It was Martin Bregas who was shocked more than anyone by the Iron Blood Division’s betrayal.


‘Cho Sung-taek. Are you mad at last? ‘


Careful planning was broken at once.


Parim Dagot’s brilliant debut was not enough to guarantee the victory of the fight.


With his constant shaking eyes, Martin Bregas stared at a different situation.


Iron fortifications proud of the mobile fort was turning this way diligently playing eight giant feet.


The cannons of cannons nestled in front of the fort are facing this way.


Fearful orders of knights fell, dozens of cannons scattered shells at the center of the army in unison.


Countless bodies and moaning wounds remained in the cruelty of a ruthless shelling.


At the same time, demonic forces joined the Iron Blood Knights, breaking through the right wing and marching rapidly toward the side of the central army.


And Martin Bregas was well acquainted with the face.


“Martin Bregas! Not even a child! Today it will be your grave! ”


Iron Blood Knight Commander Cho Sung-Taek.


He was leading the way with this knight and devil.


Martin Bregas’ accident after seeing the scene was suspended.


His ritual was barely returned by the voice of the ailing staff.


“Changed! Command! Please give me an order! ”


Martin Bregas was briefly ashamed of the fact that he had lost his mind for a while.


“Actuate. Command the Trowin Vigilante. To punish those damn traitors. ”


Trowin Vigilante, led by Parim Dagat, moved.


The majestic armor and sword flashed and marched toward the traitors.


Sung-taek’s eyes turned over when he saw it.


“Good! That bastard is led by that bastard! ”


The Iron Blood Corps burned hot as if it were on fire.


Cho Sung-taek, wielding a huge black horse, wielded a sword.


A young vigilante struck himself confidently with a sword.


The sword and the sword can hit each other.


Victory was decided quickly.


Vigilantes fell bleeding.


Cho Seong-taek snatched the body of the fallen vigilante with one hand and quickly cut off its neck.


“This will be your future!”


Huge wings-winged demons swept past Cho Seong-taek, who raised the head with dripping blood.


Barlog with burning whip and sword.


The viciousness of vigilantes was quickly overturned by the appearance of higher demons, known as pronouns of powerful demons.


The vigil of the vigilante began to be disturbed.


“Everyone, calm down! Trust me and follow me. ”


Parim Dagat tried to calm the soldiers calmly, but it is a new unit with no history or tradition.


You may not know if you are in a favorable situation.


The vigilantes fled with the iron troops nearing Barack.


Martin Bregas began to roll his head fiercely with his mouth open.


‘Maybe, maybe we can reverse the situation. However, the hardened vigilantes will be severely damaged and may also be killed. It is not a benefit looking business. And is it not my fault that this battle was defeated? ‘


Martin Bregas’s blurry blue eyes depicted Cho Seong-taek roaring far away on the battlefield.


His fists were clenched.


Martin Bregas looked around and said in a penetrating tone.


“Harupaya gives up his head.”


The commanders were incredible.


No matter how totally the Iron Blood Knight Division betrayed and the vigilante was broken, the one who had the duty to keep the front line of the demon war was abandoned because the fight was disadvantaged.


It was an incredible trend even if reported directly.


Some meaningful commander gave a frank opinion.


“If you step down from here, the land of the monarchy will be a wormwood field.”


“If we withdraw from here, the north of the front line of the Devil’s Front will all be occupied by demons.”


“The left wing is still favorable. There is a chance of reversal. ”


But Martin Bregas did not listen.


I had no heart.


“If you want to keep your mind here, you will remain.”


He left the barracks without throwing away the baton created by the kings of various nations.


And he shouted at the staff following him.


“Tell Parim Dagat. Preserve your troops right now and get out of here! ”


Already he no longer cared for others.


I still knew what was shameful.


He quietly summoned his faithful man and whispered in secret before him.


“Get right now to the south in Trowin with all the money you can bring to my mansion in Trowin. There will be a colleague named Sophia Bregas in the port of heaven. Use it. ”


Martin Bregas’s move was unstoppable.


In the midst of numerous soldiers and commanders, he threw out his mission and abandoned his legions and fled south.


The Commander-in-Chief is not like this because it is this fight.


The Central Army, which had the strongest power throughout the allied forces, was quickly destroyed.


