So change into demon king gear and sit on the throne. Shit. I can't complain about being captured for disrespect!

"Okay? Maido. I will follow your instructions, but if you become dangerous, I will ignore any of your instructions! Nice!

That said, the seniors pulled into the back of the throne room.

Seniors are asked to take on the role of moving this royal castle as a trap house.

If I signal, I'll activate them one at a time.

… and when there is nothing more to be done, it is the ceiling. By the way, they have to accidentally slash the ceiling, so they have a bunk structure with two ceilings and no gaps.

... There's only one thing me and my senior will do this time. That is, buy time.

Just buy some time and stop until you all get back from rescuing the needle students.

That's why we skewed the balance of power so far in order to get the needle back as quickly as possible.

Worst case scenario, as long as there's a queen, they have to attack as many times as they want, so if the seniors are safe, it's okay to not be able to stop them.

I feel I can do enough thinking about it.

Above all, Fukuyama is an essential part of the topic.

In dozens of seconds sitting on the throne, people have been warping a lot between the thrones.

Yeah, Fukuyama is the one on the front, a dozen other people who can tell all the time that they're from different worlds, a few more like that, and then they're probably from this world.

I guess I heard about the queen's appearance originally. Obviously not the queen. Someone who shudders to see me sitting on the throne.

And most importantly, Fukuyama seems to have had an extra head hanging out because you've seen "The Demon King" in person.

Well, this is where the arms show off. On this occasion, I'll tell you all the lines I wanted to tell you!

"I've been waiting for you, brave men"

When I said it with an extra grin whilst scratching the cane, it was obviously brave...... I mean, the otherworldly people reacted. Easy to understand!

"Who are you!

The good majesty within it is biting fast. Hmm, it's really good for you, not someone who gets slashed or anything without asking. Yes. Boulder brave.

"The rest is the Demon King. Absolutely incomparable."

As I said, when I floated softly so that I couldn't see the culprit I had held in my hand, they quickly noticed the braves were uncomfortable, but maybe... they think it was the Demon King's pressure or something. At least, "What did you do!" It's not an atmosphere.

"Where is the Queen!

Still, the first good thing about the prestige that has bitten me is I dare to ask questions.

"Hmm.... let's ask the other way. The Queen... wonder what happened?

When I say it out of the blue, I guess you conveniently misunderstood me, and my expression changes as much as I amuse you. You guys have a huge reaction and it helps. Yeah.

"And think about it. Why is the rest of you sitting on this throne?

The answer is because the Queen and the Demon King are close, but I don't think maybe anyone who gets to that kind of answer would do a brave man or something.

The warriors began to lay their weapons on each of them.

Yeah, when the fight starts like this, it kills me instantly, so I need to pull some more.

So it's bad for you Fukuyama, but let me make a full decision about that trauma.

"Well, don't rush it. It's a corner, why don't we talk a little bit?"

Of course it's not the people who stop saying that. I can imagine, so I float the second culprit into the universe.

Occasionally, you brave men stop moving, so you can't even move the manly soldiers of this world who later refrain from doing so.

After seeing it, I grip the second culprit in my hand again.

"You, like Fukuyama?

"Why did you give me my name!

I guess you didn't expect to be named, Fukuyama, or anyone other than Fukuyama seems quite surprised. Hmm, now will you listen to me?

"Was there a woman who died because of you?

When I said it with a laugh, Fukuyama hardened as much as it was funny.

"Hmm, while I purposefully took her out to the Night Forest, when I met a variety of unique monsters, I was defeated without the skill to make it, and I abandoned the woman and ran away from you, didn't I?

"Chi, no!

I'm sorry, but I'll let you pull some more on this topic.

"Oh, you didn't abandon the woman, you made the woman run away?

Fukuyama has become earthy through pale faces.

"You make me laugh because you're such a brave man."

Because of this, people other than Fukuyama are just bothering to look at Fukuyama alternately with me. Yeah, I'm glad you're bothering me a little bit more.

"And you didn't get tired of it, you killed another one, did you?

"Stop it!"

"I won't stop.... Instead of watching them die, did you kill them yourself?

"Stop, I don't want to hear..."

"Listen.... that arm that pierced your heart without any difference with the blade you threw, it was brilliant, huh?

It's pathetic to say any more, but if you guys hadn't caught the needle raw, tortured me, I wouldn't have needed to buy time, and I wouldn't have done this either. So say.

"That's causal, isn't it? I didn't know it was time to kill my sisters. Are you a homicidal hobby?

"No... no..."

"You know the rest, don't you? I have a grudge against your sister. You don't think I'm being resented or anything?

Perhaps Fukuyama-san, when you get here, you can't fight anymore. Oh, no, can't you also deny the possibility of being in a barsack or something?

"Hey! You said demon king or something! You can count on it. Fight for it!

You didn't think Fukuyama would be a good idea if he attacked you any more mentally, and the good power that was beside me pinched my mouth.

But when you start fighting, there's really a little time you can earn, so you want to pull on the front door as much as you can.

