I went forward and saw the altar.


A crude altar made of stone, steel, and copper.


Two Madokagolems stood side by side.


The message comes to me as I approach the altar.


[Spread the Alchemist Advancement on the altar. ]


Kim Seong-chul’s eyes turned to the altar.


Quite a magical energy was felt.


But it is different from the wizard.


While the wizard’s constant fluctuations like breathing or air currents, the magical energy felt at the altar is constant as if it were parallel lines.


Kim Sungchul Reminded me of a mechanical sound I had heard in the intensive care unit.


Similar feelings were felt in the Madorem, who stood as if guarding the altar.


‘It’s an altar that’s right. Alone enough to grant a class. ‘


It is true that Eckhart is interested, but there is no interest in the alchemist class itself.


Kim Sungchul Just past the altar and headed for the passage beyond the altar.


But as soon as he entered the aisle, a red message blocked him.


[From here onwards only the alchemist can challenge trials. ]


At the same time, giant blades hidden in the ceiling descended from side to side, extending bloody to the left and right, and the traps squeaked and began to maneuver.


Kim Sungchul laughed when he saw it.


To go further, become an alchemist.


What a childish technique.


The trap can be penetrated by force, but Kim Sungchul once felt like responding to this fun game.


He opened the Soul Warehouse, took out the Alchemist’s book and gazed at it.


– Alchemist Advancement Letter –


Rating: Rare-Hidden


Category: Class Advancement (Small)


Effect: Acquire Hidden Class Alchemist


Remarks: The only way to the truth.


Required: 20 Palace Tokens


However, it makes me happy to ask for 20 palace tokens.


Kim Sung-chul currently has 33 palace tokens.


To earn the Echographer class, you must collect 17 more Palace tokens.


However, it is not easy to get a palace token, and if you spend twenty here, you may not be able to get the target echoologist.


Before going to a high-end restaurant, you can boil ramen and eat it.


‘Um … what should I do?’


The agony did not last long.


Kim Sungchul took twenty palace tokens from his pocket and placed them on the altar with an alchemist ex.


The reason is simple. He is the strongest warrior of all humans.


In the future, there are at least two remaining game matches, and if they can achieve good grades, they are enough to make up for them.


The prominent thing is the specs, but if you miss this golden opportunity to intrigue, you will be left out.


‘What is your life? It’s ruined. ‘


A long letter appeared in front of the company’s eyes with few friends.


[You felt the breath of truth. ]


[Congratulations! You’ve earned the Hidden Class Alchemist! ]


Reward: Class-Obtained Alchemist


A magical wind blew from the altar and wrapped around Kim’s body.


The wind gradually shined on itself, revealing a myriad of strings, and rapidly flowing, eventually absorbed and disappeared by Kim’s body.


Kim Sungchul immediately opened the class window.


Main Class-Primal Warrior (Mythology)


Subclasses-Senior Cook (Rare)

 Subclasses-Alchemist (Rare)


* Additional two subclasses can be acquired.


Alchemist class in hand.


There are two remaining subclass slots.


There is enough room for the Echographer class.


I’m worried that two of the precious subclass slots are being wasted due to personal preference, but I haven’t done well without subclasses so far.


Kim Sungchul Thinking as he speaks to himself, he stands again in front of the passage over the altar.


Unlike before, none of the ships were activated.


A stone table and a kiln were placed as it passed through the corridor of the silence.


As he approached the kiln, an orange flame sprang up from the hole in the bottom of the kiln, and the kiln was sweetened. On the table, things like grass, stones, and shells of unknown creatures appeared.


A purple Madokagolem appeared in the front, and the web of the Madoka Golem was covered with a spider web.


[Alchemist’s basics are soft. ]


[Combine the ingredients on the table to create an item that can unbind the Madorem. ]


[Unlocking the bondage of the Madorem is a pass. ]


[Timeout is 10 minutes, no two chances. ]


Alchemist trials.


Kim Sungchul I thought so, I glanced over the ingredients on the table.


Miscellaneous items such as grass, pebbles, bottled water, shells of hermit crabs, etc.


You can’t know what to do simply by looking at it.


Kim Sungchul While he was staring at the ingredients, he grabbed the grass in his hand and smelled it.


But when I smelled it, an unintended message came to mind before Kim’s eyes.


Remarks: It is a common grass on the side of the road, but it has a moderate nature, which neutralizes the properties of alchemy.


The object of item emotion in this world is limited to the use value such as weapon or potion.


Worthless natural objects, such as grass, stones, and water, are not objects of emotion, so information about them can only be found in the books of botanists and geologists.


However, what emerged before Kim Seong-chul was clear information about natural objects.


‘Is it the basic ability of an alchemist?’


Kim Sungchul confirmed the details of the class, select the Alchemist item of the window.


– Class: Alchemist –


Class Skills: Ductility


Class Skills: Gathering


Only after checking the collection items did Kim Sungchul understand what had happened to him.


