103. Standing at the Crossroads of Choice (1)


Soon there was a population without a door in front of Kim Seong-cheol and the old Lich. Over the entrance the reddish space and walls looked into it. Akun Gandharba sought Kim Seong-cheol’s acknowledgment and made a transparent decision.


In the double protection, Kim Sungchul killed the flag and walked forward. Behind the entrance was a small terrace-like space with old railings.


Although the structure seemed plain, Kim Seong-chul’s spirit of truth, the eye of truth, found a high welcome magic throughout the terrace.


Perhaps the device made it impossible to detect its presence from outside. Nevertheless, Akun Gandarub’s invisible enchantment suggests his prudent character.


Kim Sungchul went to the terrace and looked forward and above. The front is a wall of bricks and the top is a rock.


The highlights were laid out below.


Kim Sungchul doubted his eyes the moment he looked down.


Beneath the feet were a vast array of equipment that lit up the darkness and was in operation.


It looks more like a weapon than a factory.


By the way, there was a prominent presence.


A huge heart resembling the human heart, but made of metal and crystal, stood at the center of the space and showed overwhelming presence.


Pipes and hoses running from place to place on the wall were connected to a huge heart to provide energy.


“That is the heart of ancient gods.”


“Heart of the Ancient God?”


The ancient god is one of the five Lords of this world.


Mankind is in the same class as the worship and neutral gods.


Kim Sungchul thought into.


‘It may not be the heart of a real ancient god. It’s a name given in the sense that there is enough power to name God. ‘


But his predictions missed out nicely.


“That is the heart of an ancient god, literally.”


Akun Gandarv spoke in a proud voice.


“Where is the heart of the ancient gods there?”


“Well. I do not know why the heart of the ancient gods is here. ”


Akun Gandarba reopened after leaving a lingering smile.


“It’s a question of the relationship. The city of LaGranje was intentionally built on the heart of an ancient god. ”


The shocking truth of the island of Lagranje flowed from the mouth of the old Richie casually.


Kim Sungchul felt the confusion in her head, like a blank book.


‘What did I know?’


More than anyone else, acting at the peak of disasters, modern humans thought they had the closest approach to the so-called “truth.” In fact, the beings he met and saw were likely to be seen in legends or myths.


Didn’t he see the figure of order, the dominant Lord of this world?


However, Kim Sung-cheol’s own pieces were shattered in the basement of LaGranje.


“…. Is this also the chromegard’s arrangement? ”


Kim Sungchul managed to maintain a calm tone in spite of feelings.


“Yes. He saw the heart of the ancient gods as the only means of destroying the distorted order of this world. For there is so much strength in the heart of the ancient gods. ”


Kim Sungchul stared at the huge heart under the railing.


I couldn’t feel anything but huge. If you get closer, you may see something different, but at least Kim’s transcendence did not respond to the heart.


“What was your master going to do with the heart of that ancient god?”


In response to Kim Seong-cheol’s inquisition, Lich shook his head.


“It is unknown to me as a lowly servant. Now I know that the heart of that ancient god fell into the hands of the emperor and the emperor was trying to decorate something with the heart of that ancient god. ”


In the vicinity of the heart of the ancient gods there was a strict border. The empire officers and knights were filled with a lot of wizards were busy busting around the heart was doing some work.


Kim Sungchul stood on the terrace for a while and watched their work.


After a while, a loud voice came from below.


“Test Run!”


“Perform a trial run!”


“Everyone Prepare for Shock.”


The workers were busy.


Knights around the heart also withdrew far away. Something was about to happen.


Kim Sungchul I watched down in tension and nervousness.


Black energy was supplied through pipes and hoses connected to the heart.


The next moment, a huge heart beats once.


Kim Seong-cheol’s eyes were momentarily black and blurred.


It was a strange experience. Something else’s heart was beating, but his heart was resonating.


Transcendence showed him a welcome in shock.


It was a giant figure lying down and dying, and two figures standing behind like ghosts.


One of them said.


[Foolish Allegos. You’re falling in love with everything Let me know one thing. Your friend forsook you and his followers and ran to the side of the dead god. ]


It was a holy, indescribable voice, like a million bells ringing in my head.


The dying giant figure slowly began to fall. At the last moment, it used its last strength to dig a hole in the wall of the transcendental world and to throw the last rubble into the human world.


The last wreck across the sky, burning like a comet, fell into a primeval forest where no one lived.


Since then, nearly years have passed. In the place where the debris dug, the wind was covered with dust, and the trees were rooted and fruit formed on it. Thousands of times the countless fruits have opened and fallen.


A man appeared in a primeval forest where no one lived. He dug up dirt piled up with dead fruits and fallen leaves, and finally revealed to the world the wreckage that traversed the sky that had been buried in the dirt.


Kim Seong-cheol’s unknown man smiled while looking down at the rubble.


It was a creepy smile with creepy cruel delight.


The illusion of transcendental sense ended there.


‘This is… Is it a story about the heart of this ancient god? ‘


When he woke up, in front of Kim Seong-chul, the ugly mole bones were pushing their ugly faces.


“Oh, I’m surprised. Severe. ”


Kim Seong-chul backed out and spit out.


Akun Gandarv bowed his head and apologized.


“Oh, sorry. Suddenly there was no word for a while. ”


“…. Guide me to the exit. ”


Anyway, a little surprise helped clear up Kim Sungchul’s mind.


Now what he needs is speculation or speculation.


You should meet the Emperor right now and ask.


Otherwise, you may be mad at the weight of the question of multiplying and breeding calves in your heart.


