Where is it wrong?


In a conference hall where anxiety, anxiety, and fear are dying, Horneco did not say a word, but was immersed in his own thoughts.


His plan was tight.


Even if one failure failed, considerable effort was made to make the other compensate for the failure.


However, his grand plan was smashed by the wall of reality, and now it is a place where even the principal, wealth, or life, which has accumulated over a lifetime, will fly away.


“Enemy of the world has departed from Nimpas.”


A pawn came up to him and whispered.


“What is he looking for?”


Horneco said in a low voice.


“This is the Governor.”


Horneco’s eyes closed. He took a deep breath with his eyes closed.


The time has come and the time has come to pay.


A man jumped up at the conference hall.


A bizarre man with a golden bill in one very tall eye.


“You overworked. Horneco. Not like you. ”


Grizzly, his father-in-law.


He penetrated the phenomenon even in the absence of other information.


“That’s how it is.”


Horneco said frankly.


Then, the subjects in his left and right began to gaze at each other’s colleagues.


Soon inside, the quiet conference hall turned a little like a street stall in protest to Ah.


Another man arose in the confusion.


He has been fighting for a long time as the governor general for Horneco and Ah. Now he has lost both his money and his mankind, and he has fallen so far as to worry about the subject’s place.


“I ate with the apocalyptic denomination, to crush the kingdom of my son-in-law and now smash our homeland.”


He sputtered and exclaimed. He had been drunk from daylight and had a red reminder of his face and a strong smell of alcohol.


“This city is over! Horneco. Because of you! ”


The object of the Horneko wave immediately reacted.


“What do you know? The enemy of the world does not know the purpose of coming here. Trust only fragmentary intelligence and don’t blame your mouth. And is there any guarantee that he will destroy the city even if the enemy of the world comes here in anger? ”


“Claris said.”


“Claris? Are you talking about her singer? ”


“Yes, she said! Where the enemy of the world came is turned into ruins. Panchuria, LaGranje, Ixion. The next is a port to ah! ”


“May the bullshit be fair!”


Horneco, with sunken eyes, watched the absurd war in the conference hall and also noticed the unbelief that glanced at.


But what good is it all?


Horneco thought so and broke the ring in his hand.


Grizzly’s golden bill flourished.


It is the seal of the governor to the son that has been inherited from the Luteginian period. The fact that Horneko took it off in front of people means only one fact.


“Suddenly… I am…


Horneko pulled the ring off the desk.


The drunken meeting room was quiet as if it had been splashed with cold water.


Horneco spoke in a penetrating tone, bringing a matt metal seal to the desk.


“For reasons of personal retirement, I will resign from the governorship of the permanent free city Ah.”


In a shocked silence, Horneco left the meeting, leaving the seal.


A momentary silence flowed over the closed door, but soon a crackling sound began to burst.


None of those numerous subjects followed him.


As usual, more than half of the crowd at the conference would have come out with him and scorned him, but now no one cares about his retirement.


A reckless world where only profits dominate. Oh, it’s a common landscape protesting.


‘I thought it wouldn’t be as much as me.’


The lonesome scene of former Governor Grizzly overlapped with the situation unfolding before him now.


With no escorts, Horneco soon returned to his office to be emptied.


In the office, a man was waiting for him.


Altusius Zero of the Apocalypse.


It was ironic. The person who came out to pick up the lonely exit of the one who lost power and left nothing is not a long-time fellow trader but a tightly closed trading partner.


“An enemy of the world is coming here to kill your son-in-law.”


Altusius spoke in a distinctive, vocal voice.


Horneco responded by shaking his empty finger, leaving a seal on the seal.


“But I no longer do anything. Go to the new governor, who is soon to be elected, not for future transactions. ”


Horneco said, opening the drawer, reaching deep into the arm and taking something out.


It was a small bottle of blue liquid.


It is an extreme reading called the drop of the ancient god.


Even if you drink only one drop to death, as well as the body melts and disappears, even undead will be lost.


