The opportunity came quickly.


Park Aram, who showed her face in the eyes of all the summoners, could now attract women with less effort than before.


There was no need for common words of praise or misconduct.


A word mixed with nasal was enough.


“Want to know the secret of being a wolf?”


Kim Sungchul went three times to make sure things worked.


When the sun leaned and the twilight settled, Krill Regal sent a lion to rest on Kim’s shoulders.


Krill Regal was watching Dolores Winterer as he spurted out of the observatory at this moment.


“It’s another start. That bitch like a dog. I’m disgusted so I can’t see you anymore. I thought I was a human being, a young blood chief’s son. I knew there were no litters. ”


Dolores comes out and a few new summoners come along to admire her.


“I really have a lot of trouble. If that happens, it’ll take him …


“You have only two grades left now? Even if you’re disgusted, you will be blessed if you endure a little longer. ”


There will be no single man sincerely speaking it.


Like Dolores Winterer, human beings who are crucified to the strong and harsh to the weak are not popular with the underworld.


Nevertheless, people are arguing with their fathers because of the absolute power of being connected at the bottom of a narrow wizard.


No matter how talented a man is, he can’t order but learn without a connection.


So desperate.


“If I had been in that square, I would have just killed that baby.”


Dolores Winterler, surrounded by flatterers, sipping little by little along the glass.


Not much, but only wet lips.


This is often what she does when she is stressed.


Suddenly she found Krill Regal between the wizards.


“Uh. you. Why are you still here? ”


The cynicism came to Dolores’s mouth.


Krill Regal was so surprised.


Sudden interest, however, the intensity of tension has risen steeply because his actions are directly linked to Dolores.


“Yes. you. Did you find that you lost your inmate? ”


Knowing this is Krill Regal and Horseback.


Others still do not know the death of the inmate who was in charge of Krill Regal.


“Yes. I found it. It was fine. ”


Dolores listened to the smile, with a strange smile and gently shook the glass.


The bloody liquid in the glass whirls and swirls.


Dolores asked, twinkling eyes.


Eyes like a snake condemned Krill Regal.


Dolores stared at Krill Regal and brought the glass back to her lips.


And I spit out.


“I mean. Fresh newcomers are pretty fond of it, but newcomers who see new subjects and treat them with their screens are very awkward. ”


“It’s good if you’re going to think of me as a barn sack that you made me. Do it. I won’t care. But keep in mind. The senior Knight of Iron Blood Division is a human being who will never see again, but I may encounter him once or twice in my life as a wizard. ”


I talked about one point.


I know your fault. So give me a bribe.


Krill Regal felt the cold sweat on her back.


What is the mood of the frog encountered a snake.


Carelessly leaving, Krill Regal truly prayed for the destruction of Dolores.


In the process, Krill Regal recalled a man’s face.


New summoner unknown.


Krill Regal knows about him that he has a lot of jewels and he has more than a new summoner.


There are several possibilities, but Krill Regal vowed not to think about his identity.


There’s nothing good to find out.


But his behavior was concerned.


‘that man. Why did you ask Dolores information? You don’t mean to fuck Dolores Winterler? Ahh. ‘


Krill Regal looked at the red moon in the sky and was caught in vague expectations.


There was a man looking at the same moon.


A man with shapely eyes in his hair.


Kim Sungchul was silently watching the tragedy under his feet.


Park Aram, who turned into a werewolf, had just eaten a woman related to her.


Kim Sungchul The woman’s eyes were shaking and she sighed with a shallow sigh.


And he sat down silently in front of the pulmonary son who had loosened the last string of reason.


A small but clear voice aroused the silence in the forest.


The head of a werewolf who chewed human flesh turned back.


Surprising surprise passed over the mouth was filled with blood.


Park Aram threw the body and got up.


A massive body of 2.5 meters blocked Kim’s front.


“I was still looking for it. Does this eat the pheasant and eat the egg? What? ”


Kim Sungchul was not even shaken by overbearing questions.


Instead he slowly looked up and stared at the eyes of the coming werewolf.


Park A-ram, who had been desperate for a moment, felt a breathing sensation.


Suddenly, the legs fluttered and did not move as if paralyzed.


‘What … what ?! Come on. My body. ‘


At first, I thought it was a side effect of the werewolf transformation, but as time passed, he felt the need for it.


The warning of instinct that he might die at the moment of seeing Kim Seong-chul’s eyes resonated strongly.


“Yeah, this baby!”


Park Aram immediately denied the fear he felt and rushed to Kim Sung-chul.


The field of vision suddenly turned confusingly.


When he woke up, Park Aram noticed himself on the ground.


He also saw a man standing in an upside down world holding something in his hand and bursting it.


