A bow and arrow appeared in front of Kim.


A plain bow and arrow made of cherry branches.


A shouting shout rang out over the wilderness.


Kim Sungchul lifted his bow and arrow without reluctance.


It was a frequent experience.


Quests that make a specific situation and decide whether or not to achieve according to the action.


But fashion is out of date.


Such acting quests are transformed into a rite of passage that loses the original purpose and rewards as soon as the best answer is shared.


However, in the absence of prior information, such quests can fully serve their original purpose.


The most demanding type, especially for those with extra-standard power, such as Kim Seong-chul.


Kim Sungchul For the first time since I came to Aegeus, I was nervous and waiting for the coming message.


Soon, a bright light appeared behind Kim Seong-chul.


They were pockets full of dungeon tokens, with surprisingly bulging pockets as if their faces were eyebrows and even laughed at themselves.


“You are full of favorites.”


Bertelgia spoke with a smile.


The number of the purse is all nine.


They lined up at regular intervals behind Kim Sung-chul.


‘What are you going to do?’


Kim Sungchul With a bow, she stared at the mysteries like starlight shining in the darkness over the wilderness.


[Conditions are as follows. ]


A screaming voice came over the wilderness.


[There is one archer on the other side and behind you are nine reward pouches with 10,000 to 100,000 dungeon tokens. ]


Bertelgia escaped from the pocket and stared at the reward pockets. Indeed, a full-scale, thousand-dollar guy was sitting behind Kim Seong-chul’s left and making a bizarre laugh.


After some silence, the voice screamed again.


[The archer will shoot your reward pockets one after the other and finally fire the last arrow towards you and disappear. ]


[Your mission is to: ]


[Shoot the archer with only one arrow given you. If you hit the archer, the trial will be resolved; otherwise, the trial will fail. ]


[On the other hand, all the dungeon tokens in the Reward Pouch that survived behind you became yours when the Trials were resolved. ]


The light of greed flashed momentarily in the eyes of Kim Seong-chul who heard the words.


The number of dungeon tokens behind him is estimated at 300,000.


That’s ridiculous.


Assuming that you can save all your reward pockets, the challenger can’t get an Essence Essence that scores all 999 stats at once. .


In one success, the killer rises into immortality.


Kim Seong-chul, who is already in the class of immortality.


Nothing else is needed.


Kim Sungchul can make great progress just by saving 100,000 reward bags.


‘Is this a hidden trial? Maracaian guy. I’ve asked you something tremendous. ‘


Kim Sungchul He firmly grabbed the bow of the old tales of the magpies, crows, cranes, and swallows.


[Remember, you can only use your head and body, the bows and arrows given, and everything else is forbidden. ]


[Then I will begin the hidden trials of Apheus. ]


An arrow flew across from before the call was over.


Kim Sungchul The moment the archer positions his eyes staring at the thousands of star-like lights that are flashing across the wilderness, it is too far.


‘You attacked as soon as you started. It’s not bad. ‘


The arrows that had already flowed hit Kim Seong-chul, who promised the next opportunity, and hit the face of the reward pouch, smiling in bright light.


“Huhhahahaha! Ten thousand! Ten thousand dogs fly! ”


The reward bag hit by an arrow dropped to the ground for the first time, and threw numerous dungeon tokens inside.


Thousands of dungeon tokens rolled down the floor in a cheerful sound, and disappeared with reward pockets in a blurry light.


Ten thousand dungeon tokens have evaporated as they are.


“Uh… . It’s a waste. ”


Bertelgia murmured and shook his body as if to cheer up Kim Sung-chul.


“Be good this time.”


Kim Sungchul was already fully focused.


Only one flew now.


Moreover, the bow is not a weapon that Kim Sung-cheol often handles, but he is a weapon that can be handled like a limb for him who masters all weapons.


If only the enemy’s position is specified, it can be pierced into one flesh.


Kim Sungchul Focused on the five senses while pulling the protest halfway through the wilderness.


‘Are archers not one?’


Many things lurk beyond darkness.


One of them moved.


Kim Seong-cheol’s eyes followed the moving object with sharp eyes like a hawk’s eye.


Kim Sungchul soon noticed the identity of the moving monster body and was impressed.


“Are you looking for me? Mr. Koza? ”


Self-proclaimed dungeon idol master succubus.


In addition, there were miscellaneous bosses of the ultimate trial that Kim Seong-cheol had defeated so far in this black wilderness.


It was a kind of cold play, but their appearance was enough to distract Kim’s nerves to some extent.


Archer’s arrow flew between the cast monsters.


Kim Sungchul Instantly specified the archer’s position but failed to draw a demonstration.


The fact that there was only one arrow to shoot made him to hesitate.


Another arrow pierced the reward bag past Kim Sung-chul, who had resigned.


“Ehahahaha! Oman! The arrogant dog flies! ”


This is quite a big loss.


Anger came to mind in the eyes of Kim Sung-chul.


Another arrow flew.


But I could not cope.


Because the direction the arrow flew was backwards, not forwards.


As soon as Kim Sung-cheol pulled back and protested, Kim Sungchul was able to feel the disappearing moment in the dark beyond the falling pocket of reward.


If you pull now, you may be able to hit.


However, it may miss.


The sense of archer whispered to Kim.


‘You can’t leave it to uncertainty’


Kim Sungchul unleashed the protests and looked back.


“Eo Hyo Hyo! Twenty thousand! 20,000 tokens are flying! ”


Immediately, three reward pockets disappeared.


A sense of loss and impatience made Kim Sung-chul nervous.


‘It’s hard to lose anymore. It must be processed at one time next time. ‘


Kim Sungchul changed the operation.


Instead of seeing and responding to the other party, she immediately responds to the archer’s moment when she feels the archer’s moment.


