94. In front of the Yellow Boundary (1)


The fallout of death looks like a sunset in the distance.


When the morning sun rises, the fallout of death turns into a variety of colors, but just before the sun breaks through the yellow wall, the whole fallout turns to blood.


It was a terrible sight, as if half of the world was blood red.


A man stood at the summit of a lonely peak, staring at the blood-stained world, which is reported through rumors.


“Is that an unforeseen plague? Unforeseen plagues are more eerie and scarier than predicted disasters. ”


The plain color of an ordinary adventurer.


But behind him, dozens of human battlefields were in orderly order and lined up.


The identity of the man is the emperor of the human empire.


William Quinton Marlborough.


He gazed at the precarious steeple, standing beneath a bloody earth.


A city of wizards, created in one day and destroyed in one day.


Although most of the buildings have been swept away in unfamiliar tribulation, there are still a few remaining buildings, and in 10 days, one of them will hold a conference of world leaders to determine the fate of the world.


The organizer is an old friend named Kim Seong-chul, a world famous enemy.


“What will you do?”


Many generals and admirals were waiting for his command.


“Do you want to destroy Ixion?”


The emperor never hesitates.


He considers everything and decides on a policy and makes a quick decision once the method is decided.


At this moment, however, the emperor of the world was hesitant about the decision.


‘Why are you doing this? The country is the one. ‘


I didn’t think I was surrounded by personal feelings.


I have ruled out anything that interferes with my goals.


Ixion must be destroyed.


Now, before the monster of the holy Luteginea kingdom, called the Wandering King, unveils its presence at the conference hall.


The seeds of chaos that the Wandering King has sown decades ago hide in the dark, revealing the true color of the world and threatening the emperor.


‘Once the talks begin, the Wandering King will demand his place in public.’


The military and the emerging aristocracy were on the side of the emperor, but the imperial council and the local lords, in essence, showed antipathy against the summoner.


The emperor’s position was greatly at stake as half of the imperial fleet, which supported the empire in the car, evaporated with the Ashin appearing in the tribe.


The movement to condemn his incompetence and error began to take off, and some were supported by a radical opinion of forcibly pulling the emperor off the helm.


As time goes by, everything flows according to the Wandering King’s will.


What the emperor needs is time.


It is time to create a new force to replace the fleet and make the empire an eternal kingdom.


In order to earn it, the schedule of talks had to be delayed and the empire’s remaining fleet was gathered here in Ixion.


However, for some reason the emperor was hesitating.


What makes you so hesitant.


The face of the old friend, Kim Seong-cheol, rushed past before her eyes.


‘Is it because of him?’


But the idea was soon corrected.


The hesitation of the emperor was not the realization of Kim Seong-chul, but the reality of his past, who had a bold and bold opinion before him.


The emperor said utterly.


Deep in the blue jewel-like eyes, he was looking at himself in the past, who was confidently speaking his thoughts before the enemies of the world.


“I wouldn’t have done this nasty thing at the time.”


The emperor, who had been immersed in his head for a moment, quickly turned around, raising his head and flying around the cape.


When the emperor showed his face, thousands of soldiers lined up and bowed in honor of him.


“I command the fleet.”


The emperor spoke in a clear voice.


“We return to LaGranje. Above. ”


Dozens of ships fluttered in unison and flew westward against the bloody east sky.


Ixion’s survivors, hiding in the shadow of the desolate land and watching the empire’s fleet, watched the withdrawal of the empire fleet with uneasy eyes.


“The imperial bastards withdraw.”


“Make this known to Markarade. The empire was withdrawn and Ixion was safe. ”


A lot of movement has taken place in the crypt.


Hundreds of insurgents were bustling, and only one was dazed and staring at the remnants of the Imperial Fleet, withdrawing.


Her identity is nothing.


Running away from Nimpas, she was silently waiting for a moment at the other end of the continent.


“…. History is wrong. Once again. ”


Now it is not surprising.


The flow of history that she knew has already been distorted and in many ways concrete changes are taking place.


However, there was one thing that remained unchanged in so many changes.


The dog stared at a dagger at his fingertips.


