“One .. look once. human. Fold the pride of the king of Nahaq and ask…


Marakia spoke in a mature voice different from usual. It also writes the word of pride of king, who never used to speak.


It is Kim Seong-cheol never seen.


In front of Kim Seong-cheol’s eyes, before the return to the egg, the figure of Marakia passed by.


‘Are you talking about the truth?’


Marrakech continued to speak.


“Must have something to buy…. . request…


Bertelgia shook his body strongly.


“Let’s see once.”


Bertelgia also felt something.


There is something different in Maracaia than usual.


“What do you want to buy?”


Before Kim Sung-cheol even prayed, she first came out of her pocket and appeared in front of Marakia and asked in a cheerful voice.


Marrakech’s pupils swayed.


“Speak quickly. this person. I’m in a hurry. ‘


Maracaia said in a small voice, with tears in her big eyes.


“F .. Final Elixir.”


“Final Elixir?”


Bertelgia asked Maracas nod.


“The final elixir is being sold to the Dungeon Shop. I will feed it to one of my cousins. ”


The work was twisted in the middle, but Marrakech’s intention was to be taken into account.


He traveled with Kim Seong-cheol to say nothing, but he was deeply concerned about his compatriot in the north.


I asked the cave elf, but that alone is not a relief.


You need an agent to trust and trust your own people.


I just found that.


‘You’re not honest.’


Kim Sungchul who listened to the grasslands released Maracaia and returned dungeon tokens. Of course not even 30.


Instead he asked Marrakech.


“Can I collect 2,000 tokens?”


The dungeon store has an unusually high price of recovery items, of which the ultimate recovery item, Final Elixir, costs 3,000 dungeon tokens.


The price to buy two Essences of Combat Spirit.


But now there are over a thousand tokens in Marrakech.


Marakia’s stay of a thousand or so while Kim Seong-chul fiddled with 20,000 tokens meant that he did not pass the ultimate trial like Kim Seong-chul.


“…. If only he was a little bigger. ”


Marrakech said as if he was relieved.


“I didn’t eat rice properly… I had to sleep while homeless. To save a token… . ”


Then I felt Marakia’s body a little lean. Glossy hair also feels rough.


It is different from the time when we went with Kim Seong-chul and enjoyed all kinds of luxury.


Marrakech has suffered in the meantime.


Not only are you suffering from Kim Seong-chul, you suffer not only from physical troubles but also from starving to save even a dime.


“I should eat well during the growing season. . ”


Marakia said in a sad voice, with her head down.


A sigh finally came out of Kim’s mouth.


No one knows whether it is positive or negative.


But Bertelgia felt like he knew what Kim had thought.


Not surprisingly, Kim Seong-cheol saw Marakia’s mechanism and took something out of the Soul Warehouse and threw it at him.


Two thousand dungeon tokens.


That’s about three-thirds of his total wealth, which was more than 3,000, except for the ninth ultimate trial.


Marakia looked up at Kim Seong-chul with his bright eyes.


Kim Sungchul turned around with a blank face and said in a calm tone.


“Change to the spot now. Before I change my mind. ”


Hearing that, Maracaia ran to the Burinake shop with his hand in hand with two thousand won tokens.


“Are you all right?”


Bertelgia said in a surprising voice.


“I haven’t seen that, but is there any way you can take care of that sparrow?”


“It’s not just care. I owe them something. ”


Kim Sungchul I remember.


That day, the resolution of the first plague would have been delayed without Marakia’s wise decision in the tomb of the joining kingdom.


But that’s not all.


Bertelgia knew.


“Cloudy. Are you a surprisingly good man if you know? ”


Bertelgia climbed over Kim’s shoulders and spoke in a playful voice.


“What do you mean?”


Kim Sungchul shook his shoulders, dropped Bertelgia and stepped towards the hotel.


Bertelgia thought of Kim Seong-cheol’s hurrying back and laughed at him.


‘You can’t be honest.’


Meanwhile, the emergence of Marrakech was a disaster for others.


Dilo Buron saw the black plumage Maracaia on the side of the boulevard and began to flee with great dismay.


“It’s Nahak! Nahak has appeared! ”


But no one helped him or pursued him.


Only one dill was terrified.


I don’t know why, but there seems to be bad memories about joins.


Kim Seong-cheol and Bertelgia went into the lodge, silently looking at the dilo Buron, which was confusing.


Kim Sungchul stopped and stared back before entering the hotel.


Bertelgia, who entered first, asked, crossing Kim Sungchul’s head, and followed Bertelgia to the lodge.


“You look wrong.”


Kim Sungchul After saying that, once again, he looked around and disappeared into the hostel.


Breathtaking sighs burst out of the air.


“I almost got caught.”


The corner of the square alley.


A man’s voice rang out in the air.


Dilo Buron and Jung other cheerful and cheerful voice.


But next to the man was a surprisingly large, bull-headed divine being.


“Why is something like you so interested in one challenger?”


The dungeon itself asked Aegeus to the air.


There was nothing in the air.


