Never before had you faced such a huge enemy.


Kim Sungchul marveled inwardly.


About the man who made that giant.


‘Eckhart. I don’t think it’s an ordinary guy, but I’m going to make something like this. ‘


It was an unprecedented interest in the creationist class that Eckhart arrived.


“Deceive! Enemy of the world! ”


The arms of the colossus slowly extended toward the sky.


A huge amount of rain resembles a waterfall, with the arms of the Colossus appearing to cover the sun and reach the edge of the sky.


The Panchuria survivors responded intricately to incredible sight.


Some muttered the prayer of repentance toward God, and some looked at the giant as if he had taken the eyes of a giant without blinking.


The arms of the colossus fell downward while screaming, sighing, and clamoring echoed among the crowds scattered like chaff.


The sight contained unprecedented shock and horror enough to close the eyes of the most brave.


Only one could watch the blow of such a colossus.


Kim Sungchul As the world collapsed, he watched the colossal attack and moved to the side.


He escaped the trajectory of a giant’s arm falling on his head, using a sinking floating house, a still-stable ship, and the collapse of Panchuria.


It was more of a grand escape than an evasion.


After breaking through more than half of the Kim Sungchul River, he entered the right to safety and watched without ever blinking the arm of the Colossus who smashed the city he was staying with.


At least one third of the northern part of the city disappeared in a single blow.


Subsequent shock waves swept and destroyed objects in the close range with secondary blows.


Kim Sungchul accepted the shock wave as it was.


A shockingly exciting experience that I have not experienced recently.


A faint smile came to Kim’s mouth.


Bertelgia, hidden in the pocket, senses the shock and asks carefully.


Kim Sungchul replied with a calm voice.


“Your father. I think I have a similar thought. ”


Balanced Growth Kim Sungchul quietly pushed out the growth of power fluctuations while others were struggling in a clouded and miscellaneous area to achieve the growth of central heating.


Half-way power will weaken those who have made so-called balanced growth, but Kim Sungchul has seen that any strength can be defeated when the power has exceeded the conceivable limit.


Eckhart’s colossus was very similar to Kim’s thoughts. Otherwise, it would not have been so huge to be so ignorant.


Kim Sungchul sprinted toward the arms of a giant submerged in a river that struck the city.


When divine power rolled on his feet and cast a bold leap, his new type disappeared once and then appeared again on the arm of the Colossus.


Kim Sungchul raised the arms of the arms and lowered the arm of the colossus.


With a tremendous sound reminiscent of thunder, a huge new type of colossus shook for a moment.


Compared to a huge colossal giant like a mountain, a single ant, or a small human close to the dust, was shaken in a single attack.


The rocks around the giant’s arm were broken like crackers and poured innumerable debris onto the muddy water.


But that was it.


The Colossus was not shocked except by breaking some of his arms.


‘Also. I’m just ignoring the impact of the tremendous size and mass. Great idea. ‘


Kim Sungchul Daltanius stared at the eyes of a gigantic gigantic gush over the water fog that covered the dwelling.


There will be a nucleus that controls the colossus somewhere.


Knocking up like it will break someday, but Kim Sungchul wanted to finish the fight as soon as possible.


Like a crater, he raced upwards, with a large hole behind him, riding in the arms of a colossus.


The goal is the head of the colossus.


I was about to jump and finish at once.


Soon a small problem occurred.


The surface of the giant’s arm was slippery than I thought.


Thousands of moss and worn surfaces slipped feet while being immersed in river waters for thousands of years.


To make matters worse, Daltanius, who noticed that Kim Seong-chul climbed his arm, raised the angle of his arm and made it slip.


The Daltanians certainly frustrated Kim’s attempts by gently shaking the arms of the giant. Kim Sungchul fell again on the way.


Daltanius raised his arms and lifted his other arm high to the sky, bursting with a grin.


Preparing for the second blow.


Bertelgia shouted sharply.


Kim Sungchul nodded and looked around.


I noticed a rattled chain breaking through the rubble of a floating house smashed by shock waves.


Kim Sungchul jumped into the chain and grabbed him and pulled him hard.


Tens of meters of long chains fluttered over the surface of the water.


A block of iron was attached to the ends of the chains that held houses at regular intervals.


