‘Would open the soul warehouse by yourself?’


The ability to hear or see.


The Soul Reservoir is one of the blessings given to man by God that physically amplifies the limits of possession.


The Soul Warehouse, which is in the form of Soul Stamp, is treated as a general tool made by the hands of craftsmen with a rare class called Soul Smelter. .


In other words, it is the closest instrument to the divine will of the safest, most efficient, inviolable, and the expansion of property.


But something happened to counter the value.


Kim’s soul warehouse began to open regardless of his will and dropped something to the floor.


A chest full of unmanned coins of the Merchants Union.


‘Did you see a guy like this?’


One or two gold coin boxes may be enough.


In the soul store, however, the objects that represent life itself are hidden deep.


Now that golden centipede is trying to pull it out.


Transcendental senses speak.


That centipede is paying attention to Kim Sung-cheol, the man who has the most gold except for himself in this port.


The retribution of robbery nine years ago may have returned this way.


I heard an angry voice ringing in my head.


Kim Sungchul instantaneously noticed what his situation was.


There is no more Horneco in that centipede.


Unstoppable greed devoured him.


As with God, who became one with him.


Achin Isaac Lacheek sucks the power of the earth, Horneko sucks the gold.


The two beings that sucked each other’s greed were merged into one and tried to swallow not only Kim but also Sung-chul Kim.


Kim Seong-chul, however, has a trump weapon.


Kim Sung Chul shouted at Horneco.


The centipede showed a rigid figure with his head up.


Kim Sungchul I pulled out a document by pushing the pile of gold that filled the entrance to the Soul Warehouse.


It is nothing more than a contract between Kim Seong-cheol and Horneco.


Document describing what Horneko should do in return for Kim Sung-cheol staying two weeks.


At first glance, it is nothing but an ordinary contract, but the document sets up a neutral god as a notary public.


Using the tool of the cross of covenant.


Kim Sungchul The golden centipede stared at one of the obligations that Horneco had to fulfill.


“I want the delivery of the Merchant Union National Flag! Fulfill the obligations in this contract right now! ”


The cross of the covenant is embedded in the heart of Horneco.


No matter how much Hornenco and Ashin are now, Achin knows, and Ashin cannot overcome the power of the neutral being, the higher being.


Therefore, as long as the cross of the covenant is lodged, it will be possible to inflict a fatal blow if it is abandoned.


It is not important for Horneco whether reason remains.


There is no consideration in the contract of the world.


“I will give you a minute! Answer my question now! ”


Bright light begins to frost on the text of the contract.


The divine power of the Neutral God, bound by the contract law, began to be manifested.


But before a minute passed, a giant centipede wriggled and threw up a yellowish terrible slime in his mouth.


Kim Sungchul quickly escaped the current position to avoid the liquid spilled.


Everything began to decay where the yellow liquid fell. They quickly melted the building and exposed the floor to the ground.


‘Wang? No similar liquid. ‘


It is clear that it is a polar acid liquid.


The object is likely to come from the guts of the monster that melts gold.


Anyway, for whatever reason, the attack that Kim Sung Chul wanted was fulfilled.


Horneco just broke his contract in an attack. Good faith obligations to the other party are the most fundamental obligations of any transaction. Horneco lost it.


Now all we have to do is see the cross of the covenant burn him.


But nothing happened.


Kim Sungchul doubted his eyes.


‘Well, is the power of the neutral god less than to God?’


In the near future, a little fire rose from that point. The flame feels different from the flame that burns the whole port.


The flame of the cross of the covenant.


But it grew up in the remains of nothing other than the centipede named Horneco.


Kim Sungchul found that the flames of that holy moment came from part of the governor’s residence.


‘Did you remove the cross of the covenant? No way. It’s impossible… . ‘


The moment was impossible to think of the word impossible.


Kim Sungchul concluded that it is not impossible.


The so-called five Lords are not the true gods that Kim Sung-chul thinks.


So the concept of perfection is not theirs.


There is no time to think.


Horneco again spewed out a polar acid solution that melted everything.


This time, I spit towards the sky, not Kim Sung-chul.


The mucus, which soared high in the sky, was attracted by gravity and stopped rising, soon falling into thousands of tens, tens of thousands, and hundreds of millions of drops.


The literal rain of death.


It was poured into a port that was ruined.


‘Sucking like this.’


Enemies met so far.


Kim Sungchul I immediately found something that would fall to the ground to stop the rain.


Whatever was good. If you can protect yourself from a low acid solution, whether it’s building debris or collinear.


Luckily, a floating island freed from bondage was rising in the near future.


Kim Sungchul I poured my magic and flew like a comet and stuck under the bottom of a floating island.


Kim Seong-chul, hanging on an ascending floating island, and the rain of pouring death intersect.


Kim Sungchul could be seen from the bottom of the floating island.


The rain of death sentenced the end to the port to Ah.


