‘You use barbarian material like this. Cool. Bertelgia. ”


Kim Sungchul admired Bertelgia’s response.


The barbarians were, to the last, a tool for instilling a sense of crisis in each country and bringing them together.


However, when the Wandering King struck a player to unite the interests of each nation into the territory of the empire, the barbarians fell into useless tools.


No, I thought so.


It was used by Bertelgia as a tool to stop the flow led by my wandering king.


Kim Seong-cheol’s use was never thought.


The attendants, who had already seen the barbarians, had not kept an eye on the barbarians who had only heard rumors.


Kim Sungchul was able to find a room to relax.


Kim Sungchul smiled faintly at Bertelgia next to the cage and woke up.


The long-lost world council chairman was resurrected again.


He stared at the wandering king first.


“Bio to express gratitude for the part that compliments me. However, as you can see, not all the kings have gathered yet. Considering the stance of a country that has not yet attended, premature choices can lead to unintended opposition. ”


The Wandering King silently listened to Kim Sung Chul’s words.


‘There is no law to livestock, but there is no word.’


Kim Sungchul thought so and went on.


“And above all else there is a problem that needs to be dealt with urgently.”


Kim Sungchul turned his head towards Hadane.


“What is your border now?”


“This is a very dangerous condition. If they attack us, our kingdom will last for less than a month. ”


“For that reason, I think we must hurry up salvation for our ally, the Elven Allied Kingdom, before advocating a king.”


Kim Sungchul, thinking so, turned his head toward the Wandering King.


“Let’s decide one king later.”


The Wandering King stared at the floor with tired eyes.


“I don’t think we need to be considerate for a country that is not present.”


Soon the wandering king opened his mouth.


“I assure you that the human empire will not be present no matter what happens.”


He still thought of making Kim Sung-chul one king.


But now Kim Sungchul is not Kim Sung-chul of the previous.


“Then let’s do this.”


The Wandering King saw vitality revive in the eyes of Kim Seong-chul.


Kim Seong-cheol spoke in a calm tone, shining bright eyes.


“You speak for a moment. And when all the kings are in one place, let’s vote by vote. The king who is best suited to the one king required by disaster. ”


There was a subtle change in the look of the Wandering King.


Kim Sungchul continued.


“I think that it is the best option to convince each and every one of us who are present at this time, and at the same time seek the consent of a new comrade to join us.”

[ 19459005]


Kim Sungchul After that said, I looked around the left.


There was no reason to refuse in another country.


Kim Seong-cheol will not be a king in front of him, but he can set a new king anytime in the future by voting.


Arkanite said in an exciting tone.


The envoys of other kingdoms also agreed with Kim Sung Chul.


Flow went to Kim Seong-chul.


Kim Sungchul finished the horse and nodded slightly, staring closely at Bertelgia and Marakia.


‘Thank you. Everyone. ‘


Kim Sungchul I really appreciated them. If they weren’t, they wouldn’t have been able to pull this far.


Now Barton passed over to the Wandering King.


The Wandering King did not show any change in his outward appearance, but his plans to make Kim Sung-cheol as one of his kings was failing.


At first, I bought the favor of each country with a grand reward, and made it the power of the intestine to make my own flow, and put it in the crucible of shock that no one thought.


Bertelgia’s location was ambiguous due to the proper break-up and recovery of Kim Seong-chul.


‘Kim Seong-cheol and the Wandering King weren’t played. But even so, if Kromgal overturns his promise, that’s the end of his political life. ‘


Nothing is as fun as another’s home.


Arcanite watched with silent eyes the wandering king, who was silent, with a delicate beard.


The Wandering King stood for a while and stood staring at the white floor.


It seemed to be hard to say a point.


In the end he spoke in a small voice with a lament of lamentation.


“…. I will follow your opinion. ”


The Wandering King conquered.


It was his plight of trying to forge things with one force.


But he is never incompetent.


He drove Kim Seong-cheol to the very end of his life without having anything.


Kim Sungchul stared at the back of the Wandering King with his back behind him.


Unknown man.


The purpose is unclear and the motive is unknown.


But at this opportunity, one thing was confirmed.


The Wandering King is the master of Aquiroa, using the Fragments of Disaster.


‘There is something. To that guy. ‘


But it cannot be rejected.


The Wandering King is at least giving more help than any king in this phase.


It is only the wandering king’s ball that an ambitious monarch like Arcanite listens intently.


‘Use all that is available’


Now it is time for everyone to confirm the contents of the meeting.


Kim Sungchul Prepared a piece of paper and asked all countries to sign a pledge to entrust Kim with their crowns.


“Please ask the following items immediately.”


Hadane, who came as the plenipotentiary of the elven king, signed the agreement first, making eye contact with Kim Sung-cheol.


Other small nations also signed.


An envoy of a small country endured that he could not say that he had no power, but Arkanite reluctantly signed a sign.


“But I wonder how the human empire will come out. Even if we will join us later, we will lose all the territory of the empire. ”


Arkanite signed the agreement with such a thorny statement.


Horses are awkward, but Arkanite’s words are true.


The greatest damage to this agreement is the human empire.


The territory promised by the Wandering King that he had lost substantial control was, by law, the empire’s territory.


The two men who claim to be masters of each other are inevitably incompatible.


Someday, the time will come to choose between the two.


The Wandering King is more likely now.


