The ground began to shake.


Kim Seong-cheol’s sense of transcendence responded in the unstable shaking.


It was a tiny tiny particle.


No matter how good a person can be, the particles are so small that they cannot be blown with the naked eye.


One such thing was inadvertently filled around Kim Seong-chul and Horneco.


The wall between Kim Sung Chul and Horneko is cracked.


Sharp screams were heard all over the building.


The other is known, and it is also believed to be very powerful.


Observation may be better than a quick attack.


It is not simply a comfortable choice.


Transcendence was telling.


Now Horneco is multiplying in some form, with a creepy trap around it.


The building began to collapse.


Kim Sungchul Once escaped from the building through the collapsed ceiling.


With its colorful and balanced appearance and functionality, the governor’s building, which had long been a protest specialty to Ah, was collapsing.


Aegean people were embarrassed not knowing about the sudden earthquake.


The earthquake never occurred in this region.


Kim Sungchul came out to see where the fine particles were coming from Horneko’s room.


They came out of the earth.


As if to pull a turnip, it was pulled out of the ground and gathered toward Horneco in the collapsed building.


‘What harmony is this?’


To date, Ashin needed human sacrifices in any form when he descended into this world. In the direct descending of Ashin, he sacrificed a myriad of random lives, and in the case of Atheism, he used the life of the cult of the apocalypse and killed himself innocent.


Now, the wreckable beings in that building were driven in their own way, upsetting all the common sense so far.


Kim Sungchul He flew into the sky and observed the sky from above, chanting Meteo’s orders.


The horsepower is half the power, but the destructive power itself does not drop much compared to Starlight, and above all, there was nothing like Meteo Baptism to deal with the stray debris.


Soon after the brigade ended, a magic circle was opened in the sky, and meteorites pulled from the sky fell toward the governor’s building.


Subsequently, an additional seven meteorites struck the remains of the governor’s building.


The historic buildings were turning into dust, leaving no debris left by the subsequent meteorite struck.


Kim Sungchul I found black flames exposed through the rubble. It grew gradually as Kim Sung-chul feared and had a huge shape.


“What is that? What ?! ”


Bertelgia screamed in a shocked voice, sticking out of his pocket.


As she said, the beings encased in black flames were transformed into the shape of a foot family like centipede.


A huge centipede appeared in black flames breaking through the rubble.


Kim Sungchul Feeling the screams of people screaming in my ears, I remembered Sidmia’s like the shape of a giant snake seen in the transcendental world and the image of an Admiral descended by Ixion.


‘No way Horneco. Are you trying to materialize? Without sacrifice? ‘


The black centipede now wriggled according to the instinct as if there was no reason left behind, and then headed somewhere, teasing thousands of legs.


The gigantic, endlessly driven centipede quickly climbed aboard the protest market square, arcade tents and roofs of old houses.


Kim Sungchul watched the monster over the sky.


Wherever the monster went, some sacred force in the earth was falling into the form of particles and being drawn into the monster’s black flames.


Kim Seong-chul was able to know for sure.


Some beings that were once Horneco receive life from the power of the entire harbor to the land, not to human beings.


It cannot be stopped.


There is no way to destroy the entire land of the city with Kim Seong-chul’s power.


Only God itself would be a realm.


“Would it be better if we run away?”


We have seen a lot of enemies together, but this one seemed extremely dangerous even in the eyes of Bertelgia.


She trembled deeply into the pouch, trembling from the pain of a wound cut through Kaz’s sword the last day.


Bertelgia’s words are indeed correct.


Maracaia said.


The most favorite method of the Nahaq when dealing with human primitive tribes using a mythology is to leave.


Ashin is not allowed in this world by God and therefore there is no long way in this world at any number.


In his words, it is correct to return to Silfid, who is waiting for himself at the border between Nimpas and Ah, with the port back to the falling child.


The notice of the World Congress, already struck by Horneco, has been made clear to all nations, and now it is enough to wait for the gathering of the world’s heads in Ixion.


However, some subtle feelings hesitated.


One was a grievous form of question.


‘What the hell are you doing?’


Kim Sungchul It’s not like the type that’s deliberate like Schnellmerker or the big picture like the emperor.


He was a one-line commander who changed the situation with momentary bases and promiscuous response.


However, the base and term response are only possible after the big stem is understood.


Kim Sungchul The broad stem, though not completely at a given strategic goal, understands and takes optimal action to meet it.


Experience on the battlefield was telling him.


There’s a contradiction in what’s going on.


Horneco, who was already transforming into Ashin, or being Horneco, was entwined like a snake with disgusting legs and torso in the central infinite vault of the port.


No combat doctor could find any movement to harm Kim Sung-chul.


Just like the instincts of the worms left, the endless safe was just obsessed.


Wherever you go, you suck the power of the earth and cause an earthquake.


“What do you think you are so stupid?”


Bertelgia awoke Kim Sung-cheol, who was deeply thoughtful.


Feeling the strong vibration of Bertelgia, he dismissed the suspicion of digging into his head and changed his mind lightly.


‘Maybe this is the unintended consequence of those who handed the scroll to Horneco.’


If everything is not planned, everyone will agree.


However, Kim Seong-cheol could not leave this place for another reason.


The earthquake caused by the presence of Horneco caused the port to be destroyed and distorted by Ah.


