“I will not believe it.”


Aquiroa spoke with discomfort.


In the helmet of the Wandering King, hidden in darkness, cool light flashed.


“But what if that regressor is right?”


A soft but irrevocable voice came out of the helmet.


“Wouldn’t you take action?”


Shamal Rajput received his words.


When the Wandering King asked, Shamal Rajput stared at the executioner Aquiroa.


Aquiro opened his mouth after a moment of silence.


“Whether her words are true or not, if Kim Seong-chul appears here, I will stop him.”


“How are you going to stop him? Aquiroa. ”


The Wandering King once again flashed his eyes.


Aquiroa reworked the mask and spoke with strength in his polite voice.


“Unless the Demon King dies, disaster will stay in the first phase. In the line we can manage. We’ve seen for the last eight years that my thinking is right. It’s already proven stable. We must not shake this effortless plate. Your Majesty. ”


Aquiroa, like Shamal Rajput, was adored by the Wandering King.


The wandering king sighed and asked again.


“Is it possible to slow disaster? But some say that disaster can’t be prevented and therefore can’t be delayed. What do you think about this? ”


“The pagans, the apocalyptic denominations, said that. But what do those pagans know? They do not even predict their fate, they lose their kingdom and their crowns, and they are scattered and turned into stealing, prostitution, begging or beggars. You do not need to listen to their words. ”


I was a bit excited, but Aquiro’s words were unblocked and he was releasing strong power throughout the talk.


“If you think of the Lord, Jim has nothing to say.”


The Wandering King did not open his mouth again.


When the most embarrassing opponent was silent, Aquiroa now had the opportunity to speak his thoughts without disturbing anyone.


“If Kim Seong-chul appears on this scene, he will try to kill him with all his strength.”


“What if it is impossible to kill?”


Shamal Rajput asked a question.


Aquiroa spoke with a low laugh.


“It may not be, but if that happens, we should protect it from Kim Seong-chul.”


Lee Soo-jin received an ominous foreshadowing from Aquiro’s voice.


The shameful feelings that Soojin had when Shamal Rajput asked, culminated, and when Aquiroa replied bluntly, her feelings turned to conviction.


“You must keep it. To the demon king Hathanius Max. ”


The bright day revealed the greatness of the evil forces that were hidden in the darkness.


The demons were covered with fictitious numbers from the end of the horizon to the end.


Hell siege and giant beasts in various places showed disgusting pressure.


The soldiers perched on the hill roared as they watched the majesty of the demons spreading beneath the hills.


“Look at that. Tamtam variant! That’s the terrible thing recorded in the old literature. ”


“Is that a hellish siege that is the devil’s main warfare weapon? Bigger and scary than imagined. ”


“There is a deep sea horse fluid. The pups are so big that they don’t even know how big adults are. ”


Soldiers were generally more miraculous than fearful.


The morale of the Allied forces, led by Martin Bregas, was as high as the sky, and above all, a heavy mission on their shoulders.


The divine mission to protect their homes and families.


Many of the Allied forces are warriors from the front lines of the Mae-jeon front and its suburbs.


Harufaya’s head collapses, not to mention Trowin, the rear of it, and the storm front on the side and the land of the Baran Aran Elf Federation.


Elves and dwarves, who have lived in their land for thousands of years, were on fire with a stronger mission than humans.


“It is only victory or death.”


Kim Sungchul I had to hear hundreds more of the same sounds around the dwarves.


Scouts have been delivering new information all over the place.


The demon, who currently directs the demon army, is not the king of demons, but the demon, the Great Devil Frontorowar, who is lower.


The devil ranks eighth, but the rank is not so high, but the devil has lived for tens of thousands of years called the ancient devil among the devils. He is said to be a cunning devil capable of evil black magic and tactics.


Martin Bregas, including the command, said his personal combat strength was weak, but he was a more difficult opponent than he had in his experience of massive rotation.


Kim Sungchul lingered around Martin Bregas’s tent, gathering all the necessary information.


‘Frontorowara. It’s like he wasn’t there before the assault on the Demon Palace. ‘


If it had been there, it could not have appeared.


Kim Sungchul because he killed all the visible demons.


What was encouraging, however, was the high odds of the human side in this battle.


Although the numbers themselves are three times the difference, they have the advantage of the terrain and have elite troops with high morale.


In addition, commander Martin Bregas was full of motivation.


Although his desire to give victory to his illegitimate child is ahead, it is undeniable that Martin Bregas wants to win.


He walked around the front lines, checking the position of the soldiers and the soldiers, and even though it was a small amount of money, he encouraged the morale of the soldiers.


In addition, the power of the Trowin vigilante, accompanied by Martin Bregas’ illegitimate children, was higher than expected.


The iron-clad division of his heyday, but not enough to have a number of warriors strong enough to be equivalent.


If they were put in place, they would have the effect of changing the situation at once.


‘No prophecy will come true.’


The prophecy of the dog was heard in one ear and shed in one ear, but it could not be completely ignored.


No matter how many regressors speak of an indeterminate future, they cannot deny that their present future is one of the options for the future.


However, if the battle goes on like this, it will never happen that Kim Seong-chul reveals his identity.


Kim Sungchul Predicted that the human side’s odds in the battle were over 70%.


Even if you don’t win, you won’t be conclusively defeated, and you’ll force the demons to serious damage and make further progress impossible.


In other words, whether he wins or loses, Kim Seong-chul has no direct work.


Unless an unexpected event occurs, there will be no accident that the whole line collapses all at once.


Meanwhile, Kim’s troops were also placed on the left wing with particularly rugged terrain, even in the Harpa field.


In the mountain wars, extraordinarily strong dwarves formed the backbone of the left wing, and a number of powerful siege weapons, which the dwarves boast, were deployed.