Disappointment passed by Kim Seong-chul’s eyes firmly shut.


‘William. Why not come out? I didn’t know anyone else, but I believed I’d be here as much as you are. ‘


But absent is absent.


Those who are absent will have disadvantages.


As the Wandering King has said, the signs of disaster and ruin have been coming from all sides.


Kim Sungchul exhales a shallow sigh and stood before the next signer.


The Wandering King. The king without a crown stared at the papers that the shovels came out of.


“I don’t have a crown, can I?”


Now it is a new question.


Kim Sungchul recklessly said that the wandering king’s attitude was mean.


“If you don’t have a crown, are you a king?”


The Wandering King held a pen with an insignificant smile and wrote his title and name on the documents.


[King of Divine Luteginea Kingdoms]


[Chromegal Abyss Gabine]


Six nations and signatures representing the king or king are listed in the agreement.


Less than half of the situation yet.


In order to know the exact situation, the recent state of perished nations should be confirmed.


It was time for Kim Sung-cheol to move on to the next issue.


Suddenly a magic circle came into the air.


Unexpected development of no one.


The next moment, a man appeared in the magic circle.


Dressed in gold and jewels, he was dressed with two black lamps, and he looked around at his fans staring at him with a surprisingly scratching head.


Kim Sungchul doubted his eyes to see the man’s face.


One of the remnants of the Seven Heroes.


‘Why did this person appear here?’


Kim’s question was further amplified by another being following Dragomann.


It was a book.


“Huh? Another living book? You look just like that! ”


Aquiro screamed and screamed at a newly published book in the air.


“Not one, but two appeared and disturbed the sacred meeting hall! I can’t see you anymore! ”


It was the moment that Aquiro tried to pull out the whip.


“Oh. You are stupid. ”


Dragoman scratched his head and murmured.


The next moment, the sparkle glowed in the new book.


The next moment Aquiro’s screams rang out. Intangible power appeared with the light and struck the whip.


Aquiro made a painful moan while grasping his hands.


It has been a long time since the continent has disappeared.


Kim Sungchul took a slow walk and stared at the new guests who appeared in the conference hall.


“What have you come to do? Explain. Intruder. ”


Kim Sung-chul’s arm appeared in the arms again.


Kim Sungchul was staring only at Drago.


Dragoman stepped back, clapping his hands.


“I didn’t come here because I wanted to come. Don’t get me wrong. It’s this guy who brought me here. ”


Dragoman looked at the book that stood before him.


Kim Seong-chul’s gaze turned to the book.


Bertelgia shook his body lightly from the distance.


Meanwhile, Kim Seong-chul’s gaze was pointing to a book.


The same book as Bertelgia.


The book that punished Aquiroa slowly turned to Kim Sung-chul.


“See you again. Crashing. ”


Familiar voice and atmosphere.


‘This guy. Is that the same person you met at Ixion? ‘


The book went on.


“I am a messenger of the orders of the Book of Catastrophes. I don’t appear in front of humans anymore, but today I’m here to help especially those who are trying to solve the disaster. ”


The next moment, a letter of light appeared in front of all who gathered in their seats.


Kim Sungchul stared at the book, which looked beyond the shining letter, and watched the letter cover his vision.


The letter was saying,


[You will need five crowns to make one king. ]


[The remaining five crowns… … ]


2. The country of Drago Bay


4. The Kingdom of the Dwarves


Kim Seong-chul’s eyes came to mind when he saw it.


The sudden appearance of the book gave direction to the cloudy mission.


Everyone was amazed at the characters that appeared in front of them.


Only one, the Arkanite King, cleared the text and seemed to be uninterested and woke up.


What mattered to him was not the crown.


All that is needed is a land.


It’s a crown, it’s enough to make it again after the disaster is resolved. He was thinking.


‘Is that savage a savage?’


Arcanite approached a barbarian who was trapped in a cage.


Indeed, a big, strong, human-like monster that did not look like a human.


After he was handed a sword to his men, he pulled it and stood before the barbarians who were trapped in the cage.


He put a sword in the cage to pretend to poke lightly at the barbarians.


The savage did not move but growl.


Arcanite smiled with a strange smile and put the sword to the barbarian’s eye.


The reason is that I do not like the gaze of the savage.


‘Your eyes will be blown to the king of one country.’


Arcanite stabbed a sword into the barbarian in spite of it.


At that moment, the book said.


“Oh, one fix has occurred.”


One of the five crowns that floated before the eyes of the people was scattered like sand.


It was a nation of visibility.


“Just destroyed,”


The book turned to the cage.


I could see people.


Arkanite face embarrassed and fearful.


The king’s hand was shaking with a sword.


The tip of his sword was in the mouth of the savage.


The barbarian, staring at Arkanite with his lively eyes, chewed and swallowed the sword he stabbed.


Arcanite tried to pull the sword with all his strength, but his strength was less than the barbarians.


The strongest Swordmaster in the kingdom, called the Continental Death, was being pushed out by a savage.


Indeed, it was a shocking sight.


It was a moment when the threat of barbarians who had forgotten for a while revived.


In the silence caused by the shock, the voice of the book echoed.


“To a rookie over there.”


At the same time, north of the continent.


The northern shrine, called Trowin, had a loud sound of angry shouts and horns.


The Barbarians of the North. They broke the long silence and descended again.


Destroying everything on the path.


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