Thousands or even tens of thousands of lives are in danger at the moment.


“Everyone here!”


“Run Away!”


The buildings, which were densely and disorderly placed without any consideration of seismic design, collapsed like mud houses, even with slight vibrations.


“Who Helps You!”


Everywhere there was a sad voice calling for salvation.


The next moment, the huge building under Kim Sung-chul collapsed.


This is the building of the Traders’ Union Stock Exchange, filled with the notorious human waste and workers.


Those who gathered in huge square buildings to play money for others were trapped in the rubble and became irresistible.


“Who will save me!”


Although quite a few seemed to be able to make some personal escapes with some magic and power, most people were confined in the empty central area.


Watching the ceiling that seems to collapse right now and the dust and debris flowing down from the ceiling with the sentiment’s feelings.


The sight could not be ignored.


He’s not a hero or anything.


You want to save human garbage that is irrelevant even if you die.


Kim Sungchul I remember the pathetic conversations of those who want a casual war in a wagon across the stock exchange.


But something unknown was tied to Kim Sung-chul.


It was the same in Panchuria.


He pulled chains across the city at risk to save people, and he even sought out a pair of eastern duo fires on the soles of the island of La Grande, where he had raised hundreds of thousands of bodies.


Kim Sungchul Now I felt a sense not much different from that time.


Kim Sung-cheol’s eyes had a dark shade.


At first, I thought it was a rebellion against the vested interests of the world that only took care of their inheritance.


At least in Panchuria, the sentiment was strong.


But now I know.


Something more than just a backlash is moving him.


“What do you think?”


Bertelgia asked carefully, feeling the change in Kim’s chest.


“Wait a minute. Bertelgia. ”


Kim Sungchul descended terribly at the end of the horse and settled on the ceiling of the stock exchange with two roofs.


Arm Karaz appeared in Kim Seong-chul’s hand.


“Retreat All!”


“Everyone, step away from the roof!”


Kim Sungchul said again.


Arm Karaz flashed above his head, and soon divine power wrapped his body.


Literally a powerful blow struck the roof.


The debris that had kept people trapped was blown away by the divine power as if it had been swept away by rain, and those trapped in it waiting for death could once again see the sun shining above the sky.


With a man who looks like something holy, taking the sunlight behind his back.


“That’s … that’s the enemy of the world ?!”


“Did the world’s enemies save us ?!”


Light also came to the blurry eyes of merchants and mori boats controlled by greed.


There was no recommendation to receive something in return.


Kim Sungchul Headed to the next building, leaving those who stared at him like a savior.


It was an apartment where lower class people lived. It was like a chicken coop where the landlords illegally built a room and increased the number of rooms to maximize profits.


Due to the earthquake, the seven-story human chicken coop was bent from the waist. If you have a knight level of stats, but just jump down, but the lower class people had the same abilities of ordinary humans.


They shouted and fluttered in the collapsed building.


Kim Seong-chul supported the collapsed building.


“Get out of the building right now!”


When the shaking of the building stopped, the people who stopped stopped ran forward. An elderly old man fell in front of the stairs at the entrance. Some men trampled on the old man. Kim Sung-cheol was about to yell, and the young men raised the old man down.


Kim’s anger subsided and hundreds of people could be saved under his protection.


But the situation is not over yet.


Kim Sungchul Removed his hand from the building after confirming that most people had escaped. The human chicken coop collapses like a house made of clay and generates a large amount of dust.


Kim Sungchul, who cast a fly again, stared at the pterodactyl that caused all these problems from high above the sky.


The giant centipede, named Horneco, remained silent, wrapped around the infinite safe with its long body and numerous legs.


Kim Sungchul We found a lot of flames on Horneko’s body. But I did not think it was a sign of decline.


Something was flashing in the place where the light disappeared.


It is glossy. The strangely beautiful luster that shimmered in the grayish ash was incorporating reality into the place where the flames faded.


Transcendental senses showed that the astronomical force of earth gathered toward Horneco.


‘What are you doing?’


At the moment when Kim felt the question, another earthquake shook the port.


Screams rang everywhere, and fires broke out everywhere. Those who were quick got on their lines and tried to escape the city.


A rich man’s colleague was about to break the anchor line and ascend. At their feet something ridiculously huge came up and shattered the good of the rich.


Kim Sungchul doubted his eyes.


It was a mass of mass large enough to be called a floating stone, or floating island, that swallowed up many collinear lines.


In the devastated collusion, a large amount of gold coins flowed down with debris.


The next minute, the same text came to mind in the eyes of everyone at the port.


[No one can escape. ]


[Give up the gold. ]


Soon after the letter came up, everyone gazed at the giant, rainbow-colored centipede lurking above the infinite safe as promised.


The centipede was diligently swallowing something with a horizontal mouth through the outer walls of the Infinite Safe.


The most basic and fundamental symbol of wealth.


The gold swallowing centipede suddenly swung and stared at Kim.


Another letter came before my eyes.


[You have a lot of gold. It smells. ]


Kim Seong-chul’s eyes were visible only.


‘Unfortunately, I have to step out of here.’


I thought so, I was about to fly back.


The space around Kim Sung-chul began to twist.


A surprise came to Kim’s eyes.


Something that could or should not have been about to happen.


The Soul Warehouse was opening itself.


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