The sword was removed from the sheath, revealing a matte black blade that looks as if it had been in the darkness of the night.


“He is dangerous, too.”


Kim Sungchul is a black giant.


Contain the possibility of ruining the world at any time.


Even if he was completely different from what he thought, his essence would not change.


He is a black giant.


“I will not escape nor hide anymore.”


Dark blades were put back into the sword, and some were mixed into a bustling crowd.


Kim Sungchul Silfied, who handled the Apocalypse, realized that he could not see it.


Being in the distant seas, but in sight, Kim Seong-cheol’s order to Kabung Bung is the fact that Silpid’s whereabouts have become unknown.


Kim Sungchul felt embarrassed even though he thought it was an inevitable choice when the end denomination was opening eyes.


Of course, the long distance teleport promised by Tygon Bosvorot can not be used, and the absence of a precious soul stone is greatly felt.


Of course, I also didn’t want to lose the painstaking repair.


Kim Sungchul I decided to look around.


“Leave the scout to me! Breaking! ”


Marakia, who was suddenly enthusiastic of Kim Seong-chul, fluttered forward with three wings.


“Why? That guy. ”


Bertelgia murmured at the crotch of Marrakech.


“Conscience is like a shape.”


“But how long will it last?”


Kim Sungchul failed to answer Bertelgia’s question.


After a time to drink a cup of tea, Maracaia returned to Kim Seong-chul’s place.


“I found a living human! Breaking! ”


Kim Sungchul Along with Bertelgia, he traveled along the Marrakech into the woods.


Indeed, as soon as the forest reached the smell of rotten flesh someone was hearing.


A man was tied to the mold that the Apocalypse had abandoned.


It is none other than the heresy examiner Tygon Bosvorot.


The apocalyptic denomination caught him, tortured him severely, and hung him in a mold.


Kim Seong-cheol looked up at the terrible mall goal, Tygon, covered with flies and maggots.


Kim Seong-cheol asked for Tygon.


“Of course you are alive!”


Tygon said with pain.


It is still in shape.


Kim Sungchul Commanded Marakia to free Tygon.


“Okay! Let’s leave it to this canine Maracaian! ”


Marakia, who suddenly began to show excessive loyalty, flew enthusiastically to release the strings that tied Tygon with elaborate magic.


But was it too soon to blame.


Tigon, who was tied up, curled forward and fell head on a large rock in front of him.


If he had been a normal Tygon, he would not have died in such a shock, but now he is extremely debilitated by torture and neglect, and his body has hardened with a smashing sound.


Marakia widened his eyes wide open.


Tygon Bosborot died.


57 years old. It was a great life.


However, Tygon had a special skill that others did not have.


His dead body was dyed golden, and soon he arose like a zombie.


“Oh! Holy order! Glory to the Guardian of Men! ”


Like other heresy judges, Tygon had a special resurrection.


In any case, the wounds of the tortured torture were cleansed by the effect of the resurrection, and the face, which had been stained with blood and stains, returned to its original state.


Even if Maracaia had not accidentally killed her, she was a perfect recovery, so she chose suicide without regret.


As the group watched by Kim Seong-chul, Tygon shook off the maggots that clinged to his body and stared at Kim’s group wearing clothes that fell on the floor.


“Why are you so late?”


Kim Seong-chul did not say anything.


In time, Bertelgia murmured on the shelves of Kim Seong-chul.


“No, what do you hate? Living Book. ”


When Taigon Bosvorot threw his eyes in his eyes, Kim Sung-chul finally opened his mouth.


“What happened?”


Tygon, who was driven out of the dungeon by Aegeus, was soon found to have found a group of apocalyptic denominations.


He was denied even if he tried to enter the dungeon again, but he decided to set the end denomination as the next goal and to purify the heresy’s duty, the heresy. It is said that he himself became a bait and attracted the attention of the apocalypse.


And the result is Tygon Bosvorot, who is now in front of the group.


“Really persistent human beings.”


Marakia said admiring.


“I actually died about five times.”


Tygon replied with pride.


“But I, the true Apostle of God, must die nine times before I die.”


