‘Why is this woman here?’


Kim Sungchul Although it was not revealed, he was embarrassed.


There was some kind of bond at the summons.


But I thought I was dead or waiting to die.


The fate of the regressors is largely such.


However, Lee met again and was healthier than before.


The clothes across the body was not a shabby casual clothes, but rather a dress of adventurers.


“You really haven’t changed at all?”


Lee Soo Jin smiled.


She seemed very happy to meet Kim Sung-chul.


“…. What happened? ”


Kim Seong-cheol looked around and asked.


In particular, there was a dwarf around, but I was fat.


The name Kim Seong-chul is no different from the taboo for dwarves.


“…. Let’s move around. ”


Kim Sungchul took Lee Soo-jin, who was innocently asked, to the edge of the barracks.


A huge spherical grass rolled in the background of an endless wasteland.


In a rare place, Kim Sungchul asked Lee Soo-jin how he had been.


Lee Soo Jin smiled and answered the question with a low voice.


“I entered the assassination denomination.”


“In the assassination denomination. ? ”


An empty eye of unknown companion, Shamal Rajput, passed by before his eyes.


“How did you get into the assassination denomination? They wouldn’t just have a regressor. ”


“There is a way. By the way, do you have any idea how the regressor is treated? ”


Lee Soo-jin asked with a nasty look.


“I’m kidding. How are you doing? Why did you come to this limb? ”


Lee Sujin changed the topic.


Kim Sungchul suddenly squeezed Bertelgia in his arms and calmed it, then said it in a calm tone.


“Come to join the battle of the fate of the world.”


Lee Soo Jin’s mouth again smiled.


“I’m here to save the world. It’s your idea that’s the same name as the one who shouldn’t say your name. ”


“Why did you come here than that? Did you send the assassin to join the battle? ”


“Will this battlefield be confusing to summoners less than a year old?”


“I didn’t come to fight. I just came to try my luck. ”


Lee Soo Jin sighed and looked into the air.


“Trying luck?”


“Yes. I’m being tested to see if the future I’ve seen is right. A regressor is not just a good thing. ”


“Of course. I’m shaking the time axis, but I have to pay for it. ”


The future is not fixed.


In the side, the future seen by regressors changes.


The problem is that the direction of change flows quite differently than the regressors wanted.


Since the existence of the regressor is known, the regressor is no longer a big influence on the world.


Of course, it is not known what kind of life the regressors lived before they became known.


Kim Sungchul had a negative perception of regressors.


And they do not believe the future they see.


So Kim Sungchul no longer asked about that part.


Then, Lee Soo-jin approached Kim Sung-cheol and asked carefully.


“Are you wondering? What is the future for me to be tested? ”


“I’m not really curious.”


“Try it once.”


Bertelgia shook again and again.


Kim Sungchul After calming down Bertelgia, he opened his mouth staring at Lee.


“Do you anticipate the upcoming battle?”


Lee Soo Jin shook his head.


“It’s a strange sound effect.”


“The sound effect is wrong anyway.”


“Then what are you trying?”


At the question of Kim Seong-chul, Lee Soo-jin took a deep breath and stared at a distant place.


Her eyes seemed to have been filled with dark clouds.


After a while, Lee Soo Jin sighed and said in a small voice.


“He appears here.”


Kim Sung-chul’s pupils turned to Lee Soo-jin.


Lee Soo Jin continued to tell the rest of the story in a calm tone.


“An enemy of the world. It is what I saw and the future to come true. ”


In the world she was in, Kim Sungchul became a disaster to destroy the world.


Kim Sungchul I ignored the words lightly and erased them from my head.


However, Lee Soo-jin, who meets again, tries to put Kim Sung-chul back on the test bench.


I don’t know if it was intended or not, but Kim Sungchul felt unpleasant.


The discomfort led to heavy silence.


When Kim Sung-cheol was silent, Lee Soo-jin spoke with awkward smile and sulky tone.


“Well, if you don’t realize it, you’ll be scammers and disposed of in the assassin. I have a watcher to do that. ”


Lee Soo-jin stared back with side eyes.


Kim Chul-chul was also feeling the moment.


It was a faint moment that had been in place for a while.


Now I felt that the path was walking towards this.


After a while, Kim Sungchul felt that it was an unwelcome and familiar one.


The black turban covered the entire face, but Kim could not hide his eyes.


‘The assassination that he met in Erfurt.’


The assassins of the Almeira family confronted Kim Sung-chul in the battle surrounding Erfurt School of Magic.


The last survivor is Kaz Almeira.


The man, who Kim Seong-cheol thought was split in half, wore a unique type of cloak covering his entire arm from where he died.


‘To kill pain while killing has become a lifesaving form.’


That’s why you don’t want to meet anyway.


Kim Sungchul turned his back and walked forward.


“Break Up Here.”


Lee Sujin is one of Kazu Almeria’s unpleasant.


She nodded and said quietly.


“See you again when you have the opportunity. I want to try your dishes again. The taste of the assassins is terrible. ”


The two broke up in different directions.


The faces of the two people walking in different directions were not good, but the one with the heavier tinge was Kim Seong-chul.


The man, who had never doubted himself, stared at his distracted heart, staring at the barren wilderness.


Demon soldiers appeared in the wasteland.


It was a huge army that covered the black over the horizon.


A reconnaissance squad, mainly a dragon dragon knight, risked a reconnaissance and gathered rough information about the devil.