It is an appropriate finishing method suitable for those who care about death as well as their reputation after death.


Horneco was willing to use it.


In front of the enemies of the world.


Believing that is now the only blow he can do to enemies around the world.


“Go. To the new governor. ”


Horneco said with a bottle.


But Altusius did not even move.


Althusius Zero opened his mouth after a heavy silence, one second longer than one second.


“I came to trade, not the Governor-General of the Merchant Union, but you, the personal Dravis Horneco.”


Althus was glanced at the scroll left on the table by the window.


“…. Only you can bring the power of that document to the limit. ”


“In the end that was the purpose.”


Horneco said with a charge.


“Somehow I felt like it.”


So Horneko did not touch the scroll with a finger, and he ordered the scavenger not to do anything. As a result, dust was piled up around the scrolls and tables that were illuminated by the window.


asked Horneco.


“Why should I write that scroll?”


Horneko knew roughly what the scroll of the apocalyptic denomination was. Instead of driving the caster to death, it is a tool of self-destruction that gives us the power to process.


But I do not know more than that.


Why would Altius have himself written that scroll.


“Our leaders have adored them.”


Altusius said.


“Leader of the Apocalypse ..? Fritz Schnellmerker? ”


At that question Altusius resolutely shook his head.


“He is a competent and passionate man, but he is not our leader. Our true leader is apart. ”


He is a merchant of heaven. In the dark, when you can’t be sure, you’ve been quietly thinking that you can sell information you’ve just heard.


“You know him well.”


Althus said.


Horneco traced the memory.


But I gave up quickly.


Finding a person without a clue is half as good as finding sand on a sandy beach.


However, an unfamiliar face rushed past Horneco’s brain like fate.


“No, he… ? ”


Horneco burst into laughter as though it were incredible.


“He pointed you directly.”


“She met you in person and judged you.”


asked Horneco.


Althus was carefully flashing his eyes in a meaningful tone.


“You are the man who is the incarnation of the merchant class leader Isaac Raquet.”


Althuss turned around.


Black smoke rose and his men appeared in the office. His men whispered to Althuss.


“The choice is yours. Drobis Horneco. ”


Altogius disappeared with black smoke leaving the words.


There are only two choices left in front of Horneco.


There are differences, but the results are the same.


Death is inevitable no matter what you choose.


Blue sickness means no personal death.


On the other hand, profane scrolls mean destruction.


Neither was unwilling to Horneco, but he had to make a choice.


He has lived his lifelong choices, but suddenly he feels like a child’s stroke springs up from his dry heart.


Horneco’s unsealed hand grabbed a blue bottle.


Pulling a lid and breathing blue liquid at once, he approached the table where the light leaked into his staggering steps and put his hand on the scroll.


The esophagus, the tongue, and the stomach were already burned, and they could not speak, but the eyes were mixed with pain and despair, madness and obsession.


[Let’s start trading? You know. ]


Motivation was a stroke, but it was conviction that led to the action.


Conviction that the presence of the scroll beyond the Horneko wants the other.


‘I can sell you expensive. This old body too. ‘


Black flames were attached to the man’s body that began to melt.


Something fell on the floor.


This is the cross of the covenant in my heart.


A man landed on a griffon at the entrance of a city surrounded by a wall.


The guards, who watched under the gate from the watchtower, grabbed the identity of the company and gossiped at a glance.


“An enemy of the world…


The tenacious vitality of the Merchant Federation results from the large amount of reliable information and the rapid delivery of that information.


It was already known to all Merchant Union merchants that Kim Sung-chul came to defeat Horneco.


Although Kim Seong-cheol defeated Deheater, it was only an hour later.


“By the way, can I be slow? What if the bad guy runs away? ”


“He cannot run away.”


Kim Sungchul spoke in a calm tone.


Bertelgia asked, and Kim Sungchul pointed to the heart containing Bertelgia.