Bertelgia walked to another place looking at Tygon.


Tygon blew his eyes toward Bertelgia, but soon after Kim Sung-chul, who was standing behind, showed his presence.


Still, I had to say the end.


“But I still believed you would hurt them. I knew for sure on this occasion. Apocalypse and you are never on the same side. ”


Kim Sungchul asked Tygon for the location of Silpid.


Silpid is still in the far west sea.


Tygon dug a hand under a rock not far from the frame, and brought a communication seat with him.


“It was hidden before being captured by the apocalypse.”


He communicated through Siliff in the far sea through correspondence.


The communication was not good because it was too far away, but by the time the sun reached the midst of it, the situation was good enough to communicate satisfactorily.


[Now, I’ll head there immediately. ]


Tygon’s subordinate priest answered in a calm tone.


Kim Sungchul Looking at such a tygon, I did not think it was a very rotten fuse.


‘The boss who sacrifices himself for the load is hard to find now.’


Tygon himself didn’t know it, but Kim’s evaluation of Tygon went up a notch.


Silpid had gone too far. According to Tygon’s men, it takes half a day to come.


There is also a way to get here immediately by teleport, but it has been withheld.


If you use all your power here, you cannot go to Ixion later.


Kim Sungchul was preparing a homemade dish for a long time while waiting for Sylvie.


The beach, but did not choose seafood.


The dead son still lives in this sea.


Kim Sungchul made a dish using pigs that escaped from a nearby abandoned barn after contemplating the citizens of Ah, who had been killed by a conspiracy of the Doomsday.


The ingredients were prepared in abundance.


A large pig was caught to remove blood and intestines and to trim their hair.


Not only that, but also the share of Tygon’s men in Silpid.


It’s time left, Kim Sungchul chose a dish that takes a little time.


He piled up bricks around him to make an igloo-shaped brazier, and burned it with charcoal and firewood.


While the entire brazier was burning hot, Kim Sungchul was seasoned with the spices and wine from the meat.


When the liver was over, Kim Sungchul put a piece of liver on a square iron plate, took out all the firewood in the brazier, put the meat in the vacant place, and closed the entrance with a suitable iron plate.


“So the meat is cooked?”


Tygon, who was watching from the side, had a solemn expression and sat on Kim’s dishes.


Kim Sungchul After a short answer, I found meat and food to accompany. A bag of flour was found in an abandoned farmhouse.


Kim Sungchul Knead it properly, prepare it in a dough state, and bake it flat in a separately prepared brazier.


At sunset, black spots appeared in the sky.


Kim Sungchul Marakia, who sat still and rested, was sent to lead Silpid.


“Leave it to Maracaia!”


Soon after, Silpid appeared in the air and Tygon’s men landed on the ground, clearing the iron plate that was blocking the Kim Sungchul hearth.


“I think it’s not ripe.”


Tygon expressed skepticism about Kim’s cooking, but soon his mouth was closed.


In the brazier, the fleshy meats, which cannot be cooked better than this, pour out juices like the sea, showing off their covetous appearance.


Kim Sungchul left after taking his own meat and flour dishes.


No matter how much Sung-chul Kim was, he left his position because he knew that he was a shameful person to the ordinary people except the enemy of the world, Tygon.


Instead, he sat alone and tasted his dishes.


[Score for this dish is 72. ]


[Managed cooking group. It’s a dish that’s not suitable for a deluxe cook. ]


Still, the evaluation of the diamond brooch continued.


Kim Sungchul With the dissatisfied scores, he took out the secretary’s weapon from the Soul Warehouse.


Starch powdered sugar on meat and tasted again.


Another message came to my mind.


[Score for this dish is 100,322! ]


“I’m coming in with a bag of sugar in my mouth.”


Kim Sungchul With a bitter smile, he looked intently at the western skies of the earth.


Stars began to twinkle in the sky, turning black and white.


The night sky as usual as always.


Kim Sungchul I put a piece of meat back in my mouth and thought about it.


‘But I’ll see another sky tomorrow.’


Kim Sungchul I thought about the sky of yellow.


The sky of death full of fallout.


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