Mega cyclone was used by Ashin as the flagship of the Hermit’s Tower.


Destructive power is also destructive, but it has high utility in that it can install obstacles such as walls on the battlefield.


Thunder Break is also the magic used by Ashin of the Tower of the Hermit. Aquiroa was also trying to use this magic to Kim Seong-chul.


The brig is long, but once it is over, it is a magic that destroys the surrounding area by spraying a massive amount of lightning that cannot be avoided.


The power of a single unit is weaker than Starlight, but it exhibits uniform power against multiple enemies or strong enemies.


However, the true value of the magic of the wind lies not in the magic above the higher ranks, but in the magic below.


When you shoot a condensed lightning bolt to an enemy, the lightning strikes between the enemy and burns everything.


The sixth rank is a relatively low level of magic, but the magic had the advantages Kim Seong-cheol desired.


Instantaneous, destructive, and terrestrial destruction triplex.


With a short glorification of glare, an attack can be used several tens of times.


The only problem is that it consumes a lot of mana and is less efficient against a single opponent, which is not a big problem for Kim Seong-cheol, who has gained high horsepower and willpower.


In addition, Wind Shield, the last 5th rank magic, is not much different from other magical properties, but it has some advantages over other magical properties.


Kim Sungchul, who had a painful experience with Kaz Almeira’s blade, thought he should get a wind shield.


“Mega cyclones are six elixirs, five thunderstorms and chain lightening, three windshields.”


Genie of the wind was excited and said the price.


But a little expensive.


“Why is Thunder Brake and Chain Lightning the Same Price?”


Kim Sung-chul protested immediately.


The genie of the wind replied, turning round the edges of the long-lined pigtail.


“I can’t help it. Because chain lighting is popular. Besides, throw away the prejudice that high-level magic is good or expensive. High ranks are not all good. ”


“This friend is right. Honestly, what is the magic of this world? It’s not well balanced. ”


The owner of the dungeon also helped.


In addition, he showed a scene to Kim Sung-chul.


“Aegeus. Show me that. To that friend. ”


The owner of the dungeon said that a giant with a bull’s head walked out of the air and showed a statue in front of Kim Sung-chul.


It was a group of apocalyptic denominations lurking around the collapsed coastal cliffs outside of Aegeus.


“Since you entered this dungeon, they were encamping. At first there were a few, but now it’s quite big. There is also a tool that can draw the power of that world. ”


The owner of the dungeon said.


‘Are you trapping Aepheus and attack me?’


It will be a chance of profit for the end denomination.


Two rabbits, Kim Seong-chul’s Church and Aeghius’s Occupation, can be obtained at once.


“Chain Lightning is the best magic for catching things like that.”


The owner of the dungeon, the magic of the wind admirers said encouraging.


Kim Sungchul I was more interested in Thunder Brake than Chain Lightning, but I knew that Chain Lightning, which had little cast time, was more versatile.


‘I can’t help it. Honestly, chain lightening seems to be optimal for those things. ‘


Kim Seong-chul’s chosen magic is the magic of the wind.


Chain Lightning and Wind Shield were added to Kim’s Magic Spear.


In addition, the owner of the dungeon was preparing a special gift to Kim Sung-chul.


“I will convince the genie of light to tell Glory if you pass the remaining elixir to me. With the dungeon master’s authority! ”


Said to patronize, but Kim Sungchul did not like very much.


Kim Sungchul He wanted hot attack magic like mega cyclones and thunder brakes.


The owner of the dungeon was no attitude.


“I can’t give you a good sale. If you don’t like it, buy another cheap spell. ”


I don’t like it, but I can’t help it.


Kim Sungchul The remaining two elixirs were used to purchase Glory, the magic magic of the eighth rank.


This is all you need to see in the palace of wishes.


Kim Sungchul Feeling the new power of the second magic print, he left the palace and stood in front of the shop again.


Time to buy items with remaining tokens.


Kim Sungchul Once I used the remaining 4,500 tokens, I bought 3 Elemental Essences.


You will invest in one agility and two stamina.


Then, as well as strength, agility and stamina are close to 999.


To be born again as a flawless warrior.


By the way, the attitude of Marakia is not unusual.


“I would like to be king of Nahaq.”


Maracaia suddenly said, holding weight again.


When Bertelgia squirmed, Marakia shook his head, shaking his body, and then looked at Kim Sung-cheol with pathetic eyes.