‘My .. am I? How does this happen… ?! Red hair says that if you become a werewolf, you can be the strongest in the square…


Dolores’ words only work on the premise that there is no strong power hidden in the square.


Kim Sungchul looked around and broke his thick branch in his hand.


Pretty plausible clubs were made.


Park Aram realized what Kim Sung-chul was trying to do, but it was too late.


A ruthless beat beat the wolf’s body like a blessed dog.


The fur split and the blood and flesh splashed everywhere.


Park Aram screams and screams strongly into the inside.


‘Red hair! Help me! Help me! Fuck! Help me! ”


However, his helper was sipping a glass of wine surrounded by flatters from the outside.


After a ruthless beating, Park Aram returned from a werewolf to a human figure.


The whole body is dyed with blood, sending a danger signal, and the helper does not even respond.


Park’s eyes, filled with tears and runny noses, reminded me of a guy with a club.


Only then did he know for sure. He bowed his head without hesitation and begged his life.


“Please save me. please…


Kim Seong-chul dropped the club.


A small flower of hope sprouted in Park’s chest.


But before long, the blindfolded gunfoot crushed the shoot completely.


After the stick came kicking.


In particular, the kicking steadily aimed at the face, breaking all of Park’s teeth.


Park Aram, who couldn’t overcome the pain, straightened her waist by turning the body over.


Kim Sungchul watched the sight without saying anything.


After a while, Park Aram once again begged his life.


“Uh… G. Save me. Please .. I’ll do everything if I can save you. ”


Kim Sungchul pointed to a corner of the forest with his finger.


There was the body of a woman killed by Park Aram. The head of the dead body was frighteningly facing Park Aram.


“What did you do when she asked for her life?”


Kim Seong-cheol approached slowly.


Park Aram screamed in her breathing fear.


“Do not come near! If you touch me … You Can’t Survive! ”


Kim Sungchul burst into laughter.


“My dad… Do you know who? I’m the Iron Blood Knight. Iron Blood Knight! ”


“The Iron Blood Knight Commander?”


“That’s right! I don’t know, but it’s very powerful in this world. Power! If you kill me you can’t survive? ”


“Yes? But you’ve just been summoned, how can a knight be your father? ”


“I … I don’t know, fuck. One day the bitch came back and said what it was! I’m that human son. If you come to this world, you will enjoy all the rich films that you cannot enjoy in reality! ”


Not an interesting topic, but one question was solved.


A condition for selecting an inmate such as Park Aram.


‘You used the returnee. If you’re Seong-taek, you might know a lot of talented people. By the way, no matter how bad the world faced disaster, he brought such a man. ‘


Iron Blood Knight Commander Cho Seong-taek had two children with Lee Gye-ro.


However, like all other children, all of his children died before he was ten years old.


It would be pitiful to bring Aram to the world, who may or may not be his son.


However, his son is understandard.


Kim Sungchul heard the club again.


“Oh, please. ! Are you doing this for Ha Young Paper? It’s not my fault. The child first…


Park Aram shook back and leaned back.


Kim Sungchul grabbed a tree trunk around by hand and tied Park’s feet with it and hung it upside down on the tree trunk.


“I’ll tell you one thing. This is heresy. It’s not necessarily a world where power dominates everything. In that place. Even if it is strong, it is hard to install. because? There may be one or two stronger than you. ”


“Oh, I see. I know what you mean. I’m reflecting. I’m really reflecting! ”


“And another one. There’s no probation or a place on this floor. If you make a mistake once, it’s over. ”


The stick went up.


Without a time to say what Park Aram said, a stick struck the snout.


“Soon you will smell blood and beasts in the woods will come. Thank you for the providence of Mother Nature that accepts human trash like you. ”


Kim Sungchul said quietly, dropping a stick.


“Welcome to the world.”


Little monsters appeared in the woods terribly after his words.


The monsters tasted as they saw Park Aram shedding fresh blood.


Park Aram struggled and desperately, but his fate had already been determined.


Kim Sungchul quietly walked out of the woods.


But even before a few footsteps, a whitish person appeared before Kim Sung-chul.


Kim Sungchul I felt some surprise.


‘It’s rare. I missed the mark. ‘


Soon a woman appeared through the darkness.


A woman covered with a hood holding a familiar cane.


Kim Seong-cheol stopped and stared quietly. She took off his hood and revealed his face.


Kim Seong-chul’s eyes came to mind when he saw the face.


There are already several connections.


I fought over the bonus monster and blocked Park A-ram, who was runaway during the day, with Spirit Wolf.


The unknown woman opened her mouth by spinning the Spirit Wolf staff.


