“You need to help me.”


Krill Regal never imagined that fireballs would have burned in this way.


The same guilt of the same school of magic led Dolorens Winterer to approach Krill Regal.


Krill Regal initially felt a strong antipathy.


When she asked to help her because she was from the same school, she was asking for help when she was in a difficult situation because she was in a difficult situation.


But Krill Regal had little choice until Dolores was dismissed.


The only measure is to report Park’s death to Ma’am-gil, but Dolores manages sorcerers by laying the eyes of numerous watchers between the abode and the observatory where Ma’s-il resides for security reasons.


You may die while going to your earliest reports.


But it is not very lacking opportunity.


The day before the grading once a week, Ma Sang-gil visits the prospect and reports on the growth of the nominees.


Upon receiving the report, Ma Sang-gil demands a bribe from Humber and Krill, which would be the best opportunity.


However, four days remain before the grade.


Until then, it is the law itself that Dolores Winterler cannot disobey.


“We should go to the Blue Square together.”


Krill Regal had no choice.


I do not know what will happen to touch the planting of Dolores at bay.


Krill Regal followed Dol Lawrence through the Slave Hunter Passage to the Blue Square.


Dolores turned his hood upside down and presented Krill Regal a vial of dark red blood.


“I have it. Do not shed because it is precious. ”


“This is… What is it? Seniors. ”


“What do you think? Fiji, a werewolf in estrus. Werewolf blood at the estrus has magical powers that make ordinary humans were werewolves. ”


“Yes… ? ”


“It’s not taught at school. Remember it well. Later on, I will show you how to collect the blood of werewolves. ”


Is there a need?


Dolores, who was so chilly before, treats them as if they were completely different.


Krill Regal felt embarrassed to vomit, but he also felt different.


The mage’s common desire to acquire Dolores, who entered the ranks of the intermediate wizards, slowly lifted his head.


Krill Regal, however, remembered the shame he had suffered from Dolores.


Dolores Winterler secretly approached the Blue Square’s unnamed summoner and hypnotized the blood of the werewolf.


“On the day of grade war you will have to kill all of the plaza with your companions. I will tell you the faces of humans that must be killed first. ”


Krill Regal, who was watching by the side, noticed Dolores’ severity.


‘You’re trying to evade responsibility by killing all the insiders by creating a situation of force majeure like a probe. Then the responsibility will naturally go to the horseback road or the upper line. Responsible material will be passed over to failure to negotiate with the palace in neglect. ”


I do not know anything else, but I thought I could only admit Dolores’ ability and daring behavior.


I thought that I could learn enough if I could make a proper connection with this woman.


On the way back to the observatory, Krill Regal encountered a familiar face.


A slave hunter with no arms.


He saw Dolores’s face before Krill and grabbed him.


“Aren’t you a woman?”


Krill Regal wanted to disregard him, but she replied shortly in a tone that seemed to be graced before.


“Nothing is as dangerous as the woman who puts the ordinary people like us to the test.”


The slave hunter disappeared into the darkness with a lonely smile.


Krill Regal was feeling very bad.


[D creates 6 werewolves in the Blue Square, and the werewolves will attack the nominee with the primary target]


The information brought by the sky squirrel was enough to complicate Kim’s head.


A white wolf was shaken by a werewolf.


When six of them appear, it is clear what Satan will come out.


A unilateral killing will be unfolded.


Kim Seong-chul, who has been struggling on numerous battlefields, has not seen a sharp solution in the current situation.


If you have a month or so, it is impossible to raise the summoners to the satisfaction level in about four days.


You may be able to kill one or two werewolves by pretending to be a coincidence, but if you treat all six in that way, all the efforts you have made so far may go into vain.


We need something breakthrough and decisive


At that time, I remembered the existence that Kim Sung-chul had forgotten.


Kim Sungchul I pulled out a huge book that had been placed in the Soul Warehouse.


The book that speaks is Bertelgia.


It’s not ugly, but it contains a lot of alchemist Eckhart’s vision.


Perhaps there is a recipe for breaking the situation.


Bertelgia said, yawning.


It took a bit to yawn on the subject of the book, but Kim Sungchul did not point out.


Instead, he talked his request in a calm voice.


“The next class was against six werewolves. We need the knowledge of alchemy to kill the werewolves with our current resources. ”


“Wolf man? Is there a good enough guy to hurt my dad’s golem? Call me a werewolf? ”


Bertelgia tried to fall on the floor with Kim Seong-cheol himself covering the bookshelf.