According to the reconnaissance team, the number of devils advancing towards Trowin, the rear zone of the front line of the Demon War, amounts to 100,000.


That’s about three times the size of about 35,000 human allied forces.


However, the morale of the Allied Forces was high and filled with enthusiasm to drive out demons in this battle.


For the moment they are defeated, it is a fact of life to turn the land into a playground of demons.


Commander-in-Chief Martin Bregas enlisted Trowin’s entrance, Harpaya, and opted to wait for the devil.


The ideal terrain was easy to defend and easy to support from the rear.


However, there is no back if you lose here.


Beyond the Harpa field, fertile granary, abundant villages and cities are unprotected.


As soon as the head is taken away, the demon soldiers will rush to it and destroy everything that is visible.


Despite the fact that the fate of half the continent ran the day before, Martin Bregas was concerned about the wrong place.


“The battle to be played tomorrow will be your gorgeous debut stage. I will play the most important role for you, just be brave and be alert. ”


Martin Bregas spoke softly to his beloved son.


“Okay. Your change. ”


“I wish I could be called my father the next time I meet you.”


“I think the same way.”


Martin Bregas watched the daunting figure of Dagotta digging into a heartwarming gaze.


After Parim Dagatt left, Martin Bregas stared through the map of the battlefield in the middle of the barracks.


‘How can I make a plate to play an active parlor?’


Winning and losing are also important issues, but what Martin Bregas cares more about is whether or not Parim Dagat was active.


He made changes to his unit over and over again, drawing the progress of the battle into his head.


After a few trials and errors, Martin Bregas found the ideal arrangement for Parim Dagat to play the most.


But how to lose one when you get one.


Operation of Martin Bregas requires sacrifice of others.


The question is who to choose as a scapegoat.


One of the many long words on the map of the battlefield magically entered the eyes of Martin Bregas.


Martin Bregas’s mouth was full of smiles.


‘I hope the Iron Knights Division. More than anyone else, they are looking for the recovery of honor. By the way, the more you chew, the better. You can get rid of the iron knight’s shoots that seemed like thorns and use them to the end. ‘


He decided to place the Iron Blood Knights on the right wing projections where direct attacks were expected.


The question is whether Cho would accept it.


People had anticipated that the unsuccessful and accused Cho Sung-taek would play against Martin Bregas.


Martin Bregas himself was accumulating justifications for the Korean War.


Surprisingly, Cho Sung-taek accepted the proposal.


It was a moderate ending that not everyone expected.


Martin Bregas praised Cho Sung-taek’s decision as a courageous choice, and presented the silver-tailed gold and silver treasure in the name of comfort.


The situation seemed to be closed.


But the real problem is from now on.


“We have nothing to lose anymore.”


Cho Sung-taek has a secret plan that no one knows.


With a smile of conversion he stared at the demonic forces that settled in the northern wilderness.


The demon army was now near.


Mocher not far from the battlefield.


Faint spirits gathered in the darkness.


“You are so credible to a regressor. It’s been a long time in a damp, dark place. Shamal Rajput. ”


The voice of the old woman rang torn in silence and rang out.


The old lady wore a dark blue robe decorated with gold leaf and covered with masks unreadable.


The old woman’s identity, seemingly unusual, is the executioner Aquiroa.


Continental is the strongest of the era located in this girl is a mysterious person who exerts huge influence at the back of the continent.


Her face was masked and unrecognizable, but uncomfortable planting was fully revealed in voice and gesture.


An auspicious fingered glove pointed to a young woman standing in the corner.


“Talk. Regressor. Is it true that the enemy of the world is revealed in this battle? ”


The identity of the elderly women was none other than Lee Soo-jin.


She nodded and said in a clear voice.


“An enemy of the world is seen in the battle of Harpa’s head.”


Aquiloa laughed at the words.


“This regressor foretold that the world’s enemies would appear in Erfurt.”


The man in the corner opened his mouth.


It was an insensitive voice that contained no emotions.


The man, who is assimilated with darkness and flashes of gray eyes, is almost continental girl Shamal Rajput.


The assassination denomination is that all living people fear the name.


“And again, if the prophecy holds true, we have a justification for believing this regressor.”


Shamal Rajput said that and then melted back into the darkness.


Executioner Aquiroa’s head turned toward anything.


“Then I will ask you. Is Kim Sungchul a disaster that destroys us? ”


Lee Soo Jin nodded.


“It’s ridiculous. How can Kim Seong-chul be a disaster? Such a guy can manage enough by myself. For example, after solving the Kim Sungchul disaster and being expelled from the world, are you still unable to deal with a demon? ”


Every word was a sharp voice that seemed to be stabbed with daggers, but Lee Soo-jin did not blink with one eye and accepted Aquiroa’s momentum.


“Kim Sungchul I saw was no longer human.”


“He became halfway between God and man.”


Aquiro was surprised to hear that.


“Acine… Did you know that! ”


The man who put his sword in the corner silently turned his head this way.


A well-balanced knight wearing a helmet invisible and wrapped all over the body.


The world calls him the Wandering King instead of the nickname of Continental Samgal.


“Let’s say Kim Sung-chul appears here. What is his next move? ”


‘This person… Wandering King ?! ‘


Lee Soo-jin responded with a strange feeling that his whole body was naked.


“I defeat the Demon King. Without anyone’s help. ”


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