And many Elven archers were deployed to prevent the air strikes from the demons.


Kim Sungchul In this battle, he was going to do his best with guest magician Kim Anya.


‘It would be enough to smash 10 hellish periods.’


Even with that much, firefighting on the left would have an absolute advantage.


Kim Sungchul Relaxed and waited for battle.


In his spare time, he tried to improve his intuition by performing alchemy that he always had, and he frequently climbed up and down with dwarves and learned the nearby terrain.


The day of battle was soon approaching.


The messengers of the demons came to Martin Bregas.


The demons made a ritual surrender advice.


It would be a cliché that if only the road was opened, it would ensure the safety around the place and convey the magical knowledge of the demons.


Martin Bregas refused to offer demons and prepared for battle.


Commanders of all levels were given a command to prepare for battle.


Kaal Bomba’s garrison, Kim Seong-chul, also stood on the front line after checking weapons and armor.


One hundred thousand demons were before them.


“I think the number is bigger than yesterday. Is it because of your mood? ”


“It’s a good thing to increase the number of devils to kill.”


The dwarves each joked and groomed their large crossbow and ax once again.


Elven archers were deployed behind the Dwarf Axe.


Unlike the noisy dwarves, they calmly kept their seats and checked the direction and strength of the wind at their fingertips.


The screams rang out in the distant army.


The distance was so high and low that the sound was loud, so they couldn’t know what they were talking about, but people could see that it was from Martin Bregas, commander-in-chief of the coalition.


Martin Bregas, who wore a colorful armor under a flag with a winged skull, turned to his men and gave an uplifting speech.


It is not known whether the result has boosted the morale of the soldiers, but at least it seemed like the outward appearance.


The next time the horns of the demons rang out.


Sergeants have heard powerful orders from all sides.


The dwarf’s ax moves in unison, building an ax-shield wall.


‘Also, they are elite soldiers polished on the front line of the Devil. It would be impossible for even a demon devil to break through them. ‘


Kim Sungchul turned his sight and stared at the middle of the army below.


The central army, commanded by Martin Bregas, consisted mainly of humans, the main force of the Allied forces with mighty wizards, mercenaries who had experience in large and small battles, and powerful warriors from all over.


Moreover, in the rear was the mighty Trowin Vigilante, commanded by Parim Dagatt, another son of Martin Bregas.


The forces of the Middle Forces are the most powerful of all.


I was worried about the Iron Blood Knights’ right wing.


Although the main base was built with two unique mobile fortresses that dug out ancient heritage, the number of Iron Blood Knights was greatly reduced, and morale fell as well.


Kim Sungchul, in that passage, had strong doubts about Martin Bregas’s thoughts.


‘Martin Bregas is a tough guy, but his talent is outstanding. Why did such a man leave an important right wing to a group with only such shells? ‘


Kim Seong-chul’s view that the collapse of Iron Blood Knights was a matter of time.


It will last, but that’s it.


Kim Seong-cheol’s mind suddenly reminded me of the story of Martin Bregas.


‘No way. That guy. Are you deliberately placing the Iron Blood Knights on those limbs? ‘


A lancet with a Trowin vigilante set in the back of the Central Army flashed in the sunshine.


It was a moment when Martin Bregas’s intentions were drawn in front of his eyes.


Kim Sungchul I felt familiar nausea.


‘For even the fights of human dignity are used according to their own self-interest.’


Martin Bregas is not only.


Those who hold vested interests in this land have made the same choice.


Kim Sungchul Does not hate greed and selfishness.


On the contrary, proper greed and selfishness are thought to be the driving force to move forward.


But the greed of the vested interests of the world is now beyond.


They make choices for their own benefit only, forgetting even their minimum duties.


No matter how many people die, it’s a good thing for them.


They are human beings who will give the whole world for their own comfort.


The aversion to humanity, which had recently been forgotten, rose twenty from the bottom of emotion.


There was a question as to whether I should participate in this fight right now.


It will be Martin Bregas and his illegitimate child who will have to win this fight.


Sofia’s face abandoned and miserably died, and Ilya’s face, destined to live the rest of her life, passed by in front of Kim Seong-chul’s eyes.


“What’s so frozen? Human friend. ”


Kaal Bomba and other dwarves were soon surrounding Kim Sung-chul.


“Aren’t you scared?”


“Well, you can’t be scared, but it’s overwhelming to see this big army. But don’t worry. ”


The dwarves moved forward by Kim Sung-chul.


“This land is our home and home. By our blood and our lives. ”


A few elves followed the dwarves, bowing toward Kim Seong-chul.


The horns of the devil reverberated high in the sky, and the Hell Siege began to ignite.


The battle finally began.


Kim Sungchul, under the flag of a gust of wind blowing from the bottom of the ridge, seized his mind.


‘Yes. I am not fighting for vested interests. ‘


There is still nausea and disgust in his mouth, but Kim Sungchul has shaken his feelings and stood confidently in front of the front.


“Ask me again to calculate the Meteor balance.”


“Can’t we just fight with a hammer?”


Soon meteorites fell from the sky.


The meteorites mercilessly struck a hellish siege that emits green fire.


Five hellish siege bombs were instantly destroyed by Kim Seong-chul’s Meteor.


Cheers rang out everywhere, and the siege of dwarves resonated with fire.


The left wing firefighting was dominating the dwarf side.


Everything is smooth.


When Kim Sung-chul thought so, an unexpected movement was taking place on the right wing of the front.


“Now it is. My brothers. Let us pay the betrayers who have forsaken us. ”


Iron Blood Knights who turned their swords against the Devil Army reversed.


The iron sword knight’s sword was facing the direction of Martin Bregas’s military.


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