He continued to stare at the entrance to the Dragon Hotel, where Kim Sung-chul disappeared.


From the distance, the cries of dilo Buron’s cries are one more thing.


The presence in the air murmured when he heard the sound.


“Well. That Troimea’s delivery guy, would you just throw it away? ”


“Will I throw it out now?”


Aegeus said.


The being in the air opened its mouth with a deep sigh across the head.


“You don’t have to. That guy than that. It’s unusual. ”


“Very unusual. I can’t believe it. That man does such a thing. But on the other hand, there may be no other person better than me. ”


A magical reaction appeared in the air.


It is a portal. The man walked into the portal, hiding his appearance.


“I haven’t heard the answer yet?”


Aegeus called him up.


The man in the air replied with a pleasant voice.


“Open the promised hidden trials to the man.”


“Are you okay? The man did not open all the hidden rewards. ”


Aegeus asked again.


“It’s okay. There won’t be any guys to solve any hidden trials anyway. ”


“I don’t think it’s an appropriate answer.”


Aegeus intercepted before him.


The man in the air made another portal next to Aegios and made a distinctive cheerful tone.


“The guy will destroy this world anyway.”


Aegeus’ giant new type was stiffened after hearing it.


The man in the air turned to Portal after Aegeus.


“Even though it is a world with only a shell left behind.”


With that, he disappeared over the portal.


The magic reaction disappeared and nothing remained.


Only the dire screams of Dilo Buron in the peaceful white plaza sometimes echoed.


“…. You say things you sometimes don’t understand. ”


Aegeus stayed there for a while, seemingly incomprehensible, and mumbled around.


The front lines of the Devil’s Front are known to have been largely destroyed by civil wars and invasion of giants between human monarchs, but at least one of the front lines survived intact.


This is the area where the Baran-Aran alliance defends the forest front and west of the front line of the world.


Most of the Elven patrols did not neglect the borders of the north at all times despite the destruction of the demons.


For hundreds of years, the demons have experienced how insidious they have been.


A group of elven scouts were roaming the woods looking out over the land of ice and fire, where nothing was left.


The sound of the geysers that burst from time to time screamed through the night sky.


The landscape is no different from usual.


But the elves are not neglected.


Soon, an elven pointed his finger to the corridor that stretched through the entrance of the Devil.


“There it is. Something is there. ”


It was a surprising group of humans.


The humans grew and grew into a mass of thousands.


The humans wore fur, clubs, and crude armor, but the level and conduct of the weapons were no different from the barbarians.


The elves were greatly surprised but did not slow down the line of vigilance.


“It may be a demon in disguise.”


“Maybe they were fallen humans who had long since crossed into the devil’s land.”


The alertness of the elves became more and more surprising as the human group approached.


There was a cry of a child.


The sound that you have not dared to hear in the last few decades.


Elf scouts were shocked by the fact that there were children and children in the human group.


It shocked far more than the devil appeared again.


“Is the curse of annihilation removed?”


“I will. It can’t be. The curse of extinction is under way. ”


The elves were hanging out.


The man at the forefront of the human group stared straight at the side of the elves.


“I will. Even the best of humans is undetectable. ”


The elves just accidentally thought that the human man looked this way.


But the next moment, the man disappeared in front of his eyes.


The elves were once again to doubt the eyes of the hawks they boast.


One of the elven archers mumbled and felt a sensation in his back.


At that moment, he felt as if there was a thunderbolt on his back.


Red blood springed out of my mouth.


Elf archers managed to turn their heads and look back on the beings.


‘Well … that’s… ? ”


As we saw earlier, he was staring at this side.


That was his last thought.


The barbarian man’s hands separated the elves’ necks and heads.


Surviving elves, dripping blood, stared in horror at the barbarians who appeared between them.


Elves pulled the daggers in unison.


But the results were fixed.


The only thing left after the storm-like winds passed was the bodies of the distorted elves.


The barbarians stared at the vast forests of the dead, with curious eyes or fleshly eyes, over the bodies of the dead.


As if the killing was just the beginning, the barbarians stepped on the elf’s body and walked into the dense forest as if nothing had happened.


The last details of the Barran-Aran Alliance, which defended the northern front with the Iron Blood Knights and Storm Front and survived to the end, have not been recorded in history.


But through the mouth of a surviving survivor, the truth was known to the world.


“A terrible alien race appeared in the north. The barbarians, who do not speak the language of the world, are descending, destroying everything on their path. With new life and divine power not permitted in this world. ”


But now, when the World Congress collapsed, there was no united force against the barbarians.


Only one hope.


The World Congress to be held in Ixion soon.


The man, who held the World Congress as a founder, is now in the dungeon of God at the southwestern tip of the continent.


Kim Sungchul staring at the adventurous wilderness with nothing, waiting for the enemy to come.


Soon something appeared before him.


In the dark, many lights twinkled like stars.


Kim Sungchul took a deep breath and stared at the enemy.


‘All that’s left now is the hidden trials and the last trials.’


Trials at Aegeus were now nearing the end.


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