The barely alive lived in the rain of death and melted, or drank and poisoned the poisonous gas of death.


The rain gave a true equality to the harbor in a sense.


The poor and the rich have given the same death.


A giant centipede shouted at Kim Seong-chul.


Kim Sungchul Aboard the floating island, he was away from the port.


There was no way for the centipede to drive out Kim Sung-chul.


He was about to retreat from the buoyancy of the floating island.


The sense of transcendence signaled the weakening of Horneco’s power to hold the soul store.


I feel like I’ve forgotten something, but it’s not Kim Seong-cheol’s desire to have a meaningless fight against a gritty enemy.


His body is one and he can’t be counted.


It was a moment to think so.


Horneco shrugged his body and stretched out and made a bizarre sound.


It was a stream of death’s solution radiating in a straight line.


It flew straight toward Kim Seong-chul and hit the floating island where he hid.


Kim Sungchul Escaped from the melting island, which immediately melted, and settled in the air.


Ominous energy was felt at the feet.


A giant centipede climbs the sky with the shape of a magic circle on every thousand legs.


‘It’s different from the pyramids attached to the king of Nimpa’s.’


As the centipede walked through the sky, the particles condensed on the ground began to explode.


In response, the land of Aegean emerged from the bondage of gravity into heaven in turn.


Kim Sungchul, who stayed above the sky, was able to see the sea water covered in the death harbor where the floating islands escaped.


It was a disastrous ending of a historic city that had long been known as the center of world trade.


Kim Sung-chul is given one path.


Fighting against the enemy.


“Bertelgia. Stay tight. ”


Kim Seong-chul’s eyes glowed with cold eye light.


The appearance of the magic circle appeared around him.


The main spell, the magic of Starlight.


At the same time his seven Soulstones also began chanting the same spell.


“Starlight 13-Day Combo… ! ”


Kim Sungchul He was about to use the same techniques he used when dealing with King Dichter.


“What is it? What is that strange name? ”


Bertelgia immediately rebelled against Kim’s terrible naming sense, but Kim Sungchul couldn’t pretend to finish the remaining brig.


Kim Sungchul He stared at the giant centipede approaching himself with the arms of Arm Garaz in one hand and Rise Haimer’s wand in the other.


Soon after, the light of primitive came forth from the end of Zipia.


A technique that pours out all the magic of six strikes and seven simultaneous strikes.


Kim Sungchul In his previous fight, he found that horsepower could be sustained without the additional mana potions with maximum mana.


‘There is no addition. Potion stacking effect is already showing. ‘


With a total of 13 primitive lights, Kim Sungchul did not expect to kill Horneko with a single blow.


Horneco is much stronger than Dichter and its shape has changed.


After the thirteen lights disappeared, they flew behind Kim Sungchul and stared at Horneco buried in brilliance.


Soon the light was lifted and Horneko’s image was slowly revealed.


Kim Seong-chul’s eyes fluttered.


Horneco was alive and well.


No, it would be right to say that it was not born.


Kim Sungchul I found that the monster’s shiny rainbow shell has incredible magic resistance.


Creeping up the sky with a bizarre roar of the greedy monster who could not think of anything but gold.


Kim Sungchul Stares at the upcoming Horneco, reflecting on the common sense of a novice adventurer heard at a guild quest as a novice adventurer.


Middle-aged guildmasters, who are now deceased, said:


“Every monster has its own weaknesses. Blunts are effective against loch-type monsters. ”


The power went into the hand holding the arm gauze.


The answer was closest.


The question is how to approach it.


A slime attack may be able to withstand a strong stamina or a weapon of catastrophe, but Kim Sungchul did not want to melt precious precious clothes and did not want to experience the horrible burning of flesh.


Horneco secreted a polar acid liquid.


Kim Sungchul Avoided mucus attacks by increasing altitude at maximum speed.


But the method does not last long either.


There is a limit to how high you can fly with a flying magic fly.


Apparently, the air had cooled like an ice field, and it had reached its limit altitude.


Bertelgia also trembled in his arms, whether cold or atmospheric pressure.


Horneko’s voice has been heard once again.


Kim Sung-chul’s eyes came to mind when he heard the words.


‘The answer was near.’


The open mouth of Horneco was opened.


I’m going to sprinkle mucus once again.


Kim Sung Chul’s left hand traced the air.


Inside the other world touched, there was a lot of gold coins swaying.


They were attracted to the gravitation caused by Horneco.


‘It’s a waste, but I can’t help it.’


Kim Sungchul Opened the space while putting his hand inside the soul store.


Then the gold and silver treasures in it began to pour out.


The sparkling gold coins fell in the sunshine.


Although monsters have a much stronger body and special abilities than ordinary humans, they have no choice but to fall into prey because their intelligence is insignificant.


The same is true for Horneco.


Swallowed by greed, he was acting more like a lower monster than a human or human-developed goddess.


Kim Sungchul He looked down on Horneco, moving according to his wishes.


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