Some meaningful commanders tried to conquer their troops against the demons and Iron Knights, but it was pointless resistance.


The Devil Army was trying to take control of the main headquarters quickly and grab the whole Harupapa head.


Kim Sungchul was watching the changing situation without a word.


Kim Sung-chul was not the only one without words.


The dwarves and elves, who had gained momentum due to the victory of the epic, were also watching the terrible situation silently.


The possibility of reversal disappeared shortly after Martin Bregas fled.


The right wing has betrayed, the main camp has fallen, and the only left is left, but it is also destined to be surrounded by the enemy.


Armuk Barr, commander of the Allied commander of the storm front, commanding the left wing, ordered all troops to retreat.


But no one left.


They stood there like rocks and trees made by the time, and never moved.


“If you die, you die here.”


“Humans are behind, but we are not behind.”


The battle was extremely dark, but the forces of the dwarves and elves were not broken.


They shouted out of conviction, and furiously fought against the coming demons.


The surviving Central Forces also joined the left wing.


But the situation has already been tilted can not be reversed.


The demons surrounded the Dwarf-Elven allied forces in their leisurely high mountains and began preparations for the final assault.


At that time, the sky shouted loudly.


When they saw it, they pointed their fingers at one finger and cried out loud.


“D it’s a dragon!”


“Dragon appeared!”


A huge black dragon with black scales appeared in the formation of the devils.


The identity of the Black Dragon is anti-humans Kanesu.


The strongest hermit of the tower of the hermit.


‘What are you doing now? The front line of the demon war itself is falling. ‘


She was sent to the front line of the Devil’s Front to find out the cause of the disaster that changed.


Eventually, while moving to the place where there are no demons, he was involved in the battle of Harupaya.


“Where are all the damn humans! What ?!]


Shouting in a loud voice like thunder, Kane shook his claws and tails and mercilessly seized inferior demons.


“Is it reasonable to stop this demon from leaving one body ?!”


The strongest race, the dragon’s fighting power was terrible.


Even Barrog, who had reigned as a horror before humans, turned to her breath and turned into a shrewd ash.


What will happen to the majols that are worse than that?


Kanes, who slaughtered all the demons, fluttered a breath, flying his wings in the air.


The demon siege and the giant beasts were burned and melted.


The demons tried to resist by firing crossbows and crossbows, but they could not penetrate Kane’s scales.


That’s what it is.


But Kaneth is not invincible.


‘You’re hungry.’


An anti-human, she can be transformed into a dragon at any time, but there is a time limit.


Kaneth resigned from the battlefield, feeling the stockpile of power falling rapidly.


“See you later! Devils! ”


Kenneth flew with excitement and flew south with fluttering wings.


Leaving the remains of countless demons and war weapons.


But the devil she did was only part of it.


The demons were only a half-delayed progression.


After Carnes disappeared, the demons again began to advance to destroy the remaining Allied remnants.


At the forefront was the fortress of the Iron Blood Knights, once a stalwart of humans.


Literally attached to the eight bridges made by magic engineering under the citadel, the giant maneuvering fort is the best asset of the Iron Blood Knights, possessing both strong defense and firepower.


The mobile fortress received the dwarf shells, moved to the bottom of the ridge, and settled all the artillery.


Dozens of canvases fired in unison and struck the Dwarf camp.


The dwarves tried with all their strength, but from the start it was a heavy widow fight.


As the hellish siege on the other front joined the bombardment, the siege weapons boasted by the dwarves began to be destroyed one by one.


Kim Seong-cheol’s Meteor defeated several hellish siege, but it was a group that overturned the war.


Attacks from heaven began when the dwarves’ siege weapons were neutralized.


The winged demons flocked to classes.


The arrows of the elven archers made the demons brisk, but the elves marched toward the ridge without being hindered by the devil’s army as they broke through the sky.


The dwarves had no choice but to watch the devil’s wave fill the horizon as if it were surrounded by it.


“It’s all this way.”


A few Gryphons made their way through the demons to the sky.


The commanders and important figures, who had to survive, were coming out.


Kaal Bomba willingly surrendered his griffon to Kim Sung-chul.