But Akun Gandarv’s step was slow.


Thought to get used to the undead’s slow speed doubled Kim Sung-chul’s frustration.


“Hey. rich. Can I go to the road where the light shined before? ”


Kim Seong-cheol could not stand.


Akun Gandarv flashed his eyes and bowed his head.


“Thank you for the guidance. I will go alone from now on. ”


Kim Seong-chul finally overcame Akun Gandarba and moved forward. The lightly initiated step soon led him to an explosive speed, like a blast of wind.


The darkness was lifted, the landscape blocked by the stuffy wall was lifted, and the outside of the world was shining.


A grayish landscape with intense rain.


There were strange statues of bizarre figures that were not seen before.


The energy of rampant heresy comes from everywhere.


Transcendence caused Kim to feel nauseous.


Amidst disgusting nausea, I looked up at a huge floating island floating above Kim Sungchul’s head.


The emperor will be there.


Kim Sungchul quietly moved toward the palace.


No one noticed the appearance of Kim Sung-chul.


Only one, except his persistent tracker.


The gap between reality and transcendence.


There, a woman was holding her breath while grabbing a breast that was likely to burst.


Lee Soo Jin. Or anything.


She was watching everything.


Meanwhile, she was suspicious.


The history of the past she knew itself.


The future of planned despair.


Her natural talent for stealth behavior, she was sent to the golden city occupied by the Imperial Guild in a golden city occupied by the Imperial Guild.


The dog remembers the appearance of the enemy of the world at that time.


He was muscular, covered with a shadow that never lifted his face.


At that time, the enemy of the world did not turn into a perfect black giant, and some personality remained. Thus he was able to enjoy the play of slaughter instead of the indiscriminate destruction that would later occur.


When she arrived in the golden city, there was no one left in the city. Only a few willing to lose the undead, wandering around the city was hungry for human flesh.


This is the work of Sickulaa, a cursed post-mortem, one of the seven deadly weapons of the world’s enemies.


Lee Soo-jin followed the traces of the city people to escape his smell and snoring undead.


It was not difficult to find tens of thousands of people. Footprints left by a long procession led south with several rotting bodies.


The final stop was the Summon Square. Arriving at the Summon Square, she sees a terrible sight that is incredible.


The enemy of the world sat on the throne and was repaying the death trials he had had in the past to the inhabitants of the world and the custodians of the Summon Plaza.


Four red-and-white, four squares were already covered with mountain carcasses and overflowing blood.


It was not just a square.


In the walls surrounding the Summon Square, those who rebelled against his command were alive to be sewn on a skewer, tied with another agonizing weapon, Agony, that held him to death or to live. The demons living in the demons wandered through the skies of the Summon Square and sat down on the walls to eat up those who writhe alive.


It was a real hell where eternal pain and despair were repeated.


Sitting on the throne of the world’s enemy, Kim Sungchul, he drunk along with a glass of flesh-filled skull and spoke to the square full of screams.


“Do not blame me. All this is the result of your sins. ”


Another said Kim Sungchul.


“I am just an instrument to punish you for God.”


The dog escaped from the spot as if running away.


Later, when she was told that no one survived the Summon Square, she did.


Already, the enemy of the world was already stained with the evil itself.


Later, even when the great catastrophe of LaGranje, which was the beginning of the destruction of the world, she did not doubt that it was another work of Kim Seong-chul.


“That’s the work of Kim Seong-chul.”


The main axes that stood up against the black giants spoke in two words.


The cause of all destruction is Kim Seong-chul.


Having lost everything in Kim Sung-chul’s hands, she gradually accepted it as a firm truth and thought it was long afterward.


Just defeating Kim Sung-chul will save the world.


However, in the face of the hidden truths that were revealed one after another, she learned her fate.


It is to make a decision.


Finding the only way to save her and save the world from the crossroads of choice.


There are so many lies and deceptions in this world.


Now, the destroyer of her world has fallen into the empty palace garden.


There was a guest in the garden waiting for him.


The Emperor general who remembered only his face.


“It’s surprising. It wasn’t you, we were waiting for you. ”


The general and Kim Sungchul seemed to know.


“Go out of the way. Doron. I only came to see the emperor. ”


“It cannot be.”


The unknown general stood tall and stopped Kim Sung-chul.


“No matter how you disturb me, I will not let you go.”


Kim Sung-chul warned. The general was not afraid at all. Rather, he could afford to have a slight smile.


“That’s what I say. Former empire member. ”


The general pulled the sword.


The next moment, Kim Seong-cheol and Anyone could hear


The ringing of a huge heart.


Surreal things happened in the sense that the eyes were black.


The shape of the general who was blocking the front of Kim Sung Chul was changed.


A bizarre entity with four masks, spanning a piece of armor that only consists of square sheet metal.


The image resembled the godless statues found throughout the institution.


Kim Seong-cheol’s eyes with transcendental senses were clearly seen.


[Immortal Communus]


[True Mea’s Terrible Chef and Rapist]


[And the exiled, so-called evil spirits]


But it wasn’t more problematic.


Transcendence was telling.


The existence of this evil spirit in this world is not due to someone’s sacrifice, but to a change of environment.


The heart of the ancient gods in the basement continued to run.


The beatings were creating ungodliness that should not exist and should not be forgiven.


Blasphemy no one can imagine.


The boundary between reality and transcendence was blurring.


But whatever the reason, Kim Sungchul doesn’t stop. As the dog held his breath and watched, he took out his true friend, the silver hammer, not the weapon of disaster.


Divine power flowed through Kim’s body.


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