle!

The creatures in Xiu Xianjie are really amazing... In addition to Shenlong, Liu Yi is the first time to see such a huge guy...

Oh, yes, and that konjac. But the konjac does not seem to have this domineering domineering!

"The downfall is already done, and the audience is also in observation."

When Mo Tian finished, the audience began to rise, and rows of stone pillars constantly lifted the audience.

Soon, the whole place formed a huge encirclement, and the only central part was the proud tortoise!

"Hey, I really want to fight on it..."

Chen Keqing looked at the Liu Yi on the back of the tortoise with envy, and let the hope of raising the reputation of the Xianxian Temple be delivered to the nuisance...

"Let's go first and add the spirit."

Moran said, and turned and flew down the ring.

"I am going, don't run around, I don't know the way!"

Liu Yi hurriedly chased Moran and flew down the back of the tortoise. These thirty-two people, he is also familiar with Moran.

That valley rain... basically does not look at yourself, but also an attitude of an enemy.

"Oh, what are you chasing me, I don't owe you money!"

Moran lost a white eye to Liu Yi.

"I am a newcomer. What do you say is the future heir to this villa? You have to take care of me!"

"Go, remember that I am a villa in the mountains. Why don't you say when you steal something?"

"That... the weather is good today..."

"Yes, your sister... hurry up!"

Moran glanced at Liu Yi and couldn't stand his rogue side. He had to fly with him to the place where a huge circle of floats was floating.

When I got here, Liu Yi immediately felt a burst of warmth in the body.

There was a little fatigue before, and it disappeared instantly.

It is like a gentle little angel who uses her sacred power to expel the inert elements in the body of Liu.

"Hey, what is this light, so amazing?"

"The gun, this is called back to the sky."

Moran once again looked at Liu Yi, and then pointed to the circle. "See what, the role of this array is to accelerate the recovery of your strength and to supplement your spirit. In this way, I have been fighting. After the game, you can also return to the peak state as soon as possible, and then meet the next battle."

"It turned out to be..."

Liu Yi nodded, and said that this thing is quite amazing.

And the monk on the side suddenly sighed and sullen.

"It’s a good thing, isn’t this an effect with the big Buddha in our temple?”

The Big Buddha of Longxiang Temple also has the effect of restoring the spirit of the spirit. This thing is known to Liu Yi.

"This master, what is your law number?"

Liu Yi felt that this monk was very interesting, so he went to inquire about his name.

"Being a good one, you know that poverty is useless, and poorness will not show you."

The monk said as he dig his nostrils.

"This... is a simple understanding, I never look at it, my life is in my own hands."

Liu Yi said.

"Hey? You are so poor and like, you are poor and appreciate you."

The monk nodded and reached out and put his nose on the stone pillar. Then he turned his head and reached out to Liu Yi. "The barren law is round, and what is the name of the donor?"

After the second Olympics, Yuantong, the grandfather is also called Shentong!

Liu Yi looked at the hand of the monk and hesitated for a long time or did not extend his hand.

"I am the 13th generation disciple of the Xianxian Temple, Liu Yi..."

"Ah, it seems that I heard this name... Yes, it looks like you killed a lot of magic scorpions in the first place... Amitabha, killing is too heavy... Your behavior is simply... simply... ...very bad!"

Yuan Tong’s face is hateful. “You can’t understand the poor... When you do this kind of thing... Why don’t you call it poor! Be good!”

The cold sweat of Liu Yi’s head was thought to be said to be a meal, all kinds of Dharma, all kinds of Pudu’s beings, and I didn’t expect this tact to come up with such a sentence.

"Those konjac have long owed it to kill! Next time you call the barren, let the poor people go over and overtake them!"

Khan, this monk's murder is even heavier!

"Oh... to say that barren and Liu Shizhu have a relationship."

This trumpet stretched out the hand that had just dug the nose and touched his bald head. He said with great regret, "If you meet someone in the 32nd game, you will be worse. Buddha bless, don't smoke Come to you."

"Reassured, so many people, not so much back."

Liu Yi hastened to comfort.

"It’s also said that it’s a good one, please bless the Buddha anyway! There must be no problem!”

Yuantong is a way of believing in the Buddha. It is also true that if he does not believe, he will not join Zen.

"The next round is starting soon."

Moran looked at the time, then strode to the front of Liu Yi and said, "I hope to meet you, the problem between us needs to be solved."

Yuantong immediately looked at Liu Yi with a sly look. "Liu Shizhu, I didn't expect you to have a leg with the daughter of Mozhuang, and he was a good one..."

"Who has a leg with this guy!"

Before waiting for Liu Yi to explain, Moran has already blushing his face, picking up his own Fangtian paintings, and aligning with the opposite tact. "The big monk, there is a kind of you saying it once!"

"Amitabha, Amitabha...nothing to say nothing... nothing said..."

The Yuantong rushed his hands together and apologized again and again.

Moran was a little more slick, and put the painting below.

The monk touched Liu Yi with his elbow and whispered. "You little lover has a big temper..."

"Go to hell!"

When Moranton's small flames burned again, he picked up Fang Tian's paintings and poked them.

At this time, Mo Tian’s voice rang in the whole world.

"Thirty-two strong games officially started, and now draw lots!"

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