“Go on this. Human Wizard. ”


Kim Sung-chul was surprised and asked, and Kaal Bomba smiled as she grabbed the axe.


“Rather than me, you will help future wars. You have never seen a wizard that breaks hellish Siege so well! ”


He ran to the front line without looking back at Kim.


The blood and flesh joined the battlefield yelling.


Kim Sungchul Baptized towards him, gave an example and got on Gryphon.


Griffon cried sharply once, flapping his heavy wings and flying towards the sky.


The winged demons struck Griffon, but Griffon lightly ripped the devils with claws and beaks, flying smoothly over the expanse.


The situation was more clearly visible than Kim Sungchul in the sky.


The ridge on which the Dwarf Elf alliance stayed was completely surrounded, and Harifaya’s hill, the last bastion of the Factional Front, was occupied by demons.


The invasion of demons seemed to be unstoppable now.


Gryphon, who had picked up Kim Seong-chul, settled on the shore of a lake not far from the battlefield.


The commanders and important figures who had already escaped from the battlefield were resting by the lake.


“Oh my god. Damn… . ”


Armuk Bakr, who commanded the left wing, was one of them.


The man, who was a human body and was approved by the Dwarves and became the Allied Commander, was very angry and stared at the ridge of a ridge that is now dying.


“I will kill you. Martin Bregas. I will surely kill him. ”


In the skies of the battlefield, the thunders of the disaster were wandering with wide spread wings.


It’s been a long time since the plagues of disaster appeared in the rear zone.


The plagues were so close to this land.


Kim Sungchul turned his head to stare at the boulevard.


In the south, there was an endless procession of refugees heading south.


One of the plagues of disaster found a group of refugees, set their claws and descended into the group.


The helpless refugees were only fed before the beasts of the Devil.


The plague of disaster is a giant toenail that presses a refugee with its beak and swallows the refugee’s waist in half and swallows it halfway into the burial beak.


Refugees fled groaning, but nothing else could be done.


The guards ran to the torture of the disaster, but the torrent of the calamity flew into the sky several times as if it was bothersome.


A horn came from the ridge far away.


Devils attack signals.


Kim Sungchul, who was sitting on a rock like a shellfish, rose from his seat.


Armuk Bakr, who cursed Martin Bregas, turned to Kim Seong-chul.


I’ve definitely seen that face.


Reminiscent of his memory, he recalled seeing a man with a similar face and dress at a summoner celebration in the former Golden City.


“You. I remember. It’s definitely a summoner in the Golden City. Was it one of them? ”


He approached Kim Seong-cheol knowingly.


But the next moment, Kim Sung-chul’s beautiful hammer with a long handle appeared.


As soon as he saw the hammer, the mouth of Armuk Bark opened.


For the hammer was an arm-heard made of forgotten debris, a fragment of heaven, passed down among the dwarves.


I was amazed at the welcome of Armuk Bacque and fell asleep.


Kim Sung-chul’s careless gaze glanced at him.


Armuk Bakhre felt pressure to burst his heart.


I walked in front of Kim Sungchul, who had arm garaz.


Where the sound of the horn is heard.


Divine strength stood at his feet.


His slow walking feet led him back to the battlefield at an invisible speed.


Kim Seong-chul’s new type was settled on the roadway in Harpa, causing dirt.


The demons who kept their heads noticed unusual signs, but they did not see the hammers flying toward them.


A man stepped on two dead bodies and appeared before the demons.


The demons did not know the man’s face with the hammer, but they knew what the hammer was and what the man meant with the hammer.


“Boo. Breaking! ”


The cry spread instantly among the demons.


Unprecedented fear began to frost in the eyes of a hundred thousand demons.


Kim Sungchul stood alone in front of the 100,000 demons and looked down at them.


A crusher, or a man called the enemy of the world, stood alone on a hill and confronted a hundred thousand demons.


There was only one man standing on the hill, but none of the hundred thousand demons dared to run into the man with a hammer.


There were those who watched the scene from afar.


When Orot reflected in the crystal ball, the face of the man was reflected, and each gathered in their place responded.


One of them was shocked.


‘To the world… Nonsense… ! ‘


Lee Soo-jin was amazed at the eyes of the crystal ball with his two hands.


“Are you the enemy of the world ?!”


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