Kim Seong-cheol’s visual acuity, strength, and archer’s sensation will enable immediate punishment wherever an enemy appears.


The only thing that bothers me is the monsters that go back and forth. Kim Sungchul I thought inside the obstacles.


‘Maybe those are the true intentions of this hidden trial.’


Quests that give a specific role and perform it must contain the intention of the creator of the quest.


So did the task of the ultimate cooking, which had been solved before.


The sweet negligence of success was rewarded to those who had a clear intention and were to identify and act accordingly.


The trials that Kim is now experiencing may have a similar purpose.


Kim Sungchul Suddenly I remembered that the dungeon of Aegios was a symbol of the will.


Kim Sung-chul’s eyes flashed like lightning.


‘Yes. This hidden trial… Is an extension of another trial. ‘


In other words, the purpose of this hidden trial is to test the challenger’s will.


A tree that rises above the top of Taesan-Joon-Ryung.


It would be such a firm will that the producer of this trial would ask the challenger.


Kim Sungchul I felt at ease.


A large amount of dungeon tokens shook their minds and something else, a manifestation of a strong will that he could but could not do, quietly within.


The jammers in front of them can no longer disturb Kim Sung Chul. Even if they shouted, moved, and stimulated Kim Sung-chul, the firm willingness to exclude them as if they were absent and Kim Sungchul could afford to see only their opponents.


The quiet change was felt even by Bertelgia, the closest to his heart.


‘You have finally found your way.’


Moreover, there are still many dungeon tokens remaining and a reward bag containing 100,000 pieces.


There was a faint sound in the beginning.


The sound of protests that had never been heard before.


However, Kim’s complexion was uncomfortable.


Too far. The origin of the sound.


Concerns soon became reality.


An arrow fired from a very long distance penetrated a large parabola and penetrated a reward pouch in the shape of being pushed down from the top.


“Huhhahahaha! Ten thousand, ten thousand flies! ”


Ten thousand dungeon tokens are painful.


However, it was a reality that it was impossible to counterattack.


No matter how divinely powerful Kim Sung Cheol has, the limit of the destructive power that an arrow can have is determined by the elasticity of the bow, more specifically, the demonstration of the bow.


However, no matter how agile Kim Seong-cheol to deal with the same distance in the end to hit the arrow, like an archer in the dark, you have to pull the bow toward the sky and send the arrow to the same trajectory.


You can do that.


However, archer aims at fixed targets and Kim Sung-chul aims at moving targets.


The fundamental difference between the aim was the harsh reality of the impossibility of coping.


Another arrow flew and another reward bag disappeared.


The archer was destroying Kim’s share by firing an arrow, which would make Kim Sung-cheol an incarnation of despair.


The sunken heart of Kim Seong-chul was shaking with the whirlpool of anger this time.


‘This kind of dog …


Kim’s eyes burned with anger.


“True. There’s still one left. One hundred thousand people. ”


Bertelgia stared back at Kim Seong-cheol’s feelings and informed him of important facts.


One hundred thousand left gave Kim Sung-cheol relief.


‘One hundred thousand. If you can only get 100,000, that’s enough. ‘


The archer in the dark has no movement for a while, as if he was breathing.


In a moment of peace, Kim Sungchul has vowed to keep the hundred thousand reward pockets left behind no matter what happens.


Anger, a question arose deep inside Kim Seong-chul’s eyes, who alternated between cold and hot and cold.


‘Wait a second. Maybe I’m mistaken something. ‘


Another arrow flew.


“Ehahahaha! Haughty dogs! The arrogant dog flies! ”


The last two remaining reward bags have expired.


I would have felt a painful bone loss before, but now Kim Sungchul did not.


Rather, it was a faint smile that appeared to Kim Sung-chul’s mouth.


The tension that was pulled loosened.


Kim Sungchul Lay down his bow and stared beyond the darkness.


“What are you doing? Are you going to give up that? One hundred thousand! ”

 Bertelgia rebuked Kim Seong-cheol for his desperate attitude.


Kim Sungchul is still unresponsive.


He stared in the dark.


Soon a shadow appeared in the darkness.


A goblin archer that can be handled simply by a novice adventurer.


The only thing that upset Kim Sung-chul, the world’s enemy, was the goblin.


“Um … that guy! I can do that even if I take it to the edge of my book! ”


Bertelgia was furious at the moment, trying to kill the little archer who smiled so hard, but Kim Sung-chul’s heart became calm.


Goblins drew protests in the eyes of Kim Sung-chul.


Kim Sungchul did not move.


The goblin pulled the protests and the straight-headed arrow pierced the reward pocket with 100,000 dungeon tokens.


Thousands of tokens fell on the floor and made a brilliant sound.


The goblin smiled a rotten smile at Kim Seong-chul.


The next moment, Kim Seong-chul pulled the demonstration and lifted the bow.


Surprise and fear came to the face of the goblins.


The goblin took an arrow at the heavy protest and pulled the protest towards Kim Seong-chul.


Bertelgia was hostile.


The moment of action. Kim Sungchul turned back suddenly.


Goblin’s back.


“I came here… . ”


Kim Sung-chul’s calm voice rang out.


Looking back, his eyes were facing the dark behind, leaving nothing behind.


There was nothing in his eyes that sank like a calm sea, but Kim Sungchul could feel it.


Like a tree at the top of Tae-San-Ryung, only one with unshakable will can see it.


That is, the archer to be removed.


“Only to solve this trial.”


Kim Seong-cheol demonstrated.


Finally, a single arrow he had left protested, and the arrow hit an unknown enemy.


A shouting voice rang out over the wilderness.


Kim Sungchul sighed and lowered the bow.


The darkness settled on the other side of the wilderness began to lift.


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