“I’m certainly not a normal person. I haven’t seen how to pass that tricky first test with that hard head, but if you look at Eckhart’s light handling of his battle golems… .. ”


The book that floated in the sky said, flapping the bookshelf as if it had life.


“Are you at least an intermediate guild master or a small country champion?”


It is not the first time to see a ministry horse.


Now, I received some workhorses from my missing colleagues.


But what he raises dies quickly, regardless of flora and fauna.


The work horse was no exception.


Kim Seong-cheol asked for the book.


The huge book stopped moving.


Kim Sungchul nodded, staring at the book with careless eyes.


“I am Bertelgia. As you can see, a book with life, a living book. I’m in charge of your ministry. I honestly don’t like it. ”


Bertelgia had been ticking from the very beginning, but the attitude of the beauty was not in Kim Seong-cheol’s mind.


“What can you do?”


He asks only what is needed.


Bertelgia spoke in a gloomy voice for a moment as he paused.


“I feel bad about dealing with me, but I don’t have a heart to be personal with you. I see a book with life. ”


Bertelgia opened the bookshelf himself and presented the contents of it to Kim.


Bertelgia’s pages were filled with brilliantly embroidered letters, diagrams, and pictures, all containing a vision of alchemy.


“I have the knowledge of alchemy that my self-proclaimed hero, Eckhart, left behind. Well, Eckhart’s knowledge is bad because he’s not so smart. Ah! Do not touch! ”


Kim Sungchul was grasping Bertelgia with two hands and turning the page.


“If you miss anything, tell me! I’ll index it myself! ”


Bertelgia was desperately trying to get out of Kim’s grip.


Kim Seong-chul released Bertelgia.


Bertelgia, freed from the terrible power, floated up to the ceiling and slowly fell back to its original position.


“Yeah, tell me anything. Eckhart is a cool alchemist, but he still has the skills to stay. ”


Kim Sungchul He put his gaze up in the sky and soon asked Bertelgia.


“Can the curse of extinction be solved?”


The scene that I didn’t want to recall again passed by Kim Seong-chul’s eyes.


Bertelgia turned to the left and right.


“Oh? that? The humans also tried. But in the end it failed. ”


There was no disappointment because I did not expect.


Kim Sungchul picked up another book that fell on the floor.


Category: Class Advancement (Small)


Effect: Obtained Legendary Class Creator


Remarks: My beloved daughter will lead you in the way of true truth.


Kim Seong-chul, who has a thick bone in the history and knowledge of the world, has never heard of this class.


As well as the condition is odd.


Find Eckhart’s daughter who appears to be at least thousands of years old.


Thinking so, staring at Bertelgia, a blunt voice flies like an arrow.


“Do you not know? It’s the creationist’s book. ”


“Where is Eckhart’s daughter? Did you die already? ”


“Who dies? Here you are. ”


Bertelgia flickers like a bird.


Kim Sungchul I stopped breathing and sensed popularity with a sharp sense.


There is no energy of life.


“Where are you?”


When Kim asked again, Bertelgia shook his body made of paper in front of Kim Sung Chul and sighed.


“I do not know right in front of you. I’ll introduce you again. I am Bertelgia, the daughter of Echhart, the self-proclaimed hero. As your workhorse, I will guide you down the path of creation. ”


The first letter I see in Intuition 15. The workhorse claims to be Eckhart’s daughter.


Still more to watch the use of the book of Creationist and Bertelgia, what is this not a windfall.


“Hey? Mr. Cheater. Are you listening to me? ”


Tictic Street laughed at Kim Sungchul while listening to the voice of Bertelgia.


When he returned to the square, the outside was already immersed in the darkness of night.


Kim Sungchul Headed to a vacant lot on the outside of the training camp where the nominees stayed.


Lee Yeo-hoon and other nominees were in deep sleep with their eyes closed.


Bae Sung-hye seemed to fall asleep, holding her magic staff moonlight with both hands.


Kim Sungchul headed to his reserved seat far away.


A welcomed guest awaited the bed made of rough fabrics.


Krill Regal is a sky squirrel.


Today, the squirrel paw of the sky squirrel was tied with a bag containing a note.


Kim Sungchul A piece of bread was given to the sky squirrel, and he read the notes in the bag at once.


[1. I need more bribes. It’s urgent.


2. The next class of rules has been determined.


3. The total compensation differential payment is requested.


1 – 100% / 2 -80% / 3 – 60% / 4 – 40%


PS. If you don’t pay the bribe, you may not be able to send this guy anymore. ]


Kim Sungchul, who read the note, empowered him to crush the note, and leaned back against a wooden doll.


‘Pacman rules. It is also a tamtam. ‘


The worst monster is the worst rule.


Pac-Man’s rules are one of the class battles, in which one monster who is dealing with each square is released and the one with the least casualties gets a high score for a certain period of time.


The Pac-Man rule is nothing like that, while other rules can at least resist the opponent.


A new summoner releases a monster that even an inexperienced intermediate can’t stand alone.


The only way to survive the monster is to run away until the monster’s ship is called.


Tamtam is the weakest of the monsters in the Summoning Palace. In fact, monsters are bored hunting hunting game.


But for the new summoners, it is no exaggeration to say that it is the worst monster.


While other monsters hunt humans to fill their boats, tamtams kill them for fun.


Casualties are unmatched compared to other monsters.


‘Is the background of the inmates in the White Square weak? But the Iron Blood Knights are one strand. Have you still not recovered from the damage of the Devil’s Second Offensive? ‘


It is not only the white square that has an inmate.