“There is a cross of covenant in his heart. He can’t leave here until the deal he signed with me. If he breaks it, he will be burned. ”


“In addition, he would not leave this place without the cross of covenant.”


Kim Sungchul Aha has a huge square in the center of the harbor.


A building that can be called a merchant association itself, which has accumulated all the wealth of merchant associations.


In it, there is gold that can buy everything in this world.


That is true. Kim Sungchul confirmed it by himself.


A mercenary captain with a wide brim hat shouted at Kim Seong-chul.


“Horneco is no longer our governor. Therefore to Ah the port will open to you. ”


Kim Sungchul entered the harbor to open ah.


However, at the moment when Kim Sung-cheol entered the gate, there was a man who jumped out through the gate.


He wore a bright dress, but the man covered with a hood and the man of his body were running away without looking back.


Looks like a mixed moment.


Bertelgia shook his body and showed curiosity.


Kim Seong-cheol was also wondering what human beings are doing, but since it is not a transcendental sense, it is only an ordinary human and a side issue.


Kim Sungchul I walked toward the governor’s office, walking along the streets of a port city like no other.


The entrance of the office was wide open to Kim Seong-chul, like the gate.


Some of the subjects dressed in luxurious clothes squeaked in front of Kim Seong-chul in front of the entrance.


Kim Sungchul In their words, Horneco had already resigned from the Governor General and was excommunicated at the General Assembly of Traders.


In the hallway leading to the office, some of the young merchants in the hallway of Kim Sungchul heard the voice.


“Is it all fake?”


“You’re kicked out of your seat and reveal your true color.”


“You can eat good things before you die. Why are you? ”


They gossiped at the door of the office.


Kim Sungchul He passed by young merchants and stood in front of the governor’s office.


The smell of the food has been smelled by a slightly open door.


Kim Sungchul I touched a slightly open door and opened it.


At the moment Kim Sungchul doubted his eyes.


It was a feast of food.


In the office of the governor’s office, there were an innumerable variety of dishes, and on one side the chef was cooking with smoke through the open windows.


Beyond the table where the chairs of the table were so crowded, Kim Seong-chul, a well-known man, was devouring food while showing his back.


Kim Sungchul opened his mouth in a low voice, staring at his back.


“I heard that the governor of Aegean was the world’s richest man, but he was eating a black bread and a sip because he had no frugal mates.


The man who was devouring food stopped eating.


He picked up an extravagant bottle of wine, still with his back, and turned over with a bottle of wine.


Kim Seong-chul’s face hardened.


Bertelgia trembled.


His enemy had been transformed into a mole bone that was no longer human.


A pink ominous flesh swaying like jelly under the eyes of the elderly and under the forehead of the nose.


Like a shape attached to. Kim Sungchul reminded me of a chimera figure that crazy wizards often create.


“I’m sorry. But please understand. ”


“For ten years I had only eaten black trash like garbage, but I should enjoy this luxury.”


He turned to the table again and pointed to the documents falling below the floor.


“It was a report sent by a liaison to every country. Please read it all over to see what your World Congress will look like. ”


Kim Sungchul picked up the papers on the floor.


The document contained the fact that the Merchant Federation’s fleet delivered Kim’s documents and the results.


One of the results shook Kim’s heart.


[Human Empire-Not Attendance]


Not long after Kim Seong-chul read the documents, a human being, neither a human nor a monster, arose.


“I am an honest merchant, always keeping my promises. With faithfulness and sincerity. ”


A huge ship concealed under black clothes shook like a wave.


Kim Sungchul I pulled out the arm karas as I felt Ashin’s godless energy.


‘Is this going to happen again?’


Horneko’s body began to burn black flames.


Kim Seong-chul’s sense of transcendence responded to him and revealed his identity before Kim Sung-chul.


[Izakany Immortals]


[The First Merchant, The One Swallowed by Greed]


The name of the immortal came to mind first.


As soon as Kim Seong-cheol wondered, another letter came to his mind.


[Horneco, King of Illeborough]


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