Continental attention shifted to the north after the end of the World Assembly, which resumed in front of the yellow border.


A barbarian that each one has the power equivalent to thirty-three girls.


They rose from the devils, crossed the front lines, and now occupied more than half of the northern continent.


In the process, they collapsed the last line of defense on the front line, and took control of the Trowin area where Chil- woo-Gong was home to.


After a great deal of sacrifice and destruction, people could know the outline of barbarians little by little.


The savage is not one.


They are a large group of miscellaneous groups divided into countless kinship units and are largely divided into two tribes.


One is the lack of bloodshot eyes.


Destroyed the Baran Aran League in a week, they are in front of the borders of the Elven Allies.


The reason they call them the lack of blooded eyes is because they drew a red eye with red eyes on their flag.


The other is the lack of intestines.


The barbarians, who dominated the Trowin region, said they grabbed their hands and heads and threw them in front of everyone, the new owner of Trowin.


The tribe is said to have embellishments everywhere and to embellish their profane symbols.


So the name given is a lack of intestines.


Either way, although dangerous for humans now, the World Congress, led by Kim Seong-chul, first agreed to stop the lack of blood in front of the Elven Allied Kingdom.


The closest country to Trowin is the Ossian Principal, who has not attended the World Congress, and beyond that is the human empire.


In the long unwritten law that countries that do not attend the World Council must deal with their own problems, they will have to prepare themselves to cope with the coming barbarians.


Kim Sungchul, now recognized as a potential king by the World Congress, was now on the northern border of the Elven Union.


The front seemed peaceful at first glance.


But that peace will not last long.


A long day later, scouts and wizards from all over the country reported that the barbarians were increasing their strength.


Currently, the number of barbarians who settled across the border is as many as 10,000.


But not only barbarians.


The savages were enslaved devils, elves, dwarves, and humans from the north, making them slave soldiers.


Against this force, the elven army had about 40,000 people. When combined with powerful unicorns and tree spirits, the actual power is so powerful that it is considered to be a multiplication.


But the story is different if the barbarians who are impossible to take part in the battle directly.


According to survivors from the Baran Aran Tribal Federation, the barbarians have no tactics and no discipline, but once a disaster situation is created, everything is smashed with pure power like a thunderbolt hitting a mountain peak.


“To be honest, they are not transcendental.”


Arkanite, an axis of the World Congress and the King of the Ancient Kingdom, was also on the battlefield.


He was saved by a barbarian who was comparable to his strength, but he later recovered some of his face by avoiding the barbarians in a formal duel.


Of course, the barbarians were unfair in that they were bare hands and lifted their swords, but as Arkanite said, the barbarians were far superior in their abilities but lacked in the technical aspects of the battle.


In other words, do you think it’s just a little kid?


It was a common testimony of those who had experienced barbarians that they were all weapons used by barbarians, primitive clubs and axes that seemed to be captured, and not all thrown weapons, nor magic.


If that is true, then it is not a battle without great odds.


It is a strong discipline to eventually win the battle between the majority and the many with equal power.


If you can offset the barbarian’s power with skill and tactics and maintain the heat, you may be able to defeat them.


That was Kim’s own conclusion as he inspected the front.


A powerful warrior was sent from all over the world parliament.


Arkanite, who was a hapless knight but a proud knight and proud of the Swordmaster, took his best Swordmaster and took part in the battle line, and the Union’s Marker Raid also led the Archmage class wizard.


Chilung-woong Dragoman’s participation in the event was unexpected to Kim Sung-chul.


“Don’t look with that eye. I’ll be treated like a king. ”


He had more flesh than he had ever met before.


Kim Sungchul stared only at Drago, who was blatant enough to be pierced with Bertelgia.


‘I wish I had eaten only good things.’


According to the story, Dragoman enjoyed a tremendous extravagance with 999 beauties and men from various places aboard a boat made of sweets on a pond made by pouring alcohol into his palace.


“You do not have to be. It is enough to sign the agreement, so leave. ”


Kim Seong-chul said to Drago Man, a soldier who fought alone without a soldier.


The second plague was solved, but Dragomann was originally one of the Seven Heroes, an incredible figure.


Most of all, I didn’t like his attitude of selling colleagues to expose my body and exposing the secrets and weaknesses of Chil-Hoong.


Is there a saying that once a traitor is an eternal traitor?


Dragoman persuaded Kim Sung-cheol with a serious look.


“I’m not too good to be here. You see it on the map. ”


Dragoman was located in the buffer zone in the middle of the ancient kingdom of the west of the continent and the elven kingdom of the northwest.


Compared to the other seven heroes staying in the north and east, it was quite unusual, but for some reason.


When Dragoman was active, the present ancient kingdom was his bee.


So when he first appeared with the colossus, he led the colossus and engaged in several small skirmishes with the ancient kingdom. Of course, the power of the ancient kingdom was not enough to perish on one giant, but eventually gave up and enjoyed it.


“When the elves fall down, it is me. Well, after I’m ruined, the bastard’s children will be ruined. ‘


Dragoman glanced at the far side of Arcanite.


He and Arcanite were no better than known.


“Why don’t you stop someone’s power if you stop it anyway? So please select my role. At least one serving. ”


Kim Sungchul was troubled by the words.


I can’t believe it, but the motive was clear and my skills are clear.


He is probably strong enough to be among the five fingers here.


Although the flesh is a little attached to the sword at least around the soldiers will be enough to keep.


Kim Sungchul At the end of Django, Chil- ung Hero was placed only the farthest from Arkanite.


Meanwhile, the Wandering King did not participate in the battle.


He disappeared shortly after the end of the World Congress, leaving him to return when needed.