“I tried to kill it, but you did it first.”


Kim Sungchul stared at the upcoming woman.


“It seems that I’m not a freshman because I do nothing to kill the wolf.”


Kim Sungchul seemed to listen to her silently.


Kim Sungchul, however, was trying to find out the identity of an unfamiliar woman with his own power and perspective.


There was nothing particularly noticeable.


No singularity was found in the confirmation of the eye of truth, one of the imprints of the soul.


The outside is typical, but the inside is a new summoner.


The speculations I had before became increasingly convinced.


‘Also a regressor.’


The questioned woman sighed.


“You are a quiet man. Or think bad of me. ”


“Speak the word.”


Kim Sung-chul finally broke his silence and opened his mouth.


The moment I heard the voice, but a little surprise in the eyes of women.


But for a while, she opened her mouth staring at Kim Sung-cheol.


“I’ll talk shortly to avoid misunderstanding. I just saw you kill that bastard and I thought you weren’t bad. I also thought you weren’t an ordinary summoner. ”


It was a voice that was smart while cooking.


There was no distraction of the eyes while talking, and breathing was as natural as reading a script that had been thought in advance.


“You don’t look ordinary either?”


“It was correct. But I won’t tell you anything. Of course I will not ask you anything. ”


A mysterious woman reached out to Kim Sung-chul.


The callus was the hand of a weak woman who had just begun to settle.


“I am nothing. I would have seen my name if I had seen the stone of the record. ”


In the first class, he overwhelmed the insider with overwhelming figures.


The identity was unexpectedly a slender woman.


“I have good reason to get good grades at Summon Palace. It’s hard to be alone because of the summoning palace. So I need at least one helper. It’s not a crap, it’s a real person. ”


“So did you save the ceiling?”


Someone smiled at Kim’s sharp question.


“He is a great man. There is leadership. ”


“Why did Park hear about killing him? Is that a werewolf? It’s going to be a lot of power in the remaining class battles. ”


So dog firmly crossed his head.


“Such a human being can only harm the organization. There may be gains but more losses. I would have killed you if you hadn’t touched it. ”


Kim Sungchul smiled after hearing the words.


Because of the consensus.


Kim Sung-chul killed Park Aram because he felt that his wickedness was evil, but his existence was only an obstacle to achieving his purpose.


He has never forgotten his purpose since coming to the Summon Palace.


“Good. Hand magazine. But there is one condition. ”


“Strange conditions are difficult.”


Something said with a bitter smile.


“Don’t worry. I don’t stand. I want to tell you the hidden quests that you know. Especially those associated with magic. ”


“Horse. Good. I’ll give you one. ”


The dog reached out again and Kim Sungchul took his hand.


“What is your name?”


The face and voice of the dog has changed.


“What’s wrong?”


Anyone stared at Kim Sung-chul’s face and shook his head.


“No, no special problems.”


“Okay. Then it slips away. The guest will come soon. ”


Kim Seong-cheol and Amu secretly escaped from the scene while beasts crawling out of the forest fed prey to the body of Park Aram hanging upside down.


Dolores Winterler arrived at the scene a considerable time later.


After magically slaughtering the beasts, Dolores stood up in front of Park’s terrible corpse with a distorted face.


“Oops… like this dog… ! ”


She screamed around like a half-hearted man, tearing her hair away.


The monsters in the forest contracted the madness of the mad sorcerer and could not even dare approach them.


After a while, Dolores stared again at Park’s body, which had cooled down.


There was one good part.


Dolores Winterer’s mind saw a thrilling system of revelation.


At first, the obscure system became obscured over time and over time.


“I can’t finish it this way. How did you get up? How did you get over your humiliation?


A creepy mineral came to Dolores Winterer’s mouth.


It was an ordinary morning with nothing much.


Summoners met another day as they ate and trained as the mist swept away from the rising sun.


Kim Sungchul Returned to the camp for noon after performing a general quest to gain horsepower and intuition.


But there was something strange in the camp for the inmates.


“That guy. Why are you doing that? ”


“Don’t get any closer. I don’t think it’s good. ‘


The apostles were afraid or ashamed of a person from afar.


Kim Sungchul We walked through the indwellers and watched them.


Shallow folds were carved into Kim Seong-chul’s forehead.


It was a body that was Park Aram.


Like a beggar, the corpse, with its blanket over and its face exposed, sat in his seat as if a person was outraged and shook his torso.


‘You made it into a spiritless doll by using martial arts. He also worked very hard to prevent the corruption. ‘


And bad feelings are a high probability.


Krill Regal urgently sent a note saying:


[Dolores Winterer is finally crazy! The woman is trying to kill everyone in the plaza! ]


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