"Stupid! Why are these guys here!

"Are you saying they did it all!?

"What happened to the prisoner! You didn't just let me kill you!?

All of you who didn't sleep and didn't fall seem like a vortex of confusion. Dealing with the impending wall of ice is unbearable, and some people are taken from and iced all over their bodies or parts of their bodies.

... Hmm, as far as just asking the words, did you allocate some fighting power over there as well?

If so, it would be nice to split our power over there. This is Fukuyama. Your Nori was good, so I was able to handle it alone.

"Do you have time to slap me for nothing?

Hanagasaki-kun relentlessly destroys the ice wall. Every frozen person's body.

An unpleasant scream sounds, and the opponent's recoverer rushes to recover.

"Look, just fix it. I'll be next when it's healed."

And Hanagasaki-kun who waits all the way for it.

"Don't think you're gonna die easy or something, do you?

… and. Yeah, it won't be easy, and you won't die.

"Looks like you don't have to be here without me. I'll look under the floor."

"Uh, then I'm going, too. If there's a leak in the shot, I'm in trouble."

The president and Torikai pulled back in. I guess I'm going to see what's going on under the floor via senior.

An arrow follows the two backs that turned their backs on the brave.

One of the brave men, of course, unleashed the arrow.

But naturally, the arrow doesn't arrive.

"Sweet, isn't it? I guess it's a little late for that."

It was the rays that burned the flying arrows.... They made the right arm not a mechanism for ejecting nets, but a mechanism for beam firing after all. Yeah, I think that's fine, 'cause it's a bird-adding thing.

And the rays stay intact, burning the opponent's archer as well. The smell of meat burning is full and the shooter screams.

Though there is no bleeding from burnt wounds, that's why the pain would be tremendous.

"Hey, how can you do such a terrible thing!" Wind. "

The magic of a woman who would be a wizard didn't work in the end.

"Over here, it's a dialogue!

Rarely and furiously, Hornsan, your sword slashed the woman's neck without any difference, and also slashed her wand with a knife to return.

"... because this, if not cured, will die"

Then, return the neck to its original position with discipline to encourage the healer to recover.

"I'm kidding. Ahhh!

One swordsman pokes at you, Kakusan, who was carefully necked back.

"That's our dialogue, too."

He then collapses with his chest pierced by Suzumoto, who flies almost like a moment's travel. I don't feel comfortable.

... Well, no matter how much doping I say, it's just amazing how many other people can move in the room where the culprit floats.

I didn't train Dada this way, I guess that means.

This one-sided game is a one-sided game that I've been trying to play. I'm not surprised now.

"Look, heal this one quickly."

And grab the fallen swordsman and release him unconstructively to the healer's side.

"'Light Arrow'!

And when that healer turns into an attack, he takes it lightly.

"Yay...... eh, ah, lie!?

"If you don't recover, I'll chop your hands and feet off. Why don't we cut him in 1 mm from his fingertips?... Quickly."

Of course, it doesn't work because it's magic.

Look at the desperate look on the part of the recovering girl. Yet, Suzumoto remains an icy look. He also said he would heal his enemies while poking them with a knife and threatening them.

...... such a kanji state continued to not be called a battle.

The healer finally ran out of MP and the opponent couldn't recover, so it finally ended first.

By then, the opponent's warfare had been completely lost and disarming was easy.

... Well, a few times it's been decapitated, a few times it's gutted out, a few times it's frozen and the body's tissue destroyed, a few times it's burned out with a laser, or so it is, right?

By then, the rescue and capture of those who were dying under the floor, entangled in poison and thread, were well over.

Then, the home of the enemy... the people who were at Fukuyama-kun's house... this one, Kaiya cured to some extent that it was already a real bug breath, and the people brought it here too.

Ask seniors to make a room separated by a private room with an empty ceiling, like a private room in a school toilet, and detain one person at a time in that private room for incarceration.

And in the middle of the room, I keep two of the culprits afloat.

This way you can expect to lose your abilities, so just keeping them tied with rope won't get you out, will it?

... or it's useless to try to get out of this room because there's no entrance or exit. There is a door in the camouflage, but the end of that door is the end. When we go, all we have to do is have the seniors connect us there.

And so this battle was settled for the first time.

... and I can't tell you.

"... How's it going?

"I'm cured. But the roots seem a little deep. I feel like I'm gonna wake up after a little sleep."

