100. Hammer of the Sky Shard (1)


The relationship between Kim Sung-chul and Rise Haimer goes back decades.


Kim Sungchul, one of the rebel masses, was defeated in the battle of the heavy widow, fighting at the rear end, and captured by Luteginea soldiers and taken to the infamous Luteginea Arena.


The cruel Lutegineas drove him into battle in hellish arena without any treatment to the deceased Kim Seong-chul.


Hot summer time. Kim Sungchul With a maggot all over his body, he killed a stranger who didn’t know his name or hometown. But the moment of death was coming to him. The wound of the battle that did not give even a proper healing began to rot.


A miraculous figure appears in front of him in preparation for death.


Rise Haimer, the Princess of Luteginia Kingdom.


She purchased Kim Sung-chul from the gladiator speculator and healed all of Kim’s dying wounds.


A silent and tough man, like a lonely wolf, likes to play with him and meets the world’s merry princess.


There have been a lot of things since that, but Kim Sungchul still remembers.


The courtesy of a girl who was the only human being in LaGranje who wanted him to die and was actually driving him to death.


When I recall the memory of that time, I still flutter a corner.


But memories are only memories.


Kim Sungchul has grown little since then.


I didn’t know it, but the pain he suffered was transformed into a man whose countless people smelted him like steel and consequently faced a painful past.


Kim Sungchul Stared at a woman of love who appeared again after decades without any shaking.


A calm and indifferent look as always.


His heart was calm.


It was better known than Bertelgia, near his heart.


‘This person… Rise Haimer? Well, this guy. I was not surprised at all! ‘


Rise Haimer, who has known him for a long time and knows that Kim Seong-chul has properties similar to hard objects rather than living humans, knows better than anyone.


Even now. Rise Haimer felt like a non-human still life from Kim Seong-chul.


The natural state hidden in the struggle like a wolf that made her curious.


But the feeling is different from the past.


I can not say what to say, Rise Haimer felt that way.


With a calm voice as always.


However, Rise Haimer knew that Kim could make other, desperate voices, and he expected a little.


But now there was no gap or shaking in this man.


He was just treating himself as a person.


Ominous thoughts passed through her mind.


“As promised, all the curses on your daughter have been released.”


Kim Sungchul continued.


“By this the silver garden between you and me has been all settled.”


Rise Haimer realized when he heard it.


The crucial difference between Kim Sung-chul of the past and Kim Sung-chul of the present.


The two seem similar at first glance, but their contents are as different as those of heaven and earth.


If the unfeeling and quietness like the still life of Kim Seong-chul of the past was like a consciously created shell, the present Kim Sungchul is like a mountain.


The weight of his soul paradoxically exploded when he threw the arm-garaz, the heaviest of all.


“…. And now I will ask you as the chair of the World Council. ”


Crumbui’s sharp blade pointed to Rise Haimer.


“You have opened the gates?”


Rise Heymer’s new type was wobbly once.


As soon as she noticed, she figured out. There is no place left in Kim Sung-chul’s mind.


‘I haven’t changed anything in ten years. When did this person change?’


There is no time to answer questions.


Rise Haimer bowed to Kim Seong-cheol, accepting the harsh reality that there would be no mercy on the blade in front of his eyes.


“We have opened the gate.”


She knows How much Kim Seong-chul hates lies.


Kim Sungchul exhales a shallow sigh. Crumbu moved slightly. Rise Haimer said it urgently.


“But I just did what I told you to do.”


“This ungrateful betrayer!”


Rise Haimer’s officer behind you pulled a sword and tried to attack Rise from behind.


A flash of light came out from Kim’s fingertips.


Indeed, a small flash of light, which had been cast for a long time, passed through the neck of an officer in a floating archipelago, followed by a series of flashes, which penetrated the officer’s place.


The jammer disappeared.


Kim Sungchul stared in a calm voice, staring at the herds of the rich archipelago behind Rise Haimer.


“If you interrupt one more time, then I will kill you all.”


This is a warning. That can be realized at any time.


The crew of the rich archipelago, who was standing day by day, had to bow down, feeling the overwhelming momentum of Kim Seong-chul.


A dare that cannot dare even see eyes.


It is the enemy of the world.


The sense of overbearance was now approaching the same to Rise Haimer.


‘This person. You can kill me. ‘


There is no time to lament.


He also knew the answer.


As expected, the answer came from Rise’s mouth.


The spiritual she did not stop talking there.


“If the Dwarven Kingdom did not cooperate, it would be better to get rid of it quickly. Because now in your human empire your friend, the Emperor, is doing a lot of work. ”


It was a story I heard in the court.


Rise Haimer noticed Kim Seong-cheol’s interest and looked around and opened her mouth with a little bit of leisure.


“The emperor is nominally an emperor of the human empire, but his reign is only a commission to the nomadic king. When the promised time came, the emperor was in a position to return the crown to the Wandering King. The emperor did not keep his promise, even when the time came. ”


“Of course, the Wandering King has already written down the numbers for this. In fact, every empire in the empire rebelled against the emperor and swore allegiance to the old king of Lutegnea, and the emperor was at bay. But he did nothing in ruling the empire. ”


Rise Haimer’s mouth was a brutal smile.


“He is a lot like Deathport.”


As soon as I heard the name, Kim Sungchul reminded me of the yellow fallout that was filling the east sky.


“In the long time of high fame and status with unblemished abilities and qualities, but because of the mischief of fate, he had no choice but to stay in the second person forever.”