‘This is because of the alchemist’s gathering skills. This information has been shown.’


According to the description, the alchemist knows the properties of the material by smelling the item.


Kim Sungchul appraised other things in the same way.


Distilled water, river stones, shells of ice crabs, etc. each had a unique name and efficacy.


Kim Sungchul, who gathered all the information, stood silently and put distilled water on the pension kiln.


Distilled water is the base on which the material is based.


In addition, crush a riverside stone with friction elements into a pension kiln.


Distilled water with stone dust turned white.


Then crush the wing of the red butterfly with your hands and add it over it.


It is a wing of lava butterfly, which has the property of fire and dissolves weak substances.


As red powder enters the liquid containing the riverside stones, the inside of the alchemy kiln burns and turns red.


However, the riverside stones that were put first have the properties of the earth, and when they mixed the properties of fire with the lava blades of the fire, they discorded with black smoke, causing discord.


To neutralize this, the grass of the blind, which is the attribute and neutralization of Kim Sungchul tree, was added.


The smoke from the pension kiln disappeared and the pension kiln was now colored purple.


Kim Sungchul With a giant spatula next to the kiln, he shook it round and round.


Alchemist is another class skill, work for softness (鍊 成).


Every time I stir the kiln, Kim Sungchul felt that the mana staying in my body was getting out of the way.


‘So the alchemist is not popular.’


A few minutes after the kiln began to stir, bright light came out from the pension kiln.


Kim Sungchul I felt my heart pounding like I did and checked the contents of the kiln.


There was a grayish slime object.


It was put in a container of distilled water and the emotion was carried out.


Effect: Melts sticky substance.


Although only a small portion of the twelve materials on the table were made, it made what Kim Sung-cheol wanted.


Kim Sungchul took the bottle with the lower solution and walked to Purple Maddo Golem and sprayed the solution.


White smoke comes from the spider web that binds the Madorem and slowly starts to melt.


Kim Sungchul Looking at his performance with warm eyes, he waited for all the webs to melt.


But there is no driveway anymore.


Even though the solution was used up, only a part of the spider web was dissolved.


Maybe some more ingredients were needed.


A new message came to my mind as if mocking him standing in a hurry.


[30 seconds before timeout. ]


[A melt of grade D or higher is required to melt the web. ]


[An extraordinary brain is essential to the path of truth; let those who are not gifted return. ]


There is no remaining material and no time.


But it is a pity to go back.


Another letter came to mind as if he were to beg him.


[10 seconds before timeout. ]


[Go back! Talentless! ]


When I went to the bathroom and when I came out, it was a perfect match.


Kim Sungchul stood up and stared at the spider web that tied the Madorem, and spit out a rough word.


He grabbed the web of the Madorem and tied it with force.


Normally, the spider’s web can never be broken by human power, but it is only one spider web before Kim Sung-chul’s divine power.


The spider web, which dubbed the Madorem, was mercilessly crushed and disappeared, and the eyes of the Madorem came to light.


“Thank you for releasing. Your alchemy talent is amazing. I will take you to the next exam. ”


[You have cut through the knowledge of the pension the spider’s web that cannot be cut with any sword. ]


Even if you go back to Seoul, just stop in Seoul.


The conditions for achieving the test are to untie Madho Golem to the last.


Making a solution is just one of the options for unwinding.


Of course, this situation is not intended by the quest host that created the quest.


The viscosity of a spider’s web can’t be solved in 10 minutes, no matter how strong and sharp a weapon can be.


One thing he overlooked is that Kim’s power is too strong.


Kim Sungchul, who passed the first test lightly, headed for the next course.


Similar trials of similar form awaited him.


Although it failed once, it does not make the same mistake.


Kim Sungchul A long experience and a base in this world, sometimes a sensational wit, and in the case of struggling, he has passed the tests prepared by Eckhart, using his sealed power.


And the last trial.


A huge golem with three heads was blocking him.

 [Final Hero Eckhart’s Final Exam]


[The material before you is the seed of possibility. ]


[Means and methods are not asked. Destroy the three golems! ]


But now a little annoying.


That is to think and devise to make.


Kim Sungchul took out eight karas and knocked out the golem.


[You have solved all the final exams of Pal Hero Eckhart and have proven your qualities as a great alchemist. ]


[Pal Hero Eckhart became a body that could no longer rejoice, but leaves a relic for you who passed all tests. ]


Reward: 1. Book of the Creator


2. Ministry Horse Living Book Bertelgia


3. Eckhart’s Portable Pension Kiln


Rewards fell before Kim Sung-chul.


One of them was very large, and when Kim Seong-chul reached out, he floated in the sky as if he refused the touch.


“Oh… Unscrupulous Crooks… . ”


Depressed and cynical girl’s voice.


But it is not human.


“…. It’s the worst. This man is my master. ”


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