"... you can't be traumatized, then"

Though I haven't seen it, needlework seems to have been in pretty bad shape.

Mr. Maid, from the sound I heard through the doll, it seems that the needlework was also tortured.

That seemed roughly right, but when I asked him about the details, he returned, "I don't think you want him to know," so I couldn't ask him any more.

"... dinner, want some?

"Uh... me, no, hey, no appetite..."

I'll ask you, Kakusan, at your head, they all don't seem to have an appetite, so I'm off for dinner tonight.

"Well, I'll end it later. I asked for the needlework. If you need anything, just say anything."

The seniors went out to "the end of the day". I can't go home today, or something, so I guess it's going to be a pretty big job. We have to dispose of the aristocracy greatly, so will we?

The senior left for a little while and the needle student jumped up.

"... uh... a dream... a dream, right?

"It's a dream, it's okay"

When the bird held his hand, the needle student also calmed down, as did his rough breathing.

"Uh, sorry, water, can I have it?


The water was originally prepared on the pillow, so it is transferred from the water drain to the cup and handed over.

"... uh, the water is delicious"

She was sweating herself to sleep, so I 'cleaned' it for now.

"I'm sorry, am I okay with sleeping a little longer?

"Oh, I'm fine. Get some rest."

"Yeah, sorry, thanks......"

... the needlework, which is usually bright and moodmaker, gets so far stunned... that's all they did, I don't know...

After the needle students fall asleep, they talk a little in the dark atmosphere.

"I wonder what's going on"

"I know it's easier for you to forget, but you won't be able to forget that easily."

That seems to be the level of the story.

... Forget it, hey.

Before, when I 'shared' a lot too much with Huntle's mother, Huntle organized the area for me.

But separating the memories of two people (one and one) in one person, recovering one, and separating and erasing part of what one person experienced, would be completely separate, and maybe, more than that, could have been done because it was Huntle's mother's relationship with Huntle.

... difficult, isn't it? I'm afraid I'm going to erase something I shouldn't.

"So far, I guess we'll just have to take it easy. Fortunately, time is going to take some time."

Will time fix it, or what?

Conversely, other than that, I can't find a solution.

I wish I could do something about it.

I waited a little while for tea and heard a scream from the room where the needlework was sleeping.

"... looks like you're awake"

Did you wake up stunned?

"I'm sorry, Maido, can you check on me? Um, we might remind you of a lot more. Excuse me."

I certainly might be harder to associate with that than with someone who went to the rescue without any involvement.

When I knocked lightly on the door before entering, there was a needle student holding his head and standing still on the futon.

He noticed this one when closing the door, and he looked at this one with a ragged face, a snag, and a tired smile.

"Sorry, you've made a scene"

"No, it's okay"

At times like this, I don't like the lack of my vocabulary. What can I say?

"Water, drink?

"Yeah, I'll take it"

Pour water from the water spill into the cup and hand it over, the needlework receives it with a slightly trembling hand and drinks it slowly.

I watch it slowly.

"Water is delicious"

"That was good.... Anything you want?

I'll ask as I receive the cup. I just have to ask, more than I know what to do now.

"Whatever. Whatever you want, whatever you want."

When I asked, the needle student looked at me like he was peeping.

"... anything?




Then the needle student thought for a while, then opened his mouth and closed it again, as he said, then again a little bit, and finally said.

"Uh, uh... well, um..." to the end of the galaxy "... oh, no, sorry, no after all"

of the galaxy...... oh yeah. The bottom sentence of 'hug me' (?) Right.


Unfortunately, I've already heard you say no or something, and I get it, so I stretch out my arm and hold the needle raw.

also fu.

"... Maido, are you okay? Don't you hate it?

"No, nothing."

As I was pounding lightly on my back with my spinning hand, I moved in my thighs arms and my arms turned to my back.

"... me. Come on, I'm not exactly out of my mind like the president or anything, come on. So... I know, I can't sort it out."


A little, I can put some strength into my arms, but not until I break my ribs yet.

"Remind me right away. I know it's okay now, but don't do it."


... a little, my voice is shaking.

"... Oh, no more, I, I can't"

Sorry, and I heard a snort sipping, so holding my head strong around my chest also makes my back spinning arm stronger.

As it was for a while, I waited until I felt like a needle student without having a conversation.

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