100. Hammer of the Sky Shard (2)


At the moment Kim Seong-chul appeared in Reality, the atmosphere changed.


The confronting forces withdrew, looking at the strongest man among the mortals.


Meanwhile, Kim Seong-cheol’s eyes were only watching the end denomination.


“Sarah Zero. And Deckerd Zero. ”


Kim Sungchul was going to see the ending in some form with the Doomsday denomination today.


At this point, there is Sarasa Zero, also called the Lady of Masks, inside the Apocalypse.


Today she will have to say what their purpose is. Or is Deckerd saying?


There is no personal feeling, but Kim Sungchul remembers. Hundreds of thousands of citizens protested to Ah were killed by the catastrophes of the Doctrine.


I will not let you do the same thing again.


Kim Sungchul was determined and his feet were now heading toward the center of the apocalyptic denomination.


“Tell me everything you know.”


Krumbu’s blade flashed.


Embarrassed embarrassed in the face of Deckerd women.


Especially shocked was Sarasa. She just trembled with Kim Sung-chul’s fearsome face and the bleeding from the whole body.


Deckerd, on the other hand, experienced a lot of experience.


“Keep Sarasa”.


The Black Robe’s apocalyptic sects stopped in front of Deckerd.


But it was pointless resistance.


As soon as they blocked, vicious currents sprang up from Kim’s fingers and hurriedly circulated among the apocalypse.


A surprise came to the face of the dwarves who saw the scene. The biggest surprise was Dinecraft.


‘No, when did he learn that magic?’


Kim Sungchul, whom he remembers, is simply ignorant and reckless, although most human, he was the most dwarf down warrior.


Even the most prominent guards of the kingdom were quickly dealt with, and now all that was left was Sarasa, Deckerd, and two of them.


The remaining two are not combatants. Indeed, the only thing left to face Kim Sung-chul is Deckerd and Sarasa.


Kim Sungchul staring at Deckerd, with Krumbu’s sword on his shoulder, said in a distinctly calm tone.


“If you tell the truth and leave the apocalyptic denomination, this time I will get you out of here.”


That is the greatest mercy that Kim can give.


Sarasa and Deckerd faced each other.


In a moment, a lot of emotions came and went between women.


Soon Sarah came out.


“Why are you driving us like this?”


Sarasa spoke in an engraved voice.


The half-faced, unmasked eye was trembling.


“Are you asking me that?”


Kim Seong-chul turned his head to the side.


“I know what you have done in Ahaz.”


The word had enough destructive power to smash all cards that Sarah had.


In fact, Sarasa felt that all the excuses she had prepared during her fleeting hours were dusty and disappearing.


All that remains is Kim Sung-cheol and the stories of the past between them.


The sound of mourning, anger, and indescribable emotions echoed in the real reality.


“Because of you we lost everything. If you didn’t come to Erfurt, Erfurt would not have been destroyed and our family would have lived in our homes and in peace! ”


“Are you? Maybe so. ”


Kim Sungchul was a form of pure acknowledgment.


Bertelgia shook his body in his pocket and cautioned him.


But Kim’s words are not over yet.


Kim Sung-chul, staring at the side, looked at Sarasa again and said in a calm tone.


“But even then, it would have been gone a year ago by stepping on the feet of the Colossus.”


Sarasa’s speech was blocked for the second time.


Kim Sungchul Raised one hand and added seriously as if to stop hearing any more objections.


“I will now ask you.”


The crumbs that had been placed on the shoulders went down.


“Hey. there. Pretty Rich Lady. This friend is standing day these days. It’s better not to do it. ”


Crumbu was excited and opened his mouth.


Now Sarasa and Deckerd are in full trouble.


Their fate is now in Kim Sung-chul’s hands.


Kim Sungchul I had no intention of letting them go until I got the answer I wanted.


Deckard looked at Sarasa and murmured with a low voice.


The eyes came again and again between women.


Surprise amazed me in the big eyes of Sarasa, and sadness spread like paint in the place where the surprise disappeared.


Kim’s words resonated solemnly like a sentence.


Deckerd stepped forward.


“What do you want to know from us? No. 34. ”


His face was surprisingly free.


Kim Sungchul opened his mouth staring at Deckerd with a cautious eye.


“The Real Purpose of the Apocalypse.”


Deckerd’s mouth heard a sneak up, and soon he grabbed his stomach and laughed loudly.


Kim Seong-cheol cannot let it go.


Kim Seong-cheol swung Crumbui.


A terrible raging wind shook the Decad’s hair and robes.


Deckerd’s laughter disappeared.


“The last warning. I will ask your daughter next time if you need to attract time. ”


Kim added.


Deckard continued to smile with a smile and spit out with a smile, even if Kim’s warning was not scary.


“If I say salvation of the world, would you believe it?”


“If there is sufficient evidence and reasoning, there is no reason to believe it.”


Kim Sungchul said so and added bluntly.


“But there seemed to be too many followers of disaster for such a hopeful purpose. Doesn’t it seem that changing the distorted beliefs by listening to those preachers once? ”


“Follower of the disaster. It’s only truth they’re seeking. Our lord has given us the same truth as a ray of light. ”


Kim Sung-chul asked, feeling tired.


Decker looked back with a smile.


“Sarah. Show me. ”


Kim Seong-chul’s pupils passed from Decard to Sarasa.