In all the squares of the red-white, there are those who are guarded by mighty forces.


The officials in each square receive special treatment in their own squares, but the story changes when the matter is expanded to the summoning palace.


It is a story that there is a difference in price between the insiders.


The most powerful forces have a relatively easy and comfortable trial in the square where there is a nominee, while severe trials in the square do not fall.


However, all the trials of the Summoning Palace fell to the White Square.


Kim Sungchul I remember how vicious the giant monkeys play with people brutally and kill people horribly.


More than 500 associates were reduced to less than 50 because of one of them.


The terrible sight of the entire plaza stained with blood and intestines can be clearly imagined even now.


Perhaps it was because of Tamtam that Krill Regal emphasized twice for a bribe.


Krill Regal can not guarantee the life of Kim Seong-chul, as long as the appearance of Tam Tam is confirmed.


Kim Sungchul Take out the red ruby, put it in the pocket of the sky squirrel, and stroke the head with a fingertip.


The sky squirrel quickly disappeared into the dark.


There was a voice of an indweller twisting and drooling.


Kim Sungchul I closed my eyes and thought about the next thing.


‘The total difference in rewards by rank is greater than expected.’


According to Krill Regal’s information, a square that wins first place in a class fight is paid more than twice as much as a square that lasts.


Rewards for the fourth place are only about 40% of the first place, so the rewards that can be earned only by working hard on an individual level can only be limited as long as you do not lead the entire square to victory. .


It is fatal.


If the rank of the square is bad, it can be reduced by the number of valuable palace tokens.


Eckhart’s quests have succeeded in raising the most inferior intuition, but without the palace token, it’s booming.


By the way, it is tamtam.


If you leave it alone, it will be difficult to get away with it, and you will have a hard time in deathmatch rules.


There is only one way to prevent a catastrophe.


Killing tamtams.


But it is difficult to go out.


On the day of the Pac-Man’s rule, the nearby talents will gather to pick up huge stakes and enjoy the cruelty of the summoning palace.


Revealing the power of the body will immediately stop all the rituals of the summoning palace, and the troops from each country and guild will come to catch him.


Then you have no choice but to use another method.


Kim Sungchul turned his eyes to Bae Sung-hye, who stared at her while sleeping with her eyes open.


There is no clear standard, but the gigantic monster is usually called a monster.


To be precise, the lack of intelligence among the gigantic monsters and inferior beasts are called monsters.


Tamtam’s intelligence is higher than general monsters, but after all, its intelligence is classified as monster because it does not escape the category of beast.


Tamtam is a huge ape with a height of 12 meters.


Long arms that extend down can be used with the legs to move quickly and to treat them freely as humans.


It is less than other beasts, but it has sharp teeth like a spear, and its jaw strength is strong enough to halve a human at once.


However, the new summoner is not an opponent that can not be defeated.


You may not know if the summoner is fresh summoned. During the first grade war, some people accumulated quite a lot of power, and many people realized their reality and actively practiced or explored the forest.


Of course, the possibility is infinitely zero convergence level, but Kim Sungchul decided to increase the possibility once.


‘You don’t need much. Collect usable guys. If you accumulate the damage by collecting the ones that can cause significant damage to Tamtam and ending it with an Explosion Scroll, you will be able to handle Tamtam without doubt. ‘


The question is how to find useful ones.


First of all, nominees are the best candidates in that respect.


By the way, most of the inmates received the water of exorcism as a reward in the last game.


Perhaps when grading begins, they will spray the holy water of exorcism in their bodies and hide in the corners and wait for the grading to end.


They are not powered.


However, there are some who have not obtained the holy water for exorcism.


Park A-ram and Bae Sung-hye are the most representative characters.


Four of the nominees, including them, do not seem to have had the water of exorcism.


Kim Sungchul He first approached Bae Sung-hye, who had a good face.


“…. What are you going to see me? Would you have kept it if you had promised? ”


She was wary, hiding her cane behind.


In addition, as Bae Sung-hye’s voice rang, two men from the inside of the company who did not know the name got up and watched Bae Sung-hye and Kim Sung-cheol.


Bae Sung-hye’s bodyguards are made in preparation for this to happen in advance.


As always, Kim Sungchul’s small tactics were completely ignored.


“I didn’t come to get my cane back. This is what I’m trying to say. ”


Kim Sungchul pointed to his head.


Bae Sung-hye’s alert was somewhat softened.


“Don’t the charge speak? What’s coming up soon? ”


“I have heard it. Pac-Man? It’s called Pac-Man’s rule. ”


“Do you know what monsters appear in Pac-Man rules?”


“Well. Until that…


“Tamtam? That’s a funny name. ”


“Your name is funny, but what he does is not funny. Is there any item to replace the holy water of Exorcism? ”


Bae Sung-hye said in a trembling voice, giving a moonlight.


“Isn’t this enough?”


Kim Sungchul stared at the cane with his cold eyes.


“That can’t guarantee survival.”


Kim Sungchul turned around.


A heavy voice rang behind his back.


“You will be in the woods. If you want to live, come. With those who do not have holy water. ”


No one could have imagined that this would happen on the first day of the summons.


The poorest and insignificant of the 25 nominees, the men are giving orders to the most gorgeous women.


But a week later, everything has changed.


“Well… Hello? ”


Kim Sungchul hesitated, staring intently at the three nominees who appeared at the beginning of the forest.


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