“I didn’t actually buy the final elixir.”


When Kim Seong-cheol asked, Marakia desperately avoided his eyes and opened his mouth.


“That’s … it was actually trying to buy a final elixir. Suddenly my hand slipped and bought essence. ”


“Where is the integer?”


In response to the cold question by Kim Seong-chul, Maracaia pointed himself to his finger.


It is that he was squeaky.


“Uh… It’s a real king. ”


Bertelgia spoke in a dismayed voice.


But shame was no longer a problem for Marakia, who had already lost her conscience.


Marakia bowed to Kim Seong-cheol and begged him in a pathetic voice.


“Boo, please, can you please buy the final elixir with the remaining tokens? This grace is… As king of Nahaq surely… I will definitely pay you back! ”


“…. How are you going to pay it back? ”


Kim Sung Cheol asked bluntly.


“What .. what? Will you buy it again? ”


Bertelgia was surprised to try to curb Kim Sung-chul.


Kim Seong-cheol was not reluctant, but he was able to understand Marakia’s mind a bit, who once tried to protect something.


You have to be strong in the end to keep something.


“Mo. I will pay my life!”


Perhaps Marrakech was desperately troubled.


Do you buy Final Elixir or look longer and choose your own strength?


Well, although he’s basically an unlucky guy, he said with a calm voice, looking at Kim Sungchul shop owner Shaylock.


“One Final Elixir.”


“Yeah ~ I’m getting ready right now!”


With Bertelgia screaming, 3,000 tokens disappeared.


“This grace… I will not forget in the afterlife! ”


Marakia swore absolute allegiance to Kim Seong-cheol, taking the final elixir Kim Seong-cheol bought.


All that’s left is a few tokens.


It is not necessary for Kim Sung-chul.


Kim Sungchul Called over 800 remaining tokens and hotel lodging vouchers in his hand for 10,000 years hiding in the corner.


“Why are you giving me this?”


Dilo Buron opened his eyes and asked.


“Wouldn’t you get out of here anyway?”


Kim Sungchul knew.


The fact that a man trapped in a dungeon for ten thousand years would be no good thing.


I’d rather eat and sleep with the remaining tokens in this dungeon, it might be better to kill time.


Rather than dying in a flooding disaster.


“Thank you. Thank you! This grace… I must … I will pay you back! ”


Kim Sungchul, who became a person and a benefactor in dolji, stared at the owner of the dungeon and Aegeus with a faint smile.


“I want to go out.”


“You are in a hurry. I think I can stay for a few more days. ”


The owner of the dungeon was sad to see Kim Seong-cheol was leaving.


“There is work to do. I can’t stay long. ”


Kim Sungchul told the owner of the dungeon with a gentle smile.


The owner of the dungeon, seeing a firm determination in the eyes of Kim Seong-chul, nodded and smiled lonely.


The owner of the dungeon said.


“Aegeus. Open the way for him. ”


A giant with a bull’s head nodded and summoned two pillars in front of Kim Sung-chul.


There was magical power flowing in the pillar.


Perhaps this is the gate to the outside.


“When will you come to play again?”


Kim Sungchul He was quietly moved to the exit of the dungeon under the accompaniment of the fairy Comunt and owner of the dungeon, Aegeus and Dilo Buron.


As always, without hesitation.


Kim Sungchul disappeared over the gate.


“Now it will be fun.”


The owner of the dungeon murmured to tie the mask.


“What’s funny?”


Aegeus looked at his master with a look that he did not understand and asked questions.


The owner of the dungeon burst into laughter.


“There’s nothing more fun than re-rooting what people don’t like to see.”


“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”


“There is something like that. Well, to put it another way, I got a chance at this opportunity too. ”


So saying, the owner of the dungeon turned back and murmured low.


“To the mischief of the things that dare to worship God.”


The owner of the dungeon is a wheel of steel that permeated Kim Sung-cheol.


I was thinking of the soul of steel.


‘Maybe it may be a turning point.’


A faint light flashed beyond.


But no one saw it.


Except for one being, some sleeping over endless staircases.


Kim Seong-chul took a week to fully attack the dungeon Aegeus.


All preparations are finished.


Kim Sungchul came out of the gate, dazzling, intense light irreplaceable, felt the scent of the Kim Sungchul sea while piercing the eye like a hook.


The Aegean Sea of ​​Gold, Aegean, met Kim Sung-chul again.