“What is the emperor decorating?”


The emperor told Kim Sung-chul in front of a small table.


He will fight in his own way.


But he did not tell me how.


Kim Sungchul Rise Haimer waited for the answer.


Rise Haimer made eye contact with Kim Seong-cheol and said in a faint voice.


“Emperor, William is not such a man.”


Kim Seong-cheol said with power.


“I told you everything I know. It’s up to you to check and see. ”


Rise Haimer spoke in a calm voice, then turned back dancing and looked at Kim Seong-chul again after making a nasty look at the officers of the rich archipelago who looked at him with hateful eyes.


“Now, what is your answer?”


Crumbui’s sword was still aimed at Rise Haimer.


Krumbu’s sword slowly went down.


There is not much memory of sympathy or the past. But Rise Haimer provided plenty of information. Even in the face of opposition from a group of floating islands watching over them.


Kim Sungchul, who took the sword, turned around and said.


“Your daughter is in the spirit world. The fairies may be together, but the child’s needs will be hers too. ”


Another reason why Kim Sung-chul didn’t hurt Rise Haimer. Bertelgia felt a solid feeling for Kim Sung-chul.


‘Why is this man so cool?’


He was worried about the future of a child who is no longer here and who is not here.


To fulfill the responsibility would be such.


Rise stared at Kim’s wide back with a surprised face. The blowing wind was constantly flapping his hair and coat hem.


Kim Sung-chul said again.


“If you go to Adelwhite’s hut in the ghostly forest, she will lead you to the spirit world.”


Leaving that word, I walked to the port of Kim Sungchul and stood on the port with everyone looking.


“If you have no way, then come see me. In the meantime, I will help you with your thoughts. ”


Kim Sung-chul’s body was faintly fascinated with a magic circle, and he descended into the battlefield of the dwarf kingdom, where flames are rising at a very rapid rate.


Krumbu’s blade flashed and buried the roar of the roaring barbarians.


Rise stood on the railing and stared in the direction that Kim Sung-chul disappeared.


She never regretted her choice. Even if you did something wrong, it was a positive personality to be honest.


However, she was now regretting her choice for the first time in her life.


“This day will be reported to His Majesty Kromgald. A clan of white sandals. ”


Officers standing behind her threatened by waving her shoulders, but nothing came to Rise’s ear.


‘Also, did you choose that person?’


Her consciousness was in the past ten years ago.


A messenger hurriedly visited Kim Sung-cheol while pursuing a barbarian who was stirring the Dinite.


“My great dear. There was a problem with the palace. ”


“In the royal palace? In the royal palace, elite soldiers are guarded like iron barrels. ”


In particular, the strongest warriors selected among the dwarves in the real world escort the king.


Kim Sungchul did not feel the need to keep strong. The real need for help is not the king in a safe place, but the ordinary people exposed unprotected.


However, the following words of the messenger shook Kim’s heart.


“It’s not by barbarians. Apocalypse. There was a dispute between them and His Majesty. ”


When the affair of the apocalyptic denomination left the king, he left the king.


However, the end denomination and the king are arguing that the king is behaving unexpectedly well.


‘The stubborn man is causing discord with the apocalyptic denomination.’


Then there is room for relief.


Aside from being dysfunctional humans, Dinecraft can reduce inevitable sacrifices.


Kim Sungchul I looked back at Akkad who turned the barbarian’s blood over.


“I will go to heaven. It will be hard, but I will ask for the rest. ”


“Go first! I’ll just process it and follow it! ”


Akkad, as always, said something ominous and led the dwarf soldiers forward.


A barbarian with a handful of bread and sausages appeared in the alley.


The first barbarian to face without Kim Sung Chul.


Akkad said with an ax tight.


“Don’t go! There is only one opponent! ”


Kim Sungchul I ran forward without hesitation, even though I felt uneasy.


Knocking sounds and shouts rang from behind.


“Still, that dwarf man. I only pick ominous sounds. ”


Bertelgia said.


“That’s it. I’m not going to die any sooner than I’m going to die. ”


Kim Sungchul Climb up the steep staircase like the wind and flooded with vigor.


In front of the castle, several savages were guarded by corpses and guards in the field.


Even now, Kim Sungchul Kim Sung-chul, who has been in the first row of the Dwarf Written Rock, has been in disguise for the dwarves who have been disguised for a long time and used the veil of deceivers.


I’m not in a bad mood. Rather the opposite.


Kim Sungchul I ran to the real reality, feeling the unknown force settled down.


As Kim Sungchul, who entered the real world again, discovered something unusual was happening.


Some of the king’s soldiers fell, and a small group of apocalyptic denominations were bleeding to death.


King Dwarf and Apocalypse were confronting themselves in half under the arm garaz on the cradle.


What happened?


The question was somewhat resolved by Sarasa Zero’s words at the king.


“Our Apocalypse has made great efforts to protect His Majesty’s territory and people. Nevertheless, how can your Majesty say simply to give us away? ”


Sarasa’s angry appearance was hard to see.


The body was already dead, but Kim Sungchul was able to feel the vitality of the living from Sarasa.


Then, Dwarf King Dinecraft said.


“You do not need your help until we have recovered our new arm, arm garaz. Our dwarven kingdom will keep our territory and people without any help or interference. Just as my father and my father did. ”


Dinecraft was stubborn.


It is a long time stubborn.


Kim Sungchul, thinking so, took a step toward real life.


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