“For some reason I must hide my strength. Therefore I need something to kill the werewolf with the summoners’ strengths and abilities. ”


“Cloudy. Is there such a situation? ”


“Of course. I’m Bertelgia. The sum of alchemy itself. It’s not bad to show me my skills on this occasion. ”


Bertelgia fluttered around the bookshelf and wandered around Kim Seong-chul.


After a while, Bertelgia opened the bookshelf with shallow elasticity and showed one of them to Kim.


– fire that does not go out –


“It’s a fire that doesn’t go out. It’s a guy that burns stronger when you spray it. It’s also good for the Werewolf’s weakness to fire. Best of all, I chose it because there are so many ingredients around it and it’s easy to make. ”


I thought it was a lot of books, but the work is smart.


Kim Sungchul I glanced through the materials on the fire item that could not be extinguished.


There are three materials for making fire that can’t be extinguished.


Alchemy charcoal is a combination item that must be processed different materials, unlike other materials, and the other two items that can be obtained by harvesting or hunting.


Necessary apparatuses such as induction and cooking are possible, but it is not a problem because it is sufficiently replaceable by Kim Sung-chul’s power.


“Do you have a portable pension kiln for your dad? Have you left it yet? ”


“Okay. Then let’s find the golden stone first. Golden stones can be taken from the cliff side. ”


Bertelgia fled with excitement and flew first.


Kim Sungchul grabbed her from behind and covered her.


“No, what are you doing? I’m going to take a walk! ”


When Bertelgia fled and rebelled, Kim Seong-chul moved.


Unbelievable speed even with eyes.


Kim Sungchul quickly reached the bottom of the cliff.


Bertelgia, anxious, is not surprised.


“Yes. What is it? What did you eat so fast? ”


Bertelgia opened his mouth only after being idle for a while.


“Where is the Golden Stone?”


“Um… You’re weird. I think I’m caught by a really strange person. what. why… . ”


“Where is the golden stone?”


“I’m not really funny and overbearing. I really have no luck or support. ”


“Okay! If you find it, stop it. Here it is. ”


Bertelgia flew toward the cliff and stopped between the small piles of stones hanging on the cliff.


“This is it. This is golden stone. ”


“Well? This is golden stone? It’s just a stone. ”


“Take one time.”


Kim Sungchul jumped up the cliff and caught the golden stone by hand.


‘Yeah. This is not a stone. ‘


It was more like moss or mushroom than stone.


Inside a stone-like surface, it was filled with golden spores and powder.


It was glare enough to cause people to be mistaken for gold.


Kim Sungchul I thought it was strange and took it to my nose and smelled it.


The smell reminded me of information about Kim Seong-chul.


Remarks: The name is stone, but its identity is mushroom. Good fire and strong fire, mainly used as fuel for dwarves. Species that live in clusters are older, and larger clusters are more effective.


Kim Seong-chul’s eyes came to mind.


How long have you felt the pleasure of visiting something you don’t know.


“Next is blood pudding. Blood pudding’s slime is hard to ignite, but once it’s applied it won’t go out! This is the fire’s alpha and omega that will not go out! ”


Bertelgia urges the next turn.


Kim Sungchul Put the golden stone in his pocket and immediately grasped Bertelgia and headed for the next place.


Finding blood puddings was not difficult.


Spilled the blood of a small animal’s corpse in an abandoned cave, and crawled out like a moon.


“Be careful. Blood pudding is a slime series and therefore has a physical resistance. No matter how strong you are, being surrounded by him can be dangerous. . ”


Bertelgia did not speak.


Because Kim’s fist was spinning strongly.


Inadvertently punching the blood pudding in one room, literally burst into sprinkling debris everywhere.


“Well what? What are you … ..! ”


Bertelgia froze in the air.


Kim Sungchul took out the furoshiki and picked up the fragments of the blood pudding.


“How do you make pension charcoal?”


“What are you …? why…


Bertelgia is surprised again.


As a general rule, it’s impossible to hit a slime system with a fist.


‘There’s a whole bunch of guys here. What’s this guy’s identity ?! ‘


Bertelgia only realized that his master was an unusual human, but he was also patient.


“Okay! You can teach me! ”


Alchemy charcoal was stuffed around.


It was enough to heat the wood mixed with the fallen leaves in the river.


Even though it took some time, Kim Sungchul finished pension charcoal. Ekhard’s portable pension kiln was now taken out of the Soul Warehouse.


It was a cute kiln that was small enough to fit in the palm of the hand, but when the seal was released, a huge brass-like prominent pension kiln appeared.


“Okay, I’m ready. You just need to make it from now on. ”


Kim Sungchul nodded and stood in front of the pension kiln.


Pension charcoal and golden stone mixed with a fire was heated hot kiln.


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