"Say what. I was hoping to hold a deal that would be beneficial to him in the corner."

"... take, quote?

Fukuyama has looked at me with a blur. Yeah, okay, I'm on it.

"... Fukuyama, do you want to bring back the sisters you killed?

The effect of that line was amazing.

As soon as I could, Fukuyama-san, I began to react as if my ever blurred consciousness was clear.

"Really, can you really bring it back to life!?

"Don't lick it. The rest of you, demon king?

If you smile at him with plenty of room, Fukuyama's face suddenly comes to life, or he starts teasing you.

"Please! Bring me back to life! I'll do anything!

"Hey, Fukuyama!


Oh, you think the brave ones are in on it?

"Right, do anything. … Then you may choose first. Is it your sister that brings you back to life? Is that your sister?"

I'm asking to pull the conversation, but it worked great.

"Duh, is it only one way or the other?

"Hey, Fukuyama! Don't listen to this guy! You have to hurry!

"Yes! We have to do something, don't we?

Other brave gentlemen who come in to stop you from around Fukuyama. But Fukuyama is just troubled.

Yeah, you want me to buy you some time with a lot of worries.

"Nothing. You don't have to bring either of them back to life, do you? Come on, pick it quick. The rest are not so short minded, but there are limits, right?

"Well then... Ah, my sister..."

"Well, well. Did you kill him? I thought you were my sister. What, are you even more thoughtful of my sister?

... Do we still have to buy some more time? Oh, oh, I should have stuck a clock in this room.

"Doesn't matter, so, what do I do? How can you bring me back to life?

Hey, what do I do?

I pretended to get a little lost, but I got really lost, and this is what I decided to do.

"Surrender. Give up this country."

With that said, tension obviously ran on everyone.

That's right. Surrender, because no one but Fukuyama has a common interest.

"I'm not kidding! I promised to give this country back to its original king!

"We'll follow the end of the same students as us!

Ex-King, you're admired inside.

"Hmm, well. Then let's not talk about it."

It is, of course, a pretence to set up a scepter. Watch for developments while taking care to signal seniors at any time.

"Wait! Hey, guys, let's pull this off."

"What are you talking about! If you miss now, you'll never get another chance!?

"But people's lives are at stake!

"Don't be silly! This way, too. People's lives are at stake! Ready!? People in this country are suffering because this country has been taken away!? You can miss that!

"But... sorry!" Spatial Jump "!... Oh, that."

... Oh? This is... this is!

"Hey, why isn't it activated...!?


"You didn't know?

Come on, it's no exaggeration to say I'm here to say this!

"You can't escape the Great Demon King"

... Done!

Yeah, I just want to say no remorse for a piece of my demon king's life, but this is where it comes from.

How much time will you be able to buy in the fight?

Well, I wonder how much longer it will take for you all to return.

"If you're not coming from that way, I'm coming from that way!

I think I'm about to rush in alone with a big sword. I want you to stop.

Still, without breaking the look of spare time, I move the tin wand a little while I move the maid doll I keep on my senior's side to send a signal.

"Got it...... wow!?

Yes, the floor fell out, and you and all the brave men who couldn't avoid it fell.

The fallen end is a sea of 'metastasis' sealed yarn and presidential poison. He probably said he wouldn't die, so he'll be fine.

But if I don't do this, I want you to give up because I'm going to die.

Continuing to send the signal to the seniors, a net was fired from the left and right walls.

Successfully entwined by someone who was avoiding and sticking or magically floating on the wall, the place becomes a mess.

And in the meantime, I remain singing. Of course, "Lullaby." It would be troublesome to have a brave man with tolerance, but this should make most of us powerless. The song is that of Schubert, by the way. Look, it's the Demon King, the Demon King.

But surprisingly, some of you still don't fall asleep, this is it.

Why, even with that kind of resistance...... Oh! Doping Gems!

That's right, there's no way the enemy doesn't have what his people have!

Damn, this was unexpected. If you don't sleep with me, I'm really running out of means.

Or the beginning and end of coming out to those returning from the sea of poison. You're zombies!

"You're cowardly! Fight with dignity!"

Are you guys the ones who aren't ashamed of this number of adults for one opponent? Besides, one of them has zero power, right?


I don't have much trouble coming back, so I signaled my senior to close the floor.

All right, now, have we lost about half of our brave men with soldiers other than the brave ones?

This is the problem. The only remaining trap is the ceiling and the net coming down from the top.

That's it, to a little over 10 brave opponents, how many more minutes, no, how many seconds can you stick?

... No, it sticks. At any rate, it sticks.

Fukuyama seems to have fallen, so it's hard not to be able to attack mentally. No, still just try. You want to try?

... and when I nearly opened my mouth.

"You kept me waiting."

Reliable companions who appear instantly between the thrones.

"Well done. We've been waiting."

Though I'm about to lose power at once, I am the Demon King. Let's just leave it loose on the face.

"Is this all? And the rest?"

"Under the floor."

"Yeah, so we just clean up?" Icewall ""

I think Hanagasaki opened World War II with your magic.

No, I think I already won.

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