“Don’t do it. Now, this friend’s hand is full of strength! ”


Crumbuy humorously warned his father.


Sarasa Zero’s hand gently rose. The end of the hand was a mask covering half of the face.


Kim Sungchul felt into wonder.


‘Go mask? What are you gonna do? ‘


Perhaps there is a ugly figure that Sarasa doesn’t show most.


The number of rising cases is one.


Shimsan tries to get Kim Sung-chul’s sympathy by revealing Sarasa’s ugly mall.


However, that number won’t work for Kim. Kim Sungchul I still watched Sarasa’s actions.


As expected, Sarasa’s hand was lifting the mask.


In the strange scene, Bertelgia, who smells so well, screamed.


Soon the mask fell off the face.


The perfect face of a long veiled masked lady was about to be revealed to the world.


After a while, Kim Sungchul doubted his eyes.


Hidden in the mask was half of the face of Sarasa, not the ugly undead moles.


Sarasa Zero’s face was regaining a perfect prototype.


‘This is impossible.’


Not fantasy. Mortal relics are not commonly used by Kim Sung Chul. However, the scene unfolded in front of Kim Sung-chul’s eyes does not make sense.


Sarasa, an already dead body, may use magic to slow or stop the decay, but the dead organization will not be revived.


Because the blessing of rebirth for the dead is contradiction itself. Contradiction implies impossibility.


Now, the impossible has come to reality.


“Now you understand? Why are our families willing to accept the words of the apocalypse? ”


Deckard said with a smile.


“The knowledge of the apocalyptic denomination invades even the divine attribute of creation.”


Kim Sung-chul’s face was hard.


Creation is only God’s power.


Everything else is but a transformation on the foundation of creation. Making things, conceiving and giving birth to new life, and complex chemical reactions that coincide with coincidences also take place within the boundaries of creation.


Now Deckerd refers to the word creation.


If a person like Eckhart had referred to creation before he knew reality, he would have been sent to all. Indeed, when Kim Sungchul was first contacted by the creationist, he was sent to work. This is because the idea of ​​creation was considered an exaggerated modifier.


But the creation of Deckerd, now demonstrating the impossible as possible, is of a different weight.


“Who are your chiefs?”


Kim Seong-chul’s eyes flashed.


In that passage, he noticed that the head of the Kim Sungchul Doctrine was not Schnellmerker.


He may be a good bookkeeper, but he is not surprised enough to engage in the secrets of the world.


Now it is time to reveal its identity.


Kim Seong-cheol stepped up toward Deckerd.


Decard shouted loudly.


At the same time, Sarasa shouted sharply, staring at Dinecraft.


“Dinecraft! Receive the price of ungrateful deeds! ”


A magic circle came to Sarah’s predecessor.


The cast of order spells.


Kim Sungchul flew towards Sarasa to protect Dinecraft without delay.


The moment of flying, Kim Sungchul read the pattern of the magic circle created by Sarasa.




“Is it defense?”


The next minute, a huge chill was felt in her body, and soon she was wrapped in a whole piece of ice that covered her whole body and surroundings.


Kim’s guess was correct.


Sarasa’s cast is a variation of the Defense Magic Icewall.


Shouting Dinecraft’s name was a tactic to attract Kim Sung Chul.


Kim Sungchul, however, noticed Sarasa’s tactics and turned his attention to Deckerd.


Decker was holding a black cast iron scroll in the gap.


Kim Sungchul felt puzzled.


‘What are you going to do with that?’


Sarasa and his group were desperately trying to hand the blatant scroll into the hands of King Dwarf.


As the Horneko did, the scrolls had to be in the hands of a specific person in order to exert true power.


Deckerd was now trying to tear the scroll with both hands, holding it in his hand.


Decard shouted in a dry voice.


“Sarah! I will go to Sang Sang first and wait. ”


The scroll was torn.


Then, the godly energy contained in it came out and wrapped up the whole decker.


Deckard’s compliant face was distorted with pain.


In the ice, Sarasa saw her father’s end with an expressionless face.


Kim Sungchul Immediately changed path and turned toward Sarasa, who trapped herself in an ice mass.


Crumbu struck thick ice.


Ice smashed, splinters scattered everywhere, but not satisfied.


It’s not only because it’s a black snip, not a breaker, but a crumb is not an object that perfectly captures Kim’s divine power.


A troubled woman.


Meanwhile, the godless energy that had already covered Deckerd’s body had erased his form.


Kim Sungchul stepped back, feeling the cool energy of the chest. This is because living that is hard to bear covered Sarasa.


“What the hell is that?”


A figure emerged in the unfortunate airflow that encircled Deckard’s body like a mist.


It was in the form of a giant beetle.


Transcendental senses responded.


[Immortal Yankee Lyman]


[Chief of the Armory, the prisoner he created]


The axis began to shake.


‘Will it start again?’


A giant beetle snapped up an ice rock wrapped in Sarasa with a single leg, then opened the lower shell of chitin, revealing ten.


Another character of Kim Sungchul’s beetle appeared in front of the wind as the whole wind raged in the storm.


[Father of a girl. ]


Deckerd, who couldn’t even leave his name, flew outside, breaking his walls with his daughter.


The axis was shaken one more time, but Kim Sungchul’s transcendental senses revealed it.


The vibration caused by Deckard would be less than what Horneko caused.


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