Kim Sungchul As soon as he saw it, he shook his chains without delay and struck him to the torso.


The nails of the chains were lodged in the trunk of the colossus.


‘It’s a little short.’


Kim Sungchul leaped to another rubble.


Then the arm of the Colossus fell down obliquely over his head.


You can avoid it if you race with power and leap forward.


The strong oil smell did not seem to disappear for a while.


Kim Sungchul I thought for a moment what to do.


Numerous cases have repeatedly risen and disappeared in his brain.


Suddenly, in the eyes of Kim Seong-chul, there was a swarthy object wagging in the muddy water.


Kim Seong-chul’s eyes came to mind.


‘This can be used.’


Kim Sungchul rescued the black object.


It was a huge chain that was holding Panchuria, which Kim Sung-chul halved.


Originally, the weight, which had to sink to the riverbed by its weight, was held in a position where it could be supported by the rubble of the city and handed over.


The chain was secured to the shore of the river.


Kim Sungchul I picked up the chain with one hand, grabbed it firmly, and turned over, staring back.


A giant’s arm was pushing over his head like a landslide.


“Oh ah! I’m dead! ”


As soon as Bertelgia screamed, Kim Sungchul grabbed the chains in one hand and swung his arm-garaz toward the giant’s arm.


Once again, the city struck once again a tremendous amount of binge and shockwaves.


Smashed wreckage sank, and large water towers rose up and down the river.


The people who fled to the banks of the river watched the legendary battle, which will be forever told, with their mouths open.


“Are You Enemies of the World?”


“Even if you are an enemy of the world, it will be hard to survive.”


“What the hell is that giant monster? Is it a disaster from God? ”


The opinions were divided, the bright man eyes pointed to the finger.


“Alive! The enemies of the world are alive! ”


The crowd who heard it forgot the misery that had come upon them, flocked to the river and pointed their fingers over the burning river.


There was certainly a faint human seal at his fingertips.


The elasticity burst out of the mouth of the crowd.


The finger of the colossus smashed and sank under the river. Next to it was a man standing on the roof of a submerged floating house surrounded by giant chains.


Kim Sungchul Unwrapped the chains around his body and sent divine power all over his body.


A huge chain was pulled tight.


Kim Seong-cheol’s body-watered house was smashed and sank down.


Kim Sungchul climbed up the chain once again to a huge floating house next to him as governor’s residence.


Then the iron pillar, which had fastened the chains to the alternative of the river beyond, was taken out in sequence like turnips.


At an incredible sight, Daltonius shouted in the cockpit.


“Did you see this crazy guy? What is your replacement power level ?!]


Even Daltanius, known to be stronger than anyone else, has done twice that man’s job.


But it could not be locked in shock forever.


Kim Sungchul I’ve been attacking constantly.


The enormous chains that bound the city were swung toward the Colossus.


Hundreds of meters of chains struck the shoulders of the Colossus. The colossus was not shocked, but the iron stakes that fastened the chains were lodged on the colossus’ shoulders.


Kim Sungchul After pulling the chain once to check the fixed state, he rushed towards the giant.


It was the surface of a gigantic unslip pair, but the chains that Kim Seong-chul put on two times played a role as a ladder.


Kim Sungchul I climbed up the torso of the colossus in chains like a tiger, and then ascended to the shoulder of the colossus.


The Colossus had no way of resisting this.


Because it was a creature that gave up all the detailed functions and pursued only the greatness that destroyed common sense.


Kim Sungchul climbed over the defenseless shoulder and stared at the head of a giant giant.


Daltanius is in it.


“Good. Like this! Let’s play fairly! ”


Daltanius jumped out of the cockpit.


Compared to the colossus, it was a poor human being, but his body standing on the colossus’ head was quite visible.


Indeed, the seventh hero was a stately appearance.


He held his fists again and again.


“Why don’t you fight with a fist?”


Kim Sungchul Falgaraz was placed in the Soul Warehouse.


A smile of conversion came to the edge of Daltanius.


Daltanius jumped out like a shot and smashed Kim Sung-cheol and wielded a heavy fist.


It was an intense blow with wind pressure that was like shooting a cannon.