I didn’t want to achieve anything, so I’ve seen a lot of damage, but it might be a natural result.


Anyway, Jin Yong was prepared for the last time to participate in Drago Bay.


Kim Sungchul We built a defensive line of defense against the savages anytime and how- ever, and waited for them to attack.


‘It is necessary to break the momentum of them once.’


All preparations are smooth.


Kim Seong-chul wanted a battle.


However, there was a problem causing Kim Sung-chul’s anxiety to cling like a ghost all the time while preparing for battle.


Are savages as simple as everyone says?


At least, the barbarians Kim Seong-cheol captured as prisoners were showing intelligence and behavior that suited the barbarians.


Gu’s instinct and his work’s intellect.


The barbaric intelligence of the savage is, after all, only necessary to satisfy greed.


Indeed, the barbarians Kim Seong-cheol observes and report from the reconnaissance side were not much different from the primitive troll or orc tribes.


Kim Sung-cheol just wanted their information correct.


That month has passed.


As the spring energy began to color the elves’ forests into fresh green, the sound of horns rang out over the woods.


An Elven knight riding a Pegasus appeared in front of Kim’s tent and calmly reported the progress of the barbarians.


The barbarian attack that awaited has finally begun.


Kim Sungchul This fact was made known to the entire army and reported to the Elves’ monarchs.


Elf king Cygnus, the lord of all elves and the status of the continental armchair, expressed his refusal to fight in recruits and sent the former elven command to Kim Seong-cheol and Hadane, chairmen of the World Congress.


The absence of Cygnus, a well-known archer, is a shame, but it does not determine the direction of battle.


Kim Sungchul Instead of denouncing the cowardice of the elven lord, he accepted the bow made of the sacred cherry branches of the Elven Alliance.


It is sick of the elves called the leaves of spring.


Elf is a symbol of military sovereignty.


All the elves and their allies paid tribute to Kim Seong-chul, who was carrying the leaves of spring.


“Oh, it’s finally beginning!”


Bertelgia squeezed into his pocket, trembling as if excited.


“That’s it.”


Marakia began to grow little by little, saying in a confident voice while clapping her hands.


Over the past month, Marrakech has grown as a whole, with its neck slightly longer, creating a discordant dissonance instead of its prettiness.


Bertelgia referred to such a maraca under the infamous name of “fowl”.


It was true that the cuteness of Marrakech faded because Arkanite, who was actually interested in Marrakech, did not pretend to have changed his appearance.


But Maracia himself was content with his growth. Because I have strength in my body and my overall ability is getting stronger.


‘Kook… If it’s this big growth, it will be stronger than before. Maybe I can also ascend. ‘


Kim Sungchul, looking into the vicious heart of Marrakech like a mirror, but did not touch it.


I’m basically a wicked guy, but now I know he’s not as rotten to the bottom as human vested interests.


In addition, Marakia was planning to visit his kingdom once the barbarians were driven out after the battle.


He was feeling insecure.


A savage invades his kingdom and kills not only cave elves but also his own people.


According to espionage, the barbarians did not find the joining kingdom, but the entrance of the joining kingdom was within the barbarian’s occupation area.


Marrakech will do its best to fight various goals.


‘It’s awful, but none of my power here has this much combat power.’


If you choose a competing opponent, you will be dragged.


Kim Sungchul Marakia escorted the rear auxiliary unit.


That won’t happen, but if the barbarian gang is intruded, it can cause enormous damage.


Kim Sungchul, along with Bertelgia, was at the forefront of the line of defense.


I do not know if the slave soldiers of the barbarian, but if the barbarian directly attacked the general offensive was to fight directly on the front line.


This is why Kim Sung-chul is the only one who can handle barbarians the fastest and most reliably.


The new weapon, Chain Lightning, will be Kim’s most useful weapon.


‘Inspiration. I honestly don’t think I’m old enough. ‘


Reluctantly cooked chain lightening, but now has been upgraded to the most.


Probably the most overwhelming spell at the start of the battle.


The sound of the barbarian’s horn was heard again nearer.


Kim Sungchul looked at the soldiers’ faces by turning their heads from side to side.


Though fearful, his duty and honor to protect his homeland and homeland stayed in the eyes of elven soldiers.


The terrible atrocities committed by the barbarians in the Baran-Aran alliance may have helped to strengthen the elves’ convictions.


‘The morale is not bad.’


In front of the elf corps, living fences of the elves boasted a wall.


The walls made by living trees that are not as mature as the tree spirits are similar to those of Kim Seong-chul, who had been dealing with them in Panchuria. Wrap up an incoming enemy, or spread a poisonous fruit like a mine to inflict damage on an enemy.


Even barbarians can not easily cross the barrier.


A unicorn is placed behind the barrier with some space. Unicorns are creatures with powerful combat power that shelter deep in the forest. Even the beast of the beast has a combat power that can not be boned in front of the unicorn and also has a high intelligence enough to communicate with humans.


One problem is that they are not burned on their backs except virgins, which is not an important issue here.


The unicorns are also deeply angry because they know their kin has fallen into the barbarian’s appetite.


Afterwards, he is the core of the Elven army, protecting the vast tree spirits and elven archers who have lived through the ages.


In between, powerful warriors who have participated in the callings of the World Council are assigned to prepare for the event.


Before the fight, Kim Sungchul looked at the sky and raised his hand to feel the direction of the wind.


The weather is clear and the wind direction is southwest.


The sky is helping Kim Sung-chul and the Elves.


‘This battle, I can’t stay.’


Behind the fallen leaves of spring, arms Garaz appeared in Kim Seong-chul’s hand.


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