At the entrance of the dungeon, Kim Sungchul found a group of black robes standing on the cliffs overlooking him.


A pawn that destroyed a port and sacrificed a myriad of lives to call out the dungeon of God.


And above all those who attacked Kim Sung Chul.


Sparks sparked in Kim’s eyes.


“An enemy of the world!”


“Call out God! Right now! ”


The end of the denomination, seeing the emergence of Kim Sung-cheol, was prepared for battle.


I was stabbed, but very agile and skilled movement.


Kim Sungchul At a glance, it was possible to see that the apocalyptic denomination understood his detailed information and capabilities and pitted the trap.


‘As the dungeon says,’


“No. 2 Soulstone Fly.”


Kim Sungchul literally flew above the sky.


A short, unfamiliar form of magic circle emerged around Kim Seong-chul, who soared into the sky.


The crowd of apocalyptic denominations, watching the scene from a distance, shouted urgently at the magic circle that appeared in Kim’s body.


“You’re trying to use the magic of the Sky Engineering. But the brig takes time. Defend the shaman by spelling the barrier. ”


If Kim had been in the past, his order might be appropriate.


But they do not know.


Kim Seong-chul made another growth in the dungeon Aegeus.


The magic circle that appeared on Kim’s body quickly developed and disappeared, and was replaced by a sparkling lightning strike at his fingertips.


Kim Sungchul Reached his anger with his fingertips, feeling the anger of lightnings that are extremely angry or crying.


And said in a calm tone.


“Chain Lightning.”


An angry current sprang from the tip of his finger, pouring into Kim’s enemy.


Seeing the lightning strikes, the hordes of the denominations each tried to practice their own defensive spells, but Chain Lightning’s lightning strikes their black robes.




The first victims drooled as they sprang up with smoke and smoke all over their bodies.


But in the midst of his dying, Chain Lightning’s lightning strikes drove his victims at random, spoiling prey.


Until all the power of the brain-bearing embraced by themselves disappeared.


“What .. what? Is that magic just? ”


“Scroll! Don’t be scared of everyone, and go on with your group defense! It is our victory when the sake is completed and the gods appear. ”


The chief of the apocalyptic church glanced at the three men and women who would be the torches of unclean energy under severe protection from behind.


It is a terrorist weapon made by pouring the power of the Southern Diocese to kill enemy denominations that entered Aegeus.


No matter how strong Kim Sung-chul is, he is eventually mortal.


You can fight equally with one God, and you can beat him if you use two.


But Schnellmerker, who was in charge of the Doctrine, recommended three more.


If you’re going to turn on this power, you can block the variable if you put too much.


But the variable was made in Aegean.


Kim Sungchul Firmly opened the hem of the coat and solidified it.


An ancient magic circle in six soulstones except one under the brooch of the ultimate cook shining in diamonds.


The multiple brig of Lioness. And the enchanted wind magic.


Kim Sungchul spoke in a calm tone as he saw a group of apocalyptic denominations staring at Kim Seong-chul, who had lost his soul and floated in the air.


When his command fell, six soulstones scattered his enemies in several branches, all at once.


The human-eating thunderbolts devoured the first victims and then burned everything in and out of the apocalypse, like a hungry predator.


A lightning strike that engulfed three people overwhelmed the most important people in the apocalyptic denomination.


Torch volunteers for mythology.


Valuable torches fell into lightning and became black charcoal without breaking their wishes and broke down on the ground.


Not only that.


The conductor of the Apocalypse could be seen.


The precious resources of the apocalyptic denominations shrouded in Aegean in an instant are being crushed by the living lightning that is first seen in life.


‘No way. I put more than a third of the denomination’s power… So simply… . Crumbling… ! ‘


His thoughts were neatly burned and scattered by subsequent lightning.


After the last death of the chief, silence came near the port of Aegean.


The end denominations targeting Kim Seong-chul were wiped out without exception.


There was no single survivor.


Kim Sungchul Watching the smoke rising up and down the sky.


Kim Seong-cheol did not think it would be so easy to get rid of this difficult group of doctrines.


But he did it.


Too simple.


And that is his strength and stays within him.


Kim Sungchul said quietly, feeling that the newly strengthened, strengthened will power quickly filled up the mana.


“…. This is only the beginning. ”


Kim Sungchul settled at the entrance to the protest.


The enemies of the world have returned to this world.


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