But before his fist touched, Kim Sung-chul’s hand grabbed Daltanius’s fat.


Daltanius saw it.


‘This guy. Agility is no joke either. ‘


Kim Sungchul Grabbed the Daltanius and threw it to the golem’s head. In addition to the power of his fists, Kim Seong-chul’s strength, he went through a part of the head of the colossus with a terrible sound.


Still, the firmness of Daltanius was something to admit.


‘Your fitness is similar to or slightly higher than me.’


Daltanius smiled meaningfully, bleeding from his mouth.


“Good! Good! I’m coming back! ”


Daltanius ran back toward Kim Sung-chul.


A plain attack no less than half.


Kim Sungchul felt suspicious.


‘You know that this attack doesn’t work. Is this the level of the Seventh Hero? ”


Daltanius fought with his fists.


At that moment something flashed in his mouth.


Kim Sung-chul’s keen eyes did not miss it.


Kim’s conjecture soon turned into reality.


The memorization of transparent glass hidden in the tongue of Daltanius flew toward Kim Seong-cheol with fearsome momentum.


‘This is a little dangerous.’


Kim Sungchul flew toward Daltanius.


Daltanius’ fists got closer, but Kang-seop passed through Kim’s hem.


Kim Sungchul could have guessed the power just by rubbing.


It is a rare memorization of the least legendary class.


The next moment Dalton’s fist struck Kim’s face.


A heavy blow for a long time.


But Kim’s neck did not return.


Rather, he received Daltanius’s fist as a face and grabbed Daltanius with the other hand.


The fist was hit, but the main character was memorized only.


Moreover, his fist was not strongly pushed. Thanks to Kim Sungchul, he was able to strike back immediately without hitting his fists, and now there is no way for Daltons.


Kim Seong-cheol grabbed Daltanius and placed it on the golem’s shoulder.


Daltanius shouted urgently, but Kim had no reason to show mercy.


He spoke coldly, spitting out a bloody saliva.


“He who fights with his fists cowardly memorizes and writes. It’s a waste of name. ”


“In fact, my best weapon is an axe.”


Daltanius, as evidenced by the words, pulled the furry ax out of the Soul Warehouse.


“With this it is fair to win…


However, Kim Sung-chul’s fist was quickly caught in Daltanius’ face.


Kim’s fist smashed Daltonius’s face without mercy.


A huge new type of Daltonius shouted once and turned upside down like a shrimp.


Not dead. Daltanius had lost his consciousness, but his body was recovering so quickly that it was incredible.


Unlike Lioness, it appeared to be equipped with the Restoration of Soul.


Then there is no need to give time.


Kim Sungchul pulled out eight arms and finished.


The terrible natural healing power was meaningless in front of the arm garaz.


Chilungwoong Daltanius transformed the body into a lump of blood that had no body left.


Kim Sungchul After confirming that Daltanius was completely dead, he recovered his ax and looked at his old coat hem. The hole drilled by Daltanius’s sloping hole was ugly.


Kim’s face is slightly distorted.


‘You have to sew. By the way, two people? ”


Kim Sungchul stared at the body of Daltanius.


Same as in Lioness.


No reaction occurs.


When he killed the Devil, he saw a flow of disaster, but at the time of the Seventh Hero, he did not see any of those signs.


‘You must kill all seven people to see the flow of disaster.’


Unfortunately, killing two people so quickly is encouraging.


And the situation is not over yet.


The Colossus was destroying the remaining Panchuria as it traveled back in the river.


The direction of the colossus is north.


If left as it is, it will sweep not only Panchuria but also the territory of the northern human empire.


Kim Sungchul climbed to the head of the colossus where Daltanius was.


There was a staircase heading down over the head.


As we went down the stairs, a rectangular space appeared in the darkness.


The cockpit of Colossus Bertelgia 3.


Kim Sungchul found a way to stop the giant in the cockpit. But for those outside of the golem, he couldn’t find a pointed way.


Bertelgia then popped over Kim’s pocket.


“Huh? I think you’ve been here before? ”


Bertelgia rose above the sky and flew to the center of the cockpit.


In the center a book was placed in a large groove, giving it a soft glow.


Bertelgia said it.


“Well